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made by zenith
  • Love
Reactions: witchlinq.
- from "the rain" rp on bearbones
- created july 19th, 2018
- 1,029 words

Warmth from the larger body engulfed the youngest of the group as he slept peacefully near his partner. For the past two years, Archie had found himself falling asleep near the older male. In his opinion, it was the safest place to be. He enjoyed it. Although the two of them had known each other for the last six years, they didn't claim their relationship to be official until Archie had turned eighteen. Since then, the younger male usually slept in Hoseok's room. His own room was currently unoccupied -- though his belongings still subsided there. His bed on the other hand, had been moved into Hoseok's room. A twin bed just wasn't big enough, but pushing the two beds together was perfect for them.

Forehead buried against the man's side, legs entangled, Archie slowly began to wake up. A low groan slipped past his pout as he shifted. Clad in grey sweatpants that probably weren't even his, he let his leg rub against the others for a moment as his face buried deeper into the sheets. He didn't want to wake up. Sadly, the lights were going to stay on, so sleeping more wasn't really possible.

After the small battle he had in his head -- whether or not he should actually move -- the boy finally rolled over onto his back. Peeling himself away, but not too far from Hoseok, his own legs were then free. He brought his hands up to his eyes, rubbing them gently in attempt to brush the sleep away. As his eyes adjusted, he glanced over towards his sleeping partner. "'Seokie..." Mumbling softly, he then rolled back over, half of his body on top of the man now. "Wake up." Archie nuzzled his nose into the crook of Hoseok's neck, his free arm wrapping around his torso. It was obvious neither of them wanted to wake up, but it had to be done.

A few minutes had passed until the older male had finally woken up, now allowing Archie to once again, roll away from him. This time, he sat up, sliding himself over to the edge of the bed before standing. He ran his fingers through his hair, fixing up the fringe a bit before he grabbed the t-shirt he had thrown on the floor the night before. Quickly slipping it over his head, he looked back towards Hoseok. "I'll be out there." Voice still clearly tired, Archie then made his way out of the small room, letting the door close behind him.

Once Archie reached the main area, he sat himself down. Elbows then rested on the cold surface as his knuckles dug into his cheeks in attempt to keep his head up. He was exhausted for no reason really. It's not like they had much to do while stuck in this damn place. Some of the other members had particular jobs, but Archie wasn't one of those people. Being shoved into this bunker at the age of fourteen, he didn't exactly have the much experience when it came to certain things. For the past six years, he had grown up with these people, though they were strangers at the time, he would consider them to be almost like family now.

In all honesty, Archie hated being stuck in the bunker. Even though it was the safest place -- so they thought -- he still despised it. During recent times, the group knew they were getting low on supplies. The only solution to getting more was to go outside. But nobody had been outside in six whole years. None of them knew what was waiting for them beyond those large, metal doors.

The rain was what had caused all of this nonsense. The information that this group of people had about it was very little. But, if the rain was so dangerous, why couldn't they venture out when it was, you know, not raining? Archie figured nobody was brave enough yet, or desperate enough. The bunker was safe, so why go outside? Times were changing, supplies now running very low, they would have to go outside soon. He wasn't sure as to when that time would come, but he would gladly volunteer to be the first one out. The boy was itching to escape this large, underground metal box.

Brown eyes drifted upwards as the plate with pancakes stacked upon it was placed on the table. He let some of the others grab their share before he leaned over, letting his fork dig into the fluffy food. Grabbing two of the cakes, he placed them down onto his plate gently. His eyes drifted over towards Hoseok, who had been sitting beside him now, before he finally reached over towards the syrup bottle. Eyebrows furrowed when he noticed how little the bottle held. Who would've known -- the brown sugary goodness was finally running out. Swiftly, he poured a little bit of it onto the two pancakes he had grabbed. The boy then set the bottle back down onto the table.

He pushed his food around for a moment before finally managing to take a bite. He wasn't very hungry, but he knew he had to eat. His mind was too occupied with worry. After swallowing, he cleared his throat briefly. Eyes then locked onto the groups leader, Aries. Archie was unaware as to why this man was the leader, but he wasn't against it either.

"So, when are we going outside?" Blurting out such a dumb question probably wasn't in the boys favor, which he realized seconds after asking. It was almost as if he had spoke without thinking about it. It was a question that could possibly make some of the others uncomfortable or worried. But Archie needed to know. The topic was going to come up sooner or later, so why not now? The question most likely wasn't expected to come from the youngest, but there it was, spoken loud and clear. Archie's dark brown eyes stayed glued to Aries figure as he waited for a reply. He was slightly nervous, knowing he shouldn't have asked. His fork now rested against the edge of his plate, though it was still held between his fingers.


made by zenith
  • Love
Reactions: witchlinq.
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