RESOURCE Nation Template (Thank you, Reddit and CIA)

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The Mood is Write

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
It varies wildly.
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
I'm open to a wide range of genres. Obscenely wide. It's harder for me to list all I do like than all I don't like.

My favorite settings are fantasy combined with something else, multiverse, post-apoc, historical (mixed with something else), and futuristic. I'm not limited to those, but it's a good start.

My favorite genres include mystery, adventure, action, drama, tragedy (must be mixed with something else and kept balanced), romance (again must be mixed, and more.

I'm happy to include elements of slice-of-life and romance, but doing them on their own doesn't hold my interest indefinitely.
Voolvif's Nation-Building Template

As requested by @Adaon ril'Morgerard to be converted for Iwaku use, thus it is brought here. I've made some minor changes, mostly coding and altering capitalization and punctuation, but it's primarily the same.

The code is available to copy directly in a spoiler at the bottom.

  • Background: Some info about your country.


  • Location: Give precise geographical information (where exactly on the continent, bordering countries, bordering seas/oceans).
  • Map References: Continent it is located in.
  • Area:
    Total: If you have a precise number, if not, what rank is it in terms of size?
    Comparative: Give real-world references for size, you can also use other countries from your world.
  • Climate: Give a precise description of your country's climate(s).
  • Terrain: Give informations about mountains, plains, etc...
  • Natural Resources: Ores, animals, special lands, etc...
  • Natural Hazards:
  • Geographical Notes: Things that don't fit into any other categories but are still notable.

People and Society:

  • Nationality: What the people are called, the adjective given.
  • Ethnicities: Majority and minorities.
  • Languages: Official languages, dialects.
  • Religions: Percentages, is there a state religion?
  • Population: How many people live there?
  • Age structure:
    0-20: percentage.
    20-50: percentage.
    50-65: percentage.
    65+: percentage.
  • Median age: Average age for the population.
  • Life expectancy: What age can people hope of getting to?
  • Fertility: How many children, in average, per woman.


  • Name: Short and long form, local name, short and long.
  • Government type:
  • Capital:
  • Dependent areas: Overseas territories, colonies, etc...
  • National Holiday: Date, Background.
  • Citizenship: Is it given at birth? Can you have it by descent? Can you have multiple citizenships? Can you have naturalization, when?
  • Suffrage: Voting age, if voting exists.
  • Executive branch:
    Head of state: Who represents the state: Position and name.
    Head of government: Who runs the government: Position and name.
    Elections: Describe the election process.
  • Legislative branch:
  • Flag description:
  • National Symbols:
  • National anthem: Name and history.


  • Overview: Give a detailed overview of the nation's economy.
  • GDP: Give your nation's total GDP and its rank in the world, you can go more in-depth if you want: growth, per capita, saving and composition.
  • Agriculture: What are your country's main revenue sources from agriculture?
  • Industries: What are your country's main revenue sources from industry?
  • Labour force: How many people are working, what's the worldwide rank? What are the occupation percentages?
  • Budget: Revenues and expenditures.
  • Notes: Other informations about your country's economy.

Military and Security:

  • Military branches: Give the military's different branches and their names.
  • Service age: What is the minimum age to join the military, what are the genders? Is there conscription or service obligation?
  • Military expenditures: Military budget and world rank.
  • Nuclear armament: Is it a nuclear power? How many weapons? What is the world rank?
  • Disputes: National and worldwide conflicts, with whom? Any territorial disputes?
  • Illicit Drugs:

Blatantly stolen from Reddit user Voolvif. Original.

[LIST][*]Background: Some info about your country.[/LIST]

[LIST][*]Location: Give precise geographical information (where exactly on the continent, bordering countries, bordering seas/oceans).

[*]Map References: Continent it is located in.

Total: If you have a precise number, if not, what rank is it in terms of size?
Comparative: Give real-world references for size, you can also use other countries from your world.

[*]Climate: Give a precise description of your country's climate(s).

[*]Terrain: Give informations about mountains, plains, etc...

[*]Natural Resources: Ores, animals, special lands, etc...

[*]Natural Hazards:

[*]Geographical Notes: Things that don't fit into any other categories but are still notable.[/LIST]

[hsub]People and Society:[/hsub]
[LIST][*]Nationality: What the people are called, the adjective given.

[*]Ethnicities: Majority and minorities.

[*]Languages: Official languages, dialects.

[*]Religions: Percentages, is there a state religion?

[*]Population: How many people live there?

[*]Age structure:
0-20: percentage.
20-50: percentage.
50-65: percentage.
65+: percentage.

[*]Median age: Average age for the population.

[*]Life expectancy: What age can people hope of getting to?

[*]Fertility: How many children, in average, per woman.[/LIST]

[LIST][*]Name: Short and long form, local name, short and long.

[*]Government type:


[*]Dependent areas: Overseas territories, colonies, etc...

[*]National Holiday: Date, Background.

[*]Citizenship: Is it given at birth? Can you have it by descent? Can you have multiple citizenships? Can you have naturalization, when?

[*]Suffrage: Voting age, if voting exists.

[*]Executive branch:
Head of state: Who represents the state: Position and name.
Head of government: Who runs the government: Position and name.
Elections: Describe the election process.

[*]Legislative branch:

[*]Flag description:

[*]National Symbols:

[*]National anthem: Name and history.[/LIST]

[LIST][*]Overview: Give a detailed overview of the nation's economy.

[*]GDP: Give your nation's total GDP and its rank in the world, you can go more in-depth if you want: growth, per capita, saving and composition.

[*]Agriculture: What are your country's main revenue sources from agriculture?

[*]Industries: What are your country's main revenue sources from industry?

[*]Labour force: How many people are working, what's the worldwide rank? What are the occupation percentages?

[*]Budget: Revenues and expenditures.

[*]Notes: Other informations about your country's economy.[/LIST]

[hsub]Military and Security:[/hsub]
[LIST][*]Military branches: Give the military's different branches and their names.

[*]Service age: What is the minimum age to join the military, what are the genders? Is there conscription or service obligation?

[*]Military expenditures: Military budget and world rank.

[*]Nuclear armament: Is it a nuclear power? How many weapons? What is the world rank?

[*]Disputes: National and worldwide conflicts, with whom? Any territorial disputes?

[*]Illicit Drugs:[/LIST]

[size=2]Blatantly stolen from Reddit user Voolvif.  [URL=]Original[/url].[/size]
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