Magma Core High School for the Supernaturally Gifted

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Galactic Princess
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Futanari
Date: March 31st
Time 11:55am

  • Age: 1,524yrs
    Birthday: April 10th
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Species: Dragon
    Powers: Shifting, Fire Manipulation, and Armor Manipulation
    Occupation: Headmistress
    Location: Front Gate
    Interactions: Draco Firehawrt
    Mentions: --

    Venesha soared through the hot air that rose out of the volcano below. The boiling hot magma always made the school seem like it was going to be scorching in the heat. But the stones that made up the buildings and the bridges were enchanted with a special cooling spell that kept the school areas around a cool 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celsius. But the hot air off the lava was great for flying around, especially if you wanted to stay afloat for long periods of time. Just ride the hot air vents. With every wing beat it sent hot air curling downwards, which would get turn to cool air as it hit the cold stones of the pathways, and a thunderous rumble would roll through the atmosphere.

    Soon the massive dragoness figure descended from the air, making a b-line for the massive arch at the top of the volcano, right at the beginning of the pathway for the school. It was a few thousand feet tall and massively wide. It was a stone arch, that had one set of incredibly crafted metal gate doors that were flung wide open for the students to enter the property. Even parents were permitted to enter right now, so long as they left before orientation, of course.

    Speaking of students they were pouring in through the front gate, so many new pupils and returning ones. It made Venesha's heart swell with pride. And as she got close to the top of the gate she grabbed onto it with her large clawed paws, her hind legs bracing herself against it as she landed and her head dipped a moment. The gills along her neck started to glow with a bright purple color, and the cracks between the scales on her neck and chest did the same, and soon she was spitting bright purple fire out of her mouth in one big roar that fanned over the mass of students entering the gate. IT wasn't even near their heads and some still started to freak out. The woman laughed at the mix of reactions and started to search the crowd with her red eyes, resting herself on the arch and curling her tail around it to secure herself whilst folding in her large black and purple wings. She was a black dragon, with purple dragon hints on her body. But, she was a pure dragon, so it wasn't odd.

    The dragoness took a deep breath, taking in the sight of everything as she searched the faces for familiarity, specifically her son. Though she had a feeling Draco was hiding out in the student dorms. The Student Dorms were to the left, if you followed the left path anyone would easily find the building. The dorms were organized so that every bathroom was shared between two dorm rooms, and every room was split between two students, regardless of gender. It was one of the student's responsibilities in becoming responsible young adults, controlling themselves when around the opposite or same gender, depending on personal preferences of course. As a child, Venesha herself failed this task majorly when she met the man of her dreams, Draco's father. Of course, they didn't officially start dating until they were graduated, or at least, that's the story her father understands. They had been dating since their first year. In some ways, due to her own experiences, she forgave those who broke the rule, which is exactly why she isn't the head of punishments.

    The structure of the main building alone was massive, sitting in the center of a floating island connected by enchanted stone bridges to other little floating islands with smaller gothic buildings on them. Then, of course, there was the other massive island, located behind the school, that was nothing but grass and field, it was for outdoor things, mainly track and field, soccer, American football, and other sports. The main building though? It was like a gigantic stone castle fused with a gothic cathedral, complete with towers and flying buttresses, even a bell tower located above the front door. All the stones had a slightly purple hue, and the large gothic windows were even tinted with an enchanted purple hue that kept the harmful rays of the sun from hurting vampires so they could walk around indoors without being hurt. All the buildings sort of looked this way, and had windows similar to the main building, so that those sensitive to the sun wouldn't sizzle.

    The staff dorms looked like the student dorms on the outside, sure, but they were massively different. The staff dorms were set up like apartments, big enough for one to two members of staff, and any children they might have that are too young to attend school. Usually sporting three large rooms, two bathrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, and mud room. Though their laundry had to be done in the laundry room that was located in the basement of the building, there was only one laundry room crammed down there with all the pipe work and electrical work for each apartment. Staff were of course allowed in the laundry room, but only janitors could enter the larger room with all the pipes and electrical stuff.

    Letting out a loud chirp, the dragoness had spotted exactly who she was searching for. The chirp, while sounding reptilian and odd, was even more embarrassing for anyone who was even remotely reptile as they could distinguish it as a mother calling for her child. The large figure re-adjusted herself, flapping her wings a little and causing a gust of wind to wash over the crowd of students, before chirping again, this time louder and more throaty. She was calling her son to come sit with her on the arch, beckoning him like a small hatchling to her side. Despite it almost being noon, and the gates closing at 12:30 pm, the dragoness still wanted to speak with her baby.

  • Age: 1,550yrs
    Birthday: January 1st
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Species: Vampire
    Powers: Invisibility, Bat shifting, Dream Walking
    Occupation: Vice Headmistress
    Location: Front Gate -> Auditorium
    Interactions: --
    Mentions: Venesha Firehawrt, Jacquelynn Black, Draco Firehawrt

    Delilah was already stalking the students like prey, they were all good students for now. But she was sure they would break rules, rules that needed to be reinforced, and when broken were punishable. Of course, Delilah didn't want to punish children, she just knew it was the only way to get it through their heads that rules were not meant to be broken or even bent. The woman was invisible for the moment, her small frame weaving through people as they passed, making her way to the front gate. She took a deep breath, taking in the mixture of scents, and soon stopped at the front gate, just off to the side where she revealed herself.

    The woman eyed the students but stayed quiet. Ruby-colored eyes moved to follow the flying form of Venesha, the headmistress, as she dove down and landed on the arch to the gate. Delilah didn't even flinch at the loud ground trembling roar and the burst of heat that erupted from the dragoness. It wasn't unusual for the headmistress to show off. Red eyes moved to a feline woman as she approached, the woman went to the other side of the gate and stood there looking much more chipper than Delilah's unemotional face. Jacquelynn was always a bit chipper and also was much kinder to students, so Delilah supposed it was a good idea for her to greet some of the students like she was. It wasn't like she'd scare any of them off, but, Delilah might.

    Then she heard it. The chirping from Venesha. It was loud, almost as loud as her roar, and it was directed at poor Draco. The poor boy was being called out like a child in front of the entire student body. How embarrassing for the sixteen-year-old. He may be young for a dragon, but he was still older than a hatchling. Delilah cringed at the situation and shook her head, letting out a sigh while she looked back at the sea of students. She supposed she should head to the auditorium soon to help set up for orientation. So, that's where she started heading, turning invisible once more and floating up, flying above the heads of students so she could head to the auditorium.

  • Age: 39yrs
    Birthday: November 29th
    Gender: Gender Fluid
    Pronouns: He/Him/She/Her/They/Them
    Species: Feline-Shifter
    Powers: Electricity manipulation, Water manipulation, Cryo-regeneration
    Occupation: Professor
    Location: Staff Dorms -> Front Gate
    Interactions: Lucifer Black, Beelzebub Black
    Mentions: Venesha Firehawrt, Delilah Rubyfang

    Jackie stood in her staff apartment with her two sons, Lucifer stood before her and Beelzebub stood next to his mother, his tail wrapped around hers to the best of his ability. "Now Lucy, you gotta remember that you need to be kind to your baby brother." The gentle-voiced woman spoke, her clawed fingers working their way through his hair as she helped pull his blonde hair back.

    "I am kind enough, it's not my fault he's annoying." The young man's snarky tone earned a tug to his hair, making him crane his neck back as his mother hissed.

    "Am not!" Beelzebub protested with a whiney voice and a pouted lip.

    Jackie huffed as she released her son's hair, patting his back afterward now that his hair was in its signature ponytail. "Lucifer, be nicer to your brother or I will have you grounded to the apartment for the school year." The feline woman spoke sternly now, and her eyes soon found the black cat beside her. "Beelzebub, don't annoy your bother. He doesn't need to cater to your every whim, he is a young man now and needs to be left alone." She lectured and the smaller boy whined again, his tail slipping away from his mother as he nodded in agreement.

    "Yes, momma." The smaller cat said and Jackie cupped his cheek and rubbed it with her thumb.

    "That's my baby." With a kiss to his hair-covered forehead, she smiled. "Now both of you, head over to your dorms and settle in. If you're lucky you'll be the first ones in!" She mused, her tail picking up to an upright position as she ushered her sons out the door. "Love you both! And don't miss orientation!" She spoke loudly now, pushing the two out the door and soon locking the door behind herself as she stepped out of the apartment. With that, the three of them left the building and she headed down the path to the front gate, while her two sons left her from the main path to head to the Student Dorms.

    Looking up as a roar was let out and fire fanned over the audience below with a wave of heat hitting them, Jacquelynn shook her head in mild disappointment. The headmistress was always so flamboyant and showcased herself whenever she could. No matter the year, Vensha was going to show everyone how cool she could be, powerful, strong, and beautiful. It was what she always said. Jackie supposed it was true, but she didn't really fancy Dragons herself, so she wouldn't know. Stopping at the side of the front gate the feline spotted the vice principal who soon vanished into thin air and was gone from sight. Delilah was a mysterious one, cold on the outside, but apparently, according to the headmistress she had a soft warm side somewhere.

  • Age: 15yrs
    Birthday: July 3rd
    Gender: Non-Binary
    Pronouns: She/They
    Species: Slime Person
    Powers: Energy Manipulation, Appearance Manipulation, Slime Physiology
    Year: 1st
    Location: Dorm Room
    Interactions: Venesha and Draco Firehawrt
    Mentions: Venesha Firehawrt

    Mattie stepped through the gate like every other student, her glamour on as she walked through. Chewing on the minty bubble gum in her mouth, pushing it against her teeth, and blowing out a bubble before letting it pop and slurping it back into her mouth. This was going to be a whole new experience. Not only would she not have to use her glamour all that often, but she'd be able to make real friends. And maybe find some hotties to digest- er, love on. Yeah... love on.

    She turned so her back was to the main building and lifted her phone, and took a selfie. She then stood there, eyes on her phone screen as she cycled through filters. She could never decide between a warm or cool filter. She decided warm this time and added sparkles, and a lighting curve so the background was more saturated. She then posted it to her Gloopstagram, an app she found could only be accessed if you were a supernatural being. She added #FinallyOnCampus #NewAdveture before posting it. She rocked on her heels some before finally closing her phone screen down as she started to follow the crowd. Most were heading to the dorms, and while glancing at the signs she noted she was going in the right place. She had made it to the dorm door when she heard the mighty roar and a soft squeak came from her as she pressed herself into a wall just inside the doorframe. Looking out of the door, she blinked and then began to marvel at the beast. {Who the heck is that?} She eyed the beast with interest and took a picture, and then another when the beast was accompanied by a smaller dragon. That was so going to be her new background photo. Making her way to her dorm room she had to set down her bag, or rather drop her bag while she fished through her open purse with a small frown forming on her face. She really needed to reorganize this thing again. She had so much stuff in it though! Maybe she should just get a new one? That was probably the answer.

    Failing to find the ID card in her purse she got on her knees while she started to search through one of her other three bags, one had wheels, one was strapped to the one with wheels, and the other she had been carrying over her shoulder. She huffed while fishing through things, eventually pulling out a card, but it wasn't the card she needed, it was her Library Card to a Library in Nevada. She grumbled and plunged her hand into the bag again. "It's gotta be here..." She mumbled to herself, now becoming thoroughly annoyed. Eventually, she grasped onto something else and pulled it out, a folded piece of paper. She opened it up, a note from past self to future self; "Check your shoe dumb dumb." She blinked then remembered she had written the note to remind herself she had slid her ID and the paper with the code into a hidden compartment on her shoe. She opened it up and pulled the two out and grinned.

    "Thank you past self." She mused before zipping her other bag up and standing, sliding her ID card and putting in the code before propping open the door. She then carried all three bags in before going back to close the door and get to work. The first thing she did was open up all her bags, after dropping them on the bed farthest from the bathroom door, in this case, it was the left side of the room. She then took a selfie, with the phone getting a good downward view of her and her open cases, she added another filter to her picture and a few sparkles as always. She then made another Gloopstagram post with the hashtags; #FirstOneHere #LeftSide and with that she put her phone aside so she could start unpacking. She noted the standard folded white blanket and sheet along with a white pillow that the students were given. She stretched. "Well, the first thing is first." She stated to herself before removing the magic necklace she had that hid her true form, and she blinked as her second pair of eyes gained vision once more. She smiled, pleased to see her semi-transparent body once more. Oh yeah, this was gonna be great. She then started to remove clothing from her bag to put into the drawers below the bed, soon she'd need to get into uniform though, least she forgets until later.

  • Age: 17yrs
    Birthday: April 26th
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Species: Demonic Feline
    Powers: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Teleportation, Feline-Shifting
    Year: 2st
    Location: Staff Dorms -> Student Dorms
    Interactions: Lucifer Black, Jacquelynn Black
    Mentions: ---

    As soon as they split from their mother, Beelzebub heeded her advice and left his older brother alone. He slipped into the shadows and walked out of another one on the main bridge. Soon he was bouncing about, slipping in and out of shadows and humming to himself as he looked around at all the new faces. He wondered which one belonged to his roommate. Would his roommate be nice? Who knew? He sure didn't. Not yet anyway. Eventually, he made his way over to the Student Dorms, he pulled up the orange oversized sleeve of his sweater and looked at the sharpie on his arm. He always wrote on himself. He had written down his dorm number and passcode on his right arm. Soon he was headed off.

    The boy found his way to Dorm 4 and was delighted to notice his brother in the dorm next door, and if he did the math correctly, they would be sharing a bathroom. He could bug his brother after all! The demonic feline then started to fish through his pockets for his ID, eventually finding it and trying to swipe it. But... it wasn't dinging. Was he swiping it wrong? He grumbled and fumbled with the ID a bit, then when it did ding he looked at the code on his arm and it was smeared. "Crap..." He tilted his head and sighed loudly. What was it again? Could he even remember? He tried it a few times, typing in various combos, and eventually locking himself out of the room entirely. The card would no longer swipe, so he couldn't enter the code. He had locked himself out on move-in day! "Damn it!" He grumbled angrily and threw his bag down on the ground. He now had to wait for his roommate to show up, or go trudge his way to the office and plead to whoever was there to unlock his dorm for him.

  • Age: 16yrs
    Birthday: April 2nd
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Species: Dragon / Demon
    Powers: Shifting, Dark Fire Manipulation, Golem Creation
    Year: 2nd | Honors
    Location: Student Dorms -> Front Gate
    Interactions: Venesha Firehawrt
    Mentions: ---

    Draco had already been in his dorm room, as he lived there all the time, no one was taking his side of the room when he had sat up there year one and never left. It was his turf. His side was the right side, farthest from the bathroom, and well decorated. Stepping into the sunlight the young man watched the spectacle of his mother roaring and spewing fire out over the crowd. It was embarrassing to him to know his mother was always showboating. And then, she spotted him. He recoiled, his shoulders raising and his head dipping as he heard her chirp out to him. Her form readjusted on the arch as she eyed him with her massive red eyes. It was so uncomfortable. In front of some 7,000 students and staff, this woman is treating him like a hatchling, like always.

    The male uncomfortable sighed and pushed himself off the wall, it was best to not disappoint Mother after all. Reluctantly he took his shirt off, allowing nubs to form on his back and soon they expanded and grew into his wings, his white hair fanning his back and his horns were soon visible. He was thankful that he could at least shift and have pants after shifting back later. After moving to the side, his arms began to cover in scales and he lept from the side of the bridge, diving down to the lake, and finishing his shifting just before he touched the molten rock. He opened his wings and caught himself, unlike his mother he wasn't one for theatricals. He returned to the gateway, landing next to his mother and perching carefully. He wasn't the best of landers... he was pretty close to being horrible at it.

    Once he was perched properly the, larger than his body, wing of his mother was affectionately wrapped around him and he earned the nuzzle of his mother. Well. So glad everyone can see that. Gonna die now. As a teen boy, he wasn't entirely enthused by what she was saying after she stopped nuzzling him. "Isn't this grand darling? All of these young souls communing to one area, nesting themselves so far from home, all with the same drive to learn?" Venesha spoke with such a shrill light-hearted tone it made Draco feel sick.

    "Mother, I truly doubt they are all here to learn. More than some of them are here because their parents told them they must attend." He pointed out and his mother pouted, sighed, then looked about the students again.

    "I suppose that's true." She stated calmly and looked back to her son, her head hardly moving as her huge eyes focused on him. "That isn't the point though, bubby." She chastised and he hissed at the nickname, what a childish name for a boy his age. Sure, he was still a boy, but he was much too old for such a name. "It is extremely detrimental you learn and understand why we must learn these things, here at this school, and why our family holds it." She stated while eyeing the unhappy and annoyed spawn that she brooded for five hundred years. Though Draco didn't have much of a choice really, his mother had only one child, and it was the firstborn's duty to take over as head of the school come the age of maturity. Or, the untimely death of the previous principal. Whatever came first really. Draco half listened, and half zoned out while eying students as his mother went on and on. She mentioned how tiring it was to run the school, but how it was truly a task that could not be passed to just anyone.

    Sleep... now that was a topic. Being a dragon, if he so happened to fall fast asleep, he could sleep for years and wake up well-rested, ready to go for a few years after the fact. But since he was on a school schedule, he had to attempt to sleep in the eight to ten hours students were given to sleep. He knew, however, he wasn't the only one suffering. His mother had been on this schedule for years, and when she retired she would finally be able to sleep a few hundred years. A few other dragons attending the school in some way or another would also be in hell, the schedule was a strict one. He knew that was what Grandpa was doing, sleeping. He had only seen him once, and that wasn't even in person, it was in videos played by his mother who had recorded them when she was Draco's age. Recordings of the great man who had a picture on the hall walls of the principal's office. According to his mother, the man fell asleep a few days after he retired, in full dragon form, and is said to be sleeping in the basement of the castle for a school building. Though those doors are locked tight with many spells, and three large golem guards, no one has gotten in for 1,500 years. Whoever wakes his grandfather, if not the only recognizable family member, or a friend of his, will likely become an old dragon's snack.

  • Age: 16yrs
    Birthday: May 5th
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Species: Lizard Person
    Powers: Astral Projection, Psychometry, and Illusion Appearance
    Year: 3rd, Honors
    Location: Entrance to Student Dorms
    Interactions: Nigel Iakovou
    Mentions: Venesha Firehawrt

    Phoebe hadn't flinched as the principal did her tricks, she was always so flamboyant. Sure, the first time Phoebe had encountered this spectacular ensemble that was the principal showing off, she had been completely entranced, amazed beyond words. The girl had stopped and looked up to the dragon, taking a deep breath, enjoying the mixing smells of so many creatures, so many people. She let the human facade fall off of her, enjoying the sight of her scales. She adjusted her gloves to make sure her hands would stay covered and then adjusted the strap of the large military backpack on her back. After sighing contently she changed the second bag, a duffle bag, to her other hand, and she started to walk to the dorms. She, unlike a fair amount of students, was enjoying the heat the lake below provided. While eyeing the ascetically pleasing flying buttresses she wondered who her roommate would be. She hoped someone interesting, hopefully, someone who liked to exercise as much as her.

    The skip in her step caused her tapered tail to sway as she smiled and looked around, happy to be back at this school, she was really gonna miss it when she had to leave. As she started to enter the Student Dorming building she spotted a tall, broad, and muscular man who was far too sweet for his manly appearance. Nigel was her best friend, the two had met her first year when Phoebe had made a grave error, entering the male's restroom, and acquiring an unwelcomed eyeful of some extra appendages she did not want to see. The girl had screamed and darted out, apologizing profusely, though Nigel laughed, it seemed to be hilarious to him. The two were fast friends afterward. They laugh at the memory now, but she had been ridiculously embarrassed at the time. Hearing what he said as she approached, and he decided to meet her halfway. "Awe, Nigel! It's only been a week ya know?" She asked with a soft laugh, personally, the Japanese school system for a school like this was a bit odd, but during the week students were off-campus dorms had been scrubbed clean and repaired if it was needed.

  • Age: 16yrs
    Birthday: February 2nd
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Species: Incubus/ Demonic Feline
    Powers: Sound Manipulation, Feline-Shifting, Mineral Manipulation
    Year: 4nd
    Location: Staff Dorms -> Student Dorms
    Interactions: Jacquelynn Black, Beelzebub Black
    Mentions: ----

    Lucy headed straight for his new dorm when his mother had let them leave. He did love her, but he wasn't a baby anymore, he didn't need to be coddled. The demonic feline made his way to the dorm room, bag in hand as he pushed past people in a less graceful way than most. He didn't care if he touched them or vice versa, he could care less. The boy's fur prickled as his annoyance grew and soon he stood in front of his dorm, dorm 3, and unlocked it. His brother could handle himself, he was sure the little shit couldn't get lost in this building, things were literally marked out. How hard would it be to find your fricken dorm? Once in Lucifer stepped over to any bed, he didn't care really, and plopped down on it, dropping his bag near the bed as he put one arm over his eyes. He really hoped his dorm mate was not an asshole.... what would they be like? He wasn't sure he wanted to know. Dorm mates were a hassle, they could be great, or they could be a pain... god he hoped his wasn't a pain in the ass. So long as they stayed out of his stuff he didn't mind too much, but if they started to try and scold him or treat him like a child he'd get upset and fight back. He hated that shit. He wasn't a child.... well.... he was but he wasn't that young.

    Sitting up the male grabbed at his bag and started to unpack, putting up his clothing and setting his uniform aside. He even had brought some bedding, nothing fancy just a soft flannel blanket and a few more pillows, as well as some silken sheets. He put up his clothing and started pulling off his ripped tee with a skull on it, careful to be mindful of his horns. He was a well-built boy, last year he had gotten acquainted with a few people's fists and vice versa. Therefore he and the vice principal knew each other well. His pale-colored skin had a few scar marks, likely from roughhousing with his younger brother or even his mother, and then there was the horns. He did love them, he liked that they were like some sort of crown that he was born with. Like he was a prince to his own world or something... he wished. He was the prince of his mother's world and that was about it.

  • Age: 18yrs
    Birthday: May 29th
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Species: Centaur
    Powers: Freeze Breath, Hydrokinesis, Chlorokinesis
    Year: 4th
    Location: Entrance to Student Dorms
    Interactions: Phoebe Silverstein
    Mentions: ---

    Nigel pranced along the stone bridge, his hooves clicking rhythmically as he looked about the crowd of students. He slowed his pace as the gigantic dragon roared and breathed purple-colored fire above the crowd. She did this every year. He remembered his first time seeing the Headmistress, he about pissed himself from both fright and amazement. He had never seen a dragon before he had attended this fine educational building. But now, four years of going here, he has met plenty of fine beings he never even dreamt of, and it brought so much joy to his heart. He loved to see new things and meet new people. Back at the herd, it was the same old same old. He hated that. He watched as the young son of the Headmistress joined her on the stone arch, he was much smaller than she, but it was because he was still young. At least that is how Nigel understood it. Watching the two for a moment he turned and continued in the direction of the dorms, all the buildings had a gothic cathedral kind of look to them, but the main building was the largest by far. And with the helpful signs specially made to be read in every language, it was easy to find where the dorms were even if you didn't know the giant ass building to the left was the Student Housing area.

    Once inside the building he sighed softly to himself and paused at the doors, stepping aside and waiting impatiently. He was promised to meet her here, to see his dearest friend right here. Surely she hadn't forgotten him? Adjusting the large bag that was sat on his horseback he was looking around at all the faces, the entrance was large enough that he was blocking no path at all. Then he saw her, the browns and tans, the green eyes, and the unmistakable necklace he had made her that jingled lightly around her neck. It was the tabs off soda cans, he had saved every tab to a soda can that was bought by either of them for one another, the necklace was to show their friendship. He was way too overjoyed to see her wearing it. He couldn't help it and cantered forward some. "PheePhee! I have been filled with a tremendous amount of grief to only receive your letters!" He pouted, his horse ears folding some as he flicked his tail.
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  • Love
Reactions: Monbon

|| Location: Dorms || Interactions: Mattie @NeonRain || Mood: Embarassed/Nervous||

The school was absolutely massive and gorgeous. It was clear the architect/s who designed it had put their blood sweat and tears into the project as not one bit of their creativity was wasted. Judging by the tint on the windows, it was clear they tried to be as mindful as possible to boot. Whistling at the impressive sight before him, Paquini watched in wonder as masses of students flocked in with similar expressions on their faces.

As someone with a fairly sheltered start in life, Paquini had never seen anything like it. It one bit made him nervous and somewhat made him feel excited at what was to come. Clutching his phone to his chest, he looked a little lost, taking in the overwhelming sensations around him. He'd never seen such a massive crowd before. The noise, the energy, the sight, it was all chaotic. His eyes hidden well behind his sunglasses flickered chaotically between an excited gold and an anxious yellow. Luckily his hair remained snow white and did not reveal his unease. It was a lot to take in at once.

Just when he thought he'd be able to get used to it and calm himself a strong draft came from overhead followed by a roar and flames shooting overhead. It was a horrifically beautiful sight. As someone who'd never seen a dragon before, Paquini jumped at first and took a step back to reassess the situation and reassure himself that everything was alright. There was no hostility in the display. Was this normal? He had no way of being sure. The other students around him were also in a state of shock. 'They're probably new too.' He noted.

However the sight of those walking in like this was an ordinary day calmed him. Letting out a sigh of relief, the grip he had on his suitcase tightened. In his brief shocked state, he appeared to have almost dropped it instinctively.

Thankfully the dragon also seemed to have settled down from its grand display. With it no longer spewing flames into the air, Paquini felt a bit more at ease and continued on.

Alternatively sneaking peeks between his phone and the people around him, he found that he didn't know how to read a map properly. Rather than following the directions on the digital pamphlet they were given, he followed where most of the students were going in hopes he was going the right way.

Luckily his intuition was spot on and he was at his dorm door before he knew it. Reaching for the handle, Paquini was a little surprised to see it wouldn't budge. It was only after failing that he noticed the mechanism right in front of him. "How do you…?" At a loss, he poked at it before recalling they had given him a code to open it. Taking out his phone, he found it hiding in the note app in big bold letters. However after putting in the code, the door still wouldn't budge.

Just as he was about to give up, he heard some shuffling noises coming from inside. Was his roommate already in? A little embarrassed, his hair gradually turned a soft shade of pink, just a few shades lighter than the warm hue spreading from the back of his neck up to the tips of his ears. With some hesitance, he gave the door two slow knocks. If anyone could help him, it'd be someone who already made it in. "Wouldn't a key be easier?" He whispered to himself, a little frustrated the school made it more complicated than it had any right to be.

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