DISCUSSION TV I am convinced NO ONE else has seen this show. (OOBI)

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Devious Fiend.
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I remember watching this show for HOURS when I was small, and when I asked my friends, none of them said they had ever heard of it, and it bamboozles me. I watched a few episodes to refresh my memory, and sure enough, it's very real.

Here's the intro to bring back that sweet nostalgia:

Anyway, was I the only one that has seen it, or does anyone else remember this?
  • Haha
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I watched Oobi as a kid. It wasn't something we regularly watched, but there was a short period of time when we watched a lot of it. I remember I was very sick at the time, which doesn't help the show feel any less like a fever dream. I don't remember much of it, tbh. But I can say at least that you're not the only person who watched it or who remembers about it.
Move over, old guy coming through!

Go Bots.... They are real, and I know they are, but no one remembers these Transformer knock offs, UGH!
Oh my god I loved that growing up!
I CAME HERE TO SAY YOU'RE WRONG, BUT YOU'RE RIGHT, I GOT NO CLUE WHAT IT IS!!! :[ So now I'm instead here to say, it didn't exist and you're trying to trick people into believing it does :o CONSPIRACY!!!
  • Haha
Reactions: Lyrikai
It exists! I watched a whoooole cool video about it!