WORLDBUILDING TECHNOLOGY How does technology influence a fantasy setting?

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Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural are my favorites.
Hello Iwaku!

I'm doing a worldbuilding project that is a science fantasy setting, leaning heavy into the fantasy half.
My setting has 8 flat worlds and a ninth hidden world - the spirit world. The Spirit world itself is a very active place and likes to meddle with the mortal realms, a lot. So imagine lots of monsters and hauntings and such. Magic is also connected to the spirit world. Magic users are children or descendants of those children from gods who 'pulled a Zeus'. So they are basically unwanted demi-gods wandering the earthly realms.

So here's something about why technology in my setting evolved the way it did. Since magic was only reserved for the children of gods, they automatically ruled the worlds. In the beginning everything went well but then the commoners eventually got tired being dominated by magic users. So they decided to rely on technology and science instead of magic and decided that magic is 'evil'. Lots of demi-gods abused their powers which gave magic a bad name.

So this is why magic and tech are separate from each other. So no magic tech.

I've been trying to brainstorm about technology and was wondering if you guys could help me. This is just so I have something to jump off of cause I'm drawing a blank for some reason. x-x
What major areas would technology influence a fantasy setting? Travel, communications....what else?
I think culture would definitely be changed as it does the real world. (I would also refer to the video game Arcanum as inspiration for an 'industrial revolution' imposed on a fantasy magic setting) With the introduction of new farming techniques and machines, for example, this would significantly reduce deaths by starvation. Factories can produce goods at a much faster rate. This might free up time for citizens to explore the arts in a kind of golden age, or maybe certain castes are solidified or created (such as an organization of technocrats or factory owners)

Also military tactics would change. With the invention of a crossbow, you could arm peasants and they become a credible threat. If gunpowder and firearms are introduced, conventional medieval infantry becomes obsolete. Magic won't be as potent as a trump card if anyone can kill at a distance.
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I tried something similar once with my own personal story. I do like final fantasy stuff personally like Air-Ships and Gunblades but Magitech the more it's incorporated harms more than it helps. Even FF acknowledges this as XVI is about to go back to a more High-Fantasy setting from what I understand. I like anime and always will but combined magic and technology settings only seem to really work good in that field as it is already over the top.

Travel, Comms, are two things that are a must no matter how you look at it. But can I pose a question to you?

You mention that your demi-gods abused their power. So you are going for the tech > magic approach. A lot of other writers would have done the exact opposite approach myself included. The route you're taking is hard but it will be fulfilling if performed well.

My question is this.

What atrocity caused the people to turn their backs to magic?

Usually something in a story like this caused humanity to establish that tech is the problem. I.E. Wakka being racist against Al Bhed for them openly embracing old world tech.

Vice versa tech was embraced because of Alchemy being proven to be out dated in fact. Fictional stories usually depict a Philosopher's Stone being more of an ultimate evil than the good it would bring.

Really ask yourself the question and bring forth something amazing. Even at the cost of your own personal morality. Somethings are worse than death.
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I call them Witches in my setting.

Back in the early civilizations when Witches were still a new thing people relied on them for protection and healing, they helped with the crops by making fields grow overnight, they could even erect structures out of the ground providing housing, etc...
So at first Witches seemed like caretakers. But with power gaps between the two groups came of course, jealousy. That jealousy turned into making deals with gods and spirits to have a fraction of those same powers, and that's how the reputation of magic started to shift.

And then there's Witches who took their roles as caretakers more seriously but then there were those who abused it. They used it to make people fear them, forced them to worship them as actual gods, etc... So you can imagine how Witches would maybe withhold the fields from growing to punish rebels. Or spread diseases, or summon monsters, etc...
And if magic can be used to take care of people then it can also be used to conquer and destroy other settlements. So Witches fought wars against each other as well at the expense of the people.

At some point commonfolk, who vastly outnumbered Witches, had enough but realized they can't defeat magic. So instead they tried to rely on science and technology instead to become independent from Witches. They no longer needed them to grow fields, they could farm or keep animals. They forage for plants to make medicine, they manipulate metals to make tools and build their own houses. Etc... And with technology by their side came the Witch hunts. Because like you guys said, a Witch isn't so scary if you can hit them from a distance. Witches, despite their powers, are still mortal.

Slowy over decades, maybe centuries, Witches were pushed out of society. People forged different religions and worshipped different gods. So a Witch is now a monster. Sometimes people tolerate them when they can't afford medicine for example, or want to turn their luck around.

I always see stories about magic being superior or becoming magitech. But I barely see the reverse. I thought it would be an interesting concept to see how 'the old gods' are now in the slums.
I think Magic is still superior in many ways. But the common misconception is that it is omnipotent. Media definitely depicts this as factual. But I believe that it's just a common place lack of understanding. Example Vampires and werewolves are far too often depicted as Gods among men because everyone falls in love with Underworld. No one looks at their take to silver, garlic, sunlight etc in any sort of real light. I hope that your story gets off the ground if you plan on using it as a R.P. and if not hope to read it if it gets published. If you want a partner for the former I'll be happy to oblige on the matter.
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