TESTING grimoire

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster
Kelly Slab Source Code Pro Permanent Marker Playfair Display Lora Cinzel Unica One Advent Pro Covered By Your Grace
[font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font] [font=][/font]
Talib Kweli — 'I ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand.'

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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia
Venestasia Vega - An overworked and ambitious CIA agent receives her next case and travels to Loremtown, Ipsum, where she's been tasked to oversee the handling of the crash site and investigate those who may have witnessed it firsthand. Stunted by hometown dislike, the shrewd eyes of the local lawman, and unexpected abilities, she's determined to find the truth-- wherever it may land her.

Myles Green - A hardworking blue-collar member of Loremtown, Ipsum, witnessed the decent of the meteorite firsthand. As curiosity goes, he went to the crash site and investigated, and to his horror developed abilities he never knew existed, nor wanted.

Jon Gillum - A young man, homeless and with ties to no one, was coerced off the streets with the promise of warmth and safety. Unbeknownst to him, he's walked right into the hands of a ruthless government agency hellbent on unlocking the secrets behind a deep-space meteorite and the limits of the human body.
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A gentle breeze rustles through every branch and every bush throughout the valley, shaking nature awake with a loving embrace. Fallen leaves and windswept petals dance in the morning wind, taking turns riding the currents around the valley; through the trees and the fields, down the main road and the paths that lead to secret, hidden places. Playful and mischievous, one half of nature begins its slumber while the other wakes; moths find their slumbering perch while butterflies warm their dewy wings in the pale warmth of dawn.



The Morning News Segment
"It's going to be another lovely day here in the Jeweled Chalcedony region. It'll be a little warmer in the Roselake area and a tad cooler here in the Beaumont Quartet, but you can tell spring is almost here with the way we're warming up so nicely. These crisp temperatures will stick around until about noon before the sun melts away the chill."

"That's right, Calvin. Let's all just forget about the Winter Storm creeping down from the Tanzanite Cordillera—"

"Oh yes! The Winter Carnival is here in the Beaumont Quartet! Opening night is tomorrow, folks, so don't forget to tell your friends and grab a ticket before they're all sold out!"

"The Winter Carnival will be open for three nights before making its way to Roselake and then back home to the Emeraldine Isles!"

Fresh air blew crisp off Mount Rosefiel, salty off the Seaglass Coast, and riled the Violet Greenwood that dappled the land between the two. No matter where one looked, no matter the vantage point, Roselake was a breathtaking sight, a welcoming and wondrous place to call home.

Many newcomers were beginning to learn just how beautiful the winter flowers, dewy and bright, could sway in the fields, their stems long and strong and always seeming to face the sun.

Fateful Encounters

Community Memos

A Promise and a Plea, Community Project #1

Twigs and Sprigs, the local bookstore, apothecary, and antique's shop, was quite lively this Winter. Cromwell's could be seen in and out of the four story manor not too far away from the library at all times of the day and night. In fact, it seemed there were many more Cromwell's than there typically were!


Hi. I'm so sorry this took forever, LMAO. Ily guys, ty for holding out, and I do hope you enjoy!

A few things that I want to mention:

- I wanted to balance and blend the cottagecore slice of life aesthetic with the inspiring (but somewhat limited) relaxation and nostalgia one gets from farming simulation games— and this is my attempt! You'll notice there's a lot of setting up scenes and CYOA options; the way I see it: play out your day how you see fit. In doing so, you'll characters will further along the rp. Along the way there will be random (but personalized) cut-scenes and encounters (hitting milestone levels with NPC's, finding a unique antique or a valuable item, creating a one-of-a-kind thrice blessed creme brulee, or an exciting mining escapade that features more than just iron and coal), along with more dedicated plot hooks that will steer the overall narrative of life in Roselake Falls.

If something isn't working for you, let me know and we can workshop the problem!

- Overarching plots will be handled in a "yearly fashion" with smaller, more realistic goals throughout the "months" or "seasons."

In Year 1 the overarching community goal is to refresh and refurbish the Community Center. To complete this yearly goal, there are several steps (some chronological, some not) that must be taken to eventually complete the project. There are three "Pillars of the Community" — NPCs who'll be doling out most of these community goals or (re)quests — but expect at least one encounter per NPC per year to help satisfy the demand. These goals/projects can be as short or as longwinded as you all please, it needs only be mentioned for things to "count" towards repair. // I don't want to be boggled down by mechanics and unintuitive rules, just rp and have fun and be clear in your actions and intentions so I can plot things behind the scenes!

- Heart System { is all* behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about it. }

* The only thing you need to worry about in regards to the Heart System is if someone (player character or npc) did something that would dramatically lower or raise your own heart meter. In the case that something does, we can classify it in 2 ways: rate the post that caused your heart meter to rise with a "Sympathy and Compassion" react / and let me know in Discord, publicly or privately.

// I think that's everything you need to know — but @ me in the server if you have a question that needs to be answered.

@Kuno @Mars Walker @Nemopedia

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia
Hvovi Esfandyar

Human | Nubian | Female | Seventeen​

Regal. Impulsive. Witty. Zealous.

While Teja has a good head on her shoulders and is self-driven and self-motivated, she still has the temperament and emotional volatility of a teenager (kind and courteous but with a curt, despotic tongue when rightfully angered). Refined behavior is expected at court and in the eyes of the masses, and fervent prayers for the Good Father's eternal protection are given whenever home in Ubasa, but alone in her quarters, on the training fields, or along deserted paths between cities, the wildness in Teja-Soueriosi is released, an untamed flame burning bright.

Growing up in the shadow of her siblings and the domineering might of Nubian beliefs, Teja-Soueriosi is nothing more than an average princess among the might and majesty of her family. Even her baby sister, poised and fashioned for the throne, has more grace in her pinky finger than Teja could ever muster. This hasn't made her bitter towards her family, however, as her fondness for them only pushes her to be better. More effective. Useful.

A little over six years ago, when she convinced her mother and father to allow her a rasp, she spent nearly an entire season with a renowned breeder, learning the ins and outs of their habits and tendencies, until finally, nearing the end of the season, she helped Sabou'a hatch.

Knowing that it is her duty in life to help the Nubian Empire thrive and potentially lead one of her great cities, Teja has spent many years traveling when she can, to learn as much about her people and the lands that they share.

Despite training in the bow, sword and shield, and spear since she was old enough to wield them, Teja is competent, but painfully so. She's consistently average with everything she attempts, given enough attention and training, but finds herself unable to truly excel at anything.

This poor fortune ends with her ability to ride and train Sabou'a, the rasp she absolutely begged her parents for at the age of eleven. When mounted, her average weapons training are elevated to something greater, and with six years of training under their belt, Teja and Sabou'a are a menace to ne'er do wells and her loyal guardsmen alike.

Like her rasp, Teja-Soueriosi is an equally strong swimmer, climber, and runner, her endurance well honed due to the desire to prove herself, pushing herself to become the very best she can be.

Feistier than your average rasp, Sabou'a is territorial of Teja-Soueriosi and only relents to her loyal guard. Otherwise, most are incapable (and smart enough not to tread too close) of escaping the lightning-fast swish of his spiked tail. He stands at a massive 18.7 hands tall and though most of his scales blend in well with the Nubian landscape, Sabou'a has a wash of dark turquoise scales along the ridge of his back and tail. He's capable of carrying two additional persons or 1 armored person in addition to Teja, though he'll often buck extra's off when it's time to swim.

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Eulalia Sandiega dy Rifèla

I have given you the opportunity to choose so choose whether to die on my chest or on the pages of my poetry.
- Nizar Qabbani

Human | Al-Andalusian | Female | Early twenties​

Eulalia Sandiega dy Rifèla was born in the early morning hours on the first day of spring with a lusty wail that was heard all across the hacienda she would be raised in. Grandeur is all she's ever known, paired with a curiosity that determines her every move. She is an artist, as comfortable in her own skin as the clouds in the sky and as



Shoshana al-Zahra

Human | Al-Andalusian | Female | Early forties​

Shoshanna the Radiant was a menace on the battlefield of Castile, a tactical savant who broke enemy lines like she broke men's hearts. The white-haired woman was once a beauty,



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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia

The Gambit South


Much had happened since the sun rose. Teja had her daring escape, her loyal entourage following in her wake. A happenchance meeting with a



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House: Stark
Titles: Lady
Age: 17
Gender: Female
House Members:
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lacinia ultrices faucibus. Fusce condimentum, sapien facilisis porta gravida, diam erat pretium neque, vitae dignissim nunc est sit amet eros. Vivamus at mi vitae orci rutrum scelerisque luctus consectetur mauris. Morbi ac risus ligula. Nam facilisis tristique dui a commodo. In in augue vel orci accumsan sodales ut ac quam. Aenean pretium dui a est lacinia, a facilisis sem porta. Phasellus mollis, orci ut iaculis suscipit, neque ex mattis eros, a laoreet nisi enim nec ipsum. Nullam magna felis, dictum ac hendrerit eu, ultrices quis nunc.

House: Stark
Titles: Lord
Age: 17
Gender: Male
House Members:

House: Martell
Titles: Princess, Lady
Age: 13
Gender: Female
House Members:

House: Hightower
Titles: Ser, Lord
Age: 23
Gender: Male
House Members:

nn codes || sanctuary

is simulation V2 up and running, AMINA?

all systems are a go.

YES! Yes. Systems are a go!
stupid worthless hunk of junk… let's get this show on the road.

We're all happy here.

Everyone knows there's not much time left.

We live in a dying world.. People fight like dogs for packet of food, a trickle of water. The world's overpopulated.. Rivers run dry. People are mad with power, with no hope to control what we once saw as gifts. People fear what they once appreciated. But despite the lack of superpower control, technology came and replaced it, a weapon for all to hold. We kept building ourselves up and everything else went down. Down, down the drain until.. We realized it was too late to recover.

Soon, there won't be anything left at all.

The richest of the rich sit from their rooftops and watch in comfort, thinking that their wealth will propel them even when there will be nothing left to buy. No one expected any help. Especially not from the vigiquintillionaire Lyris Matrikt and his precious little toy, Sanctuary.

A civilization off the coast of Takym built to hold the most state of the art tech, with promises of life everlasting. He, of course, is inviting his high class friends, the most important people.. The rest of us watch and wonder if it's really true. If they'll really outlast the rest of us.

No one expected he'd offer anyone else the chance to join him in Sanctuary.. But you hold the key in your hands. But such a perfect opportunity has to have flaws… Lyris can't be doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He makes decisions with the help of his belly, swollen with pride.

But.. it's not like you have a choice. You can stick it out on the streets or take your chances inside the Sanctuary.

We'd all be happy there.. Wouldn't we?

Welcome to the next installment in the Never Normal universe: Sanctuary! You are a lucky lower class citizen presented with the option to move to Sanctuary and live out the rest of your days without anymore worries. The only question is.. Why you?

This roleplay takes place in the Wired era. A cyberpunk dystopia where technology has advanced like no other and superpowers run amok beneath the surface. The writing expectancy is fairly detailed and I require a minimum of three paragraphs per post. I expect a post at least once every two weeks.

Certain lore for this arc and era are still in progress, and I welcome any questions. For now, feel free to peruse existing lore and be sure to check out the rules.

[div= max-width: 675px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div= padding: 7px;]
[div= width: 500px; margin: 0 auto; font-weight: bold;][font=Courier New]
[div=text-indent: 17px;] is simulation V2 up and running, AMINA?[/div]
all systems are a go.
[div=text-indent: 17px;] …[/div][div=text-indent: 17px;]IS THIS THING FUCKING ONLINE, AMINA?[/div]
YES! Yes. Systems are a go!
[div=text-indent: 17px;]stupid worthless hunk of junk… let's get this show on the road.[/div]

[div= max-width: 675px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div= padding: 7px;][font=Courier New]

[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]We're all happy here.[/font][/div]

Everyone knows there's not much time left.

We live in a dying world.. People fight like dogs for packet of food, a trickle of water. The world's overpopulated.. Rivers run dry. People are mad with power, with no hope to control what we once saw as gifts. People fear what they once appreciated. But despite the lack of superpower control, technology came and replaced it, a weapon for all to hold. We kept building ourselves up and everything else went down. Down, down the drain until.. We realized it was too late to recover.

Soon, there won't be anything left at all.

The richest of the rich sit from their rooftops and watch in comfort, thinking that their wealth will propel them even when there will be nothing left to buy. No one expected any help. Especially not from the vigiquintillionaire Lyris Matrikt and his precious little toy, Sanctuary.

A civilization off the coast of Takym built to hold the most state of the art tech, with promises of life everlasting. He, of course, is inviting his high class friends, the most important people.. The rest of us watch and wonder if it's really true. If they'll really outlast the rest of us.

No one expected he'd offer anyone else the chance to join him in Sanctuary.. But you hold the key in your hands. But such a perfect opportunity has to have flaws… Lyris can't be doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He makes decisions with the help of his belly, swollen with pride.

But.. it's not like you have a choice. You can stick it out on the streets or take your chances inside the Sanctuary.

We'd all be happy there.. Wouldn't we?

[div= text-indent: 45px; font-size: 1.2em; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;]┉[/div]

Welcome to the next installment in the Never Normal universe: Sanctuary! You are a lucky lower class citizen presented with the option to move to Sanctuary and live out the rest of your days without anymore worries. The only question is.. Why you?

This roleplay takes place in the Wired era. A cyberpunk dystopia where technology has advanced like no other and superpowers run amok beneath the surface. The writing expectancy is fairly detailed and I require a minimum of three paragraphs per post. I expect a post at least once every two weeks.

Certain lore for this arc and era are still in progress, and I welcome any questions. For now, feel free to peruse existing lore and be sure to check out the rules.



>Try to aim for some funky junky cyberpunk names! Take a normal name and fuck it up. E.g, Jessica - Jezyka

>Characters can be of upper or lower class, not elite.

>Written appearance: picture is appreciated, no anime photos allowed. Realistic or real photos.

>For power creation or technological augmentation, please do not hesitate to message me, even to bounce off ideas, ask clarification questions, anything at all!

>Power creation: include a section for LIMITS and make sure it is BALANCED. Otherwise, there are no power restrictions, as long as it's realistic… as realistic as it can get.

>Go wild with your tech implants. Make them do anythiiiiiiiing

>Every metahuman has a "glow" color; the color their eyes [and possibly powers] glow when they use their abilities. A color is specific to a person. Pick a color! (Please include a hex code!)

>Feel free to edit the coded CS as you see fit, create your own, or simply fill out the following skelly:

Age: (18-40)
Date of Birth:
Class: (lower or upper)

Written Appearance:


Technological Augmentations:

If you need help with the coded cs, ping rissa on discord #3339

[div= max-width: 845px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div=padding: 4px;]

[div= display: flex;] [div= flex: 1;][div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 2.5em; color: #39ff14;] [font=Bungee Hairline]character name[/font][/div][/div][div= flex: 1; font-size: 0.89em; font-variant: small-caps; color: #AD2962; letter-spacing: 1.5px; margin: 5px;][b]age:
date of birth:
class:[/b] (upper or lower) [/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 795px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= display: flex; ][div=flex: 1; margin: 5px; border-right: 2px solid #601BB5; border-top: 2px solid #601BB5; ][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]physical[/div][div= font-family: Courier New; font-size: 0.87em; padding: 9px;]


Written Appearance:[/b] Suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec. [/div][/div][div=flex:1; margin: 5px; border-left: 2px solid #AD2962; border-bottom: 2px solid #AD2962;][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]mental[/div][div=padding: 9px; font-size: .87em; font-family: Courier New;]
Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec.

Donec ac libero ut augue egestas tristique. Sed euismod, nulla ut rhoncus pharetra, arcu libero porta dolor, at venenatis nunc nulla at lacus. Vivamus quam dolor, dictum vel volutpat a, ullamcorper id velit. Fusce molestie mi sapien, sodales ultrices lacus tempus id.[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 795px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]backstory[/div][div=font-family: Courier New; font-size: 0.87em; padding: 9px;]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean aliquam ipsum ac neque pharetra sagittis. Vivamus ultricies aliquam sollicitudin. Donec tincidunt scelerisque posuere. Vestibulum finibus eu urna porta tristique. Donec imperdiet condimentum sem, eu scelerisque ligula volutpat nec. Praesent tortor augue, pellentesque sed blandit a, rhoncus vitae metus. Vivamus nec placerat velit, accumsan mattis odio. Nulla consectetur, neque vitae tempus dignissim, nisi nibh viverra lectus, a iaculis enim orci at magna. Phasellus porta arcu eu est mattis, non dapibus elit volutpat.

Curabitur vel mi eget tellus luctus volutpat vel sit amet eros. Ut neque neque, gravida faucibus imperdiet sit amet, varius at leo. Ut tempus dui ullamcorper justo venenatis efficitur. Phasellus pulvinar tincidunt sem. Vestibulum facilisis tortor id nulla sagittis rutrum. Vestibulum iaculis leo interdum ligula euismod, et consequat lacus lacinia. Duis ullamcorper leo non tellus dictum, sed tincidunt ligula viverra. Nulla facilisi. Nullam nec sodales ligula.

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.[/div][/div]

[div= max-width: 695px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; ][div= padding: 7px;][div= box-shadow: -7px -7px 0 #014CAD, -11px -11px 0 #AD2962, 7px 7px 0 #601BB5, 11px 11px 0 #1A7A37;] [div= margin: 0 auto; width: 655px; overflow: hidden; cursor: crosshair; padding: 7px; font-family: Courier New; font-size: .84em;][div= width: 120%; height: 165px; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 10%; padding-right: 20%; ]
[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow: -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]Name of Power[/font][/div]




[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow: -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]Technological Augmentations[/font][/div]

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.



[div= max-width: 675px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div= padding: 7px;]
[div= width: 575px; margin: 0 auto; ][font=Courier New][div= text-align: center; font-size: 1.6em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-weight: bold;]CS INFO[/div]

[div= box-shadow:  -7px -7px 0 #014CAD, -11px -11px 0 #AD2962,  7px 7px 0 #601BB5, 11px 11px 0 #1A7A37;][div=padding: 17px; font-weight: bold;]                        [div=display: flex;][div=flex: 1;][url="https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/rules.168530/"]Rules[/url]
[/div][div=flex: 1;][url="https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/faq-inquiries.168832/"]F.A.Q.[/url]
[/div][div=flex: 1;][url="https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/takym.168535/"]Takym[/url]
[url="https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/big-bux-co.168668/"]Big Bux Co[/url][/div][/div]

>Try to aim for some funky junky cyberpunk names! Take a normal name and fuck it up. E.g, Jessica - Jezyka

>Characters can be of upper or lower class, not elite.

>Written appearance: picture is appreciated, no anime photos allowed. Realistic or real photos.

>For power creation or technological augmentation, please do not hesitate to message me, even to bounce off ideas, ask clarification questions, anything at all!

>Power creation: include a section for LIMITS and make sure it is BALANCED. Otherwise, there are no power restrictions, as long as it's realistic… as realistic as it can get.

>Go wild with your tech implants. Make them do anythiiiiiiiing

>Every metahuman has a "glow" color; the color their eyes [and possibly powers] glow when they use their abilities. A color is specific to a person. Pick a color! (Please include a hex code!)

>Feel free to edit the coded CS as you see fit, create your own, or simply fill out the following skelly:

Age: (18-40)
Date of Birth:
Class: (lower or upper)

Written Appearance:


Technological Augmentations:

[right][size=2]If you need help with the coded cs, ping rissa on discord #3339[/size][/right][/div][/div]

[/div][/div] [/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 555px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; ][div= padding: 7px;][div= box-shadow:  -7px -7px 0 #014CAD, -11px -11px 0 #AD2962,  7px 7px 0 #601BB5, 11px 11px 0 #1A7A37;]        [div=padding: 7px;][div= margin: 0 auto;  width: 555px; overflow: hidden; cursor: crosshair; padding: 7px; font-family: Courier New; font-size: .84em;][div= width: 120%; height: 150px; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 10%; padding-right: 20%; ][plain][div= max-width: 845px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div=padding: 4px;]

[div= display: flex;] [div= flex: 1;][div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 2.5em; color: #39ff14;] [font=Bungee Hairline]character name[/font][/div][/div][div= flex: 1; font-size: 0.89em; font-variant: small-caps; color: #AD2962; letter-spacing: 1.5px; margin: 5px;][b]age:
date of birth:
class:[/b] (upper or lower) [/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 795px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= display: flex; ][div=flex: 1; margin: 5px; border-right: 2px solid #601BB5; border-top: 2px solid #601BB5; ][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]physical[/div][div= font-family: Courier New; font-size: 0.87em; padding: 9px;]


Written Appearance:[/b] Suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec. [/div][/div][div=flex:1; margin: 5px; border-left: 2px solid #AD2962; border-bottom: 2px solid #AD2962;][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]mental[/div][div=padding: 9px; font-size: .87em; font-family: Courier New;]
Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec.

Donec ac libero ut augue egestas tristique. Sed euismod, nulla ut rhoncus pharetra, arcu libero porta dolor, at venenatis nunc nulla at lacus. Vivamus quam dolor, dictum vel volutpat a, ullamcorper id velit. Fusce molestie mi sapien, sodales ultrices lacus tempus id.[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 795px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]backstory[/div][div=font-family: Courier New; font-size: 0.87em; padding: 9px;]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean aliquam ipsum ac neque pharetra sagittis. Vivamus ultricies aliquam sollicitudin. Donec tincidunt scelerisque posuere. Vestibulum finibus eu urna porta tristique. Donec imperdiet condimentum sem, eu scelerisque ligula volutpat nec. Praesent tortor augue, pellentesque sed blandit a, rhoncus vitae metus. Vivamus nec placerat velit, accumsan mattis odio. Nulla consectetur, neque vitae tempus dignissim, nisi nibh viverra lectus, a iaculis enim orci at magna. Phasellus porta arcu eu est mattis, non dapibus elit volutpat.

Curabitur vel mi eget tellus luctus volutpat vel sit amet eros. Ut neque neque, gravida faucibus imperdiet sit amet, varius at leo. Ut tempus dui ullamcorper justo venenatis efficitur. Phasellus pulvinar tincidunt sem. Vestibulum facilisis tortor id nulla sagittis rutrum. Vestibulum iaculis leo interdum ligula euismod, et consequat lacus lacinia. Duis ullamcorper leo non tellus dictum, sed tincidunt ligula viverra. Nulla facilisi. Nullam nec sodales ligula.

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.[/div][/div]

[div= max-width: 695px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; ][div= padding: 7px;][div= box-shadow:  -7px -7px 0 #014CAD, -11px -11px 0 #AD2962,  7px 7px 0 #601BB5, 11px 11px 0 #1A7A37;]   [div= margin: 0 auto;  width: 655px; overflow: hidden; cursor: crosshair; padding: 7px; font-family: Courier New; font-size: .84em;][div= width: 120%; height: 165px; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 10%; padding-right: 20%; ]
[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]Name of Power[/font][/div]




[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]Technological Augmentations[/font][/div]

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.


[/div][/div]        [/plain][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]

character name
date of birth:
(upper or lower)




Written Appearance:
Suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec.

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec.

Donec ac libero ut augue egestas tristique. Sed euismod, nulla ut rhoncus pharetra, arcu libero porta dolor, at venenatis nunc nulla at lacus. Vivamus quam dolor, dictum vel volutpat a, ullamcorper id velit. Fusce molestie mi sapien, sodales ultrices lacus tempus id.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean aliquam ipsum ac neque pharetra sagittis. Vivamus ultricies aliquam sollicitudin. Donec tincidunt scelerisque posuere. Vestibulum finibus eu urna porta tristique. Donec imperdiet condimentum sem, eu scelerisque ligula volutpat nec. Praesent tortor augue, pellentesque sed blandit a, rhoncus vitae metus. Vivamus nec placerat velit, accumsan mattis odio. Nulla consectetur, neque vitae tempus dignissim, nisi nibh viverra lectus, a iaculis enim orci at magna. Phasellus porta arcu eu est mattis, non dapibus elit volutpat.

Curabitur vel mi eget tellus luctus volutpat vel sit amet eros. Ut neque neque, gravida faucibus imperdiet sit amet, varius at leo. Ut tempus dui ullamcorper justo venenatis efficitur. Phasellus pulvinar tincidunt sem. Vestibulum facilisis tortor id nulla sagittis rutrum. Vestibulum iaculis leo interdum ligula euismod, et consequat lacus lacinia. Duis ullamcorper leo non tellus dictum, sed tincidunt ligula viverra. Nulla facilisi. Nullam nec sodales ligula.

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Name of Power




Technological Augmentations

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

[div= max-width: 845px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div=padding: 4px;]

[div= display: flex;] [div= flex: 1;][div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 2.5em; color: #39ff14;] [font=Bungee Hairline]character name[/font][/div][/div][div= flex: 1; font-size: 0.89em; font-variant: small-caps; color: #AD2962; letter-spacing: 1.5px; margin: 5px;][b]age:
date of birth:
class:[/b] (upper or lower) [/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 795px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= display: flex; ][div=flex: 1; margin: 5px; border-right: 2px solid #601BB5; border-top: 2px solid #601BB5; ][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]physical[/div][div= font-family: Courier New; font-size: 0.87em; padding: 9px;]


Written Appearance:[/b] Suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec. [/div][/div][div=flex:1; margin: 5px; border-left: 2px solid #AD2962; border-bottom: 2px solid #AD2962;][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]mental[/div][div=padding: 9px; font-size: .87em; font-family: Courier New;]
Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.

Aenean cursus tincidunt lectus, ut efficitur tortor tempor in. Vivamus nec eleifend leo. Phasellus lorem lorem, tempor et quam eget, imperdiet fermentum nisi. Integer vestibulum euismod purus, sed condimentum elit posuere vitae. Mauris ut mauris sit amet est gravida aliquam sit amet ac ipsum. Ut viverra viverra odio, non sollicitudin nibh tempus nec.

Donec ac libero ut augue egestas tristique. Sed euismod, nulla ut rhoncus pharetra, arcu libero porta dolor, at venenatis nunc nulla at lacus. Vivamus quam dolor, dictum vel volutpat a, ullamcorper id velit. Fusce molestie mi sapien, sodales ultrices lacus tempus id.[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div]

[div= max-width: 795px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= text-align: center; font-family: Bungee Hairline; font-size: 1.8em; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;]backstory[/div][div=font-family: Courier New; font-size: 0.87em; padding: 9px;]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean aliquam ipsum ac neque pharetra sagittis. Vivamus ultricies aliquam sollicitudin. Donec tincidunt scelerisque posuere. Vestibulum finibus eu urna porta tristique. Donec imperdiet condimentum sem, eu scelerisque ligula volutpat nec. Praesent tortor augue, pellentesque sed blandit a, rhoncus vitae metus. Vivamus nec placerat velit, accumsan mattis odio. Nulla consectetur, neque vitae tempus dignissim, nisi nibh viverra lectus, a iaculis enim orci at magna. Phasellus porta arcu eu est mattis, non dapibus elit volutpat.

Curabitur vel mi eget tellus luctus volutpat vel sit amet eros. Ut neque neque, gravida faucibus imperdiet sit amet, varius at leo. Ut tempus dui ullamcorper justo venenatis efficitur. Phasellus pulvinar tincidunt sem. Vestibulum facilisis tortor id nulla sagittis rutrum. Vestibulum iaculis leo interdum ligula euismod, et consequat lacus lacinia. Duis ullamcorper leo non tellus dictum, sed tincidunt ligula viverra. Nulla facilisi. Nullam nec sodales ligula.

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.[/div][/div]

[div= max-width: 695px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; ][div= padding: 7px;][div= box-shadow:  -7px -7px 0 #014CAD, -11px -11px 0 #AD2962,  7px 7px 0 #601BB5, 11px 11px 0 #1A7A37;]   [div= margin: 0 auto;  width: 655px; overflow: hidden; cursor: crosshair; padding: 7px; font-family: Courier New; font-size: .84em;][div= width: 120%; height: 165px; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 10%; padding-right: 20%; ]
[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]Name of Power[/font][/div]




[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]Technological Augmentations[/font][/div]

Pellentesque suscipit eleifend luctus. Maecenas consectetur accumsan tellus a sagittis. Nunc ac ipsum nec nunc dictum maximus. Ut augue eros, imperdiet sit amet velit nec, placerat fringilla nulla. Suspendisse vehicula euismod ex, eu commodo sapien. Maecenas quis pharetra ipsum. Nulla vulputate nulla eget rutrum tempor.



is simulation V2 up and running, AMINA?

all systems are a go.

YES! Yes. Systems are a go!
stupid worthless hunk of junk… let's get this show on the road.

We're all happy here.

Everyone knows there's not much time left.

We live in a dying world.. People fight like dogs for packet of food, a trickle of water. The world's overpopulated.. Rivers run dry. People are mad with power, with no hope to control what we once saw as gifts. People fear what they once appreciated. But despite the lack of superpower control, technology came and replaced it, a weapon for all to hold. We kept building ourselves up and everything else went down. Down, down the drain until.. We realized it was too late to recover.

Soon, there won't be anything left at all.

The richest of the rich sit from their rooftops and watch in comfort, thinking that their wealth will propel them even when there will be nothing left to buy. No one expected any help. Especially not from the vigiquintillionaire Lyris Matrikt and his precious little toy, Sanctuary.

A civilization off the coast of Takym built to hold the most state of the art tech, with promises of life everlasting. He, of course, is inviting his high class friends, the most important people.. The rest of us watch and wonder if it's really true. If they'll really outlast the rest of us.

No one expected he'd offer anyone else the chance to join him in Sanctuary.. But you hold the key in your hands. But such a perfect opportunity has to have flaws… Lyris can't be doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He makes decisions with the help of his belly, swollen with pride.

But.. it's not like you have a choice. You can stick it out on the streets or take your chances inside the Sanctuary.

We'd all be happy there.. Wouldn't we?

Welcome to the next installment in the Never Normal universe: Sanctuary! You are a lucky lower class citizen presented with the option to move to Sanctuary and live out the rest of your days without anymore worries. The only question is.. Why you?

This roleplay takes place in the Wired era. A cyberpunk dystopia where technology has advanced like no other and superpowers run amok beneath the surface. The writing expectancy is fairly detailed and I require a minimum of three paragraphs per post. I expect a post at least once every two weeks.

Certain lore for this arc and era are still in progress, and I welcome any questions. For now, feel free to peruse existing lore and be sure to check out the rules.

sanct v2 codes


[div= max-width: 800px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; background-color: rgb(244,253,255); font-family: Courier New; color: #000;] [div= padding: 5px;] [div= max-width: 800px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; background-color: rgb(244,253,255); ] [div= padding: 9px; ][TABS][tab=$ Booting Up $][div= height: 375px; margin: 0 auto;]

[div= width: 400px; height: 375px; margin: 0 auto; background: url(https://ya-webdesign.com/images/octagon-design-png-7.png) no-repeat; background-size: contain; ][color=transparent].[/color][/div][/div][/tab][tab=0001]
[div=display: flex;]
[div=flex: 1; height: 250px; background: url(https://via.placeholder.com/250x250) no-repeat; background-size: 100%;][div=padding: 17px;][color=transparent].[/color][/div][/div][div=flex: 2;][div=padding: 7px;]
Linreyus Sephelos
6'2" | 230lbs 
Wing Manifestation
[right][color=#565656][FA]fa-spinner faa-spin fa-2x[/FA][/color][/right]
[div= letter-spacing: 1.3px; font-weight: bold;]OBSERVATION[/div][hr][/hr]
[b]Appears rather pompous. Family history could be a variable.[/b]  [/div][/div][/div]  [/tab][tab=0017]
[div=display: flex;]
[div=flex: 1; height: 250px; background: url(https://via.placeholder.com/250x250) no-repeat; background-size: 100%;][div=padding: 17px;][color=transparent].[/color][/div][/div][div=flex: 2;][div=padding: 7px;]
Lorem Ipsum
5'1" | 122lbs 
Twerk Manifestation
[right][color=pink][FA]fa-spinner faa-spin fa-2x[/FA][/color][/right]
[div= letter-spacing: 1.3px; font-weight: bold;]OBSERVATION[/div][hr][/hr]
[b]Kind of a dick.[/b]  [/div][/div][/div]  [/tab][/TABS]      [/div]       


[div=display: flex;]
[div=flex: 1; height: 250px; background: url(https://via.placeholder.com/250x250) no-repeat; background-size: 100%;][div=padding: 17px;][color=transparent].[/color][/div][/div][div=flex: 2;][div=padding: 7px;]
Linreyus Sephelos
6'2" | 230lbs 
Wing Manifestation
[right][color=#565656][FA]fa-spinner faa-spin fa-2x[/FA][/color][/right]
[div= letter-spacing: 1.3px; font-weight: bold;]OBSERVATION[/div][hr][/hr]
[b]Appears rather pompous. Family history could be a variable.[/b]  [/div][/div][/div]  [/tab]

interest check

[div= max-width: 675px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div= padding: 7px;]
[div= width: 500px; margin: 0 auto; font-weight: bold;][font=Courier New]
[div=text-indent: 17px;] is simulation V2 up and running, AMINA?[/div]
all systems are a go.
[div=text-indent: 17px;] …[/div][div=text-indent: 17px;]IS THIS THING FUCKING ONLINE, AMINA?[/div]
YES! Yes. Systems are a go!
[div=text-indent: 17px;]stupid worthless hunk of junk… let's get this show on the road.[/div]

[div= max-width: 675px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;][div= padding: 7px;][font=Courier New]

[div= font-weight: bold; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.5em; color: #39ff14; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;] [font=Bungee Hairline]We're all happy here.[/font][/div]

Everyone knows there's not much time left.

We live in a dying world.. People fight like dogs for packet of food, a trickle of water. The world's overpopulated.. Rivers run dry. People are mad with power, with no hope to control what we once saw as gifts. People fear what they once appreciated. But despite the lack of superpower control, technology came and replaced it, a weapon for all to hold. We kept building ourselves up and everything else went down. Down, down the drain until.. We realized it was too late to recover.

Soon, there won't be anything left at all. 

The richest of the rich sit from their rooftops and watch in comfort, thinking that their wealth will propel them even when there will be nothing left to buy. No one expected any help. Especially not from the vigiquintillionaire Lyris Matrikt and his precious little toy, Sanctuary.

A civilization off the coast of Takym built to hold the most state of the art tech, with promises of life everlasting. He, of course, is inviting his high class friends, the most important people.. The rest of us watch and wonder if it's really true. If they'll really outlast the rest of us. 

No one expected he'd offer anyone else the chance to join him in Sanctuary.. But you hold the key in your hands. But such a perfect opportunity has to have flaws… Lyris can't be doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He makes decisions with the help of his belly, swollen with pride. 

But.. it's not like you have a choice. You can stick it out on the streets or take your chances inside the Sanctuary. 

We'd all be happy there.. Wouldn't we?

[div= text-indent: 45px; font-size: 1.2em; text-shadow:  -13px -13px 0 #C03E56, 13px 13px 0 #7d12ff;]┉[/div]
Welcome to the next installment in the Never Normal universe: Sanctuary! You are a lucky lower class citizen presented with the option to move to Sanctuary and live out the rest of your days without anymore worries. The only question is.. Why you?

This roleplay takes place in the Wired era. A cyberpunk dystopia where technology has advanced like no other and superpowers run amok beneath the surface. The writing expectancy is fairly detailed and I require a minimum of three paragraphs per post. I expect a post at least once every two weeks. 

Certain lore for this arc and era are still in progress, and I welcome any questions. For now, feel free to peruse existing lore and be sure to check out the rules.


gm post / objectives box

[div= max-width: 750px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Roboto; ][div= padding: 12px;][div= font-size: 1.6em; font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; letter-spacing: 1.5px; font-family: Courier New;]GM POST TEMPLATE[/div][hr][/hr][div= letter-spacing: .3px;] Praesent id libero convallis, scelerisque velit nec, sollicitudin quam. Donec vehicula quis metus in pellentesque. Suspendisse semper quam tincidunt massa tincidunt, id malesuada sapien vulputate. Donec a ultrices ligula, eget dignissim arcu. Proin facilisis eget diam ut gravida. Phasellus tristique imperdiet bibendum. Maecenas vel ligula mauris. Maecenas tempor eros imperdiet massa varius mattis. Nunc eu massa non felis molestie imperdiet. Cras vestibulum turpis et tortor ullamcorper feugiat. Quisque eget consequat neque.

Quisque maximus augue et pharetra vestibulum. Donec eu nibh viverra, viverra massa id, interdum nunc. Maecenas efficitur quis justo non consectetur. Morbi ut venenatis lacus. Aliquam eu nisi ac libero congue viverra nec quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vel dignissim tellus, sit amet pellentesque eros. Vivamus efficitur tempus nisl id iaculis. Nunc dui enim, sagittis sit amet lorem in, fermentum tristique elit. Phasellus et lobortis nisi. Morbi sagittis et lectus et condimentum. In sed sapien vitae nunc pellentesque lobortis non non tortor. Aliquam erat volutpat. [/div]
[div= max-width: 750px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= background-color: #000; color: #0EAB3D;] 

[div= width: 650px; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= display: flex;][div=flex: 1;][div= color: #C03E56; font-size: 2em; text-align: center;][FA]fa-warning faa-flash fa-3x[/FA][/div][/div][div= flex: 1;][div= color: #0EAB3D; font-size: 2em; text-align: center;][FA]fa-warning faa-flash fa-3x[/FA][/div][/div][div=flex: 1;] [div= color: #7d12ff; font-size: 2em; text-align: center;][FA]fa-warning faa-flash fa-3x[/FA][/div][/div] [/div][/div][div=padding: 10px;]

[div= width: 600px; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;][div= font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1.5px;]objectives[/div][hr][/hr][div= width: 555px; margin: 0 auto; font-size: .87em; text-align: justify; font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dictum neque vitae quam lobortis, vel laoreet urna convallis. Fusce consectetur felis auctor, sodales nisl malesuada, iaculis felis. Donec nec euismod nisi. In mollis tortor lectus, eget ornare libero elementum eu. Etiam quis consequat orci. Pellentesque sed venenatis lacus, sit amet gravida sapien.[/div] 

[div=display: flex;][div= flex: 2; margin: 5px;][div= font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1.5px;] notes[/div][div= font-size: .8em; text-align: justify; font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold;]
Donec nec euismod nisi. 

In mollis tortor lectus, eget ornare libero elementum eu. 

Etiam quis consequat orci.[/div][/div] [div=flex: .75; margin: 5px;]   [div= font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1.5px;]tags[/div][div= font-size: .65em; text-align: justify; font-family: Courier New;][USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER]  [/div]  [/div][/div]

The 13 Melodies

Embroiled in a long and storied history, much of it bloody, the Melodite motherland is, as of late, an idyllic pastel paradise attempting to absolve deeply felt wounds. The 13 Melodies is and has always been, a collection of oddities - they're mummers and magicians, mariners and merchants, mavens and masons - a band of peoples, separate only by geography, that have only ever been fiercely loyal to one another. Until now. Unification gave the 13 Melodies a great many things, but without the external conflict to bring them together, they've turned inward, snapping at each other's throats. With thirteen ruling houses, political subterfuge is rampant, and with Unification Year upon Iskiela, so too is the choosing of the next Warden of Melodies.

They call themselves Melodites, for each ruling family births a new melody into the world. They're songs of life for an ancient goddess that can only be awoken with songs.

Nation Overview [9]

Nation Number and Name: The 13 Melodies [9]
Capital City: Lelaleba
System of Government: Oligarchy State

In a rush to select the next Warden of Melodies and therefore select the heir for Unification, a tally went out to all the ruling houses and in the end, they chose Brorki Lumenstile. Except he died of mysterious causes before he could complete the meticulous and spiritual ceremony that solidifies one as Warden, and with no time left to re-tally, the eldest Lumenstile daughter has become Warden of Melodies. Who she's going to choose - brother or sister - for Unification is still unclear.

Basic Terrain and Weather: The 13 Melodies rests atop a rather large emeraldine island, split diagonally by a jagged, rocky mountain range. Unique to Iskiela, the 13 Melodies has a mild year-round temperature, albeit humid and prone to heavy rain showers (which ofttimes causes flooding of crops and homes). Other than your particularly harsh winter, Glyswing doesn't experience many extreme temperatures.

Trade Specialization: Melodites are only capable of growing a select few foodstuff: parsnips, scallions, carrots, cabbage, oats, and barley. Nettles, parsley, pears, and plums are also wildly popular, though only capable of growing south of the Monogua range.

Notable or Interesting Facts: The seeds from the vl'alos flower can be turned into powder (meant to be burned as incense, though many who use mama lulu are known to coat their pipes in a fine layer of dust before smoking) that causes one to see colors more vibrantly. Most of the populace not within the ruling family who have innate magic often end up as mummers, able to perform in plays unlike any mainlander.

Anything Else: A random (but most commonly within the ruling families) number of people each generation seem to be born with the innate talent for magic. In the past few centuries this has caused a cultural stir, an attempt to reconnect to their spiritual connection with the world, and harness magic like in the days of old. They haven't gotten anywhere though. Two mage towers have been erected, for those curious minds who wish to study their small innate magic.

Innate magic is limited to the D&D 5e cantrips prestidigitation and druidcraft and even the most studied and blessed cannot have more than four of the options listed. For anyone interested in potentially having Melodite blood, perhaps first through third generation children could potentially have a max 2 of the options?

In the native Melodite tongue, the island that shelters and welcomes the 13 Melodies is named Glyswing, and it is considered sacred; the island and the word itself. To say it in vain is a deep cultural and spiritual offense.

Glyswing is a rather large emeraldine island, split diagonally by a jagged, rocky mountain range. Unique to Iskiela, the 13 Melodies has a mild year-round temperature, albeit humid and prone to heavy rain showers (which ofttimes causes flooding of crops and homes). Other than your particularly harsh winter, Glyswing doesn't experience many extreme temperatures. Due to this, however, Melodites are only capable of growing a select few foodstuff: parsnips, scallions, carrots, cabbage, oats, and barley. Nettles, parsley, pears, and plums are also wildly popular, though only capable of growing south of the Monogua range. Their diet consists of the aforementioned vegetables and fruit, as well as seafood and yak. As beasts of burdens, yak isn't too often eaten - usually around sacred holidays, namedays, or particularly hard winters. The evaporation pools north of the Monogua range is overseen by three separate ruling families, as it's the chief Melodite export.

The thirteen Wards that comprise the 13 Melodies each have a ruling family - called Stewards - that govern the nation as a whole. When Unification first shook the foundation of the 13 Melodies, they created the Warden of Melodies, the de facto leader in the eyes of Melodites and the rest of the world. A new family is voted in every 49 years or thereabouts, in their promise and dedication to Unification.

Magic, the little that they're capable of, is both cherished and coveted, despite it being nothing more than parlor tricks and quality of life improvements. It's a budding belief that creativity and spirituality go hand in hand, and the more creative you are with your magic, the stronger a magician you'll be. While chiefly seen within the thirteen ruling families, magic does pop up within the peasant and mercantile classes, and due to the abundance of new mummer troupes, traveling Iskiela alongside Melodite mariners, a new bardic caste is already in the cultural subconscious.

Due to their insatiable curiosity and compulsion with magic, the Melodites have taken to Aurum's scholastic ways, going so far as to sending scholars-to-be every seven years. Many of the ruling families will purchase tenures for First Class Aurum Scholars, so their heirs can be taught worldly knowledge from someone with the highest pedigree.

Chief Imports: Mama lulu, silver, Sor Kal bows, knowledge/expertise in select fields

Chief Exports: salt, oats & barley, parsnips, scallions, carrots, entertainment, vl'alos powder

Pinterest Board

Cast Overview

Loros Lumenstile

Age: 21

Appearance: As pictured, with the following exceptions: his dark hair is streaked with white, similarly to his mothers, and his eyes are a soft, jade green.

Occupation: N/A; scholar of magic turned heir

Nationality: Melodite

Formal Title: Heir of Lumenstile, Heir of the 13 Melodies

Description: Quiet. Studious. Unforgiving. Meticulous. Judicious.

Notable Skills

Worker of Magic - Loros has recently discovered his fourth and final magical ability and will probably never forgive his sister for sending him off to Amberholm, knowing full well he wanted to stay locked away in his tower, studying his budding magic.

Eyes Closed, Ears Open - Melodites are fine-tuned to voices and melodies, and Loros is no different. He has a keen, natural ability to dissect the hidden meanings behind words, and often knows when people are lying.

Aditya Solovloes

Age: 23

Appearance: As pictured, with the following exceptions: Her upper lids are painted with khol dyed red, to better guise her stained lips and under eyes.

Occupation: Governess-in-training; Scholar-in-training

Nationality: Melodite

Formal Title: Scholar (hoping to one day reach First-Class)

Description: Vivacious. Rational. Calculating. Perceptive. Magnanimous.

Notable Skills

Quill at the Ready - Melodites may have dropped their swords and tridents long ago, but their brutality has never wavered, their focii simply shifting to something else. Aditya is a lover of words, of knowledge and history, and the subtle ways in which they can be used.

Elephantine Memory - Aditya never forgets a face. Her memory is one of her greatest assets, a trait first noticed by the Aurum Scholar the Solovloes have on tenure. With recommendation of private tutelage before being sent to the greatest guild college in Argentum.

Name: Loretta Frank
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Appearance: 5'5" | 127 lbs | Voluptuous | Green eyes

History: As a child Loretta watched her mother do nothing as her war-ravaged father beat the both of them silly. She was seven when she decided the woman was broken, weak, and though she hated her, decided to take the brunt of their shared torture— because she could take it. And so she did, even after her mother was beaten to death the night she allowed her to go to prom or when her father eventually drank himself to a grisly and vile end. She left while he cried for help, with a handbag full of make up, toiletries, and stolen cash.

She became a dancer when the cash ran low— at burlesque gentleman's club where she found a love and a natural talent for performing. When the excitement and the funds dried up due to the war, she took her skills overseas, too boost weary soldiers morale's. Unexpectedly, Lore found love with one of the hosts and for the next few months lived life on a positive whirlwind, touring and dancing and singing. When she found her fiancé in bed with her fellow dancer and close friend she beat the both of them black and blue. She took every dollar Michael James had in his house and ripped the blue lapis earrings from Cordelia's ears before storming off into the night.

Perhaps it was guilt that stopped them from reporting her. Perhaps it was fear at the fury she had unleashed upon them. Regardless, she got away with the theft and the assault, and it emboldened her. The shows continued as did the false love between every man that took interest in her. Lore had a type though; the ones that treated her a little too roughly, objectified her beauty, treated her as a thing. Everything about her is a tool, a weapon, and she uses her beauty like a trap, waiting, manipulating.

She'll do anything for cash. She'll do anything to see a man powerless beneath her.

Sin: Seduction. Manipulation. Theft. Some subtle poisoning. Loretta loves nothing more than holding power over a lovestruck man— especially when they're pockets are lined with money.

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☾ XVII ☽


Nicknames // Tistri, Rabi
Gender // Female
Species // Human
Age // 26

Stats. //


Inv. //

family sword
2 daggers
3 days ration
spare clothes
30ft of rope
2 lighters
pack o smokes

■■■ 3
■■■■■■■■ 8
■■■ 3
■■■ 3
■■ 2
■■■■■■ 6
■■■■■■■■ 8
■■■■■■■ 7


Tarot Depiction // The Star
Symbol of Choice // The All Seeing Eye

Arcana // Lipsumemememe

// Lisosdf

// Lispum
Lipsum dolor


Personality //

Brief History //

Despite the dangers of the world and the need to be alert at all times, lest you risk garnering attention-- or worse --certain death, Tarabi is the epitome of the phrase 'eyes to the skies' and rarely does she know where she's going or where she's at. Our of sheer dumb luck and her knack for reading the stars, Tarabi usually ends up right side up, but she's taken many a tumble in her 26 years of life.

As someone whose had her Arcana since before the end of the world, she usually has an unexpected upper hand when forced to fight other Arcana wielders,

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Font 1
Font 2

Theme Song

Grimwood Forest
@/ all the heirs

Venetia was absolutely freezing. She wore three jackets (one of which reached past her calves) and the fluffiest scarf she owned and yet she was still trembling down to the bone. It was diligence, perhaps even stubbornness, that refused to let her teeth chatter. Despite her hard work, her short, willowy frame could still be seen shivering as she made circles around their little patch of the forest. Back and forth, swish and sway, barely making a sound even as her feet never ceased, eyes roving over the roots that continued to draw near.

Like the castle at her back, Venetia felt unsettled.

Where were the crows and their incessant barking of haunting songs? Where was the wind that flitted through the branches and divorced the mists, leaving them both dancing in tune?

For half a moment she wished she had a curios like Meri's or hell, even a hatchet, so that she could shred the roots apart and study how long it took for them to come creeping back. Only for a moment though, before it was gone and replaced by the bickering behind her. Ven sighed, hoping from one foot to the other in attempt to stay warm. She made little sound even as she turned around to face them.

"We needn't be bickering amongst ourselves when the Provider arrives," Venetia chided, eyeing each of her fellow heiresses with a withering glance. Her chin was held aloft, though mostly so she could see them properly between their height differences and the fuzzy scarf that covered most of her face. "It is cold, yes, but set your mind to ease and it'll be over soon enough. This too, is a test."

She looked around for Sullivan, her eyes roving around the sky as was necessary in order to sneer at him.

"We needn't be ungracious or choleric either," Ven said to the group, though her eyes were on Alsotromeria as she spoke. "We're blessed, all of us. We ought to put more effort into getting along."

She paused for a moment before switching to their shared tongue.

"Nach mothaich thu mì-thoileachas na coille? Feumaidh sinn a bhith nar comhfhurtachd dha chèile anns na h-amannan duilich seo."

Coded by Ardent
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Name: Maru Sfveltwyn
Age: 79
Gender: Female
Race: Planestouched (Aasimar)
Class: Circle of Stars; Druid
Level: 10


Hair: Rich auburn gold locks fall in voluminous waves to the center of Maru's back, though more often than not it is tied up and out of the way with two large twin plaits.

Eyes: Maru has dark green-yellow eyes that are expressive, untrustworthy of strangers, and judgmental. While in her starry forms, they have a tendency to glow bright from within.

Complexion: Peachy skin which easily tans, with freckles born from sun and star shine. She has facial tattoos, which are a series and documentation of rites which she has dedicated herself to within her hermitical order.

Body: Maru is of average height and build, though her bark-like horns tend to make people think she's much taller than her 5'6 frame would allow. Slender and lithe, with subtle definitions of muscle in her arms and legs.

Dress: Leathers, pelts, and soft cotton fabrics are her favorites and a staple to her outerwear. Her most prized possession is the autumn colored owlbear hide she wears as a cloak (and uses as a foci for her magic) that has been enchanted to keep her comfortable in all temperatures. Typically, she wears soft, supple leathers beneath a long tunics which have slits above both thighs for ample movement. She is also never seen without her large, black hoop earrings or her golden horn cuffs.

















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NPC Index

  • - Vinny Duleche

    - Willow Sparks

    - Screamer

    - Josselyne Reeds

    - Esteri Otto

    - The Master

    - Aleja De la Cruz

    - Prudenciana
  • Vinny Duleche

    Human (?) | Late 20s | Tall, dark, and handsome | Unaffiliated

    Character Audit: Curabitur volutpat rhoncus nulla eu lobortis. Donec ac eros tortor. Duis hendrerit lacus sed augue varius elementum. Donec elementum dolor eget tempus tempus. Praesent nec aliquam ipsum. Fusce nisi augue, eleifend molestie scelerisque quis, tempor sed est. Aenean rutrum neque vel augue tincidunt, vel luctus neque pretium. Cras magna libero, aliquam non massa eget, consequat laoreet sem. Vestibulum vitae feugiat ante. Donec et lorem sagittis, venenatis magna id, tempus massa. Cras lorem mauris, sollicitudin at ultricies ac, tempor ac augue. Proin sed commodo quam. Ut ac malesuada risus.



    Strength: 6
    Perception: 6
    Endurance: 5
    Charisma: 7
    Intelligence: 5
    Agility: 6
    Luck: 7


    Vinny's known to hum, sing, and play a funky little instrument; bluesy old world tunes that he claims he heard off the radio growing up.

    Trader? Y/N


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at sodales elit, non tempor metus. Donec convallis enim pellentesque finibus lobortis. Proin pellentesque lorem at ligula mollis, vitae auctor nunc hendrerit. Aliquam eget ex libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi in maximus tellus. Maecenas volutpat scelerisque nunc vitae aliquam. Proin est mauris, gravida et congue cursus, aliquet a arcu. Etiam sed sollicitudin nulla, id scelerisque justo. Donec sed mi id nibh congue bibendum. Pellentesque egestas felis vitae ipsum venenatis consequat. Donec feugiat odio eu metus malesuada, at posuere nunc suscipit. Nullam est nisi, fermentum vel maximus vitae, porta at purus. Proin mollis, velit vitae ornare laoreet, neque lectus finibus nibh, eu aliquet elit velit ut odio.
    Sed condimentum nibh dui, pretium dapibus velit hendrerit nec. Curabitur non maximus felis, in congue urna. Cras quis lacus nec orci porta vulputate quis vehicula nisi. Sed sapien mi, iaculis sed elementum at, scelerisque quis elit. Curabitur quam neque, varius pulvinar risus vitae, laoreet convallis est. Ut gravida felis eu sem facilisis, id ornare tellus congue. Sed et sem maximus, fermentum diam bibendum, placerat mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras vulputate orci a pretium mollis. Aenean pharetra id leo eu porttitor. Fusce nec dictum nisi.
  • Second tab content
  • Second tab content
  • Second tab content
  • Second tab content
  • Second tab content
  • Second tab content
  • Second tab content
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Vinny Duleche

Human (?) | Late 20s | Tall, dark, and handsome | Unaffiliated

Character Audit:



Strength: 6
Perception: 6
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 6
Luck: 7



Human (Vault Dweller) | 14 | Blonde, petite, and gangly | Vault 120 resident

Character Audit:



Strength: 5
Perception: 6
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 8



Wastelander | Early 20s | A damn mess | Raider

Character Audit:



Strength: 6
Perception: 9
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 8
Luck: 5


Trader? Y/N


For Trade:

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jolly lodger

font collection for fallout: requiem:

barlow semi condensed
cookie / script
allan / funky italics
bigshot one / old timey-westerny
coiny / bubbly n thicc

ahhhhhhh does this font work
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Reactions: Aero Blue


an ancient greek telenovela inspired by lore olympus

In the Mortal Realm beings both feeble and mighty live and love and die. Some by the smites and spites of the Gods and others by the grace of old age or glorious battle. Regardless, the lives and more importantly, their worship, directly affect those above, those who bless and damn and oversee the mortal conundrum. These beings, these Gods, survive and thrive off the worship they receive from their human subjects. In addition to their duties, they too must live... and love and oversee their own immortal conundrum.

immortal realms.
  1. Olympus, colloquially known as "The City", ruled by Zeus
  2. Oceanus, ruled by Poseidon
  3. The Underworld, ruled by Hades

social caste.
  1. The Sleeping Ancients
  2. The Three Kings
  3. The Olympian Gods
  4. The Minor Gods
  5. Nymphs
  6. Daemones
  7. Deified Humans

rp notes.
hello c:

i binged lore olympus the other day and its been eating away at my brain ever since. 😱 mythica. is inspired by lore olympus, not a carbon copy or au of it, so lovers of the webcomic beware! what will be similar is the concept of the mortal realm being set in the time period of ancient greece and the immortal realms being similar to our own modern day world.

players will be the greek gods and traversing their daily lives amidst drama, galas, work, events, and their duties to the mortals down below. thinkin 3 characters per player, depending on the # of players we have, and for right now, one per caste level. im playing hades tho fs u cant stop me

this would be a player driven sandbox rp, where players move the story along with their characters and interactions with other pc's. if there's a few folks interested, i'll whip up a little bit more lore/worldbuilding to get us grounded in the setting and outline the caste system and the options therein!

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The Throes of Consciousness
"Life is born from the seas, formed around the seas, and one day will be made undone by the seas."
— Provost Nosferatu

Provost. One word that everyone in Miskatonic knows.

Provost. One word that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who hears it.

To be ignored by the Provost ensures life. To be summoned by the Provost ensures death.

Miskatonic has been summoned. And death, it seems, has come for all.

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A gentle breeze rustles through every branch and every bush throughout the valley, shaking nature awake with a loving embrace. Fallen leaves and windswept petals dance in the morning wind, taking turns riding the currents around the valley; through the trees and the fields, down the main road and the paths that lead to secret, hidden places. Playful and mischievous, one half of nature begins its slumber while the other wakes; moths find their slumbering perch while butterflies warm their dewy wings in the pale warmth of dawn.

The Morning News Segment
"It's going to be another lovely day here in the Jeweled Chalcedony region. It'll be a little warmer in the Roselake area and a tad cooler here in the Beaumont Quartet, but you can tell spring is almost here with the way we're warming up so nicely. These crisp temperatures will stick around until about noon before the sun melts away the chill."

"That's right, Calvin. Let's all just forget about the Winter Storm creeping down from the Tanzanite Cordillera—"

"Oh yes! The Winter Carnival is here in the Beaumont Quartet! Opening night is tomorrow, folks, so don't forget to tell your friends and grab a ticket before they're all sold out!"

"The Winter Carnival will be open for three nights before making its way to Roselake and then back home to the Emeraldine Isles!"

Fresh air blew crisp off Mount Rosefiel, salty off the Seaglass Coast, and riled the Violet Greenwood that dappled the land between the two. No matter where one looked, no matter the vantage point, Roselake was a breathtaking sight, a welcoming and wondrous place to call home. Many newcomers were beginning to learn just how beautiful the winter flowers, dewy and bright, could sway in the fields, their stems long and strong and always seeming to face the sun.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar molestie nibh, nec pulvinar nunc gravida ornare. Proin condimentum faucibus neque, vel commodo lorem molestie ac. In gravida lacus lacus, sed ullamcorper tellus laoreet ut. Ut at pharetra nulla. Nulla molestie et tortor id imperdiet. Pellentesque at lectus sapien. Quisque eu dui fermentum, blandit quam quis, consectetur justo. Morbi varius congue dapibus. Mauris sed sem sit amet est varius scelerisque.

Fateful Encounters
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at sodales elit, non tempor metus. Donec convallis enim pellentesque finibus lobortis. Proin pellentesque lorem at ligula mollis, vitae auctor nunc hendrerit. Aliquam eget ex libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi in maximus tellus. Maecenas volutpat scelerisque nunc vitae aliquam. Proin est mauris, gravida et congue cursus, aliquet a arcu.

Community Memos
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at sodales elit, non tempor metus. Donec convallis enim pellentesque finibus lobortis. Proin pellentesque lorem at ligula mollis, vitae auctor nunc hendrerit. Aliquam eget ex libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi in maximus tellus. Maecenas volutpat scelerisque nunc vitae aliquam. Proin est mauris, gravida et congue cursus, aliquet a arcu.

Etiam sed sollicitudin nulla, id scelerisque justo. Donec sed mi id nibh congue bibendum. Pellentesque egestas felis vitae ipsum venenatis consequat. Donec feugiat odio eu metus malesuada, at posuere nunc suscipit. Nullam est nisi, fermentum vel maximus vitae, porta at purus. Proin mollis, velit vitae ornare laoreet, neque lectus finibus nibh, eu aliquet elit velit ut odio.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at sodales elit, non tempor metus. Donec convallis enim pellentesque finibus lobortis. Proin pellentesque lorem at ligula mollis, vitae auctor nunc hendrerit. Aliquam eget ex libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi in maximus tellus. Maecenas volutpat scelerisque nunc vitae aliquam. Proin est mauris, gravida et congue cursus, aliquet a arcu.
A Promise and a Plea, Community Project #1

Twigs and Sprigs, the local bookstore, apothecary, and antique's shop, was quite lively this Winter. Cromwell's could be seen in and out of the four story manor not too far away from the

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at sodales elit, non tempor metus. Donec convallis enim pellentesque finibus lobortis. Proin pellentesque lorem at ligula mollis, vitae auctor nunc hendrerit. Aliquam eget ex libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi in maximus tellus. Maecenas volutpat scelerisque nunc vitae aliquam. Proin est mauris, gravida et congue cursus, aliquet a arcu.

Hi. I'm so sorry this took forever, LMAO. Ily guys, ty for holding out, and I do hope you enjoy!

A few things that I want to mention:

- I wanted to balance and blend the cottagecore slice of life aesthetic with the inspiring (but somewhat limited) relaxation and nostalgia one gets from farming simulation games— and this is my attempt! You'll notice there's a lot of setting up scenes and CYOA options; the way I see it: play out your day how you see fit. In doing so, you'll characters will further along the rp. Along the way there will be random (but personalized) cut-scenes and encounters (hitting milestone levels with NPC's, finding a unique antique or a valuable item, creating a one-of-a-kind thrice blessed creme brulee, or an exciting mining escapade that features more than just iron and coal), along with more dedicated plot hooks that will steer the overall narrative of life in Roselake Falls.

If something isn't working for you, let me know and we can workshop the problem!

- Overarching plots will be handled in a "yearly fashion" with smaller, more realistic goals throughout the "months" or "seasons."

In Year 1 the overarching community goal is to refresh and refurbish the Community Center. To complete this yearly goal, there are several steps (some chronological, some not) that must be taken to eventually complete the project. There are three "Pillars of the Community" — NPCs who'll be doling out most of these community goals or (re)quests — but expect at least one encounter per NPC per year to help satisfy the demand. These goals/projects can be as short or as longwinded as you all please, it needs only be mentioned for things to "count" towards repair. // I don't want to be boggled down by mechanics and unintuitive rules, just rp and have fun and be clear in your actions and intentions so I can plot things behind the scenes!

- Heart System { is all* behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about it. }

* The only thing you need to worry about in regards to the Heart System is if someone (player character or npc) did something that would dramatically lower or raise your own heart meter. In the case that something does, we can classify it in 2 ways: rate the post that caused your heart meter to rise with a "Sympathy and Compassion" react / and let me know in Discord, publicly or privately.

// I think that's everything you need to know — but @ me in the server if you have a question that needs to be answered.

@Kuno @Kanma @Mars Walker @Nemopedia
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I GUESS ill put a new post in here


depresso presto

Full/Real Name: Preston Montgomery

Nickname(s)/Titles: Presto / Pesto

Age: 19

Birthplace: Death City

Classification: 2** Meister

Soul Description: A dark blue ball of radiance with sad, puppy-dog like eyes. Those with soul perception can see beyond his veil of depression that he has a kind, chivalrous soul, one that yearns for authentic companionship. Inviting, if a bit pathetic.

Appearance: Dark brown hair that sometimes looks green in dim lights. Dark brown eyes that often look orange in the light of his cigarette. Shaggy hair always in his eyes and while lanky and just over 5'10", Preston has a surprising amount of power locked into his frame. By appearance alone it would be impossible to tell just how tanky he is.

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy.

Weapon Partner: Bambina Nicoletti | Keeping partners is a monumental task for Preston Montgomery. He wishes it wasn't the case, but is growing to be somewhat cognizant of the reaction he has on people. Getting partners is easy... but somewhere between the first week and the first month of partnership they always dip. Refuse to answer deathcell texts. Refuse to meet his eye in the cafeteria or in class. It was a shame really, especially when the lack of compatibility was due to personality factors -- the only thing he has trouble adjusting.

Abilities: Preston has the ability to "match" with almost any demon weapon and tank attacks by Adjusting the frequency of his own soul to match theirs. This allows him to best or completely ignore Soul Menace attacks and only focus on the physical damage, as well as significantly reducing the difficulty of attaining Soul Resonance.

Due to his inability to keep partners, he's become quite the utility technician, but he prefers close to mid-range demon weapons, finding that his innate physical strength and fighting style compliments them the best. He does appreciate gun type weapons, though, having fond memories of his first partner who was injured while visiting home and never returned to school.

Vibe Check: Preston craves companionship but has such a crippling view on his self worth that he tends to self-sabotage any relationship before it can begin. This has a wide range of reactions, but it's given him the title of Presto Depresso at DWMA. It tends to overshadow his prowess in the field and in the classroom. Since he has no friends, he spends time studying, bettering himself, and helping out Old Lady Deja, who runs the bodega he lives above.

Lady Death's Gift: >:)

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