TESTING Condolce

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  1. Multiple posts per week
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  1. Adept
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  1. No Preferences
Gothic, horror, fantasy, etx


Provide a brief background recap relevant to the current plot or setting of the roleplay.

Indicate the current mood or emotional state of your character in the ongoing scene.
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Connidolce was an early creation of Marcello Cesare. A juvenile work meant to improve on the musically-inclined puppets in production, and to test the then-primitive voice capabilities of a newly developing standard. The puppet was often the subject of tests and innovations, therefore became something of a fixture in Marcello's work. Often, he was used for demonstrations.

When Connidolce was awakened by Cesare's P Organ, his demeanor was different than the Geppetto creatons, chiefly due to Cesare's Covenant being so different than that of Geppetto's. Connidolce, while still duty bound, felt the need to educate himself voraciously, immersing himself in works scientific, arcane, or philosophical. He served Cesare by using his musical talents to woo information from prospective high society sources of Geppetto intel, those rich enough to sequester themselves away with their possessions. Connidolce found that in times of misery, a sweet voice, a dulcet pluck of a string, could loosen a heart just as quick as a threat or bribery.

After learning of the arsenal of punishment Geppetto's puppet was capable of unleashing, Cesare thought he could be creative with his limited resources and still get out ahead. If Geppetto was to have a weapon, why should Marcello remain unarmed and incapable of defending his valuable work? He would not create a weapon of war, but he would not be caught off guard either. Connidolce's Legion arm is a work of engineering that makes up for his lack of martial prowess. It is primed with several tightly-bound lengths of piano wire, which can shoot out and attach to objects, capable of being electrified or heated to high temperatures. Connidolce also has had his voice modified, and is capable of creating auditiory illusions. He is stealthy, and capable of creating distraction and causing enough damage to make evasion from most a certainty, and that was all Cesare needed for now.

While they have philosophical differences, often to Cesare's frank amusement, Connidolce is devoted to the work of his master. He studied often the principles of alchemy and other more arcane fields. He has found recently a fascinating thread of study he believes will be beneficial to Cesare, but has not divulged it yet, unsure of how it would be taken. Since he is a first-generation puppet, he did not initially have a face. Cesare did not want to be like Geppetto and create a puppet to mimic an actual human. In an act of humanity that took Cesare off guard, Connidolce "adopted" a face by donning a Venetian mask found abandoned in a manor.​

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