CHARACTERS MISCELLANEOUS A Cat Lady's Questionable Collection

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Cat Lady of Questionable Sanity
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Action-adventure, adult characters, alternate universe, anime, crime drama, cyberpunk, darker themes, drama, dystopia, eastern, edo, epic quest, fairy tale, fantasy, feudal, futuristic, grimdark, heian, high fantasy, low fantasy, magic, modern, modern fantasy, modern scifi, paranormal, psychological, romance, scifi, supernatural, urban fantasy.

A showcase for character profiles, code, resources, role play bits, ideas, drafts, and other random things.
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General Pairings, Concepts, and Ideas

  • Vampire x Human
    Wizard/Mage x Witch/Mage
    Hunter x Supernatural creature
    Best Friend x Best Friend's Sister
    Bodyguard x Guarded
    Cop x Criminal/Informant
    Gang Member x Rival Gang Member
    Gang Member x Innocent civilian
    Good Girl x Bad Boy
    Professor x Student (College only)
    Professor x Teachers Assistant
    Pirate x Mermaid
    Prince x Commoner/Concubine
    King/Prince x Queen/Princess/Sorceress from Conquered Kingdom

    Knight x Princess/Mage/Sorceress
    Lord/Lady x Staff
    Outlaw/Mercenary x Bounty
    Superpowers x Normie

    • Androids – Concept in which the characters are androids that serve different purposes; such as bodyguards, soldiers, caregivers, service providers, or hosts -that sort of thing. Perhaps the world is along the lines of Chobits or Angelic Layer, where they are computers or dolls or some combination thereof that can be bought by the general population for whatever purpose. It could go the route of cyborgs as well, where human characters are made to be part machine, like Ghost in the Shell.
    • Animals - Concept where either or both characters have been turned into animals and need help to be human again. Could be cursed as a witch's familiar, similarly to Salem from Sabrina (TTW) or even some ridiculous shojo magic/glamor type deal. It could also involve people that have animal traits and/or the ability to transform into the animal they possess traits of. Anthros are a distinct possibility, but not very likely to happen.
    • Arranged Marriage - Concept in which a pairing is forced together via a marriage arranged by someone else, usually their respective families. It could be to bring two kingdoms/countries/nations/peoples together to end a war or to rally together for a certain cause, to bring stability, for political or financial benefits/gain. The possibilities are pretty much endless.
    • Business – Concept in which the story in a business setting, perhaps with boss x employee romance drama. It could be any kind of business from legal to not.
    • Crime – Concept that deals with a story featuring various type of criminals such as thieves/robbers, gangs/members, drug dealers, smugglers, hitmen/assassins; and even law enforcement officers or bounty hunters.
    • Paranormal - A very broad concept with a wide range of possibilities. It could involve witches, demons, vampires, werewolves, hunters of various paranormal entities, etc. in different situations like accidental summoning's, summoning's gone horribly wrong, stopping some cataclysmic supernatural event, or even solving paranormal crimes. The possibilities are endless.
    • Amnesia – Arguably more of a plot device, but a concept in which the OC(s) has no memory. It could go the Bourne route or even in the direction of something like Castle in the Sky. Perhaps the OC(s) is from another world and needs help to remember and get back there? Not exactly like the original Winx Club, but that's kind of where my brain goes with it.
    • Fairytales – Concepts and stories based around fairytales. The most common is Beauty and the Beast, but it's certainly not limited to that or the Grimm's tales. They can extend to other tales from other nations (Russian folklore is a good example) and are not limited to fantastical settings or elements. They can be modern adaptations, too.
    • Fantasy – A genre full of concepts ripe for picking. The higher the level of fantasy, generally the lower levels of technology (take Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones for popular examples of high fantasy). It could involve various races of people: humans, elves, dwarves, dragon-kin, fae; and species of animals: dire wolves, unicorns, dragons, moose lions. It usually involves some level of magic. Good examples of low fantasy might well be fairytales. Typically these entail heroic journeys and adventures.
    • Maids/Butlers – Concept in which the OC(s) is employed by an individual or a family to work in their household. Generally they provide housekeeping services like maintenance, cooking, laundry, and running errands like shopping. Occasionally it includes child care, but that would fall under nannies or governesses or even babysitters, which are entirely different. These scenarios typically involve romance between the employee and employer, the maid/butler and lord/lady of the house, etc.
    • Modern Fantasy – A concept where the real world contains aspects of fantasy such as the discovery of, coexistence or conflict with mythological and paranormal beings. This usually involves the paranormal (Supernatural is a good example).
    (Adapted from )

  • Sorry, my taste is trash.

    Best Friend X Best Friend's Sister

    A and B have been friends since childhood. They went to the same schools since kindergarten, have played sports together both on school and outside teams. They shared everything, spent countless nights together at sleepovers, each respective kid's family becoming like a second family to the other. As such, they knew each other's siblings almost their whole lives, became like siblings with them. In early high school, B's family split up. He opted to stay in the house he grew up in, living with his mom. He was privy to the reason for his parents' divorce and wanted nothing to do with his dad. His dad left and B refused to go visit, even when the courts tried to force him on his dad's behalf. Eventually his dad gave up, with only B's younger sister C living between the two parents' homes. It was like that for years, then C returned. Dad was getting remarried and the new step-mother was a witch. She couldn't stand C, and C couldn't stand her. Having hardly seen each other but a handful of times in years, it came as a surprise to A when his best friend's sister reappeared and she wasn't a kid anymore. He never imagined he'd be looking at his best friend's kid sister as a woman, or a viable option, but he is; and she's not exactly ignoring him.

    It could very well be A's family that split up. Or perhaps either character's parents died and they were forced to leave to live with a relative, until they were old enough to go off on their own. Definitely some serious wiggle room here.

    Superpowers x Normie (or anything for that matter)

    This doesn't exactly pertain to superheroes or heroines, but does have peoples with powers or superhuman abilities, so it's kind of in line with that. You could defo liken this to Captain America: Civil War in a few respects, albeit perhaps only vaguely. Anywho, this is more of a rough concept than any kind of fleshed-out idea. You got all these people with powers in a city, naturally they're going to cause some destruction, right? Whether on purpose or by accident, shit happens. The government, the police forces and other public services naturally aren't fans of this. When chaos breaks out and things get broken, someone needs to be held responsible. That way, the city isn't losing so much money fighting a losing battle, constantly having to clean up the messes these individuals make. So, within the police department, they created a specialty unit that is trained and equipped specifically to deal with these powered individuals. Once caught, they go through the typical legal system, while also being registered in a specialty database that catalogs their identity and powers to make them more easily identifiable and catchable should they commit powered crimes. There's a major rift between peoples and the ideologies around powers. Some think that registration is necessary, so people can be held accountable. Others are vehemently against it. If regular people don't have to be registered, why should powered people? You have powered police officers, too, not just general citizens or criminals. So, there are different peoples and viewpoints on al sides. As such, you also have a big syndicate doing deals with anyone and everyone of power under the table. Paying government officials to look the other way and protest registration, since the syndicate is run by a powerful man. Pun intended.

    There's not really a limit to what you could do in terms of a character. I do have a character in mind for this, who has a brother working for the special force as a person of rank. He's been looking for her, but she's done a pretty good job of flying under the radar. Still she protests with other powered people and may not go free for much longer.

    King X Queen/Princess/Sorceress/Concubine

    This one could easily be smashed together with the first two, in a way. A king, whether mortal or magical, conquers a neighboring kingdom and takes the highly-prized lady into his own castle for whatever reasons he may have. Be it as a trophy, an addition to a harem, to serve as part of his magic-wielding army. Kind of makes me think back to a manga called Red River, where the female lead Yuuri was whisked across time and space to ancient Anatolia to be a live sacrifice to the evil queen who was trying to kill the King Mursili's sons, so her son (the youngest and last in line) could be next in line for the throne. Well, Yuuri gets rescued by Mursili II, Prince Kail, and he takes her into his home under the guise of being a concubine in his harem, though there's actually a separate house just for the harem. The other girls are jealous that she gets to live in the main house. Not only is Yuuri Kail's new favorite, but he also needs to keep her close to protect both their lives. Could defo take a similar route to that or whathaveyou.

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General Characteristics

Character Name:
Name Meaning:
Zodiac Sign:

Physical Characteristics

Distinguishing Marks:
General Appearance:

Mental Characteristics

General Personality:
Inner Personality:

Specialty Characteristics

Special Items:


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General History:

Present Life:





The Premise

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The Story
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The Plot

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The Setting

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RP Idea: Psychosis

  • The Premise

    Psychosis is an idea based on several different media influences, namely the anime film Akira. In terms of setting, Ghost in the Shell and Cyberpunk 2077 are great sources of inspiration, considering the futuristic or near-futuristic nature of this science-fiction world; however, the level of technology is not necessarily so advanced as having brains housed in entirely mechanical bodies as in the former. Ironic, granted that the main antagonist is the very corporation at the center of the plot, which just so happens to be the fictional world's key manufacturer of medical technology, prostheses, and pharmaceuticals. That's where the latter influence has more, well, influence: the advanced bodily augmentations available to the players. In terms of the story, it draws inspiration from the film Push (2009), which explores all different types of psionic abilities from telekinesis to clairvoyance and mind control; and the concept of experimenting with such abilities and an all-powerful organization concocting a nefarious plot to use them. There are also many parallels to be drawn from Final Fantasy VII, as will become obvious. The names are based on those of Lunar Features.

    The Story

    The power of the mind has long been a fascination of humanity, often the stuff of fiction and comic book heroics. Any number of books and movies have been made, imagining the possibilities of what the brain can accomplish. What if it wasn't just fiction, anymore? In the world of Psychosis, science has found a way to harbor psychic power and weaponize it among other advances. At the helm of this research: the Prometheus Corporation, founded and led by Dr. Idris Palladium. Long had Prometheus been the world's lead in medical technology, from the drafting to the execution of advanced prosthetics and accessibility aids to X-Ray and MRI machinery, just to name a few. Many prescription and over-the-counter medications were produced by them, as well as household appliances and everyday-use technology such as phones and computers. Whether or not Prometheus was a household name, their logo was certainly everywhere.

    What few knew about the outwardly-upstanding organization is that they also specialized in weapons technology. In fact, Prometheus produced many of the weapons used by public services and armed forces, hired as a government contractor. It was with secret funding by a handful of federal officials that the scientists at Prometheus were able to get this new research off the ground, that which they called the Tempestas Project. The project was designed to imbue a human being with psionic power, which could be harnessed to whatever means to an end. Of course, before success came many failures. The initial trials, subsequently named the Atlas Trials, were conducted on volunteers, young and fit men and women at the peak of health. Most of the subjects didn't make it past the first few phases, unable to handle the physical and mental strain. Those who didn't opt out early on and made it to the later trials either were left with debilitating side effects or perished. It simply wasn't possible to grant such abilities to existing human subjects, they discovered. At least, not with such varied genetics. It came down to DNA, or so they hypothesized based on a trend in the data recorded among the more successful of the failures. This led Prometheus to collect the genetic material of willing donors who met certain criteria, under the guise of medical research. With it, they managed to construct a living being – a human – with these powers. The first of the five Tempestas Subjects.

    Five subjects and four failures left Prometheus with one success, a single fruit from the many-branched tree of their labors. As with her siblings before her, they worked to hone her powers, which proved to be yet unstable. Unlike the others, she responded well to the drug specially made to keep the subjects alive, for these powers had potentially devastating and fatal side effects. Indeed, it was quite the success, but Prometheus failed to realize that their weapon had a will of her own.

    The Plot

    Ultimately, the plot centers around this character and her escape from Prometheus. In a previous iteration of the story, I played her opposite to the mercenary the corporation hired to obtain and return her. He ended up changing his mind and trying to help her secure her freedom, at the cost of painting a target on his back due to knowing too much. In the event of bringing this story back to life, it could definitely take that route again. Of course, it's not limited to that, as there are many possibilities.

    The Setting

  • TMPS005: Imbrium, "Imber"

    Doctor Idris Palladium

    Doctor Vivian Nu

    TMPS001: Novum, "Nova"

    TMPS002: Hiemalis, "Hiems"

    TMPS003: Nebularum, "Nebula"

    TMPS004: Nivium, "Vi"

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  • General Characteristics

    Character Name: Bella Victoria Montagne
    Name Meaning: "My God is an oath," "Beautiful"; "Victory"; "Mountain"
    Alias: None
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Carthyan
    Age: 20
    Birthday: September 20
    Zodiac Sign: Virgo
    Bloodtype: B
    Occupation: Tending the stable; Collecting and chopping firewood; tending the garden; random chores
    Family: Isabelle (Mother); Hugh Montagne (Father); Celine (Elder Sister); Robert (Brother-in-law)
    Gemstone: Sapphire

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 118 lbs.
    Hair: Choppy, short; Pale copper
    Eyes: Amber
    Distinguishing Marks: None
    General Appearance: Lithe, lean form; Slim curves; Prefers plain clothes.
    Strengths: Stronger than she looks
    Weaknesses: Physical activity that exceeds her strength; Soft spot for children
    More: Full Body

    Mental Characteristics

    Aspirations: Break the curse
    Hobbies: Reading; horseback riding; playing piano; needlework; gardening
    Likes: Books; Piano; books; tea; animals, especially horses; gardens; children
    Dislikes: Parties or formal gatherings; proper tea; snooty people
    Talents: Playing piano; singing; embroidery; baking; dancing
    Inabilities: Art like drawing or painting
    Fears: Losing her family
    General Personality: Demure; reliable; diligent; passionate; impulsive; independent; spacey
    Inner Personality: A gentle soul, Bella is modest, sometimes to a fault. For one who was born into money, she is quite humble in more ways than one. She doesn't need expensive or material things to be happy. As well, she doesn't have an overestimation of her own importance. That is not to say she thinks she doesn't have any personal value, but rather that she's never evaluated her self-worth. Normally, she will look a person directly in the eye when holding a conversation; however, she can be shy. This really only comes about when she is faced with the opposite sex. As one who preferred to stay away from fashionable social gatherings in favor of reading books, she has little practice in speaking to boys, especially ones who are charming or attractive. She has a tendency to shy away too in the face of conflict, though she may fight back if it lights her fire.

    Bella can be passionate and will make her passions known when the opportunity arises. A few passions in particular are books; the piano; and animals, especially horses. As a connoisseur of books, Bella is a dreamer. She could go on and on about stories she's read if given the chance. As a dreamer, she can be a bit spacey and prone to wandering thoughts. There are times when she dwells on something too much, causing her to over-think and over-complicate things and in turn confuse herself. She will read deep into another person and talk about their feelings, but would rather retreat than talk about her own. Bella will say she feels okay or that everything is alright even when it's not.

    In spite of her modesty, Bella can show independence and determination; however, she can also be easily led at times due to her demure nature. Truthful by nature, she's not one to lie unless she feels that circumstances call for it. She's also not very good at it. It can be said that she is pure-hearted; her motives are honest, never malicious, and she wants to accomplish something in life. Bella doesn't really know what that thing is, though.

    This desire likely stems from her being the youngest member of her family, as does her self-image or lack thereof. As the youngest, she's always been treated as such, even as she reached adulthood. She doesn't see herself as the young woman she is, but as "just a girl." This makes it difficult for her to understand why anyone, much less an estimable young man, might show any interest in her.

    Specialty Characteristics

    Special Items: The music box that once belonged to her mother and a wooden toy horse her father gave her when she was little.
    Weapons: Axe or whatever's on hand
    More: Has a dapple-gray Percheron named Farren

  • General History:

    Bella was born to a wealthy family in the coastal city of Valford in the country of Carthya. Her father, Hugh Montagne, was born to a shipwright and worked as a ship's boy starting at ten years old. He built a thriving business based on overseas trade from the ground up by the time he was thirty. He owned several ships and warehouses as part of his profitable business and worked his way into high society. Her mother, Isabelle, was born to wealth and nobility. She came from a long line of dukes and duchesses, whose name was D'Ambrosia, in the capital who had supported the royal family for centuries, up until the mysterious change in power. They were not very pleased by Hugh's background, but were forgiving enough considering the wealth he had accumulated.

    Isabelle was a frail young woman and fought illness on and off over the course of her life. She loved her daughters and spent as much time with them as she could. It was she who named Celine, whom she named after her mother in hopes that it would endear her parents more to her new family. Hugh named Bella after Isabelle's childhood nickname, which he found charming. Isabelle lost her battle with chronic bronchitis four years after the birth of her second child. The girls were not without a motherly figure; however, as they had a competent and affectionate governess and a few nannies over the years. It was her wish that her girls learn the piano, as she had the pleasure of doing as a child. As Hugh would give anything to his wife or daughters, he hired a tutor.

    Their tutor taught them not only piano, but other things such as reading and writing and arithmetic. It was a luxury that many could ill afford as well as one that many thought of as more of a burden than anything else. Bella was the only one of the two sisters to pursue any of her lessons after they outgrew their tutor. Celine began to focus more on the practical aspects of being a young lady, like the development of her trousseau and learning how to be a grand hostess. Up until the age of fourteen, Bella noticed nothing outside of books, horses, and the piano. She didn't share her sister's interests in parties and boys. Celine met her husband Robby when she was twenty-four. They courted for a few years while Robby saw to arrangements of moving out of the city to start their own family if she should give him her hand in marriage. It wasn't until Bella turned eighteen that Celine really pressed her to start looking for a suitable man; which Bella ignored.

    About four months ago, Hugh's business went belly up. For a month prior, things had been going wrong: Shipments were lost, warehouses robbed, commerce interrupted. No one would do business with the merchant, as he was labeled jinxed. Everything was lost and their house and possessions were auctioned off. Robby helped them pick up the pieces. He offered to them to travel with him up north where a friend of his family had written to him about a house and a job as a blacksmith. They accepted and traveled for six weeks to the town of Esterwell. It was shortly after they moved there that Robby and Celine married. The family has been there for the greater part of two months.

    Present Life:

    Bella lives in the forge house with her family, doing odds-and-ends chores. She recently happened upon the castle in the woods.

  • Isabelle, (45 - 29 at time of death)

    Hugh, (60) Carpenter

    Celine Marie, (27) Housewife

    Robert; aka Robby (32) Blacksmith

    Lucinda Perryweather (52) Inn Keeper

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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: marcy
RP Bits: Into the Woods

  • The Premise

    Into the Woods is a Beauty and the Beast fandom AU role play I started with @marcy . It was loosely based on the Disney film and a novel, which was based on the original Grimm Brother's tale, with influences from various other media. The goal was to capture the concept of an "unlikely love" and the forcefulness of getting to know someone just to survive in isolation and eventually coming to appreciate them - two people learning to love each other despite all faults. It has strayed quite far from the source materials and truly become its own thing. We have done some world-building since we began; Ivy came up with so much fantastic lore. As an alternate universe, it's also an alternate history type of fantasy, where previous centuries are all smashed together in terms of social structure, architecture, fashion, and food. Historical accuracy is minimal.

    This is our mish-mash of ideas, lest I forget them.

    The Story

    It is yet unknown exactly how the Prince came to be at the castle nearly a decade ago. All that is known is that the King and Queen and the vast majority of the castle's former residents were slaughtered by a witch and a demon in a horrible massacre; and a curse was placed upon the Prince. The curse affects not only the Prince, but those few who reside in the castle as well. His cousins and the staff are bound to him by magic and have learned to cope with this reality in their own way. They still serve and treat him like royalty every day at his demand because technically their lives are in his hands.

    The Prince is not bound to the castle and is allowed to come and go as he pleases; but if he does not return to the castle by sunrise, all of those inside will slowly begin to die, leaving him to spend eternity alone. Not to mention, he would burn alive with exposure to the sun. Those that reside in the castle, however, are bound to the Prince's presence. They do not suffer from vampirism and may also come and go; but the farther away they are and the longer they are gone are two factors that will slowly begin depleting them of energy, and may eventually lead to death. Although the Prince is the only one that suffers from vampirism, the others in the castle are under the spell as well and do not age. As for the origin of the enchantment, there's a tangled web about the Prince and his family lineage involving witches, vampires, a coup, and lies and betrayal that has yet to be unwound.

    The Plot

    Esterwell is a small town on the edge of a large forest. There's a story that tells of an enchanted castle in the middle of the wood where there lives an awful beast that eats everything that resides within the forest. "You need only get lost in the forest to find the castle" they say, "But once you find the castle, you won't find your way back." It's also said to be the reason that no houses are built any closer than a mile away from the edge of the trees - that is, except for one house that has been empty for years. In the meadow, a whole quarter mile from the edge of town, is a house with a forge. The story starts in early summer, roughly April or May, when the Montagne family moves in, and the younger daughter Bella wanders into the forbidden wood.

    The Setting

    Carthya is the fictional country in which the story takes place and over which the Prince's family rules.
    Inverness is the isolated castle in the woods in which the Prince resides with but a few others.
    Valford is the coastal city of the southern end of Carthya from which Bella and her family hail.
    Oakridge is the town on the other side of the woods. Rather than go through the woods, there's a long road that goes around the woods to get there. It's nearly a two-day trip by horse and wagon.
    Stonecrest is another town to the east.
    Drylliad is another country overseas where many of Carthya's imports come from.

  • Sophie could visit Bella in her room. Perhaps Bella has her sit with her and she brushes her hair? Or she could climb into her bed in the middle of the night. Bella would wake up, find her there, and just smile. She'd fix the blankets over her and go back to sleep.
    Bella playing with the kids in the room with the piano, teaching Sophie how to waltz with Sophie standing on her feet.
    I also thought about how they would celebrate birthdays or holidays. It'd be cute to see them awkwardly exchange gifts, especially in a manner similar to the Gift of the Magi.
    HC of Jaron asking why Bella wears her hair so short, when it's not really a thing women do. She tells him about the incident with the curling iron that resulted in cutting off her hair.
    I considered having news get around to Bella's family that her grandparents were looking for them, for Bella specifically. With their only child Isabelle being long gone and Celine already married, they don't have anyone else to name as heir.
    I can see Bella being invited to eat in the dining hall for the first time and saying she can't, stumbling while trying to find a reason before settling on that she has "nothing to wear" while standing in the kitchen in a rather nice dress, tries to avoid staring at Jaron across the table.
    It's kind of silly, really, but I imagined Jaron and Bella likewise having some difficulty sleeping. Bella offers to sit beside his bed while he falls asleep, places her hand on top of his, and offers to sing a lullaby to which his reply was a begrudging "what am I, a child?" though he didn't outright say "no." She ends up falling asleep sitting there.

    A similar thought was them having a night stroll through the garden on a restless night, making a little conversation.
    HC? Bella had been sending letters home, but I don't know if she'd been getting any back before this one. It said that her grandparents would be passing through on their way to Valford in so many days' time, as their journey started some time before that. So she was going to go confront them, I guess. She was notably upset. So cut to the evening of their visit. Bella vehemently refuses to go with them, saying she wants nothing from them, and basically that they can go screw themselves. The Duke, quite offended, stands from his chair and raises his hand, fully prepared to hit her for her insolence. Suddenly and automagically, there is Jaron, holding the Duke's wrist and glaring him down. Everybody dumbfounded cause where the hell did he even come from? The old man rethinks his course of action and just puts his arm down when Jaron lets go. Then he and Bella leave together.
    Nightmare maybe? Jaron and Bella are on the first landing of the stairs in the entry hall. He's covered in blood, her blood. With every breath she takes, she's bleeding more. They're on the floor, she's half on his lap, already so pale and cold. She reaches up with a bloody hand to touch his face right as she dies, leaving a bloody smeared hand print on his cheek. He buries his face in her breast and sobs. Then he wakes, in a cold sweat, turns his head to see her laying next to him. On top of the covers, still dressed, like she'd probably been sitting on the side of the bed for whatever reason and fell asleep. Even though he can see and hear her clearly breathing, he reaches out to touch her, relieved by her living warmth.
    HC that Bella gets bolder when she's drunk. I imagine her ears turn bright red, too. Like Rudolph's nose, lol. Anywho, she had a little too much to drink, likely at a certain chef's behest. Everybody else bailed, leaving her with Jaron, who planned to simply take her to the nearest den and leave her on a sofa to sleep it off, she's already half asleep at that point. He ends up sitting caddy-corner at one end of a couch, with her laying across it, using him as a pillow cause she clung to him and wouldn't let go. I suppose he could have pried himself out of her grip, if he really wanted to.
    Music box? Celine is standing in the kitchen preparing dinner when the kitchen door opens and closes and she turns, expecting to see Robby or Hugh but there's no one that she can see. Jaron breezes by towards the stairs like he owns the place, invisible and silent like a ghost. Celine shrugs it off after a moment. Jaron's about to make his way out when Robby actually walks in the door, so perfect timing, but narrowly avoids a collision. He might glimpse the family portrait over their hearth, the only image of Isabelle on display there, holding a blonde-headed baby Bella on her lap.
    Bella and Jaron sitting outside, in the grass beyond the garden, stargazing in pensive silence. Without looking away from the sky, Bella asks, "Do you ever feel like you were meant to be somewhere else?" A moment of silence more between them before she shifts her gaze to glance at him sidelong. "Not really." He admits, to which she smiles. "I don't suppose you would. You've known your whole life who and where you're meant to be."
    "Do you?" He asks, doing his duty by the conversation.
    "...I never really felt like I belonged in the city. Esterwell is nice, but I don't quite feel like I fit there either." She confesses, regretting bringing it up.
    "You would."
    Bella is mildly shocked to hear that. He continues with a move from her playbook, still staring at the sky: "Not every star belongs to a constellation. Some stars are meant to shine on their own."
    She smiles, feeling affirmed. The pleasant quiet continues.
    Nightmare, too: Inspired by "The Bear and the Nightingale" by Katherine Arden. There was a scene between the MC Vasya and a key character Morozko that was surprisingly tender. Vasya had a nightmare that left her shaken, so Morozko wrapped her in his cloak and held her. Perhaps a moment like that between Bella and Jaron?
    Winter Arc: In my head, Bella's been home for like a month (tops, perhaps less), unable to settle back into life in Esterwell. Celine comes into Bella's room on her way to bed, sits down to have a talk. Says something to the affect of "Where have you been?" Bella doesn't understand at first. Celine continues, "You've been somewhere else ever since you came home. Your heart... is in those woods, isn't it?" and Bella realizes then the depths of her feelings. Bella stands up off her bed, exclaiming Celine's name, looking at her with wide eyes. Celine just smiles if a bit sadly and says, "I know. You should go." She stands and leaves, Bella gets ready to head out. When she comes out of her room, Robby has come in from getting Farren ready for the ride. Bella's overcome with love for them. She's telling them all "good-bye" and Hugh says, "You tell this prince of yours that he and I need to have a talk." (ie about marriage, as was customary in ye old days to talk to the father of the maiden). Bella says she will, though at that point doesn't believe that marriage would happen. Celine is the last to send her off and she whispers in her ear during their hug, "You know, it's nice, to see you in love." Everyone's in tears and Bella leaves. Then, while in the woods, Millicent strikes. Jaron saves Bella's ass. She tells him how she feels and that she wants to stay with him.
    Post-Curse HC: Festival dance! It'd be so cute to see Jaron get pulled into a dance in the square with Bella, perhaps even enjoy himself a little bit. They only end up paired to dance together at the end of the song. Of course, I imagine it's after dark, though, with the whole town lit by hanging lanterns. I can see a big bonfire, too. Go sit on a grassy hill and stare up at the moon with cups of cider.
    Random HC's:
    Bella's in the library, struggling to reach a book (strangely there was no ladder or anything). Jaron comes along, couldn't reach it on his own either, but lifted her so she could grab it. Turns to look at him over her shoulder and he's right there, so close. Perhaps the Monarch indicated this book for some reason? Perhaps it's the record book and they can look at it together?

    Winter scene! The kiddos are having archery lessons outside! Bella joins, too, for kicks. Since it's cloudy, Jaron comes outside and shows the kiddos how it's done. Gets close and personal to help Bella work on her form. ;)

    More cutesy nonsense like the walking in the snow and Bella stopping to tie Jaron's scarf properly for him or ice skating on the pond, her clinging to him because slippery.

    Inspired by the iconic "Once Upon a Dream" scene from Sleeping Beauty: Bella's alone, humming to herself, and - swept up in the song, starts dancing. Jaron was about, perhaps seeking her company, stops to watch a moment before approaching. Her hands fall into his and he moves with her. She stops and turns, startled, one hand lingering in his. He slowly brings his arm over her head and she spins out, then back in. Now they're face to face, poised to dance. And they do and it's beautiful.

    • Who is "William"? The kids when they were in the woods mentioned him earlier. Was he the last outsider to step foot into the castle?
    • If the last person to step foot in the castle wasn't William, then who was it?
    • The monarch. What is it? Why can only Sophie and Bella see it? Can Amarinda and Tobias? What does it want? What all does it know?
    • What happened to the royal family? Why is Jaron at this castle and not on the throne? Who did this to him and why? Is that person still about? Does he or she still pose a threat?
    • If he/she does, will he/she make an appearance? Will they have to fight him/her?
    • What kind of magic is at work in the castle? Is the Monarch part of it?
    • If the Monarch is part of that magic, is it able to make magic since it can appear/disappear at will, cause visions through touch, and reveal hidden passages? What else can it do?
    • Does the magic extend to the forest?
    • Who was the last young lady to stay in the "Princess's Bedroom"?

  • Bella's Song
    Orchestral Ver.

    The Prince's Song
    Orchestral Ver.
    Sophia's Song
    Orchestral Ver.

    The Perryweather Inn
    The Montagne House
    The Meadows
    The Woods
    Dreams, Nightmares, and Monarchs
    The Massacre
    The Curse
    A Walk Through the Castle
    The Library
    The Piano
    The Rose Garden
    The Promise
    The First Dance/The Ballroom
    Passing of Time
    Music Box, "Don't Forget"
    With Lyrics
    Music Box, "As the World Falls Down"

    Vibe Tracks:
    Everything's Alright | Adrisaurus (Cover)
    Home | Adrisaurus (Cover)
    Into the Unknown | Lizz Robinett (Cover)
    Wish My Life Away | Finding Paradise
    Forest Temple | Legend of Zelda
    Namine Kingdom Hearts Lo-Fi Hip Hop | WLMR.
    Brooding (Instrumental) | Mike Shinoda
    The Truth Untold | BTS
    As the World Falls Down | David Bowie
    Swerve City | Deftones
    Sleep | SlowDive
    Under Cover of Darkness | The Strokes
    Leave Out All the Rest | Linkin Park
    Castle of Glass | Linkin Park
    Given Up | Linkin Park
    Who Cares If You Exist (Eisu Remix) | Peacock Affair
    Shots | Imagine Dragons
    Bad Liar | Imagine Dragons
    Wings of a Butterfly | HIM
    Evermore | Josh Groban
    If I Can't Love Her | Josh Groban
    Harmless | Gregory and the Hawk
    Out of the Blue | Julian Casablancas
    Dear Boy (IDOL M@ster) | Snow
    Pompeii | Bastille
    When You Say Nothing at All | Alison Krauss
    Her Diamonds | Rob Thomas
    Pieces | Rob Thomas
    Your Face | Wisp
    Cuddle Fuddle | Passion Pit

    River Flows in You | 4Hands Piano (Cover)
    River Flows in You | Yiruma ft. Henry
    Canon in D | 4Hands Piano (Cover)
    A Love So Beautiful | 4Hands Piano (Cover)
    Yumetourou - Kimi no Nawa | 4Hands Piano (Cover)
    Kawaranai Mono | 4Hands Piano (Cover)
    Lae's Theme - Do You? | Yiruma
    Nocturnal Mind in D Minor | Yiruma
    Crying Alone | Jurrivh
    Lose You | Jurrivh
    As the World Falls Down | Momunk (Cover)
    Far and Away | Philip Wesley
    Dark Night of the Soul | Philip Wesley

    Raven's Wings | Peter Kater
    You & Me | Peder B. Helland
    Gentle Rain | Brain Crain
    Starry Night | Jordan Critz
    Bad Liar | Francesco Parrino (Cover)
    Under Cover of Darkness (Cover)

  • HC of Bella in a glass box like Snow White almost, sleeping peacefully, a smile on her face even. Lae looking at her with disbelief, like, "It was always you, wasn't it? I never... had a chance, did I?" I also imagine Lae looks as Bella would have if she'd retained her looks from childhood: long blonde hair with a slight curl and blue eyes. Her perfect visual opposite almost.

    HC! Roxas was able to connect with Kairi in KH. What if Lae could connect with Jaron or Sophia, or someone else dear to Bella? I imagine that might be how she's found in the first place if she randomly appeared somewhere like Roxas did. Perhaps she came into existence in Esterwell?

    HC of Lae meeting Ben, knowing who he is for some reason she can't explain and perhaps even being quite fond of him.

    HC of Lae exclaiming to Jaron (quite similarly to Roxas): "I'm me! I'm not anyone else!" Likely angry-crying, refusing to believe that her shared memories with Bella actually mean that she is Bella's missing half. I can see her sitting on the floor, looking up at Jaron with teary eyes like, "I don't want to disappear." Jaron sympathetically, but no less adamantly replies, "You were never meant to exist in the first place."

    HC of Lae meeting Jaron for the first time. With select memories of Bella's, she's torn between disliking him and loving him. She kisses him, then promptly slaps him across the face as though he kissed her.

    I had been thinking what Lae's life might have been from the point that she came into existence to the point that she enters the magical simulation. She randomly appeared in the sprawling meadow on the side of the road. Ben, returning from a trip out of Esterwell for business, sees something in the tall waving grass. A naked young woman, gasp! And yes, for some reason she came into being naked. Don't worry, though. Convenient long hair is convenient at covering the naughty bits! He blushes anyway and stirs her. He asks her the usual questions: who she is, what she's doing there, where she came from. She only has a name. He offers her his cloak to cover up with and takes her to town, well, his home because where the hell else is he gonna take a naked woman? He drops in at the tavern and gets a dress from Lucinda to give her. He considers asking Lucinda to board her, but gives her the spare room in his house instead. They sit to have tea while he contemplates what to do next and makes light conversation. She says his name, but he realizes that he never introduced himself to her; she doesn't know why she knows him. Ben accepts that, weird as it is, until a time that he can search for answers. Business is booming and he doesn't have time. In the meantime, she takes up his housework. An unmarried married couple, basically. Only they're not a couple cause they don't know each other. Then, not long after, she gets whisked away.

    HC! Jaron leads Lae to the giant-ass room where Bella is sleeping (possibly under glass). There's what looks like a giant crystal ball there, on a carved base that looks like a flower. There's nothing in it when Lae looks into it. Jaron asks her if she'll cooperate and become one with Bella again, which she vehemently denies. With a hand placed on her shoulder, he gives Lae a push towards the crystal ball with the uttering of an indiscernible word or phrase and she falls into it. The magic that was cast on it takes her memories from her time in Esterwell and generates a fake Esterwell. She wakes up in the room Ben lent her, remembering what happened as only a strange dream. Then all the simulation weirdness starts for her.

    HC! Probably right before Bella takes a long nap to wait for Lae, so she doesn't lose any more memories. Bella looks at Jaron with tears pouring down her face, "I can't seem to remember your name; and for some reason, it makes me sad."


    Calendar & Holidays:

    Morning Star (January (First month of the year))
    Sun's Dawn (February (Last full month of winter))
    First Seed (March (Transition from winter to spring))
    Rain's Hand (April)
    Second Seed (May)
    Mid Year (June)
    Sun's Height (July)
    Last Seed (August)
    Hearthfire (September)
    Frost Fall (October)
    Sun's Dusk (November (Fall to winter))
    Evening Star (December)

    New Life Festival

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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: marcy
RP Idea: Secrets of the Unseen

  • The Premise

    Secrets of the Unseen, a tentative title, is a story inspired by the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden. It is either loosely based on the books or heavily, depending on which particular general influence is decided on. The Russian and Slavic influence is the most heavily-book-oriented, with Scandinavian being somewhere in the middle, and traditional Western being the loosest. I wanted to play with the idea of an unconventional heroine on top of an "unconventional maiden." It is almost a fandom AU, with original characters and certain aspects changed, as compared to merely being inspired by the books. At the same time, it does have some key differences, namely the decided exclusion of the opposition of two religions.

    The Story

    The rich, forested lands of the north are rooted in ancient magic that people once believed the world was born from, yet with each new generation, that magic has been forgotten, reduced to stories for children. The number of people with "the sight" and propensity for magic has dwindled to near nonexistence. The people who still have magic in their blood are labeled witches, heathens, rejected by and excommunicated from their communities. These so-called witches have the ability to see the entities born of magic, demons as they were. They're guardians, many of them, of the land and the people, spirits that go unseen. While many are benevolent, there are tricksters and malevolent spirits, too. Magic still lives in the lands of the vast northern woods, and therein resides the last kingdom that still dabbles in it. For about a decade, the Prime Regent has ruled, but his ultimate goal has long been put on hold for he needs the true heir of the land in order to complete it. She disappeared about ten years ago, and he's been looking for her ever since, slowly expanding his search beyond the forest. She's aware and has done a good of job of staying hidden, disguising herself as a boy. She's "helped" a few of the daring adventurers and bounty hunters who have attempted to search for her, hoping to claim the handsome reward for her return. Largely she's just stayed under the radar.

    The Plot

    Ultimately, the plot centers around this character and her journey throughout this forested country, and perhaps even to other lands. The end-goal is to stop the Regent's evil plot for not only her, but the worlds both mortal and magic. My initial thought was that she would be played alongside one such character, trying to search for her unbeknownst of the Regent's plot. Of course, it's not limited to that, as there are many possibilities. It's all open to discussion.

    I've kind of played with the idea of a more source-material-based approach to MC, where she's not a princess, but just a girl who has the sight. In the books, the main character is cousin to the Grand Prince of Rus, but I don't think I'd take that route; although, she is the daughter of a boyar or minor lord. Something like that could definitely work, though it would alter the base plot a bit. Perhaps the sorcerer is looking for someone with the sight; however, since most who have it keep it to themselves, it's been a fruitless search. I could also see her having left home or been cast out due to her sight. Still would have to work out how that plays into the political intrigue.

    The Setting

    Medieval 13-14th Century Russia is a poorly documented era. In the backs of the trilogy books, Katherine Arden even recommends some of the books she used for research; however, she also spent years in Russia studying in university. I managed to find a small wealth of resources that proved somewhat useful in terms of learning about some of the old Slavic folktales, what life was like for people back then, and how they dressed. There are disappointingly few resources about their architecture, with the majority of hints I found being paintings. In terms of doing a more source-material-heavy roleplay, it's not much to work with. On the upside, that's where free reign comes in. Any number of different fantasy and folklore aspects from any number of sources can be applied and mixed in, which may be as much a curse as a blessing. Hence, the mention of Scandinavian and even Westernized fantasy influences. Everything from the architecture to the names to the clothing can be specialized to custom-fit this fantasy world. It's not even limited to purely fantasy; real-world elements can definitely be thrown in, according to taste.

    The setting that provides the most freedom is the more typical Westernized fantasy. I imagine people do bathe, taking from the source material where bath houses and steam baths are a thing. If that's not accessible, there's always a body of fresh water to use somewhere. Soap might exist for those who can afford to make it. I have a very typical kingdom/principality/territory type thing in mind. Perhaps we could stick to princes and lords, to make things simpler as compared to the Slavic princes/grand princes/boyars/etc. I didn't imagine castles as one would think of them, but they're not out of the question. In my mind, they're more like palaces, of course this is influenced by the books. Stone or wood, guess just depends on how rich the prince (and the city he rules over) is.

    Clothes were picked from different places and times so nothing is particularly out of the realm of possibility. Unless we want to go more Slavic/Russian, in which all of this changes. Names, too, for accuracy and aesthetic purposes.

    The exact setting depends on how book-inspired the story is. Going the book-based Slavic route, it would be Medieval Russia (then-called Kievan Rus, or simply Rus), or a similar such made-up country with a Slavic name, in the made-up forest region of Temniy Les. If opting for the Westernized blended fantasy, it would take place in the nation of Sylvan, with the forest being called Selmor.

    The demons in this story are not as you might traditionally think of them, in the biblical fashion. They're really inspired by the books, which draw from the old Slavic pagan religion, in which these beings were called Chyerti. In the books, they are referred to as chyerti (singl. chyert) and demons interchangeably. I will provide plurals to the Slavic names where I can. Some are guardian spirits of households and families, forests and lakes, and more. Not everyone can see them, and to those who can, these beings can show themselves at will. The household spirits serve different purposes and have different abilities, and like the people they protect, can be good or mischievous. They are bound to the homes and families they serve, whereas the more powerful entities are not bound by anything except perhaps the laws of nature. For example, the water nymph will not be seen in the winter when her lake is frozen over and the demon who brings snow is almost nonexistent during the summer.

    In the event of a Slavic type story, the demons would indeed be chyerti like the source material. In the event of a blended fantasy type, they will merely be demons, spirits, or guardians. Creative liberties will be taken in regards to names and appearances, granted this is a story.

  • Domovoi.jpg

    Slavic: Domovoi [pl. domoviye]
    Western: Heimdall (Hearth Spirit, Soot Gremlin)
    The guardian spirit of the house and home, who dwells in the oven or fireplace. He is a hairy, bearded creature that is often covered in soot. A benevolent being, he serves and protects a family or household. Gets the name "gremlin" from his appearance and occasional mischief. Not to be disrespected.


    Slavic: Bannik [pl. banniki]
    Western: Usva (Bathhouse Spirit, Grandfather)
    The little old man who presides over the bath house, naked more often than not with his body hidden in his beard. He doesn't often appear to people, as ghostly as the steam in the bath house. When he does appear, it is usually only to impart wisdom or speak riddles.


    Slavic: Polevoi [pl. poleviye]
    Western: Tahkapaa (Field Spirit, Wheat Pixie)
    A little creature that lives in crop fields and gardens, getting rid of pests and helping things grow. He resembles a hedgehog with coarse hair or fur the color and texture of straw. Get on his bad side and he will damage crops or sometimes make people get lost in the fields. He can be as small as a house cat or as large as a small child depending on his environment.


    Slavic: Vazila [pl. vaziliy]
    Western: Dyrevenn (Stable Spirit, Barn Brownie)
    A small spirit who lives in the haylofts of the barns and stables he is bound to. He takes the form of a little old man with a long, whiskery beard and warm dark eyes. Some say he even has hooves for feet and ears like a horse. This spirit cares for the animals a family owns, from horses to cattle to chickens; however, his primary work lies with grooming and exercising horses. He can speak to and understand animals, even feel what they feel. It could be said that he is the animals and that they are him. He is generally quite small of stature, not usually taller than knee-height of an average adult.


    Slavic: Leshiy (Lesovik) [pl. leshiye]
    Western: Altvidus (Guardian of the Forest, Grandfather of the Forest)
    This spirit is said to be the forest incarnate for he is its guardian. He takes the form of a tree-like man, if a tree could be a man, and his foliage reflects the seasons. The forest is his domain, he protects it and the wildlife within it, and none should enter without his leave. Trespassers are often made lost and confused, doomed to walk in circles until they starve to death. He sleeps in the winter.


    Slavic: Rusalka [pl. rusalki]
    Western: Lamina (Water Nymph, Lady in the Water, Demon of the Lake)
    A malefic spirit that lives in lakes and large ponds or other bodies of still water. She takes the form of a beautiful green-skinned woman with hair like water weeds; but don't let her fool you. She has a mouthful of sharp teeth and long sharp nails. She uses her voice and beauty to lure men into the water where she drags them to the bottom and drowns them. While men are her primary food-source, she is partial to children and animals. She sleeps during the winter.


    Slavic: Vodyanoy [pl. vodyanoi?]
    Western: Vainorik (River King, River Guardian)
    A fishy demon that lives in a dwelling at the bottom of rivers, taking the form of a frog-like man with a long fish tail and green weeds for hair. He can be malicious, causing rivers to flood and stealing young women who wander onto river banks. Some tales say he marries them, others say he eats them. Those who trespass into his waters are often swept away by powerful currents and drowned. Fishermen should keep their eye on their catches or they may go missing. He sleeps during the winter, when the rivers freeze over.


    Slavic: Bolotnik [pl. bolotnikki]
    Western: Murk (Swamp Guardian, Swamp Troll)
    A grotesquely awful demon that inhabits swamps. He is well-camouflaged with his stone gray or earth brown skin covered with algae, mossy splotches with grass and twigs clinging to his back, and marsh-grass hair. He lies in wait for people to get stuck in his thick swamp mud before pulling them deeper into the murky depths. Sometimes he will mimic the sounds of animals to lure people in, create wandering lights, or grow intoxicating plants. Unlike most other demons of nature, this unpleasant fellow is not bound by seasons and scares poor souls year-round.


    Slavic: Morozko (Ded Moroz)
    Western: Jeko (Winter Demon, Winter King, Frost Demon, Grandfather Frost, Death)
    The embodiment winter, hence his name. He looks like a man of pale complexion, with hair of deepest black and eyes the color of icicles. He is dressed in finest fabrics of varying blue and white. As winter is his domain, he brings the frost and snow. The winter weather is a good indication of his temper, the angrier he is, the colder and harsher it is outside. This has contributed to the moniker of "Death," which he is not, though it is safe to say he causes a fair amount. He comes as fall transitions into winter and leaves once the snow melts, for he is but a wraith in the warmer seasons. Do not touch him directly or frostbite is imminent.


    Slavic: Vesna
    Western: Verna (Spring, Golden Goddess)
    Considered a minor deity, she is the spirit who brings spring after the long winter. Exuding warmth like a sunny day, the snow melts where her feet fall and green things grow at her touch. She returns to the land when the snowdrops bloom to begin melting the snow and warming the frozen earth to ready for spring sowing. It is said that it is she who wakes the animals from hibernation. She is thought to be the bringer of life; although, it is not she who determines fate. She has a healthy rivalry with the Winter King.


    Slavic: Poludnitsa
    Western: Suvi (Summer, Lady Midday, Midday Demon)
    The demon of midday, commonly associated with the summer season. While she does not necessarily bring about summer, she brings the literal heat, the peak of which often occurs at midday when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. She lingers in fields, usually wheat, which she wears in a wreath on her straw-gold head. She is a malicious sort, bringing heat stroke upon trespassers and innocent travelers alike. She disguises herself in heat shimmer and travels using dry, dusty whirlwinds. She has two sisters, the demons of Morning and Midnight.

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