Zypher's Challenge!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Can I transfer you to my manager?
Original poster
Invitation Status
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Adventure stories! They can be fantasy, modern, sci-fi, all kinds! Give me some good world travel stories and I'm all over it! I also enjoy romance stories and even though I tend to play females I love playing gay men.
So you think you're tough? Well lets see how long you can last against the overly cute sugary sweetness of Koharu Kusumi and Sayumi Michishige.

The video: Rainbow Pink by Koha-Pinku and Shige-Pinku

Good luck kiddies >D

Rainbow Pink
*GMK activates T.D.R.M.* MUST KILL....KILL EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though honestly I would have enjoyed tearing that outfit off of her backstage if you catch my drift.
They are too squeaky. I've suffered worse moeblob onslaughts than this. :cow:
This is supposed to be moe? Its irritating, not cute. The song sucks too. I did manage to get to the end, though!
I survived Ichigo Mashimaro; your pitiful Rainbow Pink merely tickles.
This is supposed to be moe? Its irritating, not cute. The song sucks too. I did manage to get to the end, though!

God Bless Raz and his Batman outlooks on life.
You know who is moe? Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service. And Kirika from Noir, though its debatable. And Princess Powerful from the Runaways comics--is she still even called that? She changed codenames almost as often as Shadowcat back in the day.
Kiki is indeed moe....
Pffffft. You might as well be throwing cotton at a suit of armor here. This was nothing.