ZomBies Go Boom: Chapter Two ( Re-encounters )

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Rolf blinked at the voice of Jason, struggling to fade back into reality for a moment.

"I... y-yeah... just about. We... we gotta..." Rolf mumbled, cutting off as he sat up and wheezed - he widened his eyes as he saw more zeds pouring out of the house. There were more?! God damn it - how many were there around this damned place? Not only that, but he had an open wound. Thankfully, no zombie blood had touched the wound. Rolf's leg was in agonizing pain, but he had to ignore the shards of glass sticking out of it for now. He couldn't concentrate properly, and his vision was somewhat blurry... perhaps he was having a comedown of adrenaline, but he wasn't out of this yet. The zeds were coming... perhaps Rolf wouldn't be able to escape - he knew he couldn't run properly. Maybe this was it - maybe it was all over for him.

Suddenly, gunshots. Rolf sat there dumbly for a moment as all of the approaching zeds fell like flies, one by one. A different voice... shouting... Rolf couldn't fully process it all, but he could see another figure. He had a gun, but if he wanted to shoot them for his supplies he would have done it by now. Blinking, Rolf shook his head and snapped back to attention - this guy was using bullets for his sake; he damned well wasn't going to just sit here.

"Kill or be Killed... o-okay, got it..."

Grabbing his backpack, Rolf winced as he stood up, going as fast as he could away from the burning building but limping a little. The man's instructions... down the alley, with a 'Kill or be Killed' sign. Got it. Rolf's backpack was slowing him down from the sheer weight of all the food he'd collected, but he sure as hell wasn't going without it. He'd pretty much blown up someone's house for the supplies.

"Gnn... fuck - !" Rolf coughed, glass digging into his shin more and more after each hurried step he took. He couldn't deal with this anymore, he had to do it quickly and in the blink of an eye. Bending over, Rolf yanked the shard of glass out of his leg in one swift movement. The pain caused him to yell, and it was so intense that he could have sworn the whole world looked black and white for a moment. As he recovered, a zed stumbled from the side of the alleyway, almost as if the zed had been waiting for Rolf to be weak and disarmed like this.

"You're... not... getting... me!" Rolf managed to growl, clutching a tight grip around the blood-coated shard of glass he'd pulled from his leg, and driving it into the zed's eye. The Gods were smiling upon Rolf today; it was an instant kill. He'd cut his hand, but he couldn't give less of a damn about that; no zombie blood had entered his wound. That was all that mattered. His injuries could be fixed. Rolf dropped the bloody shard, and licked his lips as he carried on. Nothing was going to stop him - not when he was so damned close to being safe and set for one moment in this hellhole.

Sure enough, the door was there. That other kid with the gun... he'd spent bullets to help Rolf and his Jason when he didn't even know the two. Thank God they had things to repay him with, otherwise Rolf would feel in debt for something like that. Hobbling through the door, Rolf leant against the wall of the place - he didn't even look around, he needed a moment to close his eyes and collect his thoughts, otherwise he'd pass out from the pain and the loss of blood. But he felt somewhat safe - he'd seen how good that man's aim was, and Jason with a shotgun was a force to be reckoned with.
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The two siblings listened as Olivia spoke, though her words seemed to do little to calm Darlene. She was passing her baseball bat from hand to hand, as she fidgeted slightly, an angry scowl on her face. Mason, on the other hand, seemed pretty calm, cool, and collected - though this wasn't all that surprising. While he was more open about sharing his feelings than his younger sister, in the end, he was usually the more composed one, while she allowed her anger and other negative emotions to get the best of her.

"No way! Olivia, this isn't just ridiculous, it's unfair!" Darlene exclaimed, shaking her head. "You can't just 'not want to talk about it'! I want to know what's going on! Not only that, I don't want to leave! We're settled in here, it's nice! I'm not just abandoning it because a few assholes you were scared of as a kid showed up!"

Mason simply put a hand up to shush Darlene, giving a slight huff of annoyance. "Just... shut up for five seconds, Darry."
He followed Olivia over to the window, stepping forward when she stepped away, and pushing the curtain open slightly to peak through himself. He frowned slightly when he saw the men walking towards them, the first real wave of terror rushing through him that he'd felt in a long time. Zombies, he could deal with. They were stupid, and thought of nothing other than food. If they were to get you, you'd be ripped apart, but that was all - and for the most part, he trusted his younger sister to hold her own against them, and himself to be able to come to her rescue if she couldn't. Most people, he could deal with them too. He didn't like them, but they could usually be reasoned with... at least, sort of - at least, that's what he liked to think, as he preferred to look for the best in people. Three men with guns, one of who they knew to be a very bad guy, however? He didn't know how they could fight them, and he worried what might happen if they were to be captured. "Well... shit..." He mumbled, turning to glance at the others.

"Come on Mason! We're not actually going to run away, are we? We don't even know what he did! Make Olivia-"

Darlene was cut off, as Mason shot her a glare, walking towards the door as he did so. He wasn't really angry at her for going on like he did, he never was, even if he acted like it. She was probably just nervous, she always had converted all her emotions into anger, since she was a little kid. This wasn't the time for it though, and he needed her to realize that. "Darlene, I'm not kidding, shut the fuck up. We're leaving. We don't have time for this shit."

Darlene immediately fell silent, gaping at her brother. He belittled her constantly, and could say some very very mean awful things, but he never took on a tone like that. Nor did he call her by her full name, or look so... well... so damn solemn. If a happy-go-lucky shithead like himself could be so serious about something, seeming almost... worried, or scared, well then... Darlene knew it must be bad. "I uh... okay. Yeah, we're leaving. I'll... shut up."

She quickly grabbed up her backpack, and slung it over her shoulder. Mason was already following Olivia, and Darlene went to follow him in turn, sticking closer to him than she usually did.
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As Asher's body grew weaker, he made it a very key point to make as little noise as humanly possible. He wasn't off stomping heads in and he surely wasn't looking for survivors. Even as his body grew weak, his mind began to grow even more wild. The solitude, the lust to kill, all hindered by a wounded body. He felt trapped. Like an animal in a cage, looking out and seeing it's prey just before it's eyes. Killing was on the short list of his current needs right now, right below finding antibiotics. He padded carefully through the streets as sweat beaded on his forehead and is body burned with an unimaginable heat. The countryside was finally on the horizon, he had made it out of the hell hole that he used to call the city and was finally going to be safe. Safe enough to die if he couldn't find medicine or help. Still good enough for Asher.

As the leaves as twigs crunched under his feet, his vision grew hazy and he almost hit the ground. Catching himself before he hit he grunted and pushed himself back to his feet and continued on. A gunshot rang out in the distance, he started breathing more frantically as he assumed the worst as he did his best to run in the direction of the gunshot. He was met by the sight of a house completely ablaze as the dead poured out of the window. Even they were on fire. With a hoarse, dry voice Asher exclaimed, "What the fuck?"



Roy had seen one of the horrors first hand as he browsed absentmindedly around the ultimately untouched fishing shop. It was little more than half a man chasing him and he made certain to get out of there before whatever it was got too close. As what he did grab bounced around in his arms as he ran, he made a straight shot towards the dock and his boat. The mainland never suited him anyways. They could have whatever the hell all this was. Dodging at least a dozen more, he almost lost his lunch when he saw his boat completely stripped down and the unusable bits tossed all over. He winced before quickly dropping to his knees and tossing the fishing line, hooks, net, small bit of freeze dried food and replacement spear heads into his bag before running away as those things followed him. He yelled out into the streets for help. "Hey!! Anybody!! Call 911! Please!" He continued shouting as more came into view. He finally gave up as he ran out of breath and stopped to gasp and sputter. "That's what you get for not exercising, Roy." He said with a forced laugh before running off again. This time towards the forest. "Find some water, make camp, wait it out." He chanted in his head over and over until the trees were in view. "Hot damn! I'm out of here boys!" He called back to the dead slowly trudging behind him.
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Shit. Shit. Shit.
Calm down Olivia, he can't touch you again. He didn't even saw you. Yeah, but if we don't get out of here soon enough he will find us and then he will.. Do things which I desperately try to forget. Arhh!
Why is Daryl so turned against me ? Fuck it..

Olivia took a deep breath, when suddenly her feet came to a stopping point. Those two were just behind her, yet the forest was a few feet away. They could still see the house if they looked behind them. Olivia sighed deeply, before turning to face the brothers, but her piercing green eyes, stared directly at Daryl.

" Look, you have no right to question about my past, alright? Do you think I don't want to forget it? Do you REALLY think I do not wish to simply erase it as if it never happened? Do you even know how-"
Her words came to a stop, putting her lips together as if not wanting to continuing. Especially when tears begin to build up behind her eyelashes. Despite that, Olivia continued by approaching Daryl and used her other hand to lift her blouse up to her breasts. "How it feels to be burned alive? Or how it feels when you don't have air to breathe because someone is Chocking you with a water cloth?! "

As she spoke, they could notice the burning scars along her abdomen, wounds from years ago yet to her, they felt recent. All those bad memories came stumbling back to her and all she wanted was to.. Run. Far away.
The words just came out on their own, as there was no turning back now. She did tell them some things about her past, which from her point. Of view it was to painful to even mention it. Still, for worn odd reason she must've trusted them enough to say what happened to her before. Well, part of it anyways.

" If you have a death Wish, Darlene.. Please be my guest and go be safe in that house! I ain't stopping you..

Don't you understand that there is no such place as Safe in this Hell? With once we called it home.. As now walkers are hunting for our flesh and the humans for.. Everything else. "

Olivia covers herself, while gripping her crossbow and with a trembling voice looked one more time at the house. They were not seen in sight. As probably the guys went inside.

The beats of her heart increased with each passing second, with tiny drips of sweat coming down her spine along with chills. It gave her the goosebumps. The Bad ones.
However, Olivia made a quick movement and took out her hunting knife in her right hand. A slow, yet cold breeze of the wind, made her reddish hair to swing around her body.

" If you want to stay here suit yourself. But I don't want to end up with you on my conscience later just because you think you know better or think that You know me. "

And with that, Olivia turned around making her way towards the woods, even if it kills her inside, she had no other choice but leave. They helped her before when she was in trouble. She can't forget that. But, they did not know nothing about her or her past. They had no right to judge her or her actions.

Maybe she needed more time..

Jason.. Please survive until we meet again. I actually miss him. Stupid feelings..


Jason nodded once as Rolf said he could stand and stood at the ready with his shot gun in case any of the damn walkers came their way. Damn it all. Things were going so well for them. They had found a place to stay for the night, a stock pile of weapons, and a shit ton of food that could last them days if not a week at most. Then the god damn walkers had to show up and ruin everything like they ruined the entire world. Now their safe house for the night was on fire, Rolf had taken a shard of glass through his leg and was probably going to be limping for a long time. That's assuming his leg would heal properly. Things would get really bad for them if his leg got infected. It's not like there was a hospital they could go to to get his leg taken care of and get antibiotics in case it got infected. No..they were on their own and unfortunately the chances of them both surviving were slowly dwindling into single digits.

He turned to the left to blast a walker away that had been moving towards them. He cursed he hadn't gotten the head shot but he had blown the damn things chest clear away knocking the head to the ground where it continued to growl and bite at the air as it tried to roll its way towards him to sink it's teeth into his flesh. He glared down at the monster and looked down at the ground. He didn't want to waist another shot on the thing if he didn't need to but he couldn't leave that thing lying there. If someone were to come by and get to close by accident and not see it they could lose their foot and that was not something he would want to happen. He looked around and spied an old gardening tool. It was a simple hand tiller. He quickly picked it up and moved closer to the zombie head and drove the spikes of the tiller into the things brain. He sighed as the thing finally laid still and stood up.

That's when he heard the gun shots and the sound of someone yelling at them he turned and aimed his shotgun at the voice in case it wasn't friendly but then he realized he was screaming at them about a safe house nearby. Unfortunately it was in the city. Jason cursed. That was the last place he wanted to go back to but right now their options were limited. He hurried after the limping Rolf and caught up to him just as he had driven the shard of glass that had been in his leg into a walkers skull. He chuckled a bit and hurried into the building and stood in the door way at the ready for the boy who saved them. He didn't trust the guy...yet anyways. Yeah sure he had saved the two of them from the walkers but how did they know the boy wasn't leading them to his own group so they could kill Rolf and himself and take their supplies for themselves. You didn't trust anyone these days ESPECIALLY if you didn't know them. He knew he should help Rolf with his leg but he couldn't take that chance to lower his guard "Rolf..I know your hurting and I know you need help but you need to hang in there I promise we'll get your leg taken care of soon. I know this guy saved us but we would be fools to lower our guard he might have saved us just so he could lead us to his own group kill us and steal the things we just found..we can't be too careful kill or be killed..trust no one but yourself and your closest friends..and even then I wouldn't risk putting to much trust in them." He turns his gaze towards Rolf "until we find Olivia and any of the others you and I are the only people we can really trust. So hang in there. I swear the both of us are going to get through this." He then turned his attention back to the boy who saved them that was still out shooting at the walkers "HEY! We've made it to your safe house! unless you want to become food for those bastards I suggest you get your ass moving!!"
Rolf slowed his breathing, and began to grip his leg so blood wouldn't leak out, leaning against the wall. The truth was that he felt vunerable - if that guy wanted to kill him, or there were secretly walkers in this place, Rolf would be dead. Jason was right - he couldn't just instantly trust this guy and his safe house because his life had been saved back there at the house. To be honest, that guy could just be getting Rolf and Jason in an enclosed area so he could easily kill them without the worry of zeds, and take their supplies. Rolf was thinking recklessly; he wanted to trust everybody and assume most people were good in this world. He really wanted to. But the truth was that most people were bad. The good didn't survive long.

Rolf thought about himself as a person for a moment. Was he a good guy? Was he a bad guy? Was he either? He considered the facts: He'd failed to save his sister. He'd failed to save the man in the leather jacket. And now he'd probably burned down the house of a real, living person. This new damned world changed you - changed you for the worse. And now Rolf, covered in dust and blood, couldn't figure out who he really was for a moment.

Rolf slumped against a wall, dust-coated hair covering his eyes for a moment. He'd pulled out the glass from his leg, but it felt like it was still stuck in there; Jesus Christ, it hurt, but Jason was right - there was no time to worry about him for now. They just needed to make sure they were safe, then they could think about medical supplies.

"Y-yeah... don't worry about me. This is just a scratch... heh." Rolf coughed, then pushed himself up to lean better against the wall, discreetly holding his kitchen knife in his hand in case he had to use it. The truth was, Rolf was concerned. He knew how wounds could get infected - it wasn't likely, but still possible. Bandaging it would be easy enough, but disinfecting it would be harder. Rolf swallowed; perhaps he'd need it cauterized. He was hoping it would just heal, but... it could get to a point where he couldn't even walk on it.

"Jason?" Rolf whispered, his voice suddenly serious.

"This is just a worse case scenario... b-but... if there's ever a choice between getting to Olivia or waiting for me - you have to go to Olivia. Just... promise me that. I don't want to slow anybody down - not when I can feel we're so close." Rolf clenched his fist with his free hand as he stared at the floor, wiping dust from his face. "I know how you feel about her, so please, don't let some... kid... get in your way." Rolf said slowly, gripping his leg. He'd never had a wound like this before, so perhaps he was over-reacting and thinking for the worse. But he had to think realistically. This wasn't a wound that would just automatically heal no matter what without proper medical supplies.

Suddenly, he gave a slight chuckle to himself.

"H-ha.. what am I saying...? Ignore me; I'm just talking shit - we'll be fine. Now we've got food and whiskey to share with the others when we regroup." Rolf smiled to himself at the thought. He knew there was a very possible chance everybody could be dead, but he wanted to think optimistically.

He then realised he'd completely forgot about the current situation. Was he just being delirious? Either way, Rolf hoped that the man who'd helped them wasn't just some bandit, and would make it to his safe house in time. But Jason was right - he couldn't just automatically assume that man was a hero.

Rolf tightened his grip on the knife behind his back. In his mind, he prayed he wouldn't need to use it again for a while.
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NPC : Event happening.

Warning: please be aware that the Infected have more power If they are in a hoard.

The day had finally came to an end for Everyone. No matter what they have been through in the past few hours, now it was time for something more challenging . Something more terrifying.

The sky become to darken, with a strong gosh of wind making the autumn leaves to dance around. The sky had turned to be a very dark -grey colour, while the clouds moved around as if gathering for a storm.
Suddenly, the wind got stronger causing the tree branches to move uncontrollably, as some bins begin to roll down the streets. Sooner than expected, rain was falling down the streets. The raindrops hit the ground like fiery arrows.

It was a rather heavy rain, pouring from the sky and captivating the entire state.


From the distance, loud engine noises filled the air, alongside the sound of the rain. It was a helicopter trying to keep its balance due the strong rain and winds.
As if God begin to play games with the humans, a thunder broke the sky soon fallowed by lighting. First aim of the lighting was a tree DOWN IN THE FOREST - @Cwolf0615 @PureKor - and it begun to catch fire quite rapidly.

The second strike of the lighting, with a loud bang, almost making you deaf for a few seconds, was inside the city by hitting an electricity pole. It was just a matter of time before Something terrible would happen.
The strong strike of the second lighting, cause the electric wires to sparkle and break down. The cables fell to the ground, pulling in the process the large poles all across the street.

From that moment, electricity was Gone, the streets filled with heavy rain and ... A hoard of Zombies roaming just outside the city.

Remember that helicopter? Well, after the second lighting, the pilot tried to dodge it but missed unfortunately.
Therefore, He lost control of the chopper and before he knew it, it came down crashing with a Big Bang outside the city, on the highway. It kept moving across the highway, crashing the stationary cars on the way. It did swerve a few times, before it finally came to a stop at the end of the highway. Smoke rising from its engine, with the chopper's propeller stuck to the ground into a hole.


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Darlene cringed as Olivia spoke, allowing her gaze to run over the scars on her stomach. "Listen, Olivia, I-" She started, and cut off, letting out an exasperated groan as she reached up to press her hands against her head. "Ugh, fucking helllll... gotta screw shit up, don't ya Darry? Real sensitive, you are." She shook her head, attempting to shake the thoughts from her mind. Freaking out was what had gotten her in this situation in the first place, continuing to freak out would only make it worse. The best thing to do now was to ignore it, to pretend it hadn't happened, that she'd never said what she said and Olivia hadn't told her what she'd told her. Ignoring your problems was totally healthy, right? Refusing to apologize was just great for making friends, wasn't it? No, she knew neither of those statements were true. Now wasn't the time though, they had bigger things to worry about. Besides, she never placed that much importance on friendship anyways.

Mason watched, allowing his eyes to flicker back and forth between Olivia and his sister. Darlene opened her mouth, and attempted to speak, before quickly cutting off. She never had been able to get out an entire apology, just the pathetic attempts at the beginning of one. He sighed slightly, and ran his hand through his hair. "Olivia, I'm sorry." He said, training his gaze on her. "That's not fair, I wish you didn't have to go through that..." He grabbed for his sister's arm, going to follow as Olivia began to walk. "We're coming with you - don't mind Darry. You know her, being a pain in the ass isn't enough, she's got to have absolutely zero social skills, too. A rather unlikable person, really." He paused, flashing a reassuring smile. "And... try not to worry. We'll make sure we're the hell outta Dodge before that bastard even knows we were here."

"If i'm unlikable than you're unbearable, shithead." Darlene grumbled, though she was admittedly thankful her brother had butted in before she dug herself into an even deeper hole. She allowed her gaze to dart back and forth, keeping her eyes out for any threats, and trying not to think about what a jerk she'd been acting like. She wished she had something to take her mind off the stupid mistake, and she got it - except it wasn't what she was hoping for in the slightest.

Within the minute, as if some sick sort of response to her prayer, rain began pounding down upon the ground - large, intense drops, the sort that got you soaking wet within a few seconds. "Oh, great! As if things couldn't get any better!" Darlene exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air.

As soon as she said it, lightning lit up the sky, and hit a nearby tree. The sound was deafening, and unexpected, causing Darlene to yelp and slam her hands over her ears, while Mason jumped backwards, eyes shooting towards the area of the lightning strike, and watching as the forest quickly began to catch fire. Neither sibling even seemed to notice the helicopter struggling in the sky, as they were too busy with the current situation. "Shit, shit, shit!" Mason yelled. "We're fucked! Goddamn it Darry, you jinxed us! Don't you know you never ask if things could get worse?!" He reached out to smack his sister in the back of the head, looking somewhat panicked.

"Ow, don't hit me!" Darlene yelled, turning to shove him. "If this is anyone's fault it's yours! You're a fuckin' bad luck charm! Have been since day one, you ass! I hope you burn!"
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Sights aimed down, Two targets. They didn't seem to be in the best of condition, one even looked to be badly wounded. Jack Did have medical supplies, he had it stocked up ever since the beginning, And he's never had to use it. But were these to friendlies? And not like the damn bandits who are normally around. He could also shoot both of them and take what they have, he had a clear shot, he was down the street, 4th floor, laying a few feet away from the window so the gun wouldn't stick out, so he could stay incognito, His gun propped up on a box. The young man took a deep breath and aimed down his sights, Closed one eye, and placed a finger on the trigger... He then let his finger off the trigger and let out a sigh, resting his head on the stock of the gun. "fuck... Looks like I'm helping them.." He then got up, slung the gun onto his back, and began to run down the stairs with a fork in his hands. On his way down he saw the lightning lit up the dark house he resided in, follow a loud crack of thunder, only to end with a loud crash in the distance. Was Mother Nature against him? He got his answer when he saw the rain fall and the streetlights go out. Power was gone...and luckily he was prepared for the rain...just not the power outage.

He stepped out the front door of the building, he was wearing a black poncho. It would keep him and his belongings dry in the rain. Without hesitation, he ran down the stairs and ran towards the burning house, sticking close to the houses and away from the open street. He just hoped the damn bastards wouldn't shoot him, he was risking his life for innocent people, maybe karma would reward him for that.

@Jakers @Andy

after a little jog, he made his way into the opening, he was now in view of both men, and he put both hands up, one hand holding a fork "Look, I'm no harm, but I got medical supplies for that poor sap" he nodded his chin towards the wounded Rolf. "But I can't do much in this fucking rain, so lets move to somewhere dry and I'll help your bud out" he said talking to Jason. I can't believe I just gave away my existence to these fucks, lets hope it doesn't screw my ass over.

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It was as if God had begun to play games with them, with the weather going completely ballistic right in front of their eyes. Not too far from their location, a loud noise filled the air along with the heavy rain. You still could hear everything. Damn you, world.

Olivia sighed briefly, using her left hand to move some of her wet hair, now sticking to her body like glue. Her body jumped in surprise when the lighting in the sky started, soon followed by a common smell. Smoke. The damn lighting has hit a tree, causing a few branches to fall to the ground at just a few feet away from them. Then, she could see some tiny flames at the top of that tree.
It was worse than she had imagined. Shit.

They had to find a shelter soon, or they will catch hypothermia and with Infected around, they could not take any risks. The brothers decided to come along after all, still Olivia was concerned that maybe she showed them too much about herself. She revelled a part of her past, knowing clearly that she will be judged. Even so, Olivia wanted to prove to them that despite her horrible past experiences, she was a Survivor.
However, her steps begun to be more fast and precise in a desperate attempt to find somewhere safe. For now at least. Her breathing got quicker, with the heart beating faster than normal, having all these mixed feelings inside her. Stupid human feelings.

Olivia came to a stop, resting her hand over a tree and trying to catch her breath, while her other hand gripped tighter the crossbow. Her eyes gazed again upon the sky, realizing that the rain won't stop anytime soon. Slowly, she turned her head to the brothers which weren't too far behind.
" Right, I guess in the end it doesn't matter what were you in the past. The most important thing is what you have become. Now it matters more than anything. " said with a faint smile to them. Her eyes scanned again the forest, trying to see if they could be able to find some sort of shelter. Or they would be in serious trouble.
" I think we should get back to the main road, if I remember correctly, it's on that left side. We should be able to get there quick. And if we are lucky we might find a shelter. If not, we have to build one.
Come on."
Saying to them, Olivia begun to basically jog, crashing the dead leaves under her trainers. Somehow, she had this strange feeling deep inside. Making her stomach to feel tight, as if knots took form and made her feel nauseous in the same time. Obviously, she ignored those sensations.

After a few more minutes, They had reached the main road, just outside the forest while the rain continued to fall heavy upon them. Her hand once again, brushed some of the hair away, as the water drops were sliding down her face. A few times, Olivia wiped her eyes because the water made her vision somehow blurry. When she came to a stop again, her breathing still was quick and for a moment, Olivia felt almost breathless.
Damn it.. I wish I had exercised more when I had the chance. Now I can't even run for five minutes and not feel tired. Ugh. And why do I keep having this weird sensation in my stomach? For God's sake.. we need to find somewhere to stay for the night or we are screwed.
" Okay, apparently this weather won't get any better soon. But I am sure we can manage something, as for now we have to keep moving. Just down the road it must be some sort of cabin or even a car.
Let's go.."
the words spoken to them, came out quick as her chin begun to tremble from the cold. Therefore, Olivia continued to walk down the road, as her feet made splashing –faint noises on the ground. Even her backpack was soaked wet, causing it to feel ten times heavier than usual.

Lucky or not, they could see down the road a few cars, turned upside down and some boxes, or suitcases scattered around them. Probably one of those cars was still functional, and as well it would provide shelter for a while. At least until they will figure it out. A better choice. For now, a car was their best shot.
And so, They made their way further down the street towards the ' safe –away-from the storm-vehicles.'
Olivia, prayed for them not having any nasty surprises, perhaps even they will be so lucky to find some useful supplies in these cars. Her feet begun to feel heavier with each step, but she could not quit. Not now. Not yet.
Jason gave a soft chuckle at Rolf's words. Yeah...he was talking shit. He was going to be fine. There was no way that Rolf was going to kick the bucket. Yet anyways. The two of them would pull through this..they had to. "Don't worry Rolf..we'll be ok we'll get through this and we'll both get to see Olivia and the others again. It's only a matter of time. Just hang in there." He looked over at Rolf's leg and swallowed hard. It looked terrible he could practically see the bone and the tissues as they moved and tried to hold themselves together. It looked disgusting as all hell.

He was so busy looking at Rolf's leg and trying to figure out how they could fix it that he didn't hear the guy walk up towards them. But when he started speaking he jumped and spun his shotgun on the guy. "Who are-" He di

@dn't even get the question out before the new guy started to go on about how he could help fix Rolf's leg. Could he really do that? Could he really help Rolf? He glanced over at his friend. This was a very..hard decision to make if he really could help Rolf and Jason turned him away he could be sentencing Rolf to death. If he was only here to try and kill them and steal their supplies Jason would be giving him the perfect opportunity to do so.

Against his better judgment he couldn't sentence his friend to death. He slowly lowered the shot gun and jerked his head towards Rolf "Fix his leg then..I'll be watching you carefully though so don't you dare try anything." He knew he was taking a huge risk but taking the risk of not letting this guy fix Rolf's leg was even bigger. "if you don't have any disinfectant we found some whisky not too long ago so you could use that. And he hasn't been bitten so don't even attempt to tell me otherwise I know what it looks like when someone get's bit."

@~\The Talentless/~
Rolf nodded gingerly, looking out into the distance by the burning house. Rain had started to pour down, and soon the huge column of smoke rising into the skies would be put out. This wasn't ordinary rain... it was literally a storm. As raindrops fell thicker and denser, soon the burning house in the distance couldn't be seen due to the falling clusters of raindrops obscuring his vision. Had the man who saved him made it out of the area by the burning house? He used bullets... bullets to save Rolf's pathetic life. And now, unless he came running from the distance, Rolf had the terrible feeling that he'd got that man killed.

"That... man. I don't think he's made it. ...Fuck..." Rolf whispered hollowly, his face pale with guilt. He was about to say something else, when the sound of an explosion cut off what he was about to say. The man still hadn't come. Rolf swallowed, then hung his head. He was guilty. No... he was ashamed. He'd caused someone to risk their life for him, and get killed in the process. Not only that, but now he was a liability within this rainstorm. It was just a downwards spiral of events. The only good thing that had happened to them today was all the food and weapons they'd found... but... those probably belonged to someone.

Then he heard footsteps.

Looking up suddenly like an alerted dog, Rolf's eyes widened as a male figure came into view, but squinted in confusion... it wasn't the same man who'd shot those zombies earlier. This guy was different, wearing a black poncho and holding a... fork? A fork. What was... it didn't matter. Unless this man had a hidden pistol somewhere, he didn't look like much of a threat. Still, he had to remember what Jason said. He couldn't automatically put trust into people... not everybody in this apocalypse was morally good anymore.

So... this man was claiming he could fix his leg? Rolf seemed hopeful for a moment. Medical supplies was exactly what he needed right now... and the man didn't exactly seem dressed like a bandit or whatever. It was also a pretty open area; Rolf would be able to see if there was an ambush around, even with the thick payloads of rain.

Mostly keeping quiet, Rolf looked up as Jason told the man to fix his leg. If he did manage to fix the wound without trying to kill them for supplies, then maybe there were some kind people still out there. Even if the man did try anything... Jason had his back. As usual. The whiskey was also a good idea, that'd come in handy if they needed it.

"I'd love to move out of the rain, but... we might actually be safer than you think. Zeds find it hard to deal with rainstorms... harder to smell us, hear us, see us..." Rolf said timidly, still unsure of the presence of this new guy. Disinfectant... oh boy... this was going to suck, the already agonizing pain would probably multiply by twenty.

"All right... h-here." Rolf mumbled, rolling up his trouser leg and presenting the large, deep, and blood-glistening cut to the man on his leg. Now that he could see it properly, Rolf squinted a little, looking away from the sight of his bone. He'd never had an injury this bad before, and suddenly Rolf felt light-headed and queasy. Jesus Christ... he just needed to get through this, find a safe area, and then the supplies he and Jason found could be put to good use.

"Just fix it... I don't care how much it hurts, do what you have to. I'm Rolf... b-by the way..." Rolf said, before taking a deep breath and looking away as he outstretched his damaged leg. This pain... it was nothing... nothing compared to...

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@Andy @Jakers

"well...holy shit...looks like you're worse off than I thought" Jack was saying looking down at the horrible wound he thought about what he should do first, it needed to be disinfected first, then he could start stitching it up and bandaging it so he could stop the bleeding. "Okay look, this is going to hurt like hell, you might black out, it all depends on your pain tolerance. So bare with me Rolf..." he knelt down and took out the bag from underneath his poncho and placed it onto the ground including the fork, the bag had a rifle strapped to it, with a soda can at the end of the rifle, acting like a homemade silencer. He pulled out a sowing kit, gauze, and a bottle of vodka. Yes, he is too young to drink, but you can't call the cops now can ya? "don't need the whisky, this'll do just fine." He looked up to Jason, "keep an eye open, Rotters wont be the only problem, I could've killed the both of you earlier because how open you guys are, but I decided against it. So if I could've shot you, so could anyone else, make sure that doesn't happen" The young man then went back to Rolf's leg, he opened the bottle of vodka, and took a piece of cloth from his side, and proceeded to shove it into Rolf's mouth without even asking him.

"Bite that" is all he said before he poured the vodka onto his wound, he had one hand on his knee keeping the leg from moving. He cleaned it with gauze and poured some more before cleaning it again. When he was satisfied, he pulled out the needle and string and went to work, closing the wound little by little, and it didn't help that it was raining either. After some time, when the wound was closed, he poured some more vodka onto the closed wound and wiped it up before taking out a shirt. "my favorite shirt...oh well" he shrugged before wrapping it around the mans leg tightly, then pulling down his pant leg. "Done... I think I did pretty good, despite the fact that I have no experience with this" He said with a straight face. He began to pack up his Junk, and slung it on his bag under the poncho. He picked up his fork and looked back up to Jason wondering what he had planned now.​
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Jason had watched the newcomer the entire time not trusting to take his eyes off him for even a second. If he had he was worried that he would pull a knife or something and try to kill Rolf before Jason could stop him. The new guy worked quickly he thought to himself. It was clear to Jason that the guy only half knew what he was doing. He didn't really care though. He was helping Rolf and Rolf's leg was nearly stitched up. When the boy finished and stood up Jason just stared at him for a moment before lowering his shotgun. He didn't completely trust the boy. But he could at least point his shotgun somewhere else for now "thank you for helping us."

He glanced down at Rolf and then looked at the new guy "look if you want you can come with us. We're getting out of this city tonight. I don't care what we run into or what it takes the sooner we get out of this city the better. We have members of our group that are still alive and that need our help. We have plenty of supplies and at the moment there are safety in numbers. Whether you want to join us or not is up to you. But the two of us are leaving." He moved over to Rolf and gently grabbed his arm and helped him stand up "I know your in pain man but you need to keep moving. We can't stay here for long. The rain is going to help us it'll keep our scents hidden from those things and give us time to escape." He looked at the new guy again and then grabbed the gun bag and slung it over his shoulder "if your coming with us take Rolf's bag the less he has to carry the faster we can move." He then turned to the door and stuck his head out to watch for walkers as he waited for an answer from the new guy "..I'm Jason by the way and that's Rolf"

@Jakers @~\The Talentless/~
Carter watched as he finished most of the rotters off, he didn't wait to see if there was more because he needed to get out of there and find those two survivors. Carter pushed his string bag more on his back as he ran back to the building.

Before the apocalypse Carter used to be a parkour agent and did it was his friends, from the group of eight he was the fastest, they also survived together for a few months, well till the downfall...

As the kid jumped around and dodged the rotters, he finally made it to the ally, but when he got there, he saw a third body and looked liked he had a weapon.

Carter jumped the fence when he saw the guy he recently met (Jason) tossing a bag to the man.

"Alright put your hands up." He aimed his pistol at the new survivor, it wasn't that it looked like he was trying to attack them, but there wasn't that many good survivors anymore..Not too many.
Rolf winced as he bit deeply into the cloth basically shoved into his mouth. Then, liquid was poured onto hi- FUCKING HELL! It seared with pain way more than he'd anticipated - it was beyond acid... it was like lava was melting away his leg! Wincing, Rolf just waited for it to end. He wasn't going to cry like a baby here - all he needed was to get through this, then there were good times ahead.
"Mmm - ffffk-!" Rolf hissed into the cloth. Eventually, it was over. It still stang like hell, but this was nothing. Nothing. Re-opening his eyes, Rolf clutched his leg for a moment, spitting out the cloth as he looked at the man's handiwork. Certainly better than nothing, and now Rolf wasn't at risk of getting infected. He didn't even care if he had more experience; it was the best he could do.
"That feels... better. Painful, but... better." Rolf said slowly, sitting up a little. It'd take time to heal, but at least it would heal properly now. Rolf turned to the man who patched him up, giving a brief, thankful smile. "Um... thanks. You actually did a pretty good job."

Listening to Jason, Rolf nodded in agreement to what he'd said about this man joining the group. The more the better. And if all the group were still around, such as Olivia, or Asher, or Derek - then they'd be starting to build a little community. They just needed an effective base, a renewable food source, water... and... maybe there'd be a hope.
"Hnn... cheers." Rolf said as Jason helped pull him up. Limping a little, it was a little easier to walk on. He'd be able to move at a jogging speed at the very fastest, so he needed to try not to slow the others down.
"I know we've gotta go. I'll move as quick as I can; leave me behind if I'm slowing us down, though. It probably won't happen in the rain, but I mean that. I don't want to be responsible for any deaths..." Rolf said in a serious tone to Jason suddenly, before rubbing the back of his head. He didn't want to get anybody killed.

Suddenly, a new male voice. Turning, Rolf reached for his gun, but remembered it had run out of bullets. Huh... who was... oh! Oh thank God. It was the boy who'd helped them escape earlier... Rolf was sure he'd got him killed, but he seemed to be still perfectly fine. Thank God that wouldn't be another thing to add to his list of guilt. Blinking into reality suddenly, Rolf realised the young man was telling the man who healed his leg to put his hands up.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! No! It's okay, he's not going to attack us!" Rolf exclaimed, making gestures for the boy to lower his gun. Jesus Christ... he could never get used to a gun being pointed about the place. He hated the things.
"You... you helped us back at the burning place, right? ...Put your gun away... I just want to be extra-sure you're not some raider. " Rolf explained as calmly as he could, nervously swallowing once he was finished. The last thing he needed was a gunfight - this crazy world had enough conflict as it was.
Their current situation sucked, and both siblings blamed the other. Though they knew neither of them were the true cause of the unwanted visitors, storm, or even the entire apocalypse itself, old habits died hard, and the two continued to squabble like children. They shoved, and threw insults at each other, ignoring the fact that not only were they much too old to act in such a way, now was anything but the time for it. Their argument, as nonsensical as it already was, was only made to seem stranger by the fact that Mason would suddenly pause to respond to Olivia every time she spoke - seeming to entirely forget that his younger sister was swearing and pounding her fists against his arm every time he did.

"Yeah, the past isn't important." Mason said, his arm gripped tightly around Darlene's shoulders as he spoke, though she was struggling to push him away from herself. "Especially nowadays.... it feels so far away sometimes it's hard to remember it ever happened."

He sighed, and glanced down at his sister at Olivia's next comment. "Yeah, you're right." He said, reaching down to ruffle Darlene's hair so roughly it likely hurt. "This rain doesn't seem like it's letting up anytime soon. The main road might be our best bet."

He released his sister from his grip, and broke into a jog after their traveling companion, ignoring Darlene's angry yelp of disapproval.

"The main road?!" She exclaimed. "You crazy?! I don't want to go on the stupid main road! Who knows how many other people might have the same idea! There could be all sorts of freaks!"

"Shut your stupid mouth, would ya?" Mason huffed in reply. "This isn't 'Question Olivia' day, so you just need to deal with it already. It's your fault we're in this mess in the first place!"

"What, my fault?!" Darlene responded, her voice raising even higher. "How the hell is this my fault?!"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know!" Mason scowled. He was panting a bit, as the running began to make him out of breath. Though he was in pretty good shape due to the physically demanding line of work he had taken part in before the infection spread to their area, he wasn't used to exerting his energy in ways such as running, and was quickly growing tired. Darlene on the other hand was a rather athletic girl, who had run miles nearly every day since she was a child, and was having no difficult with the current exercise - though the rain was admittedly making her worry she'd slip and fall flat on her face. "Now shut up, I'm tired and talking to you isn't helping!"

"Of course you're tired!" Darlene spat. "You're fuckin' fat!"

Mason ignored his younger sister's last comment, and didn't speak again until they had reached the road.
Leaning forward slightly, he wiped his wet hair away from his forehead and took a few moments to catch his breath, and allow his heartbeat to slow down. He went to follow back after Olivia after, nodding in approval. "Yeah, we're sure to find some sort of shelter." He agreed. "Personally, I'm going to hope for a cabin. I'd rather not be stuck in a cramped space with Little Miss Pissy over there."

Not even pausing for a moment, Darlene quickened her pace and went to run in front of Olivia and Mason, kicking at her brother as she went by. She slowed slightly once again, and turned around, jogging backwards as she stared at the others. "Don't worry, there ain't no way that's happening." She huffed. "I'm finding a good car, even if that's all there is. Olivia is free to join me, but you can sleep in the rain for all I care."

"Whatever." Mason sighed. "Could you turn around? Before you run straight into one of the undead? You know, those terrifying monsters that have been ripping people to shreds for the past few months?"

"Oh, shut it, I know what I'm doing." Darlene huffed. "Could you two hurry up? I get that you never got off your couches before all this started, but I was freezing before this stupid storm and the rain isn't helping. The fast we move the faster we get inside and dry off!"
Jason spun around and aimed the shotgun and the new guy (carter) when he heard his voice. It only took a moment for him to recognize it was the guy who had helped them back at the burning building. He lowered his shotgun and shot him a dirty look before he walked over and pushed the other guys pistol down and away from everyone else. "Point that thing somewhere else before you hurt someone. This guy just came in here and helped my friend. If you don't trust him or want to kill him later then that's your problem not mine. Me and Rolf don't have time for this. Those walkers are coming for us and we aren't safe in the city anymore we need to get out of here. Now one of you two grab a bag the other help Rolf walk out of here. I'll take the lead with my shot gun. If your coming with us then get moving we have to get out of the city." He looked back at Carter "Thanks for your help back at that building. Name's Jason and as you know the one with the injured leg is Rolf"

Jason couldn't believe that he was stuck in the middle of trying to keep the peace here. It almost seemed like he was at the point where he needed to start knocking heads together if he was going to get people to get along. At this point he was about ready to anyways. He didn't care about these two newcomers. Rolf was a good friend he wanted to make sure he was safe and he didn't want to see his friend killed. But his heart and his mind was still all focused on Olivia. He needed to find her. He needed to tell her how he felt and no matter what happened he would do that. Even if by the slim chance that he found her dead..or even worse one of those walkers he would still tell her how he felt..and then if she was one of them he would save her from that hell and finally let her rest in peace. He shook his head. He couldn't be thinking like that. He slowly stuck his head out the door to check the streets. All clear "Come on the streets are clear we aren't going to get another chance like this now let's move"

@Jakers @~\The Talentless/~ @Mr.Scales
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Jack threw his hands up instantly when the new man came up with a pistol. "well...fuck" he muttered under his breath. But Jason and rolf quickly put an end to that, Luckily he wasn't getting shot today. "great, all I do is save a guy, and suddenly someone wants to shoot me" he joked sarcastically before taking the bag Jason gave to him and following behind. He moved along with the group, keeping there six covered, trying to make sure they weren't being watched. Fork in hand, but rifle on his side, he was ready for any intruders, and once Jason gave the all clear, Jack followed along. "so where exactly does your friends reside, or the other portion of the group. "

@Jakers @~\The Talentless/~ @Mr.Scales
Olivia sighed deeply at Darlene's words, still with a tiny grin forming at her lips as she slowed down her peace. Her feet came to a stop, with the cars just at a few steps away. The rain has yet stop, continuing to fall down heavily on the ground. Everything seemed to be not in their favor at the moment.

However, Olivia managed to get her breathing back to normal, letting her left hand to grip the crossbow as she approached one of the cars. Now, it was turned upside down and the airbags were easily seen, along with the broken windows. As she got closer to the black car, a familiar noise caught her attention. Growling and snarling.
She had a nod inside her throat, with both of her hands gripping tighter the weapon when in sight appeared an Infected. It was once a woman, now trapped by the seat-belt. Her left side of the face was eaten off, blood still dripping down her chin and the eyes looked so… empty. It was nothing there anymore. Olivia took a deep breath, moving further around the car, trying to have a look inside in case she will see something that they may need.
" Well, except another undead there is almost nothing in this one. Darlene, go and please check the other car. Be careful."

Her voice came out almost in a whisper mode, towards Darlene, allowing her free hand to reach inside the passage seat side. The Infected woman kept growling and stretched her arms in the attempt to catch Olivia. Not such luck. But, never say never.
Olivia did saw just under the seat where the infected rested, something that looked like a map. Carefully, she moved her hand trying to avoid any contact with the undead. Small drops of sweat kept falling down her face, along with the water drops and she could sense her heart beating growing faster with each passing second. She was now half inside the car, only her legs outside in the street, when the other hand took out the knife in case something will happen. Her eyes stared at the Infected woman, the rotten teeth inside her mouth and the pale skin. She most definitely did not want to end up like that. She would take her own life before anything like that would happen.

Finally, after a few attempts, Olivia retrieved the map and got quickly out of the car, wiping her forehead and give the brothers a smile.
" At least I found a map, this is very much useful. Now, we need to dry off before we really catch a damn cold.."
Olivia said to them, shoving the map inside the backpack and moved to the third car, which was a big minivan, slightly hit to one side but it seemed in a better condition that the other one. Slowly, yet cautious her hand pulled the doorhandle and opened it. At first glance everything seemed alright, her tiny body moving from the passage seat towards the back of the van. Somehow, this van resembled the one in Scooby-Doo. Stupid Tv shows. Oh, well.
In the back was not much, except some empty cartoon boxes, a roll of thick rope, scattered newspapers and one suitcase. Strange indeed. With a deep breath, Olivia opened the side door and waved the brothers to come over.
Maybe they did find their peace for now single night, they will figure it out tomorrow how and where to go next.

They almost were out of supplies, just thinking of that matter, her stomach rumbled loudly.
Stupid apocalypse.
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