Zombies, Death, and Crazy People -With Danger

Isabella scowled and opened her mouth to say something else but then snapped it shut, remembering he had a gun. An array of words were running themselves off in her head and none of them were nice. Still, she did indeed stop talking for a moment and curled up, drawing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. As a last minuet thought she took her knife out of her boot and zipped up her jacket, resting her head on her knees with a soft sigh. Feeling homesick already, stuck in a tree with a stranger. What a night.
"Good," Bailey muttered to himself. He glanced at her one last time, before closing his eyes and falling into a light sleep.
Isabella tried not to fall asleep, she really did. But a day of running and lack of food left her exhausted and unable to keep her eyes open once the silence set in. By the time the sun was rising she had slipped into a light sleep herself. Her face was hidden and she was balled up still with her knees drawn up. Even in her sleep, she mumbled occasionally but it was nothing above the lightest whisper.
As soon as the sun rose, Bailey was awake. His eyes simply snapped open, but he didn't move and his breathing was the same. As soon as he recognised that there was no danger, he sat up and looked down at Isabella.
Isabella did not wake, used to being woken up when it was her turn for watch. Her breathing was smooth and even and she mumbled something again. Cucumbers. her knife was stuck in the tree trunk beside her, it was quite an unushual thing. The blade was long and thin, curved at the tip and serrated on one edge. There was a fine carving in the handle. Swirls, names, and little words that could not be made out from a distance made up the design. Walkers below seemed to be a smaller number, perhaps some had dispersed during the night. Still, there was a good amount
Bailey slowly made his way down the tree, completely silent. He was like a cat. He stopped on the branch above her, and took a look at her knife.
The carvings, it seemed, were hand made. The little words at the top spelt Carpe Diem. Around it the swirls seemed to make there way down the knife, going around the names which were carved in ridiculously small. They seemed mainly male, no obvious female names exept for one at the bottom which delicately spelled Isabella. His movements were quiet enough to keep her sleeping, although there was a rather loud shuffle beneath them which indicated she might have been a heavy sleeper.
Bailey frowned at the knife. Shooting a look at Isabella, he reached for the knife. He didn't want to steal, just wanted to get a closer look. He was very curious about weapons of all sorts, and this one seemed precious.
Isabella didn't stir. Were normally she might have with movement so close to her, it had been a long time since she slept. There was however, movement in the distance just in view of the tree. It was quick, to quick to be a walker. With closer examination it looked like a few people, but they weren't going in the direction of Isabella and Bailey.
Bailey glanced up, but seeing that they weren't headed for them he went back to studying the knife. He went to read the names.
Jack, Damian, Alexander, Cade, Barrett, James, John, William, Isabella.
The higher up on the handle they were, the more faded and worn the names were. One was scratched out, near Isabella's name it seemed on perpous. It was unreadable. With a shout in the distance, the group split up. Most of them headed off, but one headed in the direction of the tree. Once in veiw it was clear to see he was watching the walkers, keeping his focus on them as he advanced but had no intention of getting close. They did not seem to notice him.
Bailey scowled, putting the knife back and shaking Isabella. His eyes were locked on the man. He shook Isabella again. "Wake up!" He then quickly climbed back up the tree to gather his stuff.
Isabella lifted her head suddenly, her hair shifting out of her face and she flinched away from him. Her back was stiff and sore from the position she slept in and she rubbed her eyes but said nothing. It took her a moment to remember were she was and why. "Wha...?" She mumbled and her eyes flashed fully open. "Oh!" She immediately straitened out and grabbed her knife from the tree, pausing for a moment because the handle was warm but the thought was pushed from her mind at her next sight. The man. She scrambled back, pushing against the trunk as much as possible with a look of shock. Her movement shook the tree branch a bit and he looked up at the movement, searching with narrow eyes.
Bailey grabbed his bow, and nocked an arrow. He aimed it at the man. "I wouldn't take another step if I were you," he called out to him.
Isabella looked up at Bailey. "What the hell are you doing?" She hissed, but quietly. Very quietly, scared of the man hearing her.

The man stopped immediately, putting up his hands and looking around quickly before turning back to the tree. "Alright. I'm not moving. I am unarmed, no threat." He said slowly.
"What do you want?" Bailey called to him. He kept his bow trained on his chest. He was a very good shot, and he knew that if the man moved, he would have an arrow sticking out of his chest.
He didn't move, having enough sense to stay put. "Just scouting the area, and looking for a girl." He called back to the unknown source. "My group, were on our way passing by. Well be out of here in no time, were no trouble."

Isabella slowly stood up on the branch, having good balance and leaned forward a bit to try and see who it was. Her stomach dropped. She knew his face personally, but not his name. Of course it was the one she stole from, coulden't be somone else. Her luck. She took a step back, grinding her teeth and trying to get her mind working in the early morning.
Bailey glanced down at Isabella and raised an eyebrow. He thought for a moment, then smirked. "A girl, you say?"
Isabella looked up at him sharply, his expression terrifying her to no end. "Don't you dare." She snarled quietly, not letting her panic show.

"Ey mate, A theif." The man called back, putting his hands down because they were tired but slowly as to show he was not doing anything. "Stole from my group, crafty little thing." There was a hint of sourness in his tone.
"Gotta hate them," Bailey said, grinning. "Red haired, am I right?" He looked to Isabella and shook his head.