Zombie Loan

" Whats going on? " Chika said as he stepped in.
Bekko "Well I had this feeling grip over me for a while now. Clearly an assignment or two have popped up, probably more. Very high rank status as well. But no matter which area I check to pinpoint them nothing comes up, not even a trace. And even if the zombies could turn themselves invisible to avoid being accurately located, a trace marker on the computer here would at least pick up a signal of the area the zombies are around, even if the exact location isn't reveled. And it's been like this for a few days now."
Shito thought as he soon came up with an idea. " Maybe they are useing an alius like for instance say one of the zombies had their name as shaki xai. They could simply change their names to something else and just fly under the radar. " Shito said as he stepped forward thinking this through as chika just looked at hi m in disbelife.
Bekko looks to Shito listening to him speak his theory and then says "Yeah that's probably what it is I suppose."
Shito nodded. " It's the only logical way. " He said as chika looked at bekko. " So what now? " Chika asked as he stuck his hands in his pockets.
Bekko "Well aside from these mystery ones, there are a few other assignments that I'd like you three to take on, 6 of them to be exact. I know it's a lot to take on all at once, but I sent all the others off already and as fast as these zombies keep appearing we need to be on top of things here."

Kita nods but knows that Bekko saying he didn't want anything to be done yet about the mystery attacks would probably not go so well with Chika's point of view considering what he saw in the log book with his knowledge of the fact that the higher the rank of the zombie he takes down then more he'll pay torwards clearing his debt.
Chika nodded aswell as shito. " What ever will get my debt paid off.. " Chika said as he smiled lightly.
Kita blinks her eyes at that and thinks to herself ~ Just a little while ago he nearly lost it when he figured out how much he owed, and now being not offered the assignments that would pay the most to him towards getting his debt paid off and instead getting offered the assignments that payed only a little..you think with how he felt back there at the dorm building he'd be furious hearing something like that, not to mention possibly taking it as an insult that Bekko didn't want him fighting the tougher zombies..But instead he's cool calm and collected..I have to say Chika's attitude really turned around.~ She then looks at Shito.
Shito nodded as he waited to listen where the assignment was located at.
Bekko blinks his eyes being a bit stunned as well at Chika's cool, calm, and collected posture. Knowing Chika's temper he thought he'd get a different reaction altogether when he gave them their orders. He was proud though. Bekko then nodded and gave the directions to each of the group's current 6 assignments.
Both shito and chika nodded as they walked out of the front door. " Which one is the closest one shito? " Chika asked as he looked over to him. " Well looks like number three is. " Shito said as he pointed to a building just right down the block.
Kita nods and starts on her way to the 3rd zombie's location.
Chika and shito soon arrived at the building as they swaped right hands just incase. " Ready... " Shito said as chika nodded, they both then rammed into the door as the dor flew open to a bigger room inside. " Hmmmmm. This zombie can be anywhere. " Chika said as he looked around.
Kita looks around the room too.
Just then a blade flew right by Chika's face only nicking him slightly, Chika then summoned his blade and looked around franticly.
Kita glances up only slightly to see a flash of something moving rather quick.
Shito then summoned his pistole as he looked around. " ....... " He then saw another flash as he shot twice in the direction lighting the place up revaling the zombie to them.
Kita sees the zombie bounce off the wall after being revealed, dodging the bullet from Shito's pistol barely, and then land on the floor about 5 feet away in the room.
Chika smirks as he charged at the zombie with his blade by his side. " RRAAAAAGH!! " He screamed as he thrusted his blade to the zombie smirking as he felt it impale something.
Kita looks to Shito and says "Seems Chika struck it."