Zombie Apocolypse 5 needed

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I want to do a zombie apocolypse but I want only 5 people so it doesn't get to crowded or the story doesn't jumpto far ahead. My character needs a twin brother please post picture. No romance between the two thanks They are separated for a good part of the beginning.

It was just the start of the zombie apocolypse and Rebecca was at home making dinner for her twin. Their parents had died and they were the only two members left. Right now he was at work. The news was on in the background but she was not paying to much attention to that right now. Her light brown hair tied back into a messy bun as to not get hair in the food. She wore jeans that were worn out and had an oversized hoodie on which was comfy. Her makeup was done very quickly and looked like she had very little on. Sighing she put the food into the oven and turned on the timer. He should be home soon she thought to herself and she looked at the clock that quietly ticked above the stove. Quickly she walked over to the couch to sit down and watch the rest of news
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