| Zodiac |

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[BCOLOR=transparent]Roleplay starts on January 3rd[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Out of Character | Roleplay | Interest Check |[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Rules and Information[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]| General Rules |[/BCOLOR]
  1. [BCOLOR=transparent]If you know any aspect of life(work/school/ext) will become a long term burden and prevent you from consistently posting, do [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]not[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] join the rp.[/BCOLOR]
  2. [BCOLOR=transparent]No Mary Sue or Gary Stu characters will be accepted into the rp.[/BCOLOR]
  3. [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]No [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]godmodding[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] or [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]powerplaying[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent].[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  4. [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Zodiac is an anime roleplay. You must use anime based pictures in your character sheets.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  5. [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Character sheets must be completed within 48 hours after they were started. Automatic rejection will occur otherwise. (If something urgent and random has come up in life, please just contact any of the GM's.)[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  6. [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]If your character sheet is rejected, there are no seconds chances. Please make sure to thoroughly read [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]all[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of the rules.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Activity Requirements |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Zodiac[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] is a long term role-play.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Originally started around March on an alternate website, Zodiac and its pre-existing cast have gone on to successfully complete three arcs up to the present. From experience, each arc has had a [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]minimum[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of 600 total posts. If you do [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]not[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] believe this is a commitment you can upkeep, then please reconsider joining.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]General Posting:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Members of this role-play are required to consistently post throughout the entirety of the role-play's lifetime.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]If you have upcoming finals that you need to study for, your swamped with homework, or your family is forcing you into a boring vacation, then by all means focus on your life; however, a simple [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]notice[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of your [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]status[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] is[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] required[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent].[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]See [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]General Rule 1[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent].[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Battle/Fight Posting[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: Plot based battles/fights in Zodiac operate under a 24 hour rule. This means that if you fail to reply within 24 hours, your character is assumed to have been killed, and you will be written an awesome death scene as compensation.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]| Writing Requirements |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Zodiac does not require high level writing skills to participate in the role-play; however, that being said, Zodiac is [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]not[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] a [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]beginners[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] role-play, and there are several guidelines that will be [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]required[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of anyone pre-existing, or joining the role-play.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]One liners[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] are [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]not[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] accepted under any circumstances.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Two[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] paragraphs are a base minimum for the majority of your posts. If not much is occurring at the time, going below two paragraphs is understandable on a rare occasion; however, generally two paragraphs is long enough to create an effective reply without becoming too much of a burden.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Reading Comprehension [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]is a must. If something does not make sense, simply ask the writer of that post for clarification. Do not assume. Miscommunication only leads to further issues, as proceeding posts, based off misleading information, creates extra work in the form of later corrections.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Be [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]capable[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]developing[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] your character in a [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]believable[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] manner. Your character is not a doll without an existence for itself. As time passes in the role-play, the world of Zodiac will change, and so should your character with it. Emotions will flare; happiness will be felt; tears will be shed.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Be [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]imaginative[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. Zodiac is a very open ended role-play that allows for a lot of leeway in terms of character interactions. Anything that stays within the bounds of the role play's setting and can be portrayed in a believable manner, given your character's position, is acceptable.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Death |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]No[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] character is immune from death.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]While it is not entirely common, death [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]can[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] and [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]will [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]happen throughout the course of the[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]role-play. Not everybody in the world of Zodiac is a friendly person. Antagonists with the desire to kill, exist, and it is up to your own observation and reactions to survive through the days.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]If your character is killed, you are allowed to make a new character to rejoin the role-play.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]If your character is killed, he/she was killed for a reason and under a fair manner. Please do not create drama in an attempt to revive your character. Accept your fate and move on.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]| Time |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Whether you post that day or not, time in Zodiac will continue to move forward.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Remember that [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]role-players move with time[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], not the other way around.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]One day in the role-play is equivalent to seven days in real life.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Real time: Day One & Day Two | Day Three & Day Four & Day Five | Day Six & Day Seven[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]RP time: Morning | Afternoon | Evening[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent](7 real time days = 1 roleplay day)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]For your character sheet, the date of your character's signature is the tenth of July 2015.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]| Inventory |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]In Zodiac, items can be an important factor under certain circumstances in battle and everyday life. That being said, after every post, it is required that you display, in a spoiler, what your character is currently carrying in his inventory.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Post:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] John, who realized there was no food in the fridge, decided to make a trip to the market.[/BCOLOR]

Inventory (open)

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Everyday Life |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Zodiac is a split between slice of life and supernatural action. In this role play, your characters live out their daily lives like any normal person their age would. Even if one is to discover information concerning the supernatural, it does not change the fact that everyday requirements such as school, interaction, ext exist.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]School:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Your character is a local or transfer student residing within the city or dorms as he/she attends Armstrong high school. This means your character is required to attend class as any student would be. Managing one's time, extra activities, and sleep schedule are all crucial toward gaining reputation and maintaining good academic status within the school.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Relations: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Being a loner is no fun(unless you character enjoys that), but even less fun is the possible danger that lurks in the darkness of Brookfield. Frequent are the allies, yet equally frequent are the possible enemies who would show no mercy to the weak and innocent.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Misc: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Brookfield is an ordinary city with ordinary days and ordinary lives. Extracurricular activities, part time jobs, hanging out with friends, dates and more! Enjoy your time as much as you can. The future might prove to be grim…[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Zodiacs |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]A soul, that is denied it's final resting place and placed into a realm known as Limbo, is called a Zodiac. While there is currently no explanation as to why they linger beyond death, Zodiacs possess incredible power, which they can bestow a fraction of upon humans they choose as hosts.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]No Zodiac has a set purpose in its afterlife. Their goals vary among each spirit, just as their alignment among the sides of good, evil, and neutral.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]General Information:[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]All Zodiacs are controlled by one of the three GMs(or person approved by the GM) who created it. If you wish to interact with your Zodiac, then do so as if you were attempting to interact with one of that GM's character.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Zodiacs can only be seen by hosts. Ordinary humans cannot see a Zodiac or notice its actions, but a Zodiac can interfere with a human's existence.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Both humans and hosts can exist in Limbo for an infinite period of time; however, special methods or a zodiac is required to transport you there.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]A Zodiac is not guaranteed to like you, even if you are its host. Remember, Zodiacs have their own purpose and motives which can extend to choosing a particular host who shares no common interest.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Policy: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Zodiacs can only be created by the GMs or someone approved by the GMs. Given the number of characters that are possible in the role-play, not every member will be appointed a Zodiac. Zodiacs are given out to the individuals who impress a GM, and have a character whom they believe would mesh with the particular Zodiac in question. Please do not beg or whine in an attempt to force a GM to give you a Zodiac. It will not help your chances of getting one, but rather, only make them worse.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Hosts: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Receiving a Zodiac bestows a fraction of their power upon your character who becomes known as a host. Like everything in life, the usage of this power is [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]not a skill[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] that is immediately learned. At first, your character will be [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]relatively weak[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] in terms of [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]power and ability[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; however, such aspects can be [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]developed over time[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] through [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]self-training[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] or under [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]mentors[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] who exist within Brookfield.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Non-Hosts: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Just because you lack a Zodiac's power does not mean you have nothing to do in the role-play. Non-hosts who find themselves involved in matters concerning the Zodiacs will be presented with a chance to develop themselves in ways to protect and assist their allies. Although non-hosts can never be on par with Zodiac users in terms of raw power, strength and combat is not always the answer in this role-play.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Current Zodiacs:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] A list and description of the current Zodiacs in existence can be found in the Character Sheet section.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Contact |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]If you have any questions concerning the roleplay, feel free to contact any of the GM's, IAmEnzo, Voltaire, or Tsu via message, OOC, or Skype.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Tsu:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] branden.tenbrink[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]IAmEnzo: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]iamv3to[/BCOLOR]
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// Make sure to read all of the rules/info before proceeding with the character sheet.
//Please note that there are no second chances if you are rejected.
//The character sheet must be completed within 48 hours after it was started.

SURNAME: ___________________
FORENAME: __________________
AGE: ____________________
SEX: ____________________



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description






Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, ____________, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.

(If you are accepted into Armstrong Academy, Tsu, our admissions secretary, will be in contact shortly thereafter.)

SURNAME: ___________________
FORENAME: __________________
AGE: ____________________
SEX: ____________________



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description





Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.


  1. [BCOLOR=transparent]Writing: In two or more paragraphs, please write a collection of memories that define your character's development between the past and the present.[/BCOLOR]


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]
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[GM Characters]


AGE: ???
SEX: Male



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ x ] -- [ ] -- [ ]



Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?


If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.

Shun Takumi is the President of Ravenwood. In addition, he acts as a professor and researcher under Head Researcher Cecilia.


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.


If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Secret for plot reasons.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ x ] -- [ ]


SURNAME: Aldricht
AGE: ???
SEX: Female



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ x ] -- [ ]



Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?


If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.

Cecilia is the Head Researcher at Ravenwood.


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.


If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Secret for plot reasons.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ x ] -- [ ]


SURNAME: Tsukino
AGE: 21
SEX: Male



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ x ] -- [ ]



Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?


If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.

Kaivant is a groundskeeper at Ravenwood.


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ x ] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.


If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Secret for plot reasons.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ x ] -- [ ]
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The following characters have been pre-approved by the GMs.

Welcome, returning and new members!
I'm glad to be back.

{ Finished! I would put them in spoilers to save space, but it bugged out on me. Sorry! }






[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [✘] -- [ ]



Skin: She glows a pale ivory.________

Hair: Silver with lilac undertones. It's

an asymmetrical cut, and the longest_

part (the front) falls just past her_____


Eyes: Lilac, though they can turn red.

Height: She currently stands at 5'5''.__

Weight: An average 125 lbs, hourglass.

Markings: She has scars on her back__

and arms from.. who knows?_________

Attire: You can catch Ravenna wearing

Victorian or Gothic styled clothing, all_

of which are of her own making. She __

tends to stand out quite a bit most of__

the time.___________________________

Extra: She's a 36 D bra size. ♥________


Did you graduate from high school?
[ ] -- [✘]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood?
[ ] -- [✘]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path?
Ravenna is the Gardener/Groundskeeper at Ravenwood, and she sometimes helps Cecilia with research. However, she mainly tends to her shop, Raven Rose.


In two or more paragraphs, please write a collection of memories that define your character's development between the past and the present.

((I know I personally don't need to put this, but I might edit something in later~))


Are you currently a host?
[✘] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Active Abilities: Ravenna is able to see the threads

of existence. They're what everything in this world

is made out of, and she can manipulate almost____

anything as she so desires. The only thing she can't

snip away and destroy completely is life itself, ____

though she can effect the living in other ways. You

all will see what she and her zodiac, Cecilia, can so

when the time comes. ♥________________________

Passive Abilities: Ravenna has improved memory,

and she makes quite the tailor. Her eyes can change

from their enchanting lilac hue to an intimidating__

crimson whenever she uses her ability to look at the

threads of existence, too.________________________

Extra: Ravenna has a stuffed rabbit, Smokey, that_

holds all of the threads she has snipped away for__

her. He also sews together the threads she has to__

create whatever it is she desires in her stead, too.__

Like Cecilia's stuffed bear, Gom, he is animate.____

Alliances: Ravenna is devoted to anyone within the

Ravenwood faction. Anyone who's friends with ___

Shun, Cecilia, or Kaivant are friends of hers, but if_

they're not.. They better watch out. ♥_____________

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?
[ ] -- [✘] -- [ ]






[ ] -- [ ] -- [✘] -- [✘] -- [ ]



Skin: As white as snow.________________

Hair: Follows in suit with her skin; a pale,

pale white. Because she never cuts it until

her ends split, it's quite extensive. It falls_

all the way down to her mid-thigh.______

Eyes: A light, icy blue._________________

Height: Serena still stands at a mere 4'11''.

Weight: Petite and frail, she's but 102 lbs.

Marks: She has a jagged scar in her mid-_

chest region from a recent surgery.______

Attire: Serena normally sports clothing of

plain hues and refined structure. She ____

doesn't wear anything too bright nor ____

daring. All in all, she's quite modest._____

Extra: She's a 32 B bra size. ♥___________


Did you graduate from high school?
[✘] -- [ ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood?
[✘] -- [ ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?
Serena is currently studying Creative Writing, as well as finishing off her basics. From time to time, she'll sit in on a few art and music classes, as well.

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path?
She may be enrolled in Ravenwood, but she does have a part time job at the local bookstore to go with.


In two or more paragraphs, please write a collection of memories that define your character's development between the past and the present.
((I know I personally don't need to put this, but I might edit something in later~))


Are you currently a host?
[✘] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Active Abilities: Serena is able to manipulate the four

basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. She is also

able to manipulate life energy, able to give or take it__

away. She uses four mask-shaped spirits in order to__

so all of this. Huo helps her use fire, Shui is water, ___

Kun is earth, and Feng is air. These loyal spirits aren't_

sentient like human beings or zodiacs, so they simply_

follow Mei Ling and Serena's orders. She can take life

essence without the help of her spirits, though. This __

varies from simply making someone a little tired to ___

deeming them completely immobile from exhaustion._

Giving life essence has the opposite effect, and Serena

needs all four of her masks to accomplish this. Doing_

this can heal her allies, make them faster, make them__

feel stronger, and they'll be more invigorated.________

Passive Abilities: Serena is always filled with energy__

and has no need for things like sleep. She is able to shut

off all thought and emotion, as well. She's very quick,__

light on her feet, and can dodge incoming attacks with_

ease. She's also very in tune with energies thanks to her

abilities, so locating other hosts and zodiacs is easy for_


Alliances: She'll help anyone she feels deserves it, so __

long as it doesn't harm the innocent._________________

Extra: If Serena gets hit, she'll take a lot of damage. If _

you can catch her, that is. Her hair was once a dark and

mysterious black hue, but she's been with her zodiac__

for a long enough time for more noticeable side effects_

to set in. More and more are popping up as the days go


If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?
[ ] -- [ ] -- [✘]






[ ] -- [ ] -- [✘] -- [ ] -- [ ]



Skin: Ivory, but with a hint of olive.__

Hair: White with pinkish undertones.

She normally keeps it up in pigtails, _

but it drapes all the way down to her

hips when she just lets it fall.________

Eyes: They glow a bright amethyst.__

Height: She stands at a mere 5'1''.____

Weight: A healthy 115 lbs, hourglass._

Marks: None, at the moment.________

Attire: You'll see Hikari wearing either

super bright clothes or very dark and_

alternative wear. She's either colorful_

or neutral, and her styles of choice can

be quite eccentric at times. __________

Extra: She's a 34 C bra size. ♥________


Are you currently enrolled in high school?
[✘] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.
Hikari is currently taking online classes, so she stays at home for her schooling. She's not attending Armstrong High.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?
1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH
[ ] -- [ ] -- [✘] -- [ ]
She works fast, so she's a grade ahead of others her age~ ♥


In two or more paragraphs, please write a collection of memories that define your character's development between the past and the present.
((I know I personally don't need to put this, but I might edit something in later~))


Are you currently a host?
[✘] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Active Abilities: Hikari is able to "download" things into

the world, as well as "delete" almost anything. The only_

things off limits to these abilities are living beings with a

free will, like humans or spirits, but the rest is only limit-

ed by her imagination. She's also able to manipulate any

form of technology, as well as use common devices (like

computers, cell phones, and whatnot) without touching_

them directly. It's like she can surf the internet and make

calls with her mind alone. Speaking of internal convos,__

Hikari is also able to link other people's thoughts and ___

speak in other's minds.______________________________

Passive Abilities: Hikari can perform as a human charger

and hot spot. Any electronic device will charge and stay_

charged around her, as well as have internet access. _____

Alliances: Hikari is currently allied with Dominion, and_

she helps them out as she sees fit. So long as they're the__

"good guys," she's on their side._______________________

Extra: Hikari's eyes will start to glow rainbow hues when

she's actively using her abilities. If she's concentrating,__

especially when hacking, rainbow circuit like lines will__

appear on her upper arms, the back of her hands, and on

the sides of her face. Her nails will also glow colorful____

hues, as well. The same marks on her zodiac, Matrix, be-_

come her own._____________________________________ _

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?
[✘] -- [ ] -- [ ]
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SURNAME: Borromeo
AGE: 21
SEX: Female



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"I'm tall, I'm dark, or I would be, if I ever got any sun."

6'0" , Black Hair , Dark Eyes , Athletic Build , Resting Frown Face
Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]
GED holder.

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ x ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.
Security at Fishbones


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.
"Yeah, you don't need to know that."

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]
"Hah. Yeah, no."
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(*'∀'人)♥*+ Welcome back Zodiacs Cast members~ (•ө•)♡


SURNAME: ___Nanako____
FORENAME: ____Alice____
AGE: __20__
SEX: ___Female___



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Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Height: 5'4" (Yay! She grew just one inch taller... )
Weight: 125 lbs.
Body Structure: Athlete Built but Small
Scars/ Marking/ Tattoos: Battle Scars
Facial Appearance: Baby Face, Stern, and Expressionless (at times)

Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ X ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?

Does not apply.

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.

She doesn't have a 'real' job but she works part time jobs here and there. During weekdays, she goes to assist her cousin, Kaye, on his paper work when he needs help. If not, she'll be at the library or the convenience store.

  1. [BCOLOR=transparent]Writing: In two or more paragraphs, please write a collection of memories that define your character's development between the past and the present.[/BCOLOR]
Alice was just another transfer student from England. She arrived late to school but was able to make many new friends along the way but maybe she should have just kept to being a loner. Then again, maybe she should have just moved to somewhere else though, it was too late to regret now. From the day she befriended the citizens of Brookfield, she was put in one hell of a journey from being a normal citizen to becoming what is now known as a 'host'. She never dreamed or even wished to be one but it just... happened. From a single dream, a contract was made between a wandering spirit and herself that if she were to die, the spirit that she was linked with would follow.

Everyone around her were pulled into the mess with these spirits called 'Zodiac' and even fell into weird worlds that they foundd out to be known as 'Limbo' with hostile creatures called 'Hollows' who just want to rip your flesh off and eat you alive - crazy mutts - until you also become a hollow, a mindless spirit with no life. Alice could have just commit suicide if she wanted to end it all but it never crossed her mind to back out on the game of life and death.

Alice was able to establish a a good rapport with Tyrik and was able to learn new abilities she never knew she had. From wielding the great battle axe, The Eliminator, to make the world shake with a stomp to being able to control flames, Alice has been able to understand how powerful Tyrik was and she had thought she was strong enough. Many could say that the two were made for each other - not in a romantic way - and the perfect duo besides the fact Tyrik had some anger issues.

Now, Alice has finally return from her trip from England and have yet to reunite with Tyrik once more, her dear friend she had left so long, if only she knew what was happening to Tyrik.


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Tyrik, a powerful body-armored Zodiac with a giant battleaxe much bigger than her coated in blue flames. She possesses destructive power and great strength to destroy anything in her way. With Tyrik, Alice is able to have extraordinary power unlike any other, maybe even better than those comic superheroes.

Tyrik provides supernatural strength, ability to use pyromancy to a small degree, use her flames to coat weapons in the blazing-blue heat and use brute force to be like a tank, smashing through anything as if it was nothing. She is also able to wield Tyrik's axe known as "The Eliminator" and behead her foes with a swing of the giant axe. Only Alice is able to use Tyrik's powers and the Eliminator, those who try will only get terrible burns and maybe even break a bone even trying to lift the Eliminator.

Her powers are yet to be seen but in due time you will see the brutal power of Tyrik.

The side effects of using Tyrik's power is that Alice will have terrible pain and sores all around her body, causing her to be paralyze and suffer through it until it goes away. When she recovers, it will be as if it never happened, the pain completely vanish and leave no trace.

Since Tyrik has some anger issues, Alice is also affected by Tyrik's temper and occasionally can become aggressive with a flaring temper to burst out in rage. Alice isn't one to become pugnacious but now that she has Tyrik, she is willing to throw fists and throw people around as if they are nothing but trash bags. She'll only become like this when Tyrik reacts to certain Zodiacs like for example, Mei Ling - the two goes at each others throat whenever they first meet - or when someone or something triggers it so don't try to piss them off too much unless you want to be sent to your grave.

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Does not apply.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]
N/A, She has yet to find out.​

SURNAME: ____Langeveld___
FORENAME: ___Shimako___
AGE: ___17___
SEX: ___Female___



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Hair Color: Raven-Black
Eye Color: Cyan
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Body Structure: Average/ Lean
Scars/ Marking/ Tattoos: Stripe-like birthmark on her back and scars on her right palm, shoulder, and her ankles.
Facial Appearance: Panda Eyes, Baby Face and an Innocent expression


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

Shimako's in-law family lived in Brookfield and this was the only school close by for Shimako to attend.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

Does not apply.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ X ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.
  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
Shimako is, basically, spontaneous and have a carefree soul. She is willing to take a chance on life regardless of the consequences she will face. Ever since she was a child, she had always been reckless in her decisions and causes trouble wherever she goes. Her parents really struggled to hold her down but she never seemed to listen to them since she would only be chained by their lecture to become a proper lady. This was why Shimako was also living in this small town, to be away from her parents bickering. Living with her sister-in-law's family, she was able to find some freedom to live her life as she pleased.

Establishing a life of her own, Shimako became independent and stood her own ground. She won't let others pull her down so easily and follows her own rules but she can consider to keep quiet if the person has their reasons. She is quick to learn and isn't stubborn enough to cause a commotion. She is friendly to anyone and smiles through anything unless the situation involves death or suffer, she will act hastily without a second to waste to smash the person who caused the pain. She may be a girl but she has taken some skills from Taekwondo and Muay Thai. She is also currently learning Aikido from her in-law father.

She is open but only to a few. She likes to keep her private life and social life separate from each other since her family problem is not for the whole world to know. If she was to answer anything of her family, she would only say that her in-law are her family, her real family doesn't have any relation to her other than by blood. She doesn't have anything against her siblings but her relations with her biological parents had already cut ties and are now just strangers to her. Nothing of it matters now, all she cares now is to be free and her family to live a happy life.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Langeveld Shimako, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
July 10th, 2015

In-Law Family:
Lil Bro
Big Sis
Big Bro 1
Big Bro 2

Biological Family:
Big Bro 1
Big Bro 2
Big Bro 3
Big Bro 4

Lil Cousin
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SURNAME: ____Satori____________
FORENAME: ______
AGE: ________
SEX: _________



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**Note: Born in Japan and has been living in the U.S. since childhood with occasional visits back to Japan.

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


Height: 5'8" or 172.5 cm
Weight: 120 lbs or 54.43kg
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Amber
Skin Tone: Ivory
Markings: Freckles (sparse for the most part),


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[X] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

I ran out of interesting classes to take at my highschool and my councilor recommended looking into both the study abroad programs and the transfer student programs. This particular school looked most interesting with the additional aspect of being located in an area rife with mythology and folklore.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

Not Applicable.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [X] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
It's sort of difficult to describe a person in a few paragraphs but I assume that it's the basic characteristics most prominent in said person you're asking for. I'm a rather normal individual. I'm a Japanese-american high school student; a basic fact that actually has quite an impact on who I currently am today. Due to the different heritage and culture of my parents I believe myself to be quite open minded. I hold a deep respect for cultures and their beliefs, practices, and mythology and enjoy learning about them extensively. My grades are average and have stayed as such for the majority of my life. This is considered 'shameful' by my father but what good are studies that you have no interest in? That is not to say my scores are poor but a 'B' to my father is as good as an 'F'.

I began schooling in Tokyo, Japan but my family moved to New York relatively early on in my life and 2nd Grade on through my second year of high school I attended within the boundaries of the U.S. My father is a business man, one that travels frequently, which is why I emphasize 'boundaries of the U.S.' because we never remained in one place for very long. At the age of seven I encountered the concept of Halloween and, in turn, All Hallows Eve which is what first started me on both my love of myths and my slight candy fetish. Needless to say, those characteristics stuck with me despite my progression through grade levels. Throughout my career as a student I made both good and relatively average impressions on my teachers for what brief time I had them. Usually, there is at least one letter sent home to my parents about my 'lack of enthusiasm' or 'distracted behavior' within classes. Depending on the teacher it will either be polite suggestions to encourage me to focus more or a rough complaint on wasted efforts and time. Their persistence confuses me as I do keep an 3.5 GPA at the least so the interference pertaining to my lack of effort seems a bit unwarranted. To me, the knowledge that is gleaned from the course is more important than the grade but perhaps that is not a common perspective. Thankfully, the letters have become less frequent since my entrance into high school.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, ____Satori, Hideko________, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
July 10, 2015_________
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AGE: 18
SEX: Male



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//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


5 feet and 10 inches tall, skinny, not much muscle, but not quite scrawny.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[X ] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

My last school ran into financial problems and had to shut down, so my parents decided upon Armstrong Academy as they believed it would be the best suited to me.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.


What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [X]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
I see myself as, first and foremost, an academic. Though I take little interest in sports, I believe that this is more than made up for my aptitude specialising in the sciences, those being my strongest subjects in school so far. I believe that in other subjects I'm also a quick learner, picking up ideas and concepts easily enough.

My plans for the future tend mainly towards vocations such as astrophysics and astrology, as I take a keen interest in the two in my spare time, as well as reading magazines and online articles on the topic.

I suppose that one might describe me as reasonably friendly, however I would count myself as an introvert, in that though I do socialise on occasion with others, I can sometimes feel emotionally drained by such activities, and enjoy some alone time to relax and rest.

One of my most favoured activities would most certainly be stargazing. I enjoy the relaxing nature of it, and believe that we live in not just an amazing world, but also a beautiful universe, and the stars and galaxies are out there to be explored and admired. I in fact possess an amateur telescope, and hope to bring it to the school. I have heard that there is a forest beside Brookfield, and would love to take it there to go stargazing at some point.

As to my personal history, I wouldn't say that I had a particularly unique upbringing. My parents are both from middle-class backgrounds, and I was raised similarly. I've been in only private schools since I first began schooling, and have done fairly well all throughout. My father was the one who introduced me to astronomy -

I believe that I am reasonably laid-back, and patient, though I do try my best to work hard at my studies and furthering myself in life, as I aim to stay on the right path, out of trouble.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, William Manton, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 10th July 2015

(If you are accepted into Armstrong Academy, Tsu, our admissions secretary, will be in contact shortly thereafter.)
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  • Like
  • Love
Reactions: AiDee and PandaChu
AGE: 17
SEX: Male



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Reference - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46419836
5'9", Average weight, quite muscular. Short brown hair and pale skin. Ice blue eyes.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

Moved with father to Brookfield so the man could pursue a relationship with a woman from the town he met through online dating. Enrolled at Armstrong as it was the school closest to where he now lives.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.


What year of high school are you intending to enrol into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ X ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

Aaron is a man of mild temperament in general. He prefers to keep a calm mind and work through things rationally, if rather directly. A solution which requires lateral thinking is not one he will discover or use on his own. Subtlety is not his strong suit either, however this does not mean he cannot keep secrets. He understands the importance of secrecy and the trust involved in their sharing. The only reason for him to break such a trust is if it could result in harm to another person, either physical or emotional. The harm that would be suffered must be more than the harm the owner of the secret would suffer from its revelation though, judged by his own standards.

Despite this he does have a dash of recklessness that occasionally emerges. It is most commonly seen in physical activities where he may take the riskier path if he perceives it as most efficient. He responds to success with quiet joy, noticeable by a slight upwards turns on the corners of his mouth and his eyes lighting up with happiness. Failure is met with a brief period of annoyance or anger, before a desire to find out where he made a mistake takes over, and he will do his best to learn from the experience.

He holds trust very dearly and values it when he receives it from another person. As such he does not freely hand out his own, but will repay it in kind. The quickest way to earn his trust is to give him your own along with evidence that yours is not easily broken. A result of this is that his friendships are very close and meaningful to him, as becoming friends involves an exchange of the above precious quantity. He will always come to the aid of his friends and do his best to protect them.

A breaking of his trust by another person is obviously a very serious matter. If such a thing occurs it will be almost impossible for the person to earn his forgiveness unless they can convince him the reason for it was necessary i.e. a reason why Aaron himself would break someone's trust. If he breaks someone else's he will put his everything into earning forgiveness if possible, or at least mitigating the harm caused by it.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the loss of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Aaron Wilson, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enrol.
10th July 2015
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AGE: 15
SEX: Female



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White-Aboriginal Australian mix



Height: 5'5 or 165 cm
Weight: 143 lb or 65kg
Body Build: Medium, Athletic
Skin Tone: Medium-Dark
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Piercings: Earlobes (Both ears)
Tattoos: None


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[X] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

Moved to Brookfield from Cairn, Queensland, Australia and was enrolled into Armstrong. Dad thought that this school would be the best fit for me I guess. I don't really question him all too much.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.


What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [X] -- [ ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

I'm not much of one to talk about myself, but if you must insist. I was born in the nation Australia in the late spring of 2000. My mother wasn't much a part of my life due to her early death when I was two in fishing accident that lead to her downing. I was never told the details of her demise, my father has sheltered me from that it seems. I'm not that in touch with my Aboriginal roots on my mother's side due to fact that it never became a big part of my life, and I was convinced that if I tried, I would only be treated worse in society. I moved to America with my father when he wanted to pursue a career in the US.

I think my most noticeable personality trait is my passive personality. I'd someone who would rather please others than treating myself and this is one of my strongest flaws. I wanted to be stronger in mentality, but I fear the chance of secluded from peers. I get a lot of criticism for my apparent lack of tact, so I try my hardest to fit in to cover that up. I am coy and never want to be the one to start a conversation nor am I one to stand in front a crowd voluntary and not surprisingly, I have major stage fright.

I enjoy intellectual pursuits and team sports in my free time. Football, or soccer as it's known over here, is my favourite. I'm not much for video games due to my lack of fine motor skills, but I do try from time to time. Even so, I give up early on. As you would figure for someone who scores low in the fine motor skills department, I am terrible artist and I down right hate the subject for said reason.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Teangi Reed , fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 10th of July, 2015
SURNAME: St.Claire
AGE: 16
SEX: Female



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- []

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


I'm tall and thin. I stand at approximately 5'7" and I weigh approximately 117 pounds. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I wear a size small shirt, a size three pants and a A34 bra.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?
I don't feel my school had an education system that will prepare me adequately for future endeavours

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [] -- [ ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
I feel as if I'm a person of high social, mental and physical expectations. I hold myself to a high standard and I expect the same from others. This tends to result in rubbing people the wrong way at times. Also I sometimes think people have better abilities or skills at times and overestimate people as well as myself. I'm also very stubborn in my ways when dealing with people I don't respect.
I'm a stoic and briefly spoken person
when calm. My body language is expressive enough to tell the story itself. But I have a short reign on frustration and will become wordier the more frustrated I am. A better word than stoic to describe myself would be stubborn. I simply refuse to let anyone in.
I like telling and hearing stories and tend to socialize with those around me. I don't gossip as much as simply relay interesting stories I've heard or experienced. I was raised in a 4 person home so I learned to play well with others. I also am very loyal unless I secretly hated you and I definitely wouldn't tell you if I hated you.
I tend to keep secrets about myself from other people, leaving my past vague. I'm usually accommodating to what the other person is interested in or likes. I also tend to be very unaffectionate just out of nature.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Akira St.Claire , fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: July 10th of 2015

(If you are accepted into Armstrong Academy, Tsu, our admissions secretary, will be in contact shortly thereafter.)
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Good luck to me and anyone else applying. Let's hope this one isn't utter shit like my other ones were.
STARTED: 12/30/14, 1:10 PM [Eastern Time] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPLETED: 1/1/15, 1:06 PM [Eastern Time]







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A petite girl with no figure.

Facial Details:
Idelle has wide doe eyes that are a light shade
of violet, with small nude lips and a childish, upturned nose.

Her hair is a light shade of violet, similar to that of her eyes.
This purple hair is usually worn in
two pigtails,
which enhance that little girl look she adores.

Skin Tone:
Taking after her mother, Idelle's skin is a
gentle shade of ivory that looks ghostly in the moonlight.

Her wardrobe varies from baggy sweaters and skirts,
to jeans and t-shirts. She tends to wear bright pastel
colors, such as peach and such. Since she is so small,
she still can still wear some children's clothing, so
her attire ranges from cutesy girl's attire to small
women's clothing.

She stands at about 5'2", weighing in at 108 pounds.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[x] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

This school offered an excellent variety of extracurricular activities, including
an extensive music program. Along with this, the academics at Armstrong
were equally good. These two facts, combined with the living rates nearby,
contributed to my relocation here.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.


What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [x]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
What best describes me as a person, in two paragraphs or more. I don't know if you can take my word for it, since I'm sort of a biased judge. People always like to see the best in themselves, even if they're riddled with the worst. There's nothing much for me to really know, either. I'm no different than anyone else, besides my oddly colored hair and eyes. But, if "who I am" is what you're asking for, here it is.

My mother is from New York, and my father is from Illinois. My mother was the typical stay at home housewife, while my father went out and ran a successful business. It wasn't the most ethical thing, but it certainly paid the family's bills, and then some. Thus, as a child, I lived a rather plush lifestyle. My father snuck off to do business, and the rest of my family (including myself) lived in ignorant bliss. It was my mother, my three brothers, my sister and I who stayed home. I'm the youngest, the only one left in school. So, who got all of the attention? The amazing older siblings. The track star, the math league champion, the stunning actress. The list goes on. But what was I? The disappointment. I didn't do anything. I tried chorus, I tried track. My voice is frail and shaky, and my legs are the same. My grades were average, varying from B's to A's. Nothing impressed my parents. So, to solve this problem, I went to certain extents. I started out with little white lies, but eventually transpired into full scale webs. I was the spider, and they were the flies. A simple argument at school was transformed into a full on fight, with little Idelle coming out on top. I had joined the ranks of the elite in my family, and my youngest brother became the scapegoat. It wasn't ideal, how I got the respect in my family. But the "fighting" I did at school, what my parents thought I did, said to them, "Idelle won't take anything from anyone. She's standing up for herself."

While I lied my way to the top, my father did the same, in the business world. He did some shady dealings, but got too cocky. He rubbed one of his old colleagues the wrong way, got messy, and soon enough, he found himself in a right bind. Between the expenses we had to pay, our "fortune" of sorts was gone. It evaporated before our very eyes, and all that was left was enough for maybe a few more months. My mother had relatives here, and so we moved.

I..I rambled. Just a little bit. But I'm really a loyal person, after all of this, if not a little clingy. Just a little. It's just, I've never really had anyone. Anyone I could rely on. That also contributes to my untrusting nature, I guess. Because everyone that ever came close to being "reliable" for me ended up…being an awful person, pretty much. And I guess I'm not the most honest person, after years of lying, but I'm still working on that. I'm rather snappish and easily upset, because right now my family at home is a mess.

I think I answered your question. I hope that was enough.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Idelle Loagen, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 7/10/15
Last edited:


SURNAME: _______Sarith____________
FORENAME: ________Sam__________
AGE: _________20___________
SEX: _______Male_____________



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [X] -- [ ]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


Sam is almost never without his hat, or at least he was. It's currently on a "Loan." to a friend of his while she's out of town. He stands at 6'2 and weighs 186lb



Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[X] -- [ ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[X] -- [ ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?
Major in Computer Science

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.

I've had one...interesting life ever since I started investigating the lost files...er...Zodiacs. It all started after I first started attending Brookfield. There was some sort of problem with the paperwork and I missed a few months or so before I could actually start attending. On my first day, the only person I really could get to know was Alice. I got to know her a little, and she's who I consider to be the first friend I made since coming to this weird little town. But one day, while we were just walking around, chatting between classes. She had vanished into thin air.

I can reluctantly admit now that at the time...I was a bit panicked. My friend HAD just vanished after all. So when I saw someone else in the dark corridors, I approached her. Akira became my investigative partner after that. To be honest, she's better at it then me. Smarter when it comes to figuring things out, better at speculation. Things proceeded fairly well, with Akira coming up with brilliant new theories that I tried to figure out by the time she was another step ahead of me. But one day she got scared. I don't know what she saw, and we sort of drifted away after, but something scared her bad...and that, in some sort of weird way, drove me towards the truth. Now I'd like to say I fought my way through lies in deceit, I'd like to say I put mind bending puzzles together in an attempt to learn what was going on. In the end however, things were a bit easier...a lot easier really. Eavesdropping on a suspicious group in a gym during a basketball game is actually pretty easy, at least when your dad is a cop and his cop friends have shown you how to look suspicious. With that out of the way, I was in...into a world of chaos. But just before I found all this out, Akira left town. I'm not sure why, but she had a limousine to do it in. Before she left, I gave her my hat and told her it was a loan. So maybe...maybe one day she'll come back.

But before I continue, there are a few others I befriended during my investigation. The grumpy, lazy, and mostly sarcastic Clark took a bit of warming up, but I consider him my friend and I know he's got my back...even if he'll complain a bit about it. Adonna is another person who I trust more then anyone else. She helped me understand what I had gotten into more then anyone else, and after I met Cetus, she helped me learn how to hone my powers as a host. James was also a good friend of mine, who had signed up for security...turns out he, like me for a time, was a non-host in a world that's not very friendly to people without powers. He died before I met Cetus. His death hit me hard, and I was out of it for awhile. But the rest of the hosts helped me out a little, and I moved on.

After James's death, but before I met Cetus, I trained a little as a specialist. I didn't really get very far, but I guess It's better then nothing. Afterwards, things changed I spent a lot of time training and sparring with Adonna, the next time someone I knew was in danger...I want to help them.


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[X] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Bestowed Abilities: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Active[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: In general, Sam's abilities are activated by "drive." This is different from "will," for "drive" in this sense means that Sam not just wants for something to happen, but acts to that want. For instance, if Sam is being attacked, and wants to defend himself, his defensive ability will not kick in until he acts to defend himself, such as crossing his arms over his body or ducking under cover. As Sam gets more in control of his abilities, activation will not be so dependant on drive.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shark Skin: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam's skin will become akin to that of a shark, not in color, but in feel and hardness. It can act as an effective, abrasive armor. As Sam's connection grows with Cetus, the skin can take on the toughness of steel.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shark's Cage: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam can summon around him a 'cage' of harpoons (blade side up). This can act as a defensive wall or circle (depending on how he summons/places them). These are Cetus' harpoons, and they will "bite" anyone else who attempts to use them and stick to the ground. Sam, being Cetus' host, has her energy and thereby has use of her harpoons. He may manipulate them as he desires. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam may summon anywhere from one to all of Cetus' harpoons. Though she won't be too happy about suddenly having her favorite harpoon leave her side. Cetus has hundreds upon hundreds of harpoons. If damaged or broken, the harpoon returns to Cetus' limbo for repair.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Steel Jaw: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam's bite can have crushing force. His teeth can transform akin to shark's teeth, making his bite even deadlier. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Day or Night: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Cetus has a very powerful connection to her Limbo. As her host, Sam can transport to her Limbo at any time.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Below the Surface: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam can learn to turn [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]off[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] his 'host aura,' making him unable to be sensed in that sense. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mi Casa es Su Casa:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam can call upon Cetus' two sharks for help, as well as Cetus' three 'siblings.' Cetus' sharks are easier to call, and follow Sam's orders. The orders must be simple, and are usually most effective when used for attack. Cetus' siblings are harder to call upon, and each with their own 'personality,' are harder to control, given they might not go agree with suggested actions or have their own idea what to do. When they are out of commission, either damaged too badly or no longer needed, they return to Cetus' limbo. This is a highly advanced skill, one Sam is still learned to perfect under Cetus' training.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Jericho: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]The eldest brother, most likely to listen to suggested actions by Sam, but having the tactician's eye, might suggested other course of actions. Strongest of the three.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Samantha: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]The second eldest, the wild card. Initially willing to listen to suggested actions, but gets excited whilst in the fray. Quickest of the three.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Oliver: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]The youngest brother. Has a sweet, innocent face, which contrasts with his penchant to aim his harpoon at the eyes of enemies. He's the least likely to follow a suggested action, rather go his own way. Sharpest aim of the three.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hunter's Aim: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will find he has exceptional accuracy when using projectiles or throwing objects. This is especially true when he is using the harpoon.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]All Terrain Predator: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will find that he can move easily in water, as if he were the water himself. As he grows stronger, this will also pertain to the moisture in the air. Meaning, if it rains, he can move in the air as if he could fly. Given enough training, he can move through the air as if he could fly given even the smallest amount of moisture in the air. He will not be hindered by a need for air in these cases, being able to breathe submerged in or surrounded by water.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Temperature Control: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Like a Great White, Sam can increase his temperature 10-15[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]C over the current temperature. This is partially passive. Sam can eventually learn to use this actively. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sea Prey Dominion: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will find himself able to expertly gut and clean an animal, especially fish or other seafood. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Top Predator: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will gain aspects of a Great White, including but not limited to see quite accurately even in less than perfect settings, increased sense of smell, a craving and love for seafood (especially raw), the ability to consume raw meats, the ability to sense the change of vibrations around him (in air or water), and the ability to regrow lost teeth. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Our Way by Sea: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will have the ability to navigate using the stars in the sky.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Wolf of the Sea: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will gain the negative aspects of a shark. These will be especially prominent at times when Sam is of an ill state of mind or of ill health (i.e. He's hangry or upset). [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]-Blood Frenzy: Blood, decay, and major activity combined will excite Sam into investigating, or even wanting to devour, the source. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]-Investigative Bite: Sharks investigate with their mouths. Sam, a human, will obviously not be compelled to unless the aforementioned catalyst is in effect. If so, Sam might indeed end up chomping on a object or body of inquiry. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]-Fatty Seals: The favorite prey of Great Whites. Suffice to say Sam should not be hangry around one of these adorable sea creatures. Probably also best to stay away from Sea World.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]-Lone Predator: Sam will sometimes have to stay off (or embrace) feelings of wanting to carry on solo.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hunter: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam's focus on an investigation can become akin to that of Cetus honing in on prey. Sam's focus can become obsessive, causing him to follow an "end justifies the means" mentality, forgetting his compassion for others involved, seeking only the answer. Sam can even neglect himself. This is the worst case scenario, the level and degree of this aspect depends on many factors.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Others: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sam will gain more abilities as the tie between him and his Zodiac strengthens, and his current abilities will expand in what they're capable of doing.[/BCOLOR]

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daughtry

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

N/A, although on good terms with the Dominion
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AGE: 15
SEX: Male



[☨] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


Keon is a more muscular boy as his arms and chest are more defined than other guys his age.

Keon himself is very dark skinned, he stands at about 5'9 being average height, his weight is 155lbs.

His hair is a gray-white color being a spiky mess as well as he usually doesn't do much with it.

His eyes are a cool teal color that remind most of the sea, his usual attire is brown baggy jeans, along with his red hoodie with the sleeves cut off and any undershirt the color changing very often.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[☨] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

As my last school shut down due to unknown reasons, at least to my knowledge I have been looking into schools.

This school was one of the only schools with an amazing athletic program.

Not only that, but you as well have an above average academics program for all subjects.

Add this together with the numerous clubs and other extra activites that are available and it the perfect setting for a school enviroment.

As well as your school offers dorms, making it so my family doesn't have to buy a new home for my sake, so this is would be an amazing oppertunity.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why


What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [☨] -- [ ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
Well me as a person? I will start off with the basics then. I, Keon Celane Hammond was born on March, 24th of 2000, in California, USA I was born at late night around 9:55Pm. I have lived with my mother and father my whole life and I am an only child. When I was seven I was first introduced to sports in general finding them to be a challenge so I guess you could say I started early. Of course I had help, my father himself was a pro trainer training some of the best athletes around when he was younger, when he had me my mother told me that they slowed down and my dad quit his job. Still he knew enough to get me into shape. At the age of twelve I won my Gold Medal in the 100, 200 and 400 yard dash, really track was my calling but I also tried other sports such as Football which I was also decent at and an other sport I was interested in.

In personailty wise my father would call me the compition king, I was always trying to win at everything I did even out of sports, when it came to eating, tests, even some weird things that nobody knew could be turned into a compition. I am still extremely competitive in just about everything I do. Some people call me a prorastinator when it comes to things that can be done in a long span, like on some tests I used to wait until the last thiry minutes to actually do it, this went the same with projects and such.

As a people person I am extremely social as I will talk to anyone around, some say that I have a talent for remembering every bit of infromation I hear from someone. I have no trouble making friends either as I don't really dislike any type of person, I usually make it my job to go out and find others to talk with that I haven't before. Some people say I can be dense at times as I usually take a few times to understand something. I am extremely calm when it isn't a compition of some sort and when it isn't sports I usually take my time to think and such before jumping head first into something.

Though as some might have heard I have a little anger problem at times as some have known me for getting ino fights, this is for good reason as I usually don't talk about this, but when I was much younger I used to be bullied for my race to a point where it left mental damage on me, so I used anger to relief myself of such mental strain, though my father and doctor have both given me advice for this and I don't break out into fits as I used to. Overall I am organized since my father has a tight schedule that I have to follow.

I am not much into the fine arts as I don't find them as intersting as my own activites, but I am not one to turn down something just because it doesn't look interesting. Finally I hope to be another part of the amazing school system.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Hammond, Keon, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 10th of July, 2015
SURNAME: Hawthorne
FORENAME: Aracellie
AGE: 17
SEX: Cisgender Female



[ ] -- [x] -- [ ] -- [x] -- [ ]


{ H A I R } Eggplant black that reaches to her waist. || When not worn down like she usually has it, her hair is sometimes either pulled in a high ponytail or a messy bun. It all really depends on the weather and how lazy she's feeling. On certain occasions, however, there is a chance she will have it styled more appropriately for special events.
{ E Y E S } Aracellie has a pair of round, almond-shaped eyes that are ruby red with flecks of blue. They are practically the window to her soul; moreover, looking into them will reveal any emotion she may be attempting to hide.
{ H E I G H T } She stands above average height at 5'8". || Lean built with willowy legs and slender arms.
{ W E I G H T } 134 Lbs.
{ C O M P L E X I O N } Light with slight olive undertone.
{ D I S T I N G U I S H I N G - F E A T U R E S } Though she bares no significant tattoos or body piercings with the exception of a pair on her ears, Aracellie's eyes seem to be most attention-drawing, as they are often the first thing people notice about her. She is also seen sporting her favorite silver-colored headphones and a blue crystal necklace around her neck.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[x] -- [ ]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?
To start over. She has no recollection of her upbringing due to meeting an unfortunate car accident a year prior that resulted in her amnesia. Still in the process of recovering, she chose to distance herself from the family she could no longer remember, believing maybe a little space would do the trick.

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [x] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
Free spirited and energetic, Aracellie is a girl with wild, vivid imagination. She's a dreamer who has a strong view of the world and treats it like her own personal playground, taking joy in the small, precious moments and only looking forward to the fun side of life. Why bother moping around all gloomy and upset when there's so much more she'd rather do? Being lonely and weighing people down with her problems isn't exactly what Aracellie finds 'fun' - although, she doesn't mind others seeking help from her and is empathetic of what they go through. She's very understanding and is especially good at keeping secrets without being told to. Unless, of course, you personally ask her for an advice on how to be more open, then she'll do just that. However, she should not be mistaken for naïve or gullible. She's far from that, it's just, she chooses not to let negativity get her down. It's what keeps her from breaking and falling apart, and being seen as weak is the last thing she ever wants. Instead, she prefers taking on big challenges and proving those who doubt her wrong, even going to the extent of draining her energy and putting her health at risk. She's incredibly persistent (particularly when she's nosing around in other people's business) and at times can be a bit exhausting, but if it'll get someone to smile and feel a little less negative about themselves, then she know she's done something right. There's nothing quite like the pleasure of expressing boundless enthusiasm and floating on cloud nine. Her playful antics and carefree attitude are rather contagious, garnering attention to herself in a snap of a finger. Aracellie may as well be that one odd duck among the pack that stands out the most, because everything she seems to do is always so bizarre and unpredictable. There's never a time where one will not find her with a new reaction for every time she's teased, even if it's the same thing done over and over again. You can tell right off the bat that she'll do whatever it takes to pull people in and keep them entertained. That's just what makes her so lively and inviting, considering that she sees no problem striking up a conversation with new people and mingling with even the most questionable of individuals.
All in all, she's quite the enthusiast, coming across as passionate, outgoing and pleasant and genuinely wants only the best for those of her surroundings.
At least, that's what she appears on the surface.
Even the brightest of people have something dark to hide.
Everything that comes out of her mouth will either impress you or baffle you, because all she ever does is spew the first thing that comes to mind, including lies. Lies that sound so deceivingly convincing and twisting the truth in every which way. From little white lies to ones that are downright outrageous. Bullshit is practically second nature to her. She finds so much comfort in throwing fibs that it soon turned more of a stress reliever for her. As much as she enjoys good conversations and getting to know people, Aracellie shies away when asked about her background. You see, that's the thing. She doesn't know. She has no idea who she was before. She can't remember anything from her childhood. Nothing. Being clueless and oblivious frustrates her, so much that the feeling eats her up inside. That is why she has to lie. Think of a story on the spot to make up for her lost memories.
She's ashamed of herself, confused and restless; everything she does is to cover up how much of a wreck she really is.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Aracellie Hawthrone, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 10th July 2015

(If you are accepted into Armstrong Academy, Tsu, our admissions secretary, will be in contact shortly thereafter.)
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AGE: 20
SEX: Male


[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ X ] -- [ ]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


Thanks, Elixir.

*White post-operation eye patch covering left eye.

*Splat scars around the chest and abdomen.

Did you graduate from high school?

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

Are you currently enrolled in Ravenwood

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

If you are enrolled in Ravenwood, then what are you studying?

Currently undecided, surveying course list.

If you are not enrolled in Ravenwood, then what is your current occupational path.


  1. [BCOLOR=transparent]Writing: In two or more paragraphs, please write a collection of memories that define your character's development between the past and the present. [/BCOLOR]
"Oh man... How do I put this? To start, I knew you've gone too deep when everything I asked turns into a loaded question. Like; Why are we here? What's the point? When will I get to go back to my shift? The past two years was like riding a rollercoaster. Multiple rollercoasters all varying in intensities. I'm bad at this whole 'reminiscing' shtick. Forgive me. But it all started with Lance, a metaphorical father, despite being my spiritual other. Having a Zodiac entails.. A lot more than I assumed. You attract other Hosts, twisted spirits, and unwanted attention and suspicion. Tend to end up talking to your Zodiac and not realizing you're in public. Then you're talking to yourself... Ahahahah! Maaaany mistakes had. But enough about me.. Oh, this is about me. Egh. Alright. Let me climb back on board. Okay! Yes, having a Zodiac... Lance. He was my first Zodiac. But met an untimely, or.. untimely for me, end. It still shakes me that a Zodiac can actually die. Wither away, pass on. Like giving up. It's truly depressing. A day doesn't go by where I wonder if he's finally met peace. Poor guy needed it. But he didn't leave me on my lonesome. Left me with a guilt heavy, Gatekeeper of a Zodiac who refuses to tell me his name. But he's been given the pseudonym 'Warden'. Apparently he keeps tabs on AWOL Zodiacs. Kind of like a Regulator. I think it's pretty cool. But after pairing up with him, that's when my career as a Host truly began.


In some sudden, but strangely fluid motion life just unveiled itself. I met with my father, who I can't say I'm really surprised about, is a Host too. A chronokinetic marvel. I've never gotten to see his powers in action, as theirs never enough of an occasion to warrant the bending of Time. Wait, wait... I'm on a tangent. Christ. I need to start over.


Okay. The last two years served as one of the most surreal, but jarring experiences in my life. Having a Zodiac bend over your shoulder and usher you to keep a tab on your 'job' isn't always comforting. Especially if you two aren't the greatest of friends. But I suppose that's what happens. We settled on an agreement, rather than float on an established relationship. Sometimes I wonder if I'm serving my purpose, enough to be satisfactory. I never really know with him. If he doesn't scold me, or finds a reason to be disappointed, I take that as content. Hard to please the guy. Though meeting with my Father, befriending the 'Daugherty', fighting off spooks, and growing as both a person and Host has practically given me a much different aspect of life. A lot more than I expected. And I can't forget the beautiful people I've befriended back at Armstrong. They keep this negative soul going. Verily."


Are you currently a host?

YES - - NO

[ X ] -- [ ]

If yes, then explain the Zodiac powers that you hold. Then proceed to explain your current purpose through those powers. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Withheld/To be seen.

If no, then explain your relation to the supernatural that exists within Brookfield. Include any information about skills, alliances, ext.

Are you a member of a Faction?

Dominion - - Ravenwood - - Daugherty

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ X ]
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Sorry for the double post! But I did my best with this :)

SURNAME: Marcelina
FORENAME: Vivienne
AGE: 16
SEX: Cisgender Female



[ ] -- [ X ] -- [ ] -- [ X ] -- [ ]


-Wears hair extensions with the pattern seen above in her image

-Usually wears some sort of flower in her hair, be it a clip or a headband or even a real flower she finds

-Rarely wears make up due to the unusual quality of her eyes changing shade in response to changing light

-Generally more tan skin with very fleshy colored lips that aren't all that visible


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [ X ]

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

Vivienne dropped out around three fourths of the way through her first year of his school to support her family through sudden poverty. Money had become tight due to her mother passing away, and she couldn't pay for school any longer and soon got a job to try and aid her family as best she could. In more recent times things have stabled however, hence her desire to resume her education.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[ ] -- [ ] -- [ X ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
Beep... Beep... Beep...
The slow beeps of the heart rate monitor in the room was an agonizing sound, one Vivienne was sick of hearing so often. It echoed in her mind, even when she was alone in her room at night, a sound that occasionally even pounded its way through her music, much to her annoyance. It was haunting, a curse of sorts, but she never could bring herself to refuse a visit to her mother in spite f the terrible sounds of the hospital room. The woman could pass any minute now thanks to her weak and worn heart, and the idea of being home when the inevitable happened while her siblings and father were present sounded terrible to her. With that said, she was here yet again by her mother's side with her siblings and father in tow as well for the final few hours of visiting time...


At one point Vivienne found herself zoned out, almost in a daze until she realized the air had grown heavy, frantic and scared. At first she didn't understand it as she gently cradled the hand of her unconscious mother, why her dad suddenly pushed his way out the door as her sisters froze and paled around her. She almost started to ask why the sudden change occurred, but a piercing sound suddenly caught her attention and she too felt her stomach drop in response. The beeps had stopped, no longer pulsing in her brain, but instead that same sound was a single long, shrill, unbroken buzz. A look at the monitor confirmed the suspicion: her mother's heart had indeed stopped its rhythmic thumps behind her ribs.

It was then Vivienne jumped to her feet and began to shake, watching anxiously as nurses rushed inside. She soon found herself pushed outside the room, the nurses telling her they needed room to work around the woman's body. She fought hard against the pushes, her fear rushing over her and making her struggle, but soon she was managed out with the door slammed in her face. She screamed and smashed at the door with wild emotions, but with a red hand and broken voice she eventually let herself be washed over by sadness. Deep down she knew her mother was gone, for reviving the woman after her third death was simply too much to hope for.

The girl was right in her prediction too, for after an eternally long half hour the news was broken to the family that their mother had passed away and was beyond revival. Painful truly didn't describe that moment well enough for the family, but Vivienne had the most strength among them even in her own teary and shattered state. Her father had it worst really, and it was clear then that a period of recovery was needed by all. Someone had to take charge of this however, and Vivienne was quickly put into that position as eldest child and most functioning person in the house. Her father did try, but he never could do quite enough to allow Vivienne to remain in school. She never complained though, and quietly withdrew from her school to try and support the family of 5 in wake of her mother's expensive treatments, passing, and funeral.


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Vivienne Marcelina, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 7-10-15; July 10th, 2015
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Here we go. Sorry not the best quality picture in the world the preview looked a lot better than the result. I should be able to use a tablet again in a couple of days so I can get some higher quality colors going on
SURNAME: Ashworth
AGE: 14
SEX: Agender



[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [X]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


6ft tall and lanky build. Long orange hair usually kept in a ponytail. Tan skin and blue-green eyes. Tends to wear baggy/over-sized clothing and generally seems a bit messy and unkempt. Androgynous features and on the rare occasion they do dress up they have no qualms about wearing a suit or a dress.


Are you currently enrolled in high school?

YES - - NO

[ ] -- [X]

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.

I was home schooled up until this point. I wish to start my high school carrier at an actual school my parents also believe this will be best for me.

What year of high school are you intending to enroll into?

1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH

[X] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

| Entrance Examination|
Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. That being said, Armstrong High has certain standards that we wish to uphold in respect toward the esteemed image that our academy was founded upon. Entrance into Armstrong High requires a solid foundation in writing talent. A skill that we believe is a cornerstones in the development of a student's life.

  • Writing: Life is a collection of memories that mold you into the individual you are today. In two or more paragraphs, please write what you feel bests describe who you are as a person.
I grew up on my family's wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center. It's a large wildlife sanctuary where I had the honor and pleasure of helping hurt animals have another chance at life. This has helped to shape me as a person by fostering kindness and responsibility, as well as the ability to tolerate many horrible smells. A major downside though is that my human interaction has been stifled and because of it I tend to lack some social graces. I think I make up for it though with my kind and gentle soul and my focus and determination to achieve my goals.
Speaking of goals a personal goal of mine is to become a world famous archer. People have told me that it doesn't seem like something that would interest me or that I would be good at so it often surprises them how well I can hit the mark. Granted, I seem to surprise many of the people I come into contact with. I seem to come off as cold or intimidating because of my appearance, and I have considered changing my look to better reflect who I am inside, but I am comforted by my animal friends who will walk up to me without haste. Animals can see into the hearts and souls of people, I believe, so they know who is good and trustworthy.​


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds (excluding school trips). Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, Puck Ashworth, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and am ready to enroll.
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