You're a Bit Dence Love

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"I..." Love you. "Nothing. Lets go, I need a drink." He smiled at her. He walked to the bar and asked for a beer. My god Daniel, what's wrong with you? She must think you're going nuts, kissing her would have been easier to explain.
"Um, okay! Hey quick question, how do you if you had a mini heart attack? 'cause I felt my heart kinda flutter and that has never to happened to me before." A part of Kathy was freaking out about it, she was only in her Twenty's! You don't have heart attacks then. She wanted to know what was bothering Daniel as well, she can be dim and dense, but she wasn't blind enough to not notice her friend in distress.
He looked at her a bit confused. "What do you mean by that? When did your heart flutter." He couldn't help but hope that it was due to him but he wasn't stupid enough to actually believe it.
"When you took my hand and I looked at you, all of sudden my heart fluttered. Is that bad? Do I need to see a doctor?" Kathy was just about to panic, the way Daniel asked made it seem like it was serious. 'I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!' Was the only thing going though her mind.
He was in shock. "Did... Did me grabbing your hand make your heart flutter?" He had no clue of what was going on right now, was she teasing him? If she wasn't did she even realize what that meant? He knew she usually didn't have a clue about anything romance related but she couldn't be this clueless, could she?
"Think so, does this mean I'm gonna die? Danny I don't want to die yet, there are so many things I want to do! Please, I'm freaking out here." Panic was setting in, with no straight answers Kathy could assume the worst. 'I wanted to have those muffins for breakfast, and finish school and. . . ' her mind went on and on of all the things she wanted to do still.
He broke out laughing, he laughed for so long that there were tears in his eyes and his stomach hurt.

"My god Kathy." He said when he was done laughing. "You're not dying for god's sake. Why in hell would you think that? Your heart just fluttered, it's not a big deal."
Kathy's face was red with embarrassment and it only got redder and redder as Daniel laughed.
"How am I suppose to know! My heart never did that before, so my first thought is a heart attack. You weren't helping with your serious face and not telling me I was okay right away." At this point Kathy had crossed her arms and was trying to not to feel like a complete idiot. She knew she wasn't the brightest in a lot of things but still it didn't feel good to be reminded. 'At least I'm not gonna die, man that's a relief.'
"I'm sorry I laughed at you, the situation is just a bit absurd for me." He said. He wanted to explain it, how that's a thing that happens when you have a crush but he didn't want to make any assumptions or freak her out. "That just happens... Sometimes."
"Okay, hey no harm no foul. I might laughed too if I was in your shoes. Well now I know not to go for a medical degree." Kathy laughed. She was feeling better now that she knew it wasn't a big deal.
"Do you have any idea why it happens? So I know in the future." She didn't want to make an idoit out her with the same thing, so better to learn it from a trusted friend now, instead of later on her own.
"Well... Umm..." He stuttered. He then took a deep breath, he had to say something, it was now or never. "It can happen when you see or touch someone... Someone you like... It happens to me all the time when I'm with you." He said then laughed a bit. "And I'm healthy as a horse. Right now it feels like it's going to pop out of my chest."
"So it happens around close friends? Well it makes sense it only happened with you, you're my closest friend." With a smile, Kathy gave a friendly peck on Daniel's check. The flutter happened again.
"Yep that proves it, being around you makes my heart flutter. It sound nice now that I think about it. Thanks Danny, you always know everything it seems."
He was so not going to let this go. "I didn't mean that. I meant as in a crush Kathy, I love you to death, you're my best friend but I also... I'm also in love with you."
Kathy just blinked for a minute, is that what felt like? Feeling warm around someone, noticing little details, fluttering hearts? That's what love felt like? 'I have no idea what to do, I don't know this stuff at all! And Danny likes me too?' Kathy was way out of her depth.
"So that's what it feels like." Was the only thing that would leave her mouth. She stood there staring at him with a tiny smile.
"My god woman, you can be so dense sometimes." He got up, took her face in his hands and gave her a kiss that had years of frustration and want behind it.
'This feels nice and odd at the same time.' Kathy liked how close Daniel was and she liked the fluttering in her chest, but she had no idea what to do. So she did the only thing she could think of; hug him.
He kissed her for what seemed like forever. After some time he pulled away and looked her in the eye. "I'm so taking you out on a date." he said. He gave her a peck on the cheek and smiled.
Kathy gave him a big smile, she knew that dates were like hanging out and she always loved to hang out with Daniel.

"I love to Danny, what cha want to do?"
"I don't... I don't know." He stuttered, he couldn't believe this was happening and he was starting to get a bit nervous. "Whatever... whatever you want to do is fine." He felt like he was making a fool of himself, he shouldn't be acting like this but he didn't want to screw this up, Kathy meant the world to him and the idea of screwing things up with her was terrifying.
Why was Danny acting so nervous? Their were gonna hang out and have fun right? Kathy gave a reassuring smile.

"Chill out Danny, dating is when you hang out with someone you like. Besides we're friends, we hang out all the time." She gave a slight punch on Daniel's arm.
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