Your New Year's Resolution (And Why It's Probably Already Failed)


un jour je serai de retour près de toi
Original poster

Dunno about you, but the idea of a "yearly theme" makes a hell of a lot of sense to me. An overarching goal is far more flexible and fitting than the more binary, pass/fail targets we often set ourselves. So I figured I'd share this here.

Any of you lot doing a new year's resolution? Or tried to? Or do you have an entirely different approach that you should tell me about cos I'm nosy?
Mine is simple. I just have to go to a concert. Last year I spent like $500 on tickets and everything and never went because crowds and the outside world are overwhelming.

This time I'm dragging my younger sister along and wasted more than twice as much on this so I should have no excuse. My wallet is crying. :p

I just wanna get out more in general. This is just me forcing myself to do something I enjoy. Sometimes you need to plan against yourself.
I do have a couple of goals I'm gunning for before summer. I'd like to start taking saxophone lessons because I'm bored and need the musical stimulus (apparently playing the french horn is entirely useless in a social settings, unless you're in an orchestra. rude). I want to plan more events instead of just showing up to parties - something that has been going remarkably well, actually.

Most of the other changes I'd like to make are pretty typical. Work out, eat better, etc etc. You know, things I'll never get around to because lazy.
This actually helps with mine!

My resolution was to try doing more. Nothing specific, nothing targetted, just... more. I feel like I've spent too long not doing enough and just going through the motions, so it's trying new things, meeting new people, giving a chance to things I might have overlooked.

So far it's been mixed. Some stuff was good, but some stuff was very bad. It's all an experience though, so that's got to count for something. Hopefully.
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For years I've just employed Peter Lafleur's philosophy: "I found that if you have a goal, you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed. And I've gotta tell you, it feels phenomenal."

Except that it doesn't really feel phenomenal, so I'm trying this year to just not do that.