Your guilty pleasure in roleplay?

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That the fucking thing ends.

I know, I feel so dirty.
You want to get banned, don't you? Take it to smutclub. Better yet, keep it to yourself. :p

For me it's making a character that can for all intents, and purposes succeed with what he sets out to do, but also has a very good chance at failing. Ability, and determination mean nothing if he succumbs to destructive behavior.

I've made a lot of powerful characters that have either become powerful after failing to do something, or dooming themselves, and who fight with their self after gaining these said abilities.

Basically I like making characters who only true enemy is themselves.

.... if that makes any sense.

It makes sense to me.
-Over the top fight scenes like Piro described.
-Random comic relief.
-Parodying/mocking people by making characters based on them/Allegories.
-Cheesiness, I like seeing this in RPs at times.
-Unlikable villains, bad guys who could never hope to earn redemption and have players hating em so much they want to personally kill em off with their own characters.
-Being the lolwhut? char, then setting the room on fire with sheer rage
-Rping while intoxicated, stuff's just funnier that way
-Being the party of the Roleplay, Y'all can have your serious RP's I prefer to have fun.