Your 2024 Yelp Review: What would you like to toss in the fire and leave behind in 2024?

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2024 has notoriously seemed to be a bit of a problem for quite a few people... So what are you ready to leave in 2024? Throw all your 2024 problems away into the fire! We cast those bad vibes AWAY and prepare for a new, good year!!!

Rant about your year and choose one (or multiple) thing to cast into the burning pits!
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  • No discussions or debating needs to be had! This is a thread to simply get out your frustrations of the year.
  • Absolutely NO political talk or rants here! This is not the place to do that!
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  • Remember that we are not your personal, licensed therapists. If you or someone you may know is struggling or in danger, please contact the correct professionals. Holidays are hard for a lot of people, please be nice to yourself and others, and stay strong. We still need you here :heartbeat:
Thinking about it now, the year had started off iffy. I didn't have a good friend around, it was a poor friendship I will admit. I still had a lot of anxiety and paranoia at the beginning of the year, but then I started medication that made me feel like a better functioning member of society! Then I was gonna get married this year, and planning that this year was really stressful and tiring, and then I lost my friendship for reasons I can't really understand nor explain easily. I went through an awful grieving process, and I honestly still have my moments where I am very angry and sad about it. BUT THEN my fiance and I got a dog! THEN A HOUSE TO RENT AND LEAVE OUR PARENTS'!!! Moving all of our belongs between 2 houses with a dog, and STILL planning a wedding was utterly exhausting. I still feel very tired from it all, but I felt I was still managing alright. Then a bunch of small, good things I don't want to put into detail came. AND FINALLY, to ruin my year finally, a literal week before my wedding, a hurricane swept through our town, taking out soso many trees and leaving folks without power for 2-3 weeks :( We ended up making the hard decision of postponing our wedding until next year in hopes that things will get better and be safe. After a lot of handwork feeling like it had gone down he drown, a lot of tears and sadness, something good happens again! I got a cat! ......Then politic season starts up and such a devastating and scary thing happens-- It's going to make holidays really annoying and unbearable :///

A lot of good, a lot of bad has happened this year. So many ups and downs. Much exhaustion. So ready for a new year..... 3/5 stars.

However, after that all, I would like to cast my anger and sadness into the fire. Good vibes only next year!
I would like to toss away the memories of that dreaded nasty ass family reunion we went to back in July! D:<

I won't go into details here for drama's sake, but long story short: There was a lot of miscommunication and drama in my family that led to me, my mom, and sister being basically outcast away from most of the rest of our family. They "pretended" to be nice with some guise of "putting the past behind us" and wanting to "be a family again" and invited us to this big family reunion.
Turns out it was pretty much all just a ruse and we spent the whole day being either berated or ignored by 95% of the people there and it was absolutely fucking horrible and I alternated between crying my eyes out or being so pissed off that I wanted to punch people in their faces.

It sucked. A lot XD

I'm over it now, but man... I really wish we had never gone.
I'd like to throw terminal illness in the garbage. My chosen sister passed away this year and I really just... I miss her so much.
Woof this year was certainly a year… that's for sure…

Between being accepted into college and finally starting to live my dreams, finding new friendships and loves that I hope will last a life time, finally starting to lose some weight, as well a lot of little thing. And then there's the three losses that happened, including two massive pillars I associated with helping me make it this far in life, mostly losing a friendship of 12 years, and being overall depressed and stressed. Then potentially losing another friendship and opportunities associated… There's been a lot of sadness.

Throw this entire year is the dumpster and set it on fire. While good things did happen and I will treasure those good things for a lifetime, it's time to start moving on from the grief.
I would like to throw away all my stress and worry but just 2024 in general. It has been rather trying. I honestly thought after Thanksgiving the year was over then I remembered we had another month left. But yeah, ready for the year!
This year hasnt been as bad as 2021, but ho damn has it tried. @_@

So the first half of the year was actually great. Then July hit, the day before we left for taking the kids on their first away-from-home road trip. My father in law got taken to the hospital due to heart problems and pneumonia. We spent a month trying to manage my mother in law with dementia while he was in the hospital. Then he passed away at the start of August.

He didn't have a will, so everything was going to end up in the hands of MIL, even the kids (He had their guardianship cause it was the easiest at the time). And she is so far into her dementia she cannot remember he's passed. @_@ Since then we've been meeting with lawyers and schools and probates to make sure we didn't loose the house they're living in, lose the kids to their shithole bio dad, trying to keep the MIL from running away from home. Having to take over the role as the head of the family, because of family Patriarch is gone.

All while in the middle of this I have been SICK after SICK after SICK. My yearly checkups found a nasty infection, gave me two separate cancer scares due to cysts in my uterus and my tiddy. (I'm good, they were benign) My immune system is down though due to the stresses, so I've been catching every cold, flu and virus I come in contact with WHICH HAS BEEN A LOT with all the doctor appointments I've been going to. >:[

And this isn't even everything, this is just the biggest things that happened. D:<

Thankfully it really hasnt been as terrible as 2021 was, so mentally I'm okay. I'm just super tired and there's still so much more we have to get settled and worked out.
The entire year preferably.

Also, the Christmas songs. I've finally started working at a local Walmart and dear god if I hear that stupid McDonalds corporate jingle about Big Red one more fucking time I'm going to have a goddamn aneurysm.
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I'd like to lock my mental illness into a dumpster and light it ablaze. It becomes more evident with each passing day that due to the way I was treated growing up, it's likely I inherited my mother's Borderline Personality Disorder. From this year directly, I think I'd like to throw my sister's ex in there. I don't know the specifics of what he's done (my sister has written a four page document detailing it, but I refuse to read it just yet), but it's bad enough for him to have had a shadow over our little household for the past two years now. He finally left our friend group this year, which caused emotional splintering in our group that may never be fully healed. We can also toss physical illness in the dumpster too, actually, as I got my first bout of Covid in August and long Covid has been kicking my butt since then.

Aside from that, though, I don't think this year was that bad for me.
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I want to leave all the death away. So many that were important to me have passed in the last two years, and people I am close to have had their losses too & I just want new beginnings for 2025.

Also this whole year was a limbo were I wanted to look for a new job but life kept sending me stumbling blocks.

Good bye 2024. Let us be done with "lessons" and "turning of the wheel" and be about "new adventures" and "living best life"
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: kroyote
Id like to leave behind the sourness of it all. There are things and situations I'd like to change. Moving jobs and dealing with emotional turmoil, dealing with my own head too sometomes lol! Things I did im not proud of and im coming to understand why through therapy, which was the one good thing of 2024! Id give it a kick in the face if it had one but it was a lesson learned and im looking forward to the future!
I already want to toss 2025 into a fire and leave it behind >:[
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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