You Have to Work for it

"I have no intention of...beating you." He pulled his hand back with a quiet sigh. "I'd honestly rather fuck you and make it feel good for the both of us." He crossed his arms over his chest with a frown, making no more movements to touch Tyler. "But I won't go so far without your consent. Hm...Are you a virgin?"
Tyler blushed at what Michael had said. He wouldn't beat him that he rather... fuck him? "You do know I'm a boy right? How would you have sex with me if were both boys?" he asked in confusion. He didn't know what 'gay sex' was and how it worked, since he didn't really believe it was any of his business what goes on behind closed doors between two people. "How... How would that feel good?" he asked in confusion. He sounded like a kid, which he was but still, it was obvious that he was a virgin.
"I'll take that as you are a virgin." He sighed and rolled his eyes. Michael at least thought he was old enough to figure out how two guys went at it. "Two males can have sex. One of them takes it up the ass." He chuckled a bit at his bluntness, but nodded. "It does feel good if done right, seriously. You need to watch some porn or something." A sly smirk crossed his features as he joked, "I can show you how it's done if you're willing to try..." He snickered again, knowing there was no way Tyler would go for it.
Tyler looked annoyed and looked at Michael. "No, now please untie me," he asked, still annoyed with Michael's bluntness. He did not want to delve into this. He was tired and he just wanted to go to sleep and he had work in the morning. "I have work in the morning, please untie me. I need to sleep so I can wake up early for work," he said to Michael. He wanted nothing more to do with him. He wasn't in the mood too and he'd already had a panic attack, fainted and then had a asthma attack/panic attack. He was mentally drained.
"Fine, I'll give you a break tonight." He reached for Tyler's hands and loosened the belt and tossed it to the side. Michael didn't have to worry as much about keeping him tied up anyway. "Just know that tomorrow you're going to have to work for it." Meaning, sleep and his bed. He gave the kid a nudge in his side along with a glare. "Now hurry up and get out of my sight."
Michael didn't have finish his sentence before Tyler was up and out the door. He was in his room, which was at the back of the house and locked the door to his room. He even moved his bed to be in front of the door so if Michael were to push into it, he wouldn't be able to break the door down. He trembled as he finally sat down, letting the tears fall. Why does Michael hate him so much? Tyler had never done anything to warrant that kind of hatred and he figured that Michael would want to rape him or something.
Michael sighed as Tyler practically bolted right out of the room. He slid off the bed and headed back downstairs, collapsing onto the couch before closing his eyes. It was uncomfortable for him to sleep in a bed that wasn't his own, so he'd stay on the sofa for the night. It wasn't even a good five minutes later before he was out cold, soft snores emitting from him as evidence.
Tyler had cried until he fell asleep. He was curled up on his bed and was terrified of what this summer would bring. He didn't have school for a few months and he would be stuck with Michael. He'd have to sneak out of his room tomorrow and go to work. He woke up early and got ready. He sneaked down into the kitchen and made breakfast. He took food for himself and left the rest for Michael. He tapped his step brother. "Breakfast is in the kitchen. I have work," he said before Michael could fully wake up. Before Michael could grab him or anything, he ran out of the house and too his car, starting it and driving to work.
Michael's face contorted and he groaned as he shoulder was tapped, clearly not ready to wake up. He heard Tyler say something about breakfast and work before the kid darted out of the house and by the sound of it, to his car. "Fucking brat..." He grumbled, getting up and heading into the kitchen. After everything he'd done the kid still left him breakfast? Almost warmed his icy heart. Shrugging his shoulders he dug in, then dropped the plate in the sink before heading upstairs for a shower and to change. Once he was done he decided to slip into Tyler's room. Keeping true to his word about making the kid work, he tossed all his clothes in a trash bag before leaving the room and hiding them. Satisfied, Michael sauntered back downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for Tyler to get home.
Tyler was able to relax a bit while he was at work. He sighed as the day came to an end. It was around 4:30pm when he was told he could go home. He sighed and got into his car. He decided to go to the mall and get some clothes, to hide in his car. He even hid his spare keys to his car in another part of his room. He sighed and hid the clothes in the tire area of his trunk, not wanting Michael to find them. He unlocked the door and walked into the house. He closed the door and locked it like normal before he turned and bolted for his room. He didn't want to talk to Michael. He had had a long day at work and he was tired.
Michael heard the door open and was on his feet in seconds, racing after his step brother. "Not so fast," he grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him up against the wall of the hallway. He wasn't getting away that easily, though they did have all summer. "Not even a hello? You were gone for an awful long time, Tyler." Michael sneered. He made sure his hands were on either side of the boy's body so he couldn't just run off so easily. "How was work?"
Tyler had a look of fear in his eyes, but it was soon replaced with hatred. "I thought you would have been sleeping or something," he said uncaring if Michael had been sleeping or not. He was confused when Michael asked how work was. "Work was fine, difficult like always," he said trying to not look at Michael. "Look I need to shower. I had a long day and I just want to shower and make dinner," he said. He had always done this even before Michael. He liked to cook and keep things organized.
Michael only smirked down at him, moving a bit closer so Tyler's body was pressed closer to the wall and there was less of a chance for him to escape. Of course, his eyes were cold, hard and manipulating as he gazed down at the younger boy. A moment later his hand was again wrapped around the kid's neck, feeling rather peeved at his constant disregard for what Michael had already told him. "Unless you're ready to get on your hands and knees, I'm afraid I can't let you do that." Did Tyler think this was a joke? Because it surely wasn't.
Tyler glared at Michael. "You do not own me," he said in anger. he suddenly punched Michael hard in the chest and stepped on his foot. While Michael was getting over the shock of pain, Tyler was able to run into his room and lock the door. He pushed his bed up against the door and then looked for his clothes, that he knew would not be there. He smirked when Michael hadn't found the suit case he had packed with clothes and things for him. He would have to wait until Michael fell asleep before leaving but he was glad that he had packed a bit of food in his suit case. He knew Michael would be able to break the door down, not with his bed right in front of it.
He'd had it with this little punk. After he recovered from the initial pain, he walked down to Tyler's room and began immediately pounding on it with his fists. When he found it wouldn't budge, he started using his foot, kicking it with most of his strength. "Open this fucking door! Now!" He hissed, another forceful kick making the door shake as he made it clear he was infuriated. Michael would kick the damn thing down if he had to, or pry it open. Either way, the moment Michael got ahold of Tyler, his step brother was definitely in for it. "You can't stay in there forever!"
Tyler trembled against the door. He would stay in there for the whole day. He wasn't stupid. He might even call his friend and see if he could spend a few nights there. He would not stay here any more. He should probably call his father, but the bastard never cared about him. His mom was the only one who loved him and she died only a year ago. He didn't want this crap. He just wanted to live a normal life. He curled up into himself, feeling sad and even began to cry the more Michael banged on the door.
It was awhile before Michael tired himself out, finally giving in and sliding down against the door to the floor. The door clearly wasn't budging, and it wouldn't swing open just from him pulling on the door knob. He could hear Tyler crying, but his feelings didn't matter to him, not when he was the reason he was on babysitting duty. After several minutes he brought his hand up and knocked the back of it against the door a few times, knocking. "Hey Tyler...what would you do for me to leave you alone?" He wasn't shouting anymore, but made sure his voice was loud enough to be heard through the door.
Tyler was curled up on the floor when Michael had finally tired himself out. When he heard Michael talking he listened since he wasn't shouting anymore. "I'll... I'll cook and clean... I'll do the laundry.... I'll even pay for half of the bills...." he said through the door, sitting on his bed now against the door. He had the money to do so and he already cooked, cleaning wouldn't be hard and laundry was easy. He just didn't want to be hated.... Everyone that is suppose to care about him hated him. His mom the only one who loved him. His grandparents wanted nothing to do with him, his dad wanted nothing to do with him.... He just wanted to be accepted and loved.
Michael bit the inside of his cheek as he thought it over. All of those things were technically work...though he really wanted to bend the little shit over and screw him. However, rape was not quite his forte, nor should it be anyone's. He sucked in a deep breath as he let his head hit the door. "Deal. I'll lay off." As long as Tyler didn't piss him off of course, but that was a given. Michael stood up and twisted the door handle again before backing up a bit. "You can come out now. Make dinner, yeah?" Ugh, stupid brat was starting to make him soft, wasn't he?
Tyler was so surprised that Michael had agreed. He stood up and moved his bed after a few moments. He hid his suit case just in case. He opened the door and his eyes were red and tear stains on his cheeks. He rubbed them away. "Sorry... for hitting you..." he said softly. "Do you want anything specific for dinner?" he asked him softly. He was very scarred and was still in the doorway, ready to slam the door if Michael tried to hurt him again. He didn't trust Michael at all.