Yomiyama North IC

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By the time Sawyer had decided where to sit, most of the other students had already sat down. Conveniently enough, there were exactly enough chairs for the remaining four students. Taking the closest chair, he found a place next to Akira. "Hope you don't mind me being here?" Smiling, he asked a rhetorical question as he took the place. Shortly after, most of the students had found their places and Kato-sensei returned. Entering the class, he now carried a stack of documents. He came to the front of the class and placed the documents on the desk before clearing his throat.

"I see you have all taken a place. No empty tables, I see..." He took a deep breath after saying the last part, before moving on. "As you know, my name is Ryuuji Kato. You can call me Kato-sensei, with little variations or nicknames, please. Let us first talk about class rules, before anything. Class 9-3, has quite a few rules that are the same as others, but..." He paused again, taking a breath. "We have our own special ones too." He picked up the first in the stack of papers and began. "Number one, please respect the teacher and your fellow students by not talking without permission during class. Number two, no eating in class. Number three, please raise your hand if you wish to answer a question or ask one. I will not accept otherwise. Four, if you are called upon, stand up and speak your response, or head to the board if required." The rules up until that point were normal, nothing out of the ordinary, but the nervous tone of Kato-sensei gave each word its own significance.

"Finally, let us move on to our own... rules..." He gulped. Sawyer realized his palms had begun to sweat only at those words. His heart raced. Something about how the man said these words put him on the edge. "Class 9-3, or 9-C as it is called by some, is a special class. No, you aren't all superheroes." Some of the students chuckled uneasily. "I'm going to be frank. It's a lot worse than that. I'll give you the bad news first, and the badder news after." The students noises died down. "One of you..." He breathed in, the breath shaking somewhat as if he was shivering. Observing his expression, Sawyer could be sure that wasn't the case.

"...is dead."

Many of the girls gasped, and some the boys looked uneasily at each other. Murmurs could be heard.

"Quiet down, all of you. I'll explain. One of you is dead, but no one can tell who. Not even you, Mr. Ghost, know if you are dead. You can't tell. No one can." Sawyer looked around, at his fellow students, the teacher, and finally at his hand. He was trembling. "I'll give you all a moment." Kato-sensei picked up the documents and began looking through, putting them in order as he awaited that the students calmed down. Eventually, they did, but they still looked uneasy. One girl looked to be on the verge of tears. Sawyer worriedly bent a pencil to remove stress.

"Alright. You seem to have calmed down. Now's for the badder news." He gulped once again, his Adam's apple bobbed inside his skin. "Unless we do something, unless we 'deploy countermeasures', if you will, someone involved, even indirectly, in this class, whether it be me or one of you or one of our family members, will die by crazy accident, every month, until the end of the year, even during vacations."


Just as the pencil broke, it seemed the spirits of his fellow classmates did as well. The girl on the verge of tears now began to cry openly, some of the boys made quite a commotion, and Sawyer's own hands shook as he recovered not only from the shock of breaking the pencil, but from the announcement too. "B-bullshit..." He assured himself in an English whisper. "But why?!" Another boy exclaimed.

"Rule number three, Mister Fuwagi." The teacher responded. The boy, seemingly not too bright, thought for a moment before raising his hand and after Kato-sensei nodded, spoke again. "I'll give you all a document about why this happens. It's a bit of a history lesson, but it's very important. Please read over it for a moment while I prepare some more papers. Not to be used as tissues, Miss Kojima." He began passing out the papers.

From what Sawyer was able to understand from reading the long document, a basic explanation could be given as such;

26 years ago, there was a student named Misaki Yomiyama. He was a charming student, good looking and excelled in both academics and sport. All the teachers and students admired him. In his 9th grade, he was placed in class 3.
Shortly after entering 9th grade, he died in an accident (there are many theories about this, some saying he died from plane crash and some saying because of fire). Unable to accept his death, his classmates decided to continue acting as if he is alive (talking with his
desk,pretending to go home with him).
Even at graduation, the principal arranged to have Misaki's seat included in the ceremony. After graduation, they took a picture of the class and found Misaki included, with a pale face, but smiling like everyone else. After that incident, the class has been faced with a calamity every year unless measures were taken to remove the threat.

After thinking over this for a while, the teacher returned from wherever he had gone and sat down at his desk. "As I mentioned, countermeasures must be deployed to prevent these catastrophes. First, and the most easy; do not, under any circumstances, speak of this 'curse' to anyone outside this class, even other teachers. We do a very good job of covering things up from the police and such, and I would prefer it stay that way, unless you want whackjobs from prime-time television stations bashing down your doors." He paused, possibly for dramatic effect, possibly just to take a moment to think. "Easy enough, right? Here comes the hard part. One of the proven ways, at least... ah... if you call a 50/50 chance "proven"... is to make someone in the class 'non-existent'. No, I don't mean we'll be killing anyone, that's just inhumane. I mean that we will have to act as if one person in the class does not exist for an entire year. You cannot acknowledge them, cannot speak to them. You cannot even touch them. Need a pencil for a test? Tough luck." He explained, pausing to take a swig from his coffee, seemingly the item he had retrieved while the students had been reading the hand-outs.

"Before we move onto voting, if necessary, do we have any volunteers?" Sawyer gritted his teeth.
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Honoka gasped out loud, quickly forgetting the rude attitude of the girl she had tried to befriend. Someone was going to die? She might die? What was this? How could this even be possible?
Honoka trembled in her seat, biting her lip and trying to force back tears. Was this just some sick joke? But no, the teacher had mentioned voting and a volunteer. Who in the world would volunteer for such a torment? To be ignored for a year? That would just be terrible!
But...She didn't want to die.
I guess it's good that I haven't made any friends yet. She thought, as she glanced around at her peers. If I don't have any friends I won't feel as bad.
Akira smiled back at Sawyer."Not at all~".Her cheerful smile slowly faded when the special rules were mentioned.One of us...is dead? she repeated in her head as she read the document.She felt a quick cold rush down her skin as she finished.How is this possible?Is this for real?Is there any way to tell who's....who's... Akira's mind was quickly filled with these thoughts as she heard the teacher saying something that was mere blurry background noise in her head.

"Before we move onto voting, if necessary, do we have any volunteers?"
"Eh?" Akira quickly perked up.Her grip on the paper suddenly tightened unintentionally,making a little scrunch sound with the paper as she did so.V-volunteer...?Voting? she thought.How would we vote now if we barely even know each other...? That wasn't necessarily true with her case,considering that she knows a few faces from her old school.Besides,who would want to be in that position?That would be quite...lonely...won't it?
"One of you... is dead."

Amaya's eyes widened as those five simple words registered in her head. Dead. She fought the urge to turn her head and scan the class for the possible ghost. Earlier, hadn't she noticed a student with skin paler than everyone else? Or was she just making assumptions? Dead. She watched her fingers clench each other tensely. What if she were the one...who was dead?

Then again, I don't mind being dead.

Despite the pang in her chest, she refused to tear up like some of her classmates did. No, I'm not dead. The pain she felt in her neat hands from being held too tightly was proof enough.

"...or one of our family members, will die by crazy accident, every month, until the end of the year, even during vacations."

Amaya heard a pencil snap somewhere in the room. Like someone malicious thought it was funny to add a background sound to this unreal scene. Images of her family appeared in her mind's eye one by one: Father, who had lost the ruthlessness in his eyes when her brother was born; Mother, always gentle; and Kosaku-chan, who could never wipe that grin on his sweet face.

I can't let them die, she vowed. So when someone in the class asked for volunteers, she raised her hand without hesitation. But she wasn't volunteering. "I have a question, Kato-sensei," she addressed her teacher. "Will the person we choose be ignored by the teachers as well?"​
Zero could hear the piercing cry of his alarm clock through his tired stupor and he silently wondered how many times he had pressed snooze. Slamming his hand down onto the already abused clock he opened his eyes and sat up, glancing towards the time. 'Shit!', he thought, 'late on my first day to a new school.' Getting up he grabbed the uniform from his bedside and began to get dressed, still yawning. 'At least I live close enough to walk, I've already missed orientation. ' Grabbing his standard issued Yomiya North bag he sprinted out the door, only stopping to quickly run his hands through his unruly black hair and give a wink to the mirror.

Arriving at the new school he felt a shiver run down his back, this place was creepy. Walking along the lockers he quickly found the Kanji for his name.


Opening his locker he put on his indoor shoes, slipping his street shoes inside. 'Class 9-3, man I have no clue where that's at!' Walking down the halls aimlessly he finally found his class with a triumphant grin. Swinging the door open he flashed a smile and made his way to the teachers desk, oblivious to the sour mood in the room. "Hey I'm Zero Ichiru. Sorry I'm late, I'm an exchange and I couldn't find the class. " He said in a deep voice.
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