Yomi (Saro & Worsel)

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Ayasha wakes from her peaceful dream to the song of the rainforest birds. The chorus of chirps and whistles echoing throughout the modest hut built by her savior...

Madraga is his name, he is revered by the community for his wisdom and connection with Kachina. He will be turning 56 in 2 days, a great achievement in this part of the world. He takes great care of himself and despite his age sports few wrinkles and is still as fit as any young hunter or warrior would be. His long black hair is braided and held back in a ponytail and his beard is kept to stubble at best. He stands about 6 feet 2 inches tall and always carries his walking staff and a hunter's dagger (a 6 inch long 3 inch wide blade with a short handle, used for finishing and gutting prey). His attire is usually a long gray loincloth and a matching tunic, both marked with numerous symbols of trees... one for each animal he killed when he was a hunter, a sign of respect for nature's bounty.

The hut contains 4 rooms. The hearth (a room for sitting, eating, and entertaining guests), The washroom (contains a small tub that was constructed to harness the spring-water that runs under this area), Madraga's room, and finally Ayasha's room which is fashioned however she wishes.

Ayasha can feel the humidity in the air and the breeze that blows through the small gaps between the wood. It feels like rain is coming. The chorus of birds is a constant song that colors the days of all the villagers and is as reliable as the break of dawn. Knowing Madraga he is likely just waking up as well and will be preparing to go and gather the hunting parties and check up on the village farms. Even at his age he often works the farms himself despite the capable youngsters and farmers being more than up to the task of handling it themselves. His actual task is to provide guidance to the Chieftain.

Ayasha's job is her own to choose and each villager can switch what role they want to fill each day so long as the chieftain agrees
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A little more backstory for Madraga as Ayasha has heard from various sources including Madraga himself

Madraga grew up as a hunter, he practiced with the village's best hunters and learned from the best trappers. All his life he had gone on every single hunt and brought back a catch every time. He was soon just as revered as the more experienced elder hunters and the chieftain allowed him to marry his daughter Yusila. Soon after their marriage Yusila was pregnant and 9 months later she went into labor while Madraga was still on a hunt. The medicine man and wise woman were there to help her and Madraga was content that she was in good hands. However there were complications and when Madraga returned home he found the village in prayer, his wife and child had both passed on during labor... Stricken with grief he isolated himself in the home he had built for his new family. After a week he snuck out of the village and ventured out to the outskirts of the village with his twin blades, intent on ending his life. Instead he came across Ayasha and the corpse of her mother. He felt sorrow that the child would be left without a mother and that the mother had managed to keep Ayasha alive during what must of been an treacherous journey. Inspired by her willpower and love Madraga vowed to take care of the daughter and raise her as his own... Thus Ayasha's mother had saved 2 lives that day with her courage and strong will
Ayasha lays in the peaceful embrace of her hammock. The touch of a fine-spun smile creeps to her lips as she opens her eyes to embrace the day's first light. The air around her promises the gift of rain.

Today is a good day. It stands for the beginning of the wet season, where the rivers and lakes are revived and the grounds are nourished by the 3 months of near constant downfall.

She'd rise to the thick smell of sweet smoke drifting through the shack, curling herself up and onto her feet she sets forwards through the door following her nose until it leads her to a small torrid pit guarded by Ayoyta.

Ayoyta was the mother of the tribe, an elderly lady who stood no taller than 4ft. She had been here since before the arrival of Ayasha and was hugely respected by all the people of Nala. Her dark skin is littered with tribal tattoos that pour like rivers into her pleated wrinkles yet her complexion is crisp and healthy. Her calloused hands reach down into the pit of smoking leaves, unfolding each one to reveal a large flat bread.
'Here,' she purrs in her native tongue, pushing the bread into Ayashas grasp,'take this for yourself and Madraga, there is a long day ahead.'
Ayasha bows her head to the woman gifting her with a gracious smile before turning back to the hut.
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Upon turning back to the hut, Ayasha finds that Madraga is just now stepping out into the early morning light. He smells the air and seems content, he knows that the rain will lessen the work of the farmers. He looks towards Ayasha and walks towards her as he speaks in his deep smooth rolling voice "The day greets us warmly Ayasha, Mother Ayoyta. I find the rain soothing, a gentle gift of the world" He smiles peacefully and looks off towards the forest as the hunters all head towards the gathering pit to prepare for the hunt. Young children and the elderly also seem to be getting a move on with the day in their own tasks. The village rarely has a morning that is still and silent, work must be done and all have their part to play in the prosperity of the village
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