Moonlit Blade
Original poster
As the title says, "Yo!". I'm new to this site, obviously, but I've been to a few other Rp forums. I've been roleplaying for seven years or so, now, usually one-on-one, but I have also roleplayed on forums with other people. My main interests include fantasy-genre roleplaying, videogames, art, you name it. I dabble in sci-fi very lightly, though I prefer not to too much, though, oddly enough, my favorite show is sci-fi. For those of you who have seen Doctor Who, you understand it's sheer greatness. In any case (and I apologize beforehand, I say "In any case" quite often, in fact), I hope to get to know a lot of you (a few, at the very least, though a few here seems like a lot anyway. So, a lot might in fact be too much... hm...) and enjoy a few (again, a few might be a lot) roleplays alongside you.