Would You Rather....?

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A bike, I def don't have the balance for a skateboard and just don't have time for that nonsense.


Be a DC superhero or a Marvel one.
Marvel Definitely. Marvel has hulk and iron man.
Super man can fly into the sun.

Would you rather be slimmed on national TV or pants-ed at a school awards ceremony?
I feel so old all of a sudden because I don't even understand what you said... I'll go with the school awards ceremony though simply because I'd rather be appreciated and awarded for my intellect regardless if something goes wrong during the ceremony.

WYR cook yourself in an oven, constantly putting your own juices back over on top of you, or be sliced up alive for human sushi.
Human sushi...

WYR have the flesh from your back ripped off or your eyes put out with a blow torch?
hmm... flesh ripped off cause I can get fake skin...
WYR be stuck with me for an hour or a tiger for a day in a locked room?
You four an hour...? Unless you're a stalker fish called Bert.

WYR cheat on your (real or imaginary) bf/gf with their best friend, or be the person your best friend's (real or imaginary) bf/gf is cheating with?
I'd rather not do any of this, but i guess if i had to pick with a gun to my head or whatever, I would pick being the person that my friend's bf/gf cheated with.
WYR Love someone you can never have or have some one you could never love?
Love somebody I could never have. At least then I could be their stalker fish.

WYR Try to fail, fail to try, or be a magicarp?
Try to fail: I love taking things apart to find ways for them to break. Trying to fail is kind of like that. How can I find a way to fail at something? Sounds like a rather fun exercise actually... -ponders-

WYR derp on a forum board by mixing up board games or derp in an equally public situation in front of physical people?
derp in an equally public situation in front of physical people - I've done that before and it isn't that bad,

WYR Have a pet polar bear or a pet kangaroo?
Vegetarian. I need my dairy products. One can not live without a storage supply of ice cream and...milk.

WYR be a sheep selling convict or work at a deli without a right hand?
I'd rather work in a deli with one right hand. I can build a sandwich with one hand... at least I hope I can lol.

WYR be locked outside for a week during the winter or locked inside during the summer with only a fan for air conditioning?
locked outside, I can handle the cold but as soon aas it gets to hot i go apes.

WYR start a mosh pit or watch the mosh pit?
Watch the mosh pit - I'm pretty small and scared of getting injured.

Would you rather travel to the future or the past?
Future, I be to scared of changing my past.

Would you rather:
Eat a cow brain Or Eat a sheep's stomach?
Sheep's stomach.

Would you rather swim in a pool of jello or marshmallows?
Pool of Jello :)

Would you rather get bit by a Spider or a Snake?
Spider, snakes scare me to death, and their bites hurt like hell.

Go to bed late and wake up early, or fall asleep early and wake up late?
Fall asleep early and wake up late.

WYR hang upside down for 2hrs or hold your breath under water for 5 mins?
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