Would you _________ me?

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Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we're huntin wabbits

Would you play Xbox with me?
sure...but i'm not terribly good....

would you have a drink with me?
Sure I would :DD Even though it's technically not legal XD

Would you go dancing with me?
Hells yea dude! Maybe not dance WITH you, but I would hit the clubs with you.

Will entertain me, I am bored.
*hands Octy a beer*

Will you make me a sammich.
what is it with men and sammiches!? *throws all the ingredients at GMK* sammich made! >D

Would you cook for me?
Sure I love cooking!!

Would you go on a date with me? (ooohhh boy XD)
....as long as it's legal XD

would you get a drink for me?

Would go out drinking with me>?
Oh you betcha.

Would you go swing dancing after drinks with me?
If you get the first round.

Would you launder money for me?
Unfortunately I am unable, though if you give me a bit I could probably find one.

Would you go to a concert with me?
Fuck yeah! I <3 concerts and mosh pits.

Would you build a clubhouse with me?
Yes. I would actually really like to do that. I'm good at building things too!

Would you forge checks with me and travel across the country with fake IDs?
Forged cross country barhopping here we come

Will you join me and Octy?
Oh yeah, Ill drive too.

Would you pay for the gas?
Hells yea, either that or hitchhike part way.

Would you beat me over the head until I passed out, in order to sleep.

I get to go home tomorrow! Would you celebrate with me? (There will be beer...)
Hell yes i would. I love to celebrate.

Would you drink beer with me at TZS's celebration>?
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