Worst/weird school experiences?

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Let's see... Since all my bad experiences were rather run-of-the-mill (lots and lots of teasing until I flipped my shit and flat up assaulted one off my bullies), I'm just gonna tell some weird/funny experiences.

My History teacher had a literally monotone voice. There was even a time I fell asleep in the middle of his class... twice! His voice only showed any inflection when he read poetry. Everyone was shocked when he did.

I also think I fell asleep in Biology once (can't remeber). I think my teacher hated me because I never paid attention in class but still got good grades.

One of the Latin teachers was convinced the world was flat and that mole people lived in the New York City Subway system and had an organized society including healthcare. I once found a Latin textbook with "5 questions to ask [Whatever his name was] to get him off topic".

For computer lab in Middle School, one of our projects was to make a collage with photoshop. We'd get a picture of the front of the school and have to add our name and some things that we liked/showed who we are, and it'd get shown in a slideshow for graduation. I remember I put a droid starfighter strafing the school in mine because I liked Star Wars and didn't like school. It didn't end up in the slideshow.
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