| World Synapse : Arc 2 Gardania |

Dormitory (2nd Floor Room 206) > Just outside the Dormitory

Returned Nascha's greeting and helping Puck out. @AutumnWyvern @Jerelin

Turning at the greeting, he paused mid-step and returned it with a polite nod and, "Morning." She wasn't someone he recognized, but she didn't linger and he had already tried to get someone else's attention so it would have been impolite for him to disregard them. Seeing as he had gotten their attention, he made his way over to them and nodded. "Understandable, I myself was forced to learn," he said with a smile as he recalled the numerous different venues he'd gone to; maps were something he'd gotten rather familiar with after his first few competitions. "Not a problem. I'm Kir by the way, nice to meet you." He offered a handshake to the androgynous looking teen before indicating with a nod which direction they'd be heading.

It was nice to walk alongside others naturally for once; given his tall stature most of the time he had to cut his stride slow just a tad. While he had grown used to it, the daily exercise at his own pace meant it was never engrained as "natural". "If there's any thing you want me to point out, I can try. Moved in a few days early, so I've explored the grounds a bit," he mentioned as the buildings around them began to take on a more commercial appearance, "for instance this is where most of the non-Academy shops are. Restaurants, convenience stores, stuff along those lines." While it was obviously good for the businesses in here as the student body probably passed through twice a day at the minimum, it was also convenient as hell. As far as he could tell, the shops didn't seem to have inflated prices as per usual on college campuses.
  • Phone (Oneplus)
    Wallet (Student ID, Driver's License, Credit & Debit Card, $40 (Two $20s))
    Keychain (Dorm. Room Key, House Key, & Lock Keys)
    Leatherman Multi-tool (Holder hooked into belt)
    Bradley Timepiece (Left wrist)
[Ravenwood Dorms 2nd​ Floor Lobby, Ending at Room 214]
[Eerika, @Controlled Chaos, Ending off Alone]

Darius was quick to resume walking as Eerika exited the elevator with the force of a bulldozer, dodging her three-second stampede. Shrugging at her statement, the boy said, "Maybe they have people in the same year room on the same floor?" The assumption probably wasn't correct, of course, because the spider-crushing Eerika, despite being just as tall as Darius, had a babyface that made her look more like a 14 year old. A tall one, for sure, and an angry-looking one, but still a 14 year old. Walking away once more, he answered her question right as he turned the corner.

"Our rooms are on opposite sides of each other, Eerika. See ya."

Without another thought, he speed-walked down the hallways once more, the wheels of his suitcase quietly rumbling as it rolled over the carpeted floor. Sounds of people unpacking or snoring or dancing or whatever else could be heard from the rooms beside him, before Darius finally reached Room 215. He looked beside him and saw another staircase leading downwards. Next time, he'll have to remember to take that stairwell instead then.

Taking out his keys and opening the room, Darius nodded in approval at how well-furnished it was. There was a nice patio and a stylish glass table, accompanied with cushions and such. Oddly enough, no chairs were available, but Darius was fine with that. He dropped off his bags, stretched out his limbs, sighed, and decided that he might as well get dressed in the uniform early, so he could take a short nap afterwards.

And, for the next few minutes, a sexually suggestive scene occurred.

Literally nothing but underwear.
  • Like
Reactions: Kitt and PandaChu
~ Time: Morning ~
~ Location: Auditorium ~
~ Interactions: No one in particular ~

Akio eventually was able not to find his room but the place where several student were gathering in the auditorium. He had his uniform now having had it on knowing he would show up late but he still had his bag slung over his shoulder having never found his room. "Jeez maybe i should find a map when this is over." He said to himself looking at the several students in the auditorium. There were several students here already but most of them were talking in small groups, he wondered if most of the student already here knew each other. He sighed and sat down in one of the chairs already. He hated being the new kid, he left many of his friends behind to accept this invitation. But he hadn't had much of a choice. He hated his new step mother. When his dad got remarried he didn't think much of it at first. She would never be his mother but if she took care of the younger ones he didnt care about it. She had actually been pretty nice when dating his father at first. But after they got married she changed, she started getting rid of things of their mothers. She started insisting that they call her mother and his mom Ms. Sara. As he refused it got worst, they got into arguments and it became obvious she was trying to replace his mother. Then one day it all came to end in a final argument when he refused to call her mother and stormed out of the house. When he came back his father said he should find a new of residence for awhile. He tried not to think about it but even now it left a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.

He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair willing himself not to think of such unpleasant matters as he tabbed his foot on the chair in front of him and started humming a wordless tune. He thought about his mother and younger siblings driving home. They had all been determined to see him dropped off at the school. His mom was a older women with a young soul. While she fretted about him usually she was forgetful and had been known to do strange things like go sky diving and eat octopus from some side shack in the middle of New York. Even with his eyes closed he couldnt help but smile fondly as he had to take care of his mother when she had food poisoning the day after while he lectured her about buying from shady stalls in New York. He ended up scolding her a lot actually. He ended up being the responsible one most of the time though she took good, if maybe slightly reckless care of his younger siblings.

His sister Aunora was very similar to him in his attitude to his dad's new wife as well though she would never be able to send off daddy's little girl. She was 7 and their father loved her more then anything else in the world. Meanwhile he was 17 and nearly a man grown. His father invited him back when things calmed down but Akio wouldnt go back to her for any amount of time. He could see his sister and brother when they were at his mothers and his father when he began to see sense. He then changed his thoughts to wondering what he was gonna do here. He didnt have anything particular to study. A military officer or a politician were what he wanted to do and neither of those could be learned in a classroom. He was mulling over his choice as more students came in.

Fist wraps
Cell phone
| Katherine Drayton |
| Morning |
| Reception desk -- Dorm -- auditorium |
| Interactions: No one - small interactions with room 215 |
There was a girl at the reception desk, Katherine waited patiently for the student to leave before she stepped up to the plate. The man at the desk looked up at her expectantly, "Hello, I'm here to get my key." He nodded and typed a few things before tilting his ear towards the girl. Was this the part I say my name? "Tom Oakl-...I mean, Drayton." They only needed the last name, didn't they? The man turned his screen and had his cursor hovering over a few names, "This one?" She leaned into the desk and glanced at the names, "...That one."

After receiving her key and watching a couple of other students leave, Katherine pointed to the stairs for the movers to go to. One by one they lifted a small furniture up the stairs, the front of the line was told where to go. Katherine draped the larger snake over her torso to keep it away from the other snake on her left wrist. The cold blue scales slithered in an endless loop around her, humming lowly. There was a high pitched noise that circulated the building, "Ahem, testing, testing."

Katherine blew hot air as the snakes tightened their hold on her. The larger one curled up it's tail defensively while the voice rang out, "This is an announcement for all secondary students present on campus. A reminder that the opening ceremony will begin in the next few hours." Rini thought about the announcement bitterly, "Attendance of this ceremony is strictly required and your presence will be verified through your home room teacher. Remember to wear your uniforms prior to arriving at Ravenwood Academia's Auditorium."

There was a slight pause, "Thank you." Rini pushed her hair back and pulled her snakes apart, "Shhh, it's done. Quiet.." She waited for the last man to get up the stairs before she headed off to a nearby elevator. She leaned over the panel and pressed the arrow that pointed up. The green snake slowly crept up on her forefinger, Katherine lifted her hand up and watched the light glisten off of his scales, "Healthy green, aren't you?" She smiled lightly at the snake and stepped into the elevator. The doors closed and Katherine could feel the heavier snake hum lowly to her arms, "I thought he was your friend, not your meal." She desperately lifted the snake away from the carnivorous one.

"Aish," She stroked the scale in the direction it was going, "No....no.....no." Katherine picked the snake up and lifted it away from the smaller snake. The elevator bounced a bit before arriving to the second floor, the floor was empty, except for a few decorated people here and then, no one important stood out to her. Katherine lifted her hair away from her snakes and started walking to the movers by the end of the hall to her left, "Oh! There you guys are. Are my babies there?"

"Uh..." A few of them glanced at each other and then at her, "...Yeah. Yeah, we did." Rini picked the smaller and brighter snake away from her fingers, "Open the smaller terrarium." She placed the green snake inside and allowed the larger snake slither around her shoulders. She pulled out her key, the groves in the key imprinted in her fingers. Katherine slipped the key into the lock and turned. The key wouldn't budge, the girl frowned a bit and looked up at the plate, "Two...fifteen." She threw her head back to look at the ceiling, dramatically, "Aish, this feeling of dread for this dorm room, is not of my own! I think I will plummet into des-...Oh!" She pulled the key out and turned away from the door.

"Two...eleven." She whistled happily and pressed the key into the key hole. She turned the door knob as she turned the key. Pushing the door aside, Katherine heaved a sigh, "I thought I was going to have to check every door for my dorm. Okay boys, please put my babies into the room." A voice cut in, "Actually, Rini..." The said girl perked up from her name being called, "Mom? I thought you were gone." She waited for the men to move aside before she slipped her way out to greet her mother.

"The meeting was moved a bit, I decided to warn you about the no pets policy." Katherine twirled her hair nervously as the snake at her waist slithered down, "I can't live without them. Can't you convince them somehow? I don't trust daddy to take care of them. They need lots of love." Her mother shook her head, "You can't. You won't have space for them anyway." Her mother analyzed the room and then at her daughter. Katherine bit the insides of her cheek and glanced down at the floor, creating a small pool of fresh tears glossing over her eyes, "...I could use the kitchen space.."

Her mother looked over at the kitchen before glancing down at the girl through her sunglasses, "It won't be enough for all of them. At most you can probably fit...three. Even so, the school won't let you keep them." Katherine lifted her hand and rubbed her formed tears and sniffed a bit. The mother cleared her throat and looked away, "I'll....I will talk to the school, but pick only three for now." Katherine blinked away her fake tears and smiled up at her, "Great, I'll start picking them out."

Katherine waited for the movers to place the terrariums and the cages down for her, she bent down and looked at each of them carefully. The men stretched while she picked out her favorites, "Uhh...Take this one..." She pointed to a chameleon, one of the men picked it up. Rini moved her finger to a leopard gecko and looked up at another man, "...And that one. The rest of you take the remaining cages and I'll show you where to put them." She stood up and directed the men to place the small homes on counters, all that remained were snakes and a snapping turtle. She leaned over the counter and watched her green grass snake slither around. In another glass case, a snapping turtle observed the water and quickly receded back into his shell.

"Where's...Shit." Her mother tapped her foot and arched her eyebrows at her, "Katherine Drayton, take back those words." Katherine crept low to the ground to crawl around, "Aish, to be lost at a time like this..." The girl kept looking under the furniture and tempted the people in her dorm to stay quiet. The future class president hummed lowly and waited for a sound to mimic her humming. After a minute of looking, she grinned standing up with her regal ring-neck snake, "Thought you could escape from my love?" She chuckled to herself and lifted the snake. The cool grey snake head flickered it's tongue as the girl carried it over to the collection of terrariums, "There you go."

"You," Her mother spoke to the other men, "..may all leave, be sure to get the reptiles back to our house. I'll be paying for the expenses later." The movers nodded and left her dorm room, "Rini? I'll be leaving now. I left some papers on the table, don't forget them. I'm going now, lock the door behind me." The mother pushed back her blonde hair and walked out, Katherine stretched and pushed the door close, locking it, "...I should get ready now." She propelled herself off the door and towards her suitcase. On top of the case were folded clothes for Rini to wear as a uniform. It was delivered a while ago, but she never wore it. Rini washed the uniform a couple of times for this occasion. Crossing her arms, she held the edges of her shirt and pulled it off.

"Alright. Time to explore this huge ass school, but first the auditorium." Determined, the girl set off to the auditorium. The uniform fit perfectly, but it seemed like she was missing a button. She promised herself to buy a similar button and sew it on, unless that was the style of the uniform. She would have to catch a glimpse of another student wearing one to see for sure. Once she entered the auditorium via map, she found a handful of students had the same idea of coming to the place earlier. Katherine decided that she should slip into the crowd and go by unnoticed by the small mass. She didn't know whether she should be bold in making acquaintances or just wait till she could make friends later.

Money ($20)
Camilla "Mia" Oliver
Location: Auditorium
Time: Afternoon
Interaction with: Linda and Shimako until Stranger Danger: Patrick: @TerraBooma (Side note: I'm sorry Patrick.)
Mood: Happy but Hungry


Being lead by Linda towards the auditorium, Camilla was getting distracted by the sounds around her and the feeling of a subtle wind that would blow by occasionally as she felt at a sense of tranquility settle in her mind,"Linny... What does the campus look like?" She asked tapping her cane on the ground in one hand while the other was held by Linda so she wouldn't wander off,"The campus?... Well, the sky is gloomy with grey clouds though no rain is coming down." Linda began and then looked towards anything that she could describe after,"There a few chickadees playing over there under a few trees that are beginning to lose their green leaves since it's autumn. There's a lot of students wearing Ravenwood uniforms just like us and all of them seem to be heading where we are going as well but there are some who seem to be skipping. Don't be like those guys." Linda said describing the scenery in detailed description for Camilla to picture what she was seeing as she let out a giggle at her last comment.

Imagining what Linda saw, Camilla could see what looked to be what she would call as a 'college life' with autumn season in setting"Thank you Linny, the campus seems to be a very lively place. What about the buildings?" Camilla asked again wanting to know what kind of place Ravenwood was like. As Linda observed the building for specific features,"There are many buildings all which I'm not sure are for but the one we were in was huge and when I mean huge, I mean HUGE! With glass covering all over the metal skeleton and just like all the other buildings. Too bright in my taste almost making me go blind as well." She exclaimed,"Luckily it's cloudy so the sun can't make me go blind." She said but covered her muffled her mouth at the last part.

Giggling, Camilla just nod and smiled,"It's okay Linny. I've been living blind all my life now." Camilla said until they came to a bustling crowd of students as their voice level increased,"Seems we're here." Camilla said as Linda sighed,"Just hold on to my hand until we get a seat." Linda said and gently tugged Camilla along making their way through the crowd to find a decent seat for Camilla to at least be able to hear what the speaker had to say.

Scanning around the room, Linda was trying to find the best seat for Camilla to be able to exit out without trouble but also be able to hear the speaker well. On the other hand, Camilla's tummy was getting fussy as a loud grumble echoed out of it's hollow inside,"Linny, I'm hungry." Camilla complained tugging on Linda's sleeve to get her attention,"Good thing I bought some snacks for you." Linda mumbled and searched around her bag to find some cinnamon roll she made earlier still in whole,"Here, have this for now till we get to a seat." Handing her the snack wrapped in a napkin, Camilla happily took the treat and started munching down leaving a few cream smeared on the side of her lips.

As Linda tucked Camilla further into the crowd, Camilla felt her cane loosely slipping and tried to catch it - while the cinnamon roll was held in her mouth - but instead it slammed - could have broke a bone - into something hard as the person seemed to be in pain by the hit as Camilla tripped with her cinnamon roll slipping out of her mouth onto the student's uniform,"Ah! My cinnamon roll." Camilla cried not noticing what she had done but knew that someone got hurt. Linda, who had witnessed the commotion, gasped and pulled Camilla back onto her feet as she looked towards the boy,"I'm so sorry! She didn't mean to do that." Linda apologized and took out a napkin for the boy to use,"Here."


  • Ravenwood Uniform
    Panda socks

  • 7b0c9b2fc2725a44a9513f8d2f4812e1.png

  • Phone
    Cinnamon Roll now on the floor
Patrick Gavin
Oak Tree-The place where the talky bit will happen (Auditorium)
Interactions: Camilla @PandaChu

Patrick hadn't spent long in his dorm. He figured he could kill some time in the Auditorium while he waited for everyone to gather. He had quickly changed into his uniform, and left behind everything but his sketchpad in his room, he figured he wouldn't need anything else, but who knew when something interesting would catch his eye? The announcement had happened not to long ago, but for all he knew some of the new people around liked to be early. He could sketch the path or something in the spare time.

As he walked along the path to the Auditorium however, he passes by the old Oak tree where he'd been bumped into Nascha, (Or to be more frank, she had tripped over him.) He spies a chickadee in the branches of the tall tree. Making a nest, Patrick stops, curiosity peaked. He'd never really gotten the chance to sketch much wildlife. It'd be interesting to try and capture something living, even if it was just a small Chickadee. With his normal focus drowning out the world around him, it's almost been half an hour by the time he realized time's slipped by. With a start he sits up. "Shit! The Meeting!" He knows he's still ahead of time, but needs to get a seat before things get cramped...because the last thing Patrick wanted on the first day of the school-year was to tick off a bunch of seniors by having to awkwardly brush past all of them.

Half walking, half running he quickly finishes the rest of the short journey to the Auditorium. And he breathes a sigh of relief. Maybe not that many people felt like hurrying, he knew he didn't really. But there were still a decent number of seats left to spare. With a smile he sets himself in one of the seats in the middle row, right next to the end so he could get out in a hurry. He then spends a short time looking at his sketch. It wasn't bad, even as pessimistic as Patrick was about his own sketches, he had to admit it was at least somewhat passable. Maybe he should sketch the oak tree more often...

Patrick is quickly brought out of his thoughts however, when something hits him in the legs....and hard too. With a short cry of pain he instinctively shifts slightly, only to feel a soft thud in his lap. With a puzzled expression he sees a cinnamon roll, half eaten sitting half on his lap, the other half obstructing his picture with some sort of cream or icing. Sighing he stands up, thankful for the napkin from someone who seemed to be looking after, or at least helping out the shin-attacker in question. Wincing as he stands up. He nods gratefully. "Thanks, it's no problem." He chuckles. "I seem to be a target for getting hit today, your not the first person to hurt me. Don't worry about it." Doing his best to wipe off the crumbs and icing, he sighs. It'd probably stain, that would be a pain for sure.

"Oh yeah, you probably want your snack huh?" He holds out his hand for her to take the remains of the Cinnamon bun, but frowns when she doesn't take it. Then he notices her vacant stare, and puts that together with the cane that only recently hit him in the shin. "Oh! Your..." Deciding not to make a further fool of himself, he reaches out, taking her hand and putting the cinnamon bun in it. "here you go. And don't worry about me. As long as we're both alright it's no trouble." he sighs. "My sketch however, doesn't look like it'll be alright, but that's fine." He shrugs. "That's the beauty of it I suppose, I can always make another one, that Oak tree's not going anywhere, and hopefully neither will that Chickadee." Inside, Patrick's a bit more sad then he's letting on, but he figures he'd give them a break.

"Oh yah, my name's Patrick, but you can call me Pat if ya want." He looks around the quickly filling Auditorium. "If you guys need seats, I can move down two if you want, no problem for me."

Slightly Ruined Sketch
Morning | Walking to the Auditorium | With Kir @Zombehs

Puck shook Kir's hand and introduced themself as well. "I'm Puck, nice to meet you too." Puck smiled as he spoke and let out a sheepish laugh. "Thanks for helping me out. When my parents said I was going off to a real school I honestly expected something more local not some really prestigious academy on the other side of the country." Puck tried not to think about how much it cost their parents to do this, they knew that their parents only wanted the best for them but still... Taking care of all those animals had to be expensive enough. Puck would simply hate to be a burden, especially considering the reserve may need more volunteers without them around to lend a helping hand. Surely though, it was nothing to truly worry over. Puck's parents wouldn't have done it otherwise.

Puck listened intently while they walked. "Truth be told I moved in a bit early too, a day or so ago, but I haven't really done much of anything other than sleep to be perfectly honest. It's nice not having to get up early everyday so I guess I wanted to get some good sleeping in before school started. But I guess it doesn't really show?" Puck was well aware that they had a bit of a tired look to their face, but it's always been that way as far as they could remember. Oh well. Puck thanked Kir again once they arrived at the auditorium. "Thanks again, I hope I didn't babble on too much, and um, do you know if there is assigned seating? Like by class or whatever?"

((Hope you don't mind I sped things up a bit. I wanted to get them to the aud in time))

A small backpack with writing utensils and other school-related odds and ends
A wallet containing $30 and a picture of a Puck holding Beatrice (an owl)
A Map of the campus
A smartphone
A pack of gum
Late Morning.
Walk across campus, now at the auditorium.

At the auditorium, now to find seats. @AutumnWyvern
His reaction to hearing she was from the other coast of the States was an impressed whistle, he imagined such a change couldn't be easy to take in especially at their age. "Must trust you a lot to do something like this. Mother was reluctant to let me attend tournaments by myself. Not sure if school across the country would have flown," he remarked with a small chuckle as he recalled his mother's worried expressions. Despite their height, Kir guessed that Puck was at least a few years younger than himself. "You'll be fine I'm sure," he reassured them as the commercial district was left behind for the education-oriented section of the campus.

"It does actually now that you mention it," he admitted truthfully now that their expression wasn't colored with confusion, it did look like Puck had a constant air of lethargy to them He didn't linger too much on it as with a gesture he directed their attention to the auditorium, made all the more obvious by the students entering in uniform. He slipped on his jacket before he waved away their concerns. "Not at all, and I didn't hear anything about. Think I saw a few people from our floor head off earlier, so I'm just going to try and find them if I can. Feel free to tag along."
With that, he nodded at Puck and turned to go on ahead first. While that was the original plan, it was quickly revealed, by a few helpful signs, that the residents of the second floor were to enter by the western wing. "Well that's annoying..." he murmured softly to himself before he turned around and gestured to Puck that this entrance was not their own. He'd save them a bit of trouble that way at the least.

Upon actually entering and seeing the auditorium Kir felt his expression slacken somewhat out of reflex. While no stranger to wealth, seeing such a grand room really did drive home that Ravenwood was literally rolling in mounds of money. A shake of his head, a small smile and sigh, and Kir had pushed the thoughts of bewilderment aside. His eyes naturally found the row of seats with the appropriate sign. 'Huh, guess I was wrong.' He could see a few of the seats were already occupied, so he hadn't been mistaken on that part at the least. It seemed like a bit was happening amongst the earlier arrivals and he slowly began to make his way down towards them.
  • Phone (Oneplus)
    Wallet (Student ID, Driver's License, Credit & Debit Card, $40 (Two $20s))
    Keychain (Dorm. Room Key, House Key, & Lock Keys)
    Leatherman Multi-tool (Holder hooked into belt)
    Bradley Timepiece (Left wrist)
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: Kitt and PandaChu

|Early Afternoon|
| Ravenwood Academia Auditorium |
| Direct Interactions: @DoughGuy : Annie @ElBell : Echo |
| Interactions: @Everyone in the Auditorium |

In an instant, Tsuki leapt from Shun's head and sprinted the distance of the front row to a familiar face who choose to seat herself at the opposite end. Settling itself into Annie's lap, the cat began purring whilst gently kneading its claws against her legs. With a smile on his face, Shun directed a quick wave in Annie's direction before turning his attention back to the stage where the ceremony was about to begin. Though, in an instant, a small yelp emitted from Shun who immediately fell forward out of his seat. An embarrassed expression encompassed his face has he turned to gaze upon the girl who was standing at the rear of his chair.

"O-Oh...E-Echo. S-Sorry about that."

Rising to his feet, Shun began dusting himself off before sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Reseating himself back into the chair, Shun turned his body to face Echo before continuing with the interaction at hand.

"I wasn't expecting you there so suddenly. All in all, it's good to see you made it.
As for seating arrangements, there isn't assigned seating within this row. Just make sure to stay somewhere in the first row."


"Ahem, testing testing.
If everyone could get themselves settled, I'd like to begin the 2015 Ravenwood Academia opening ceremony."

In response to the feed back and announcement, students just outside the auditorium began rushing to their appropriate seats, while students who were already within, halted conversation with their friends, and followed in the same manner. At the stage's podium, was an elderly gentleman who spoke with a somewhat heavy dutch accent. It was after a good majority of the seats were occupied that the elder then chose to continue his speech.

"Welcome, welcome everyone to a new year at Ravenwood. My name is Dr. Daan Bosch, the Principal of Ravenwood Academia
Every year, we come, gathered as a family, for the reunion of education and learning. As per the traditions of our ancestors, we shall, together, undertake the journey which will lead us to a sense of enlightenment and purpose. Every individual, present in this room, holds a seed within their self. A seed which has yet to begin developing into the beauty which lies within. We are here to provide you with...--"

As expected, the principal's speech was far from entertaining, and in due time, Shun was left resting his head against his hand, propped against the chair's armrest. Considering his earlier nap had been interrupted, Shun's eyes were beginning to feel heavy as a spell of drowsiness began to settle upon his self. Overall, the speech lasted just over half an hour, and by the time of its conclusion, light sounds of snores were audible from Shun who had fallen asleep. Each dorm RA had the secondary job of class representative, and it was at the conclusion of the principal's opening speech, that they were slated for a presentation of their own. Noticing Shun fast asleep, Mr. Barlow exhaled a deep sigh before making his way to the stage in place of Shun. Going in ascending order, floor two was the first to present, and it was shortly thereafter that the man began addressing the front row.

"Hello, floor two. My name is Mr. Adam Barlow, your home room teacher to come.
After the opening ceremony, we are required to have our official first meeting; however, those with me have a slight change in plans. Considering we will be together for a year, I would rather we all get along. To the north of campus is a small park, and it is there I will be hosting a cook-out event. Given this replaces our official meeting, attendance is required, though I imagine no one is against free food. The event will start an hour or so after, so see you guys soon."

In response to his declaration, waves of protest erupted throughout the auditorium as students began to question the benefits of class two. Immediately, another "screech" echoed throughout the hall in a successful attempt to regain order. Another half hour would pass as every subsequent speaker continued the ceremony progression, and in due time, the event came to close.
Stretching his arms with a yawn, Shun woke to the sudden commotion of departing students, and it was with a dazed expression he began cluelessly gazing about. Eventually coming to the realization that the ceremony had ended, the teen mouthed the words, "oops" before rising to his feet with another yawn.

"Well then, I suppose its time for that cook-out Mr. Barlow had planned after the ceremony. If anyone needs directions feel free to follow me. I am going straight there to help out."

With his announcement, Shun turned to depart from the hall; Tsuki forgotten in Annie's lap.​

|Interactions: @Tsu |​

Nascha jerked in her desk chair, successfully bringing her head off from the desk in her wake of panic. She clumsily hit random keys on her laptop's keyboard to stir it awake. When the black screen finally lit up to reveal a childhood photo and the time, she sprang to her feet. "Shit, Shit, Shit!" Nascha seemed to move around her room at lightening speed, her memory completely blanking on where she had put her school uniform. She threw her blankets on the floor, even looked under the bed but her uniform was not to be found. The girl straightened herself up and let out a loud groan before spying something black on her dresser. She almost facepalm'd herself but decided against it. Nascha always seemed to be losing something and her mother's advice would continue to return to her: "If you lose something, let it be. It will turn up when you least expect it."

Picking the fabric up from the dresser, Nascha threw it on the bed and proceeded to undress, situating herself carefully within her underclothes before donning a tight, black, spaghetti-strapped cami and then her uniform. She bounced from foot to foot as she slipped on her shoes and traveled to the bathroom where she noticed a giant red spot on the left side of her face from where she had awkwardly placed her head during her nap. Her ponytail from this morning was a frizzy mess and there wasn't a spot of makeup on her face. There was simply no time to fix everything, so she spritzed on some hairspray and perfume before turning out the lights and running out the door.

She was already outside the dorm building when she realized that she wasn't carrying anything with her, especially her Dorm Key and the Ravenwood map. Another groan escaped her and she almost gave up for the day before noticed a few other stragglers going in the same direction. She assumed it was the direction of the Auditorium so Nascha fell in behind them and finally made it where she belonged just in time to hear the elderly voice of a man make his first opening statement.

The young woman allowed herself to breathe as she calmed herself down enough to see the signs pointing her in the direction of Floor 2's section. Upon closer inspection, she caught sight of the familiar face of Patrick and then noticed he was talking to two girls who were still standing. Nascha thought it best not to bother him, noticing how there were plenty of other seats to take along the front row. She chose one and kept to herself, hoping to not draw attention to her late arrival.

As she listened to the elderly gentleman speak, Nascha felt the sleepiness from her previous nap begin to take hold again. Her adrenaline from being late was quickly wearing off and she found herself dozing off every few seconds only to jerk awake awkwardly. She was terrible about that, often falling asleep in class only to jolt awake and loudly kick the desk in front of her. Luckily this wasn't a classroom and there were no seats in front of her to kick. Just before Nascha was about to give herself up to Dreamland, another man took to the podium and the promise of free food caused her to straighten up in her seat. She found herself able to listen to the rest of the speeches being presented without much protest from her exhaustion.

At the end of the ceremony, Nascha went to stand only to feel a searing pain in her tail bone and lower back. God, the seats here uncomfortable. Slowly but surely, she was able to stand up straight, wincing in pain the entire time. The pain had settled to a dull ache and she limped around to try and gain her full movement. Nascha was about to follow the crowd of people before hearing the slightly familiar voice of the boy she had met the day before at Check-In. She called out to him, "Shun! Hey, hang on a sec. I'll follow you!" With that she ran up to walk by his side. "Sleep well?" Nascha asked with a laugh.

Absolutely nothing. She forgot it all. D:
Location: Auditorium
Time: Early Afternoon
Interactions: Jason @The_J, Tsuki @Tsu

To have Tsuki so quickly approach her and jump right into her lap brought a smile to Annie's face, and she immediately began stroking the cat with her left hand. Her stockings protected her from any claws, thus his paws moving against her legs were slightly ticklish and she experienced a very startling physical reaction to laugh at their touch. The combination of joy and shock meant she missed Shun's wave, which would have received nothing in return anyway, but also his fall, likely saving the man some embarrassment. After a few minutes of attempted reading while petting, she gave up and placed the book by her side so she could fully concentrate on the animal.

That was until a noise interrupted her fun and caused her to look up. Because they had spoken so little she didn't recognise him by voice alone and Jason would have been witness to Annie smiling with a happy light in her eyes. For about half a second until she recognised his face. A glare to match the one she had given him that morning quickly took over her expression, smile disappearing and mouth turning into a hard, flat line. She was very clearly not pleased to see him. "No." she began, denying him his request to sit beside her, "You do owe me an apology." As soon as his apology, or whatever he chose to say, was done she would return her attention to her lap. If Jason chose to sit next to her despite her words and attitude she would ignore him completely no matter what he said.

Annie spent most of the following hour focusing on the cat and trying to ignore everything else. She'd thought she had done well this morning dealing with everyone she'd seen. But even though she was in the corner with only a few people directly around her it was a struggle to get through it. She could feel the massive crowd of people behind her and her mind would never let her be free of the feeling many of them were staring at her. Every time she tried to concentrate on the principal's bring speech she found those thoughts overwhelming her willpower. If it hadn't been for the peaceful furball in her lap acting as a adorable distraction she might've fled the room to escape the pressure. She just kept petting him whenever the pressure built up and making soothing sounds in response to his purring, and found she calmed down.

She managed to pay enough attention to Mr Barlow's speech to know about the cook-out that she needed to attend before her eyes and ears returned to Tsuki. They remained there until the room began to empty around her and she realised the ceremony was over. Still she sat in her seat, doing her best to ignore the people walking by her and making her feel crowded, until the majority had left. A little fear came over her that Shun would come for his pet but it appeared the man had forgotten about him for now as she saw him leaving the auditorium from the corner of her eye. Annie leaned forward and happily whispered, "You're mine now." to the cat, smiling at him.

Finally she stood up herself, book under her left arm, cradling Tsuki on her right, and started on her way to the park. She didn't know how the cat preferred to move about so she gave him the opportunity to travel in her arms, on her head or walking alongside her, whatever he preferred. Limping up the stairs she began making her way to the park, alone and slower than everyone else but in the only company she needed.

Knife hidden in her pocket
Dorm key in pocket
A good book, Gardens of the Moon
Annie's cat now
Morning -> Early Afternoon
Dorms -> Auditorium nap time
With Shun and Nascha @Tsu @Jerelin

Having dealt with the matter of the uniform, Iphie decided to unpack her clothes first since she'd already hung up her new clothes. Unbundling her rolling carry-on suitcase, she methodically sorted her clothes into the drawer and closet supplied to her. Despite her best efforts to avoid creasing some her shirts, they had become wrinkled in the process of bundling them into her luggage. Thankfully, this minor annoyance could be easily remedied by an iron and board in the closet, which she kept in mind to use when she had the time. Setting these particular shirts aside for later, she moved on to her rather heavy carrying bag, carefully pulling out a rather compact desktop computer. It was a misleading little device; it was compact enough to pass as an HTPC but it had a full graphics card and water-cooling crammed into the dimensions of a shoebox. It also had rather sensitive data, which was the reason it was part of Iphie's carry-on luggage and not sent with the rest of her stuff. Giving a cursory glance to ensure that nothing had come loose during her flight, she set the black box on her empty desk. There was a portable monitor in the carrying bag as well, but she didn't take it out; instead, she unpacked one of the cardboard boxes near the door for her actual monitor, which she placed in the center of the desk. The keyboard, mouse and cables came again from the carrying bag, and within ten minutes, she had her PC set up and running.

Using this opportunity to take a short break, Iphie sat down at her desk to check her email. Most of it didn't amount to much, but an email from the RA only an hour or so ago caught her eye. It looked like her evening would be tied up after all. Kicking back the swivel chair that accompanied the room, she stood up to get the rest of the settling in done by unpacking the more mundane things: A lamp here, another there, a clock, a kettle, some utensils, and other simple quality-of-life things. By the time she was finished, Iphie was hitting near her three hour deadline. After familiarizing herself with a helpful map of the school on the internet, she left her new dorm to hear this so-called mandatory ceremony. She had her doubts on how important it was, but she knew all too well about formalities and how they worked.

The auditorium the opening ceremony was to take place in was not difficult to find. After all, it was one of the largest and most elaborate of the buildings here on campus. Being in walking distance, Iphie found the short trip rather pleasant, despite the brisk pace of her commute. Unfortunately for her, the opening speech by Dr. Bosch was quite the opposite, the fact made obvious by the bowed heads of sleeping students all around her. She had no doubt that the man was a storied academic, but by god, this man did not know how to make a captivating speech to save his life. Iphie yawned. She did her best to hide the glow of her smartphone in the dimmed, sleepy auditorium.

Half-listening to the drab speech, Iphie perked up from her phone, recognizing the key words of a person's closing speech. Almost on cue, the old man changed off to, well, a slightly less old bespectacled man. This bloke's information was a tad bit more interesting, and those that were still somewhat clued in were now giving him their full attention. After all, nobody ignores the two words "free" and "food" placed together in a sentence. Nor did Iphie, especially seeing that this man would be the homeroom teacher of her floor.

Iphie had to commend Mr. Barlow; having a little barbeque in lieu of an 'official' meeting was far more productive and informing than a formal exchange could ever wish to be. It would certainly make networking far smoother at the very least. Recognizing the older student that was leaving as Shun, she stood and followed after him. Apparently another girl had thought to do the same, provoking a friendly wave from Iphie as she spoke to the RA.

"Does Mr. Barlow do this cookout every year, then?"

On Person
Keys, with a usb stick on the keyring
A wallet, containing her ID, $320, two £20 bills, a bank card, an oyster card, and an international credit card
An Android smartphone, rooted and running a custom secure ROM
Folding knife
A razor
A small bag of assorted mix candies
|Korrey McCarthy|
|Dorm-> Auditorium, barely made it|
|Interactions: No one at the moment|

Korrey, having moved into his auditorium much earlier that day, had decided that a nap wouldn't hurt. Consider it a way to break the new room in, ya know. He had expected for him to be asleep for hours, and was only barely woken up by the loud speaker system. At first he had paid no attention to it, and had spent a good amount of time trying to get comfortable again, and had just found a nice position, slowly falling back into unconciousness, when he felt pain surging from one of his fingers.

"Ow, god dammit Monty, what the hell is your deal." Korrey got out of the bed, running his unbitten hand through his dark red hair, glaring at the perpetrator with dark intents, something that someone might find intimidating with his red eyes and black sclera. Monty, a small black rabbit with intelligent red eyes, looked very unimpressed by the glare however, instead motioning with his head at the clock. Korrey, confused, took a look at clock. It took a second to understand the problem, but when he did, his face became extremely pale, before he bursted into action. He quickly put on a black T-shirt, followed by a denim jacket with a black cotton hood. He nearly jumped into his jeans, shoved his feet into some laceless sneakers he had on hand, and finished the look with his signature pair of sunglasses. The one thing that nobody had question that much in California, would draw immense amounts of attention here, but Korrey would rather have people question if he valued style over practicality, then have a repeat of what happened back home. With that settled, he picked up Monty and ran out of his dorm, ignoring the looks he was surely getting from any people who might see him as he booked it to the Auditorium.

Korrey was able to make it in time to hear Mr. Barlow say something about a cook-out. Unsure, what to do know, he walked over to the guy who seemed to be some sort of guide. He looked kinda familiar, was he one of the guys who helped him move him. Maybe, but Korrey couldn't remember his name for the life of him. Taking Monty and placing the rabbit on his left shoulder(a trick that had taken months to perfect, and around a year to make it apart of their routine), he walked over to him and tapped the guy on the shoulder.

"Yo, My name is Korrey McCarthy and I, uh, kinda missed the majority of the Speech. Kinda moved in earlier and slept in, so I missed everything that was said, except for the think about the cook out. Aside from that, did I miss anything important." As he spoke, Korrey reached into his pocket to pull out a box of bandages, and finally took the time to address the bite Monty had given him since it had actually drawn blood, giving the little bugger a slight glare from under neath his shades as he did so. The rabbit returned the glare, upset about something. Ohhh, right. "Oh, and this is my rabbit, Monty, and he's a bit aggressive. A pleasure to meet you all and I hope we all get along."

  • Hooded denim jacket
  • Jeans
  • Laceless sneakers
  • Sunglasses
|Jason Brookes|
|Auditorium -> Following Shun|
|Interacting with Annie @DoughGuy |
For the barest moment, it seemed that she was actually happy to see him. Then, like a shadow falling across her face, she resumed that deadly glare that she had given him earlier when he'd surprised her. If looks could kill... traces wouldn't be found of his body.
"Well... Sorry for that, if it helps. Really."
So he wouldn't be sitting next to her then. He moved up a few seats to sit alone, and leaned back, his legs stretched as far as he could in front of him. The dutch-sounding principal waffled on with his speech, welcoming hem all, something about growing seeds, all general stuff that he wasn't really listening to. He slowly began to drift to a light daydream, thinking about his journey here, that girl who hated him for something he didn't mean to so, and he'd even apologised yet somehow, she still despised him for something so small. He decided he'd done all he could, and she didn't seem to be willing to budge. She might hate him more for trying, so as the saying goes, let sleeping dogs lie.
He was promptly awoken by a new voice, his eyes cracking open to show him Mr. Adam Barlow, their homeroom teacher, as he called himself. His offer of a cook-out sounded great, and if it followed the rest of Ravenwood's standards, well then it'd be incredible.
Others seemed to be taking unkindly to the relative treatment of their class, shouting their displeasure at the unfair treatment, but they were soon hushed, and the rest of the speakers made their speeches, more for him to drift off to.
It was at the end of the ceremony that Shun announced he'd be going straight to the cook-out. Putting the angry girl out of his mind, he made his way out of the auditorium along with Shun who'd already set off. He was also joined by another seemingly new student, asking if the cookout was an annual thing. he was wondering a similar thing, so he waited to see what his answer would be.

1) Pencil
2) Wallet
3) Phone
4) Earphones
5) Keychain
• Aimi Minako •
| Early Afternoon | Dorm Room >>> Auditorium | PSA | Indirect: All currently inside of the building. |

Aimi did not like the uniform. The colors looked rather garish together, the dandelion yellow meshing poorly with the black. The skirt was too short, the bow looked like something out of a "slice of life" anime, and the blouse was a little tight for her liking. But, she couldn't really complain. If she didn't wear it, she'd probably get chatised/kicked out for disobeying rules. So, she grudgingly pulled on the clothing, tugging and pulling on certain areas. "Eugh," she groaned, slumping down on the (surprisingly) plush bed. She had already unpacked, and it was kind of disappointing that they had a uniform. She had packed almost every article of clothing she owned, including those gross Christmas clothes that your grandma buys you and forces you to act like you like it, but that you never wear. She figured it'd be necessary to pack everything that she could, which means that as soon as the top of her luggage was zipped open completely, it exploded all over the room. So there's that. However, one thing that she managed to dig out of the wreckage was her laptop. It was fully charged and brand new, bought especially for the occasion. "I've got a few hours," she said to herself. "Might as well kill some time..."

The small girl opened up the laptop, and a bright orange notification blinked on the corner of her screen. Almost instinctively, she opened it up. Her email. Who would be emailing me..?

Hello everyone!

A good majority of you have already met with me either today or over the weekend, but I suppose I'll introduce myself one more time. My name is Shun Takumi, a senior at Ravenwood Academy, and I will be your Resident Assistant for the entirety of this year. This email is a reminder that we will be having a floor meeting tonight at 10 pm. As much as these meetings suck, they are mandatory and I am required to keep track of your arrival. We will be discussing the rules and expectations of the dorm, amongst participating in a few ice breakers to help get to know each other.

Apart from that, if anyone has any questions feel free to stop by my room. If I am present, I will be more than willing to help. Considering we are all members of the same home room class, I look forward to seeing everyone at the opening ceremony!

Shun Takumi

Ravenwood Secondary Dorm
Resident Assitant

She read the message once over, blinked, and then closed it. So, Hippy Cat Man had a name. That was great. Wasn't going to change the fact she was going to call him Hippy Cat Man for a while, until his name settled into her mind. Ice breakers, huh? She mused. I'm always so bad at those. It's sad. But, I suppose they're needed... Looking back at the clock, she paled. Late. She was late. "...Oh."

And so, if anyone looked out their window, they could see a small girl sprinting to the auditorium, a panicked expression on her face. As it came into view, she slowed down a bit, finally reaching the building. Opening the doors quietly, she quickly sat down in the nearest empty seat. Up front, a man was speaking.

"Hello, floor two. My name is Mr. Adam Barlow, your home room teacher to come.
After the opening ceremony, we are required to have our official first meeting; however, those with me have a slight change in plans. Considering we will be together for a year, I would rather we all get along. To the north of campus is a small park, and it is there I will be hosting a cook-out event. Given this replaces our official meeting, attendance is required, though I imagine no one is against free food. The event will start an hour or so after, so see you guys soon."

Still panting from the sudden run she had to do, Aimi smiled a bit. A cookout...for free... Though, she did have a small appetite, who didn't like free food?

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|Location: Somewhere not important -> Auditorium|
|Interactions: Everyone in the Auditorium|

Kyouko was too late, in fact she was so late that it couldn't even count as fashionable anymore. Thus, the girl simply decided everyone else did all their stuff too early. Then again it didn't bother her at all, listening to some old mans speech that everyone forgot the moment it ended didn't really sound exciting. Still, while it may have been tempting to wander around the campus at random the blonde decided for the more sane option and go where pretty much everyone else was just not even 15 minutes ago. Someone there would surely feel honored to be able to help Kyouko out! Sure, the girl could have asked the one or other teacher looking person, the secretary was also an option, heck, even asking another student was viable BUT she didn't, in the end the soon™-to-be-queen didn't even know where she was supposed to live for the next few years! It was simply more fun this way.

Finding the Auditorium wasn't a problem at all, and even now it still had its share of people that obviously wanted to help Kyouko out! Good, everything was going to her non-existent plan, the only annoying part was probably the uniform she had to wear...way too dull and not outstanding! Pretty much the opposite of colorful! Whoever designed this piece of crap must have been some emo sleep deprived designer on coffee. At the very least it wasn't that uncomfortable.

Shifting her mind away from the uniform to less important matters, Kyouko was simply speaking, if not even yelling, to no one in particular. "I, Kyouko Hiruma, have arrived!" Was that enough to get the attentions of those simpletons? Maybe if she wore something better, but with this, most likely not, then again she did carry around her thug-like Shinai. "And I, Kyouko, demand to know what important information I may have missed!"

  • Shinai
  • Keyring with a few keys
  • Pink smartphone with a tiger-keychain
  • Headphones
  • An apple
  • Swiss army knife
  • Wallet with her ID, a bank card, 10 20$ bills, a photo of younger sister
Last edited:

Akio Soma
Auditorium [Morning]

Speaches, usually he would pay attention to them to compare them to some of the practice political speeches he wrote himself but it was obvious that these seemed to be read off the welcome to school que cards that every school seemed to own for their most boring speaches. As such he couldn't even force himself to pay attention so he just kept his eyes closed and leaned back keeping on ear on the crowd hearing small tidbits of talking and introductions even as the speaches went on.. and on, and on. He was actually starting to get annoyed when suddenly a teacher walked up and spoke.

It was a good thing he actually bothered to pay attention to what he said as he told him that there would be a cook out and mandatory meeting in the small park for floor two. He was pretty sure his room was on floor two so that included him as well. He could probably even follow them after to find out where he needed to be. It was a win-win situation and if he was wrong that just meant he probably be able to take some free food on the way out. He got up slinging his bag over his shoulder. He had actually spent a little time thinking and many had already left. It was then that a certain person caught his eye.

He saw a girl walking alone except for a small cat that seemed quite attached to her. Her cheekbone was broken and she walked with a slight limp of an obvious old injury. She was trying to tough it out but the injury was noticeable so he honestly wondered how old the injury was. He felt an moment of immediate knee jerk reaction of concern but pressed it down. From the way she was hiding her injury it was obvious she wouldn't be too pleased if he walked over and started talking to her based on her injury. Still he looked at her and watched her for a moment. She was beautiful even with her cheekbone injured so and he wondered how she looked before the injury. He soon found himself following her and he soon caught up to her and then matched her pace.

"Hello." He said with a small smile as he walked at her side with his massive bag slung over his shoulder. He looked at the cat wherever he may be resting or following and him smile twitched a big larger. He had always loved animals. "Where did you get this cute little guy." He said his voice containing a bit of a coo in that sentence as if he was talking mostly to the cat for a moment before turning back to her. "In most cases animals wouldn't be allowed in school." He spoke with the coo all yet gone from his voice. Now that he was closer and had observed her walk as he had come over here he could understand the full extent of her injuries. He couldn't help but wonder if an doctor had even looked at them probably and how long ago these injuries might have occurred

Meanwhile she could tell a few things about him. He was confident, obvious from even his slowed stride and way he stood. But even with his confident start he seemed relaxed, he was confident but he didn't care if people noticed and wasent showing off. However there was a few other things that were noticeable if she focused. His stance was well balanced like a fighter. He was defiantly someone who had fought before and his eyes were relaxed but watching and observant. "My name is Akio." He said offering his own name in a way that didn't pressure her to give hers. He waited for a response patiently not doing anything more then matching her pace.

Cell Phone
Fist Wraps
Bag with cloths and violin case
| Afternoon |
| Auditorium --> Campus |
| Interactions: @Jerelin @Click This @Skyswimsky @Raijinslayer |

Nascha's request for Shun to wait was pointless given the teen's lack of progression due to the jammed auditorium exits. If this event had been an actual theatrical show, the front row seats would have been considered luxury, though in the present time, they were nothing but a nuisance as front row equated to last out. Although Shun's state of being was annoyed, the girl's statement forced a chuckle out of the teen who turned to flash Nascha a cheeky grin.

"I'm sure I'll regret it in due time. I was supposed to give the class presentation.
Though, I'll just blame the school's announcement system. It was the thing which prevented my nap after all."

Progression forward was slow. A quick glance toward the stage, revealed the faculty departing through a private exit; an observation which drew a sigh from Shun's self. Following in their stead was a powerful temptation, though remembrance of his orders, quickly quelled such thoughts. As an attempt to prevent damage to the stage, students had been strictly forbidden from accessing the stage exit. The pace of their departure steadily began to grow, as did the size of Shun's group. A question from his rear, quickly turned his attention towards another girl whom he faintly recognized as Iphigenia.

"The cook out? Hmm, not sure about the years before the last, but I would assume the answer is no.
I've only been with Mr. Barlow since my junior year, and last year we had an ordinary class meeting. I guess he's finally gotten sick of how boring and unappealing the normal meetings are. Decided to spice things up this year.
Should be pretty fun. Get to know each other, enjoy some free food. Hell, if everyone is there, I can have our floor meeting as well. Saves us from a late night circle in the dorm hall at the least."

With the conclusion of his reply, the auditorium exit came into sight, though further progression was once again interrupted by interaction from another student. This time a male carrying a rabbit; a rabbit who seemed more rabid than tame given the blood dripping from the student's hand and his subsequent declaration of its aggressive nature. Korrey McCarthy, easily recognizable by his peculiar appearance which was now further exemplified by the addition of shades, indoors, and an animal. Although hypocritical, the only thought which came to Shun's mind was the illegal nature under which the rabbit probably existed. Under normal circumstances, animals were strictly forbidden by the students residing in the dorm; a fact which Shun assumed would soon become an issue between Korrey and the dorm staff.

"No, you didn't miss anything important, though your absence was recorded and will act as a strike against your current standing as a student.
Ravenwood is very strict on attendance, so I would be careful about future mandatory events.
More importantly, I hope you aware that animals are strictly forbidden in the dorms. Not gonna say anything now, but expect some heavy consequences if you're caught with...Monty, by any of the dorm's staff.
For now, I'm leading a group to the cook out's location. Feel free to follow if you wish."

Escaping the auditorium brought about a sigh of relief from Shun. With a thumbs up and smile directed towards the group at his rear, Shun began leading the students down a particular hall; one that was different from the initial hall which led them into the auditorium. Nevertheless, in the end, the teen would have managed exactly three steps before the sound of yelling would have distracted from him his progression forward. On a day to day basis, yelling was not an ordinary occurrence; though, in a school, it wasn't an impossible happening either. Furthermore, yelling was hardly a concern for those uninvolved with the reason and source...Keyword: Uninvolved. A heavy sigh exhaled from Shun as he lifted a finger towards the group with a quick utterance of, "One second."

Being late for the opening ceremony was, in the end, the individuals own fault. Over the next few days, Ravenwood administration would review the ceremony's attendance, and subsequent penalties would be administered as necessary. If there were enough absences from a particular floor, the home room teacher and RA would be summoned for a small chat concerning student discipline, but as a whole, nothing would affect anyone outside of the absentee.
That being said, publicly announcing your absence...on top of the declaring your name...in the possible presence of Ravenwood faulty...with a traditional Japanese sword in your grip...was an entirely different story.

"Apart from the entire opening ceremony...not much at all.
Really...not much at all.
Though, it's good to see you actually arrived, Kyoukou Hiruma. Perhaps, we can get a move on before you draw anymore attention to yourself, no?
Also for future reference, a shinai is hardly necessary for an opening ceremony."

Shun began his reply immediately upon re-entry into the auditorium. Kyoukou's loud appearance was by far the easiest to recognize, and it was in her direction that the teen began walking until he reached her side. Reaching one hand into his pocket, Shun waited until the conclusion of his statements before flicking his wrist with the intention of tapping her head with the pencil in his hand. Whether the object made contact was hardly a concern for Shun who immediately turned around with his mind set on departure.

"I am leading a group to a class meeting in the form of a cook out. I highly recommend you follow.
You already have one strike against you for your absence of the ceremony. Trust me when I say, you don't want two. Ravenwood is very strict on attendance policies."

Whether Kyoukou chose to follow, Shun soon regrouped with the students from before, and in due time, the continuation of their journey was at hand. Rather than lead the group through the Academia's front entrance, Shun took a back exit which left them on a straight path north. The walk to the cook-out's location was going to take just over twenty minutes, and to bide the time of the distance, Shun soon opened the group for conversation. They were going to be spending a lot of time together in the future. Might as well get to know each other, Shun concluded.

"So it seems I forgot Tsuki, though I imagine he'll be fine. For the most part, he knows his way around campus.
Cat troubles aside, now that we have a group, we should get to know each other a little better. I've met with most of you, though I imagine amongst yourselves, you're strangers.
Have at it with the introductions, you're all floor mates and class mates after all."

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Late Morning > Afternoon.
Outta the auditorium, onto the campus.

Everybody follow Shun. Speaking with Nascha, in the presence of Iphie, Jason, and possibly Korrey and Kyouko. @Jerelin

It wasn't long after he'd managed to find himself a seat amongst the others that the sound system turned on with a horrendous noise. He winced and pushed back against his seat from the sound and when it finally faded, Kir was a great deal less pleased than he had been a moment ago. "God damn," he muttered in annoyance as he looked around before finally focusing his attention on the stage. In a few moments' time that proved to be a rather boring affair as the old man began to drone on and on. Riveting, his speech was not and a glance to either side of him revealed that the others had either fallen asleep or found other distractions to hold their attention within minutes.

As the closing words were spoken, Kir finally looked up from the faint screen of his phone. The rustling of clothes as students realized the long-winded speech had come to an end was audible, though he caught a few quiet groans as it became apparent that more speeches were to follow. He himself sighed a bit as he reclined into the expensive seating, paying a bit more attention as he vaguely recognized the first man on stage. A quick glance towards Shun and he confirmed that the man on stage had been seated to the next of his floor's RA. "Fuck," he cursed rather venomously as he flinched from the blast of noise that was used to settle the student body's complaints to apparent "unfair" treatment. With his mood slightly soured, he paid little attention to the remaining addresses given they didn't concern him.

Polite applause signaled the end of the opening ceremony and he rose with the rest of the student body. In the end, he was near one of the exits by the time he managed to extract himself from the crowd and move off to the side. While he didn't think it would be difficult to locate the park on his own, it'd likely just be easier to find and follow Shun. In fact he probably should have done that rather than attempting to leave the auditorium by himself… Not that locating Shun was hard with the other student's height, and he quickly slipped his way through the crowd to join Shun's group of followers once he caught sight of them. It seemed that the RA was busy with another student when he managed to fall in with the others. though he couldn't say he personally knew any of them. However, he did recognize one and spoke up. "Hey, you're from outside the dorm this morning. Name's Kir," he introduced himself properly this time, waving to catch her attention if it was hard to hear with the crowd around.
  • Phone (Oneplus)
    Wallet (Student ID, Driver's License, Credit & Debit Card, $40 (Two $20s))
    Keychain (Dorm. Room Key, House Key, & Lock Keys)
    Leatherman Multi-tool (Holder hooked into belt)
    Bradley Timepiece (Left wrist)

| Interactions: |
| Direct: @Tsu, @Click This, @Zombehs |
| InDirect: @Raijinslayer @Skyswimsky |​

Nascha laughed at Shun's comment about a nap. She reached up to run her hand through the hair of her ponytail, glad that she had conquered her adrenaline rush and survived the monotonous crash of the induction ceremony. With a soft sigh, Nascha was going to respond to him but was interrupted by a female voice. It wasn't one she recognized and when she turned to see it's owner, she realized she didn't recognize the girl, either. She seemed friendly enough, tossing Nascha a wave which she returned with a smile and a nod of the head.

As they walked, or shuffled, through the auditorium to the exit, Nascha was innocently listened in on the conversation taking place in front of her between the RA and the girl. She surely hoped that everyone from Floor 2 would be present at the cook-out. It would be nice to get the floor meeting out of the way sooner rather than ten at night.

"Hey, you're from outside the dorm this morning. Name's Kir," came a voice beside her. Nascha looked over to see the Silver-Haired Boy from earlier talking in her direction. She glanced around to see if maybe he was talking to someone else, but when he waved she was sure that she was indeed who he was talking to.

"Nascha," she returned, flashing him a smile. "You ready for the free food?" Nascha was going to ask if he had helped the person from earlier find their way or not, but she decided against it. It was none of her business. Something else crossed her mind to ask instead but it was forgotten thanks to the odd boy who interrupted the group's slow but steady travel from the auditorium. Nascha wasn't sure how long she stared at his appearance before she shook herself out of it. It was rude and she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. But the boy was out of uniform, wearing sunglasses, bleeding, and had a rabbit on his shoulder. Still, it was no excuse to stare at the wanna-be Cullen and Nascha found herself feeling terribly guilty for thinking of the joke.

She turned away from him and back at Kir. "Have you been here long? I moved in yesterday." Her attempt at small-talk was interrupted by a painfully annoying yell throughout the auditorium. She rolled her brown eyes and continued to press through the crowd to the exit as Shun went to deal with the girl. Miss 'Kyouko' needed a lesson in civility. "The nerve of some people," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. Outside the Auditorium, Nascha came to a stop, waiting on their RA to return. Judging from her experience around campus, she wasn't about to lead anyone anywhere. Especially to a place she knew nothing about. Finally, Shun returned and they set forth to the land of hamburgers and Pepsi (Nascha hoped).

Nothing but her clothes.