World Starter 1.2: Desert Moon

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There are a few different ways to go about making a world. Some people start with an overall concept and work down. Some people just throw things together. Some start with one concept or place and build up from there. The last option is what we are going to be doing in this set of exercises. We will start with one small place and expand from there. I'm not expecting heavily detailed worlds out of this. Nor am I expecting the latter exercises in each set to be done quickly. But these will help you learn how to build quick worlds that can be expanded upon later by simply doing.

This is the second part of the exercise we worked on last week. This week, instead of just creating the oasis, we will be creating the desert moon/world that it exists on. You may find that you have to use a bit less detail, or you may find yourself inspired to write even more. Create a desert moon/planet orbiting a jungle planet. You can make it as simple or detailed as you like. Do NOT focus on the planet it orbits, just work on the moon. Ready? Good luck! Go!
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