...yeah my attempts at working out are staggering with my schedule. For a while I was good at doing endurance training. Granted I didn't always do ALL of these during a workout and would generally just stagger between them, but generally
Upper body: lat-pull downs ~ 30# 3 sets of 15 and bench press (usually i'd just do the bar...ocassionally I'd add 10#) 3 sets of 10.
Abs: various crunchers generally 3 sets of 20, and sometimes the machines just whatever i was feeling up to at the time. Planks (generally 3 sets of 15-20 seconds)
Lower body: leg curls 3 sets 10 (don't actually remember how many lbs i used), leg extensions 3 sets 10.
Cardio: used to swim laps in the pool (generally 10 laps of free style, couple laps of back stroke, 5 laps breast stroke), but recently it's been more of running. If i'm on the track I alternate between 10 laps jogging, 2 laps walking, 5 laps sprinting, 3 laps walking, 5 laps jogging (sometimes I'd add in a 6th lap of full out sprint if I was up to it). If I'm on the treadmill I generally keep it at a jog for about a mile to a mile and a half (5-6 mph at 0 incline)
BUT if I don't feel like using weights I've also been known to do calisthenics instead
Lunges (3 sets of 10-15), Chair dips (3 sets 15), plank (3 sets 15-20 sec), calf raises (3 sets of 10 generally on a stair ledge or sometimes I'll find some thick books and stack em :p), push-ups (I attempt to do 10...haha if I can do that I try to do a pyramid so 10 to 9 to 8 etc down to 1), leg lifts, (when I was home I'd just go for a couple mile bike-ride after for cardio if it was good weather).
but yeah...when I DO exercise that's a taste of some things I generally will do (again I dont' always do EVERYTHING listed...just generally pick and choose :P)
Yay Exercise Science degree...you sorta come in handy?