Words you misspell the first time

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Can it really be technically proper if it's not actually spelled that way and they're just added in the extra syllable?
I can add a few more to my list

Awful (I try to spell it Aweful)

Relevant (I try to say relavent or relevent)

Correspondence (I try to say correspondance)

Independence (I try independance (I blame Barney's 'On da peen dance' pun)

Oh my gosh you have no idea! >:[ I have to re-read like half of all my posts because I'm stupid with words. Though mostly it is because my finger just goes to the wrong letter when I'm writing and it's just a stupid error but some of the words that just make my brain hurt are:

-preferred (I always spell it with two 'f's)
-nuisance (still don't even know if I spell it right)
-License (thank you spell check)
-these (for some reason I always spell 'thise' the first time)

There's a ton more, but I can't think of any right now ._.
Independent STILL trips me up!
accommodation - I usually forget an 'm'.

Other non-frequent words with double letters, or complex words where I confuse the 'e' and the 'a'. But other than independent, they are much less frequent words. I consider myself a very proficient speller. Most of the time. ;)
Can it really be technically proper if it's not actually spelled that way and they're just added in the extra syllable?

But we took out a syllable. They didn't add one. It has always been aluminium. As lazy Americans we dropped the -ium and just made it aluminum.
Fair enough, but depending on who you ask (as in experts and international science communities), I think the majority would say that both are technically correct.
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