Wolf's Pride

As they walked to the den, ash heard a strange rustling nearby. He didn't think much of it but still stayed vigilante. He didn't need a future generation to die. Not when the pack needed to flourish. Nor did he need anyone worrying over nothing. He fell back where mako was. "You hear anything?? You should hide in the brush, in case of an ambush."
Mako dipped his head in return to the question, his eyes barely looking at the male out of respect. "Of course alpha..." He spoke, his rumbling voice deepening before he turned toward the brush, seeming to wander in and dissappear though he was never very far from the line.
Kira smiled at Adsila, and moved to Mako's side. "Listen -if anything happens to these cubs....." She murmured to him so that only he could hear her, and nobody else. "I want to deliver them safely when the time comes - no sooner or later. Understand?" She used her Alpha Female Voice - stern, but gentle at the same time.
Red nodded.
"Ashtorith wouldn't let anything happen to Kira," she said, ploddding along, "besides, you shouldn't underestimate Kira. The pack might like to coddle her right now but us females aren't without some fight."
She bared her little pointed teeth to emphasize this point then stopped suddenly.
Her nose sniffed at the air and she crouched. She looked at Zarn.
"Do you hear that?" she murmured. "I think that's our prey."
His eyes lifted to her, ears perking before he dipped his head, "I will die before anything can happen to them Alpha..." He replied with a nod. His voice was almost threatening, low and aggressive, he swore to protect them after all. With that he bowed and slipped away into the brush.
Adsila watched as Kira walked away and listened to something in the bush and croutched a little trying to see if she could see anything and heard another noise and her eyes went back listening to the sound and she moved forward a little and hoped it was prey and not humans
Zarn crouched as well, sniffing. "Yeah, I there's something up ahead... And I didn't mean she's weak or anything, I'm just... Sorry..." He says looking at the ground.
Kira smiled and followed Mako into the brush. They were close to the birthing den now, and she was glad of that. Every few minutes, she would have another dizzy spell and have to pause. However they were very brief, and she was fine in no time.
The strong scent filled the air. She knew it as soon as she stepped foot over the boundaries that she was entering pack territory, but she'd had no choice. Being chased, she'd only hoped that her pursuers had turned away at the clan-line, rather than daring to do what she did and cross it. Dipping her head to the ground, filling her nostrils with the scent of the earth, she padded slowly and carefully through the woodland. She'd been within the territory for a good half an hour now, and had waited a further ten minutes, listening in on the pack. She'd wanted to address the leader, alone, and it seemed the conversation she'd overheard told her that the leader was going to the birthing den. That's when Saskia had set off, hoping to get there before her. Refusing to let her guard down, for all she knew this pack was good - and they'd been tracking her from the moment she stepped over the threshold and this was some sort of trick. Snorting, her paw rubbed at her muzzle. Someone was close. Was it the alpha or her pursuers? She hurried and buried herself beneath a rack of thorn bushes.
Kira reached the den, and she settled into the back of the stone cave. She lay on her side, and could feel the light pressure in her stomach where the cubs lay and developed.

She smiled and rested her head on her snowy white paws, her eyes closing. She could sense Mako nearby, which reassured her, and allowed her to sleep.
Adsila looked at Zarn and smiled a little "Zarn don't worry about it" Adila said and heard the bush rustle again and lifted her head up and her ears move around listening for sounds and she trotted forward slowly and sniffed the air catching the scent of another wolf and tilted her head to the side and whined a little, moving more into the bushes and hiding herself with her dark brown and light brown fur
When Zarn apologised Red nudged him gently with her nose.
"Don't say sorry. I didn't mean you," she said, "I meant the humans and the pack in general."
Her ear flicked towards the sound in the bush but her eyes looked steadily at Zarn with a serious look.
"I meant that Kira can still fight for herself, she's probably just letting the pack make sure she's safe to reassure them. Else they wouldn't stop worrying if she thought she was in danger now she's with pups."
She licked his nose and turned back to the bush.
"I hope it's a rabbit."

Yanzee watched Adsila, Red and Zarn with one eye and the bush with the other. She hoped they would remain catious of whatever was in the bush but she herself decided not to get involved. She'd get in the way. Only when it looked necessary would she get involved.
Zarn looks back at Red. "Yeah, I just meant... I kinda... Nevermind..." He trails off, looking back at the ground for a moment, before looking towards the bush and sniffs. "Smells kinda like a rabbit..."
Saskia lay still. Intuition told her that she was being watched. How funny, that she was lay here watching the Alpha enter the Birthing Den, and that something was also watching her. Alas, she'd previously learnt that - if indeed these were her pursuers - she was no match for them alone. And considering her fighting background, it was rare she ever found an opponent she couldn't take on. Ears pricked, she listened. There was more conversation going on, but nothing concerning her. She sniffed the air - it wasn't her pursuers, now she was sure. Muzzle first she slipped out from underneath the thorn bush, readying herself for anything that may attack her.
The eyes that had been upon her were golden, the black furred wolf had her scent as she approached. As soon as she slipped out into the open so did he, quickly coming to block her path. "And you are?" He growled out, staring deep into her eyes while he made himself seem that much larger. A threatening growl escaped his lips, his tail raised high. Muscles tensed beneath his dark fur, he was ready for a fight.
"Mako! Calm down." Ash told the ferocious wolf. Then, to the other "What is it you want?"
Saskia, upon reflex, growled back. She didn't like being threatened, especially by an underling. She didn't move closer, but didn't back away either. Looking between the two wolves she noted the secondary of a higher status. Possibly the second alpha, and it was he she spoke to. "I beg forgiveness for my intrusion. I was hoping to speak to your Alpha alone." She shot a glance towards the one named 'Mako'. "I don't manage well with a crowd, and my matter is private." For the sake of looking less menacing, she stood tall and forced herself to relax. If this was indeed the second alpha, she didn't want to give the wrong impression here.
"I am the one and only alpha male. Mako, look after Kira in the den." He said, with great authority in his voice. Then, with more compassion, he whispered to mako "You did good. You'd better serve standing by the side of my mate." Then to the stranger. "What business do you have here?"
Mako nearly snapped at the male before he lowered his head with a reluctant whine. Slowly he back up, tail lowering behind him. Never did he let his eyes leave the newcomer until he was given a new order. The whisper of praise reassured him at least, for a moment he had been confused by the reprimand. "As you wish." He spoke before entering the den, soon enough sitting along the wall near Kira.
Saskia watched the young male trot off, and did so until he had left her sight for good. It was then that she turned and gave her full attention to the alpha male. "My business..." She hadn't planned the speech, but then again she didn't have time. Running surprisingly took a lot more concentration, especially when the running was for your life. She sat, tail swishing gracefully, but her guard wasn't fully lowered yet. He could still attack at any moment, but if he did, she was ready for it. "I've seemingly trespassed, which was not my intention and I assure you if I'd had any other path I would have taken it. I don't approve of entering packland that isn't mine. But unfortunate events have led me here, and I was to seek out the alpha to apologize." She paused, "Yet I've noticed how, for some reason, my pursuers hadn't followed me here. I'm unsure of your packs reputation, but it seems good enough to keep me out of a bad situation." She paused and stared at the male for a while, hoping he knew where she was going with this. "All in all, I would like a chance to prove myself worthy enough of joining you." Hazel eyes watched carefully.