woah! im a noob...hate it when that happens.

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whats up my homies! hows your meat bicycles? riding strong? or barely bleeding?
Welcome Sevvus! I don't know what a meat bicycle is ._. so I'm slightly afraid to answer that question...

Welcome to Iwaku, Sevvus! Keep your Krieg under control :3 He can conduct the special train though, if he feels like it.
I'm bleeding lots. ;___;

Welcome to the community Sevvus!
Well either you guys are actually saying what I think you are, or I need to see a psychiatrist about bleeding meat bikes, and special trains.
I… I believe Iwaku has just gotten that much more interesting/scary/horrifying/ahhhhhhhh
Welcome Sevvus! I don't know what a meat bicycle is ._. so I'm slightly afraid to answer that question...
Lol no worries! but if you wanna know look on youtube for a meat bycicle built for two, you will know what im talking about. XD
Thank you!
Welcome to Iwaku, Sevvus! Keep your Krieg under control :3 He can conduct the special train though, if he feels like it.

I will try my best, but you know how us psycho's are ;D
th train can keep him busy for a bit.
I'm bleeding lots. ;___;
Welcome to the community Sevvus!
I can give you a salt shaker for that. ;p Thank you! I think I'll like it here.
Well either you guys are actually saying what I think you are, or I need to see a psychiatrist about bleeding meat bikes, and special trains.
we are indeed talking about such things my friend, wether or not you need to see a psych after this is still an open question though lol I may just drive you up a wall.
I… I believe Iwaku has just gotten that much more interesting/scary/horrifying/ahhhhhhhh

Aww thank you! It means a lot to me to hear someone say so.
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Welcome to Iwaku ^^


I see no problem with this, where is the strange part :D

Hope you find some great stories to partake in, and may you ride on ;)
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