. : Wister's Experiments with BBCode : .


Jack of All Trades
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Anything, really! I like world development and rationale though, so, for instance, the source of magical ability and how the magic works being explained at some level.
This is just going to be me for now, playing around with what works. I'm back to Iwaku after essentially five years, so many things have changed. I have some experience with graphic design and HTML/CSS/JS however, so this should go okay.

EDIT: Things are harder than anticipated, but the challenge is fun.

I try to make all of my code mobile-friendly!
It doesn't always turn out beautiful, but everything should be readable.

Things I Have Learned

  • Flexbox is your friend.
  • The position attribute of all divs and other elements generated by the forum is always relative !important due to how the forum is set up. (Even if you try to override it with an !important of your own.)
Overflow and Scrollbars
  • If you are using visible for either overflow-x or overflow-y and something other than visible for the other, the visible value is interpreted as auto. [Stack Overflow]

Tab Width Example

  • content
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • content
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut tincidunt ligula, a faucibus orci. Maecenas libero nibh, pellentesque ac commodo sed, lobortis quis sem. Nullam feugiat facilisis ipsum id viverra. Nam mattis, purus eget dictum molestie, tortor nisi pharetra tellus, nec cursus magna justo in metus. Nullam dictum erat eget erat euismod iaculis.

[div="background-color: white; border: #777"][TABS=100]
[TAB="Div Example"][div="background-color: #777; width: 100%; padding: 7px; text-align: center;"]content[/div][/TAB]
[TAB="Text Example"][color="black"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[/color]

[div="background-color: white; border: #777"][TABS=400]
[TAB="div Example"][div="background-color: #777; width: 100%; padding: 7px; text-align: center;"]content[/div][/TAB]
[TAB="Text Example"][color="black"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut tincidunt ligula, a faucibus orci. Maecenas libero nibh, pellentesque ac commodo sed, lobortis quis sem. Nullam feugiat facilisis ipsum id viverra. Nam mattis, purus eget dictum molestie, tortor nisi pharetra tellus, nec cursus magna justo in metus. Nullam dictum erat eget erat euismod iaculis.[/color][/TAB]
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Species: Star Animal (Fruit Bat)
As a bat, she has a four foot wingspan and dull orange fur all about her upper torso. The remainder of her fur is dark in color.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil
Weapon: Tonfa
These are simple, wooden weapons, with made out of a strong wood that has been stained to a dark brown.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, her warm eyes have a darker weight behind them. Alex is generally observant and takes note of others' feelings and actions around her, even if she doesn't necessarily care nor respond to these. She is more likely to remove herself from a situation if it bothers her than actively engage, and she is uncomfortable with being unable to do this. While she is not particularly an active participant socially, she does still have a drive to accomplish her goals, and can be quite irritable if others get in the way of this.

Perks: good awareness of others' emotions, relatively compassionate, rational, conscientious, decisive
Flaws: minimal sense of humor, easy to demotivate, represses own emotions, doesn't relate to people personally, disinterested in relationships deeper than acquaintances

  • decay: can cause organic materials to rot away through means of touch. In its most passive form, contact with her skin or secretions might cause a dangerous infection, though she tends to keep herself clean and her hands covered when around others. At its most active, it is the ability to wither away a rat in her hands in under a minute. However, this requires much more energy and concentration. The in-between is likely to only leave burn-like wounds that sting with infection but aren't immediately life threatening.
  • flight: in human form, this can be done while keeping almost full maneuverability of her limbs. Fellow star animals might be able to see two foot wings connected roughly to where her shoulder blades are, which control her movement while airborne. They don't appear so much as distort the light that passes through them, somewhat like the air above a candle.
  • night-vision: while her vision at night is not exactly the same as in the day, it is sufficient enough to maneuver comfortably as well as read, assuming the text is high enough contrast. Her vision at night lacks color.
  • resistant to disease: as a result, she's not one to be very concerned about germs in her surroundings or food. She also doesn't take much care in treating her wounds past stopping blood flow and ensuring that everything is in roughly the right place.
  • accelerated healing: many injuries that may have taken a few months can be healed within a matter of days. Granted, there is a limit to this, and rest is still required.
  • astral wings: though these are usually tucked within her human form, while flying, they are not, and can be targeted by magical attacks.
  • cold: her body operates best at room temperature or warmer. Even then, she will often be wearing a jacket and other warm clothes. Otherwise, some of her abilities, passive and active, will be reduced proportionally to the temperature.
  • certain foods: specific only to ingestion, as her digestive system is very good at processing fruits and not much more. She can tolerate plants, but animal products are very likely to cause her problems.
  • light: the effects of this can be mitigated with sunglasses at times, but as a nocturnal creature, prolonged exposure will make her drowsy.
  • small spaces: she's somewhat claustrophobic.
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  • An arsonist turned reaper after his imprisonment and subsequent suicide. He has a lot of debts to pay to the living, but considering he's dead… there's only so much that can be done. This said, he has had something of a change of heart, particularly after wasting away years of his death in emotional fits. His goal is now to right some of the wrong that he has done, and he's accomplished some of that already: devoting himself to his task as a reaper and helping the world find some sense of order. He chose the pact of blood two years after his death and has found some healing, but not enough to let him descend from his duty as a reaper into oblivion.

    Name: Sebastian Ehrmann
    Devotion: Pact of Blood
    Species Origin: Human
    Place of Birth: Würzburg, Germany
    Age of Death: 36
    Current Age: 41

  • Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
    Weight: 190 lb (86 kg)
    Hair: blond
    Eyes: grey

    A well-groomed man, Sebastian keeps his hair slicked back, sides trimmed short and faded. He has some burn scars on his hands and arms, but those on his hands are small and those on his arms are typically covered by long sleeves. Most notable, however, is the bruising beneath his jaw line. He will sometimes conceal this with makeup, but this can prove physically uncomfortable for him, so he tends not to. Clothing, such as scarves, tend to be more comfortable.

    He is typically well dressed, with a suit and tie, as he aims to be seen as a professional by his targets. When travelling to certain countries, he has been known to wear robes and other loose garments, which he actually favors but doesn't always feel are appropriate.

    The only equipment he usually carries includes a set of syringes (21 gauge), a flask, and some sedatives, though he also has a small pocket knife attached to carabiner with a few keys to who knows where. He sometimes will also have some medical devices related to diabetes should he expect to be questioned for having syringes.

  • Attitude: Friendly but often at a loss for what to say, Sebastian isn't a very active participant in conversations, but has nothing against them either. In his death, he keeps to himself largely, and he holds self control as the central tenet to his current existence. He doesn't quite take pride in his work, but he does take care to be mindful in his reaping and general activities. He researches his targets carefully, and aims for his involvement in their passing to be as painless as possible.

    Petticoats, cold weather, fresh bread, still landscapes, art galleries, independence, meditation

    Fire, the nickname "Basti", organized religion, sirens, alcohol, mangoes, loud music, Turkish women, criminals

    Falling back into his old self, doing harm to others

    To atone for the crimes he committed while alive

  • Although he had some physical fitness while alive, this is not the case any longer, as his current training is now focused on his mental capabilities. This does extend to some physical abilities, but anything physical is deeply intertwined with his mind.

    • internal blood control: this primarily applies to the blood within his body, namely the contraction of his blood vessels, which results in blood pressure changes, and the general location of his blood body. It does, however, exclude the bruising at his neck, as that is something he has never managed to dissipate into the rest of his body.
    • blood clot formation: in others, this requires contact between his blood and theirs and for the other person to be unconscious. At least, he hasn't trained it any other way, since his main interest is letting others' pass in their sleep through a heart attack or stroke.
    • sustaining external blood: that which does not inhabit a body any longer can be kept alive and useful with some level of concentration. This is generally done with any blood collected in the flask he keeps. Otherwise, the blood just clots or dies and is relatively useless.
    • minor healing: in terms of what he has practiced, this regards a body soon after death. Trivial injuries made by him, such as the insertion wound of a syringe or a low concentration of sedative can be made to practically disappear within minutes. Anything more involved than this could likely be achieved, but much more time, concentration, and blood would be required.

    Strengths: good focus and concentration, refined speech, thinks things through, thorough devotion to the study of his magic

    Weaknesses: repressed emotions, old habits of reckless and lustful behavior, not particularly fit physically, unsympathetic

  • On Life: There is nothing permanent in life, and this must be accepted. Moral actions are the key to happiness, along with the self awareness and improvement needed to achieve that state. Life can be suffering, but individuals can find purpose in their own worlds through morality. It is ideal to do more good than harm.

    On Death: Death is a necessary counterpart to life. It is foolish to think otherwise, or to seek immortality. Death can even be thought of as a relief from the suffering of life in some ways, though it should not be used as an escape.

    Other Beliefs: Morality can, as a whole, be treated as if it has objective truths. Some things are wrong, while others are right. Every situation may not have a clear answer, but this doesn't negate the overall absolute morals.

    Most Painful Experience: Realizing that suicide wasn't the escape that he had hoped.
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  • GDyfY-GDKgzCwABO4pjeiwODHgzCgr1keSfDLWuXQjxul3Fj63GR1h2dgpm2EgLn95aRR0Wym0DIq3jbFF2bcG6Tnt-FAhJ1_rH--j1G9HilxyxOcyrYHHpF4dVo4Ey95TFDZi9O
    Nesiil | wendigo doe | 25 | asexual | Shados delta

    An androgynous wendigo who uses her long fur to conceal her sex characteristics, not that this makes her any less attractive to many of the other herd members. While some may interpret this as playing hard to get, it is no game. She is legitimately hard to get and is not opposed to escalating a sparring match to a brawl if that's what it takes to maintain her celibacy.
    {tab=3}Therrien{/tab} | changeling stag | 41 | heterosexual | Shados delta

    Turned through the consumption of human flesh in a dire survival situation and incorporated into the herd nineteen years ago. Due to how long he's been in the herd, it's probable that some of the younger members don't even know he's a changeling.
    {tab=4}Ryde{/tab} | wendigo stag | 56 | homosexual | Shados gamma/omega [ex-beta]

    Former adoptive sire to Therrien. Very tolerant, and has gracefully stepped down from his position into that of beta, though he is critical of the new leadership. He is comfortable with domestic duties, but also tends to be a protector when the other deltas are away.
    {tab=5}Sucre{/tab} | wendigo luna (B) | 23 | pansexual | loner

    Travelling traditional and tattoo artist with some strange ethics. Painless death is important to them, and they have a deep appreciation of beauty and life. They judge other wendigos harshly on how they treat other forms of life, including their prey.

  • qKu_8MTk3gVFceDJZmJ3V-FFsbPPjlA53XkGpZk-aXACgqDUbj6Ala6wfOf3JOv12k1kChe0iBtFvTUFpmaA75yOe7N7wxOY1Q8gSNw5sQwVaYQNTb1OmbfMBod3HJpjY5RpuO3R

    • Full Name: Nesiil
      Pronunciation: neh-SEEL
      Nickname/Alias: Ness, Eli
      Divine Name: Ghost of the Mountains
      Renounced her last name once she left her birth herd, but is content with any other alias.

      Age: 25 years
      Sex: Female
      Gender: Reidentified Female
      Sexual Orientation: Asexual
      Flirted with the idea of trying to be seen as male for a time, but ultimately settled on the idea that her biological sex being the only thing that determines pronouns due to the idea of gender being worthless to her. Even now, some don't know whether she is a doe or a luna, and she generally won't correct the pronoun usage of others. She's pretty sex repulsed, though she can enjoy platonic grooming and contact.

      Rank: Delta
      Occupation: Brewer
      Family: unknown
      Allies: [open to collaboration!]
      Enemies: [open to collaboration]
    • Her scent is like that of cool rocks nestled in a temperate grove, smooth and light, and unlike that of a hot summer storm. A hint of sweetness is also detectable, but it is subtle, similar to that of an unripe fruit. No matter her form, she is a graceful creature of a slender frame.

      Nesiil rarely dwells in her human form, finding that she often feels naked and exposed without fur. When she does, on occasion, don her human form for walking amongst humankind, she varies between presenting masculine or feminine in her style of dress, and she often binds her breasts.

      Height: 5'5" (165cm)
      Eyes: Dark brown irises and narrow eyes.
      Hair: Thick, straight, and black, with little texture. Her hair falls to her shoulder blades, but it is always tied back loosely.
      Skin: Thin and pale. This depends on how much sunlight she has gotten in her human form as of late, but since she rarely presents as human, her skin tone is often a ghastly tone.

      Hailing from a cold, snowy land, fur covers her wendigo form almost completely. Only the inside of her ears, hands, and the region around her mouth and nostrils remain as bare skin, and medium length fur covers the majority of her being. On her underside, long, wispy fur conceals her mammary glands.

      Height: 5'9" (175cm)
      Eyes: Dark brown irises.
      Hair: Thick, straight, but light grey instead of black. Her hair falls to her shoulder blades, but it is always tied back loosely.
      Skin: Dark grey, though this is hardly visible.
      Fur: White fur covers her wendigo form almost completely. Only the inside of her ears, hands, and the region around her mouth and nostrils remain as bare skin, and medium length fur covers the majority of her being, with shorter fur on her face and the backs of her hands. On her underside, long, wispy fur conceals her mammary glands.
    • Aloof and sometimes cryptic, Nesiil is surprisingly willing and active in terms of contributing to the herd. She enjoys working hard toward the common good of the herd and doesn't view changelings or humans very highly, feeling that they corrupted the wendigo species.

      The doe isn't one who particularly likes strong emotions, but her feral side isn't that foreign to her either. She typically won't strike first, but she's not above taunting an opponent into a feral rage.

      Heat Behavior: Reserved and reclusive, though this is somewhat normal behavior for her regardless. She makes an effort to not have such things affect her, given that she has no interest in engaging in sexual activities nor enticing others to attempt such with her.

      Strengths: Rational and honest, proficient combatant and hunter, loyal, cooperative
      Weaknesses: Distant and disinterested in personal connection, unsympathetic
    • Born and raised in another herd, Nesiil was born to the beta and his mate, who bore the surname Daorheff. This herd was one with strict gender roles, the source of such were primarily from the alpha, who was rumored to have been a changeling who brought his human customs with him, and over the years, turned the herd's mindset to that similar to the humans. At least, so the old shaman of the herd claimed.

      Full of bitterness toward humankind and that of her birth herd, Nesiil left found her way into the lands belonging to ShadoWood and after proving herself to be a competent fighter and a rational thinker, was accepted at the age of 17.

      For the next few years, she tried to assert herself as being male or luna, providing the masculine pronoun if asked, but ultimately found the distinction to be silly.

  • KAT0PO877dZgaeeXl5J2mFeGqfLNRLnOUo-8VNz8eBPPxoMyk_ox0pJ32RVCIRefg_aKo8m0UDzXVcwVG8mNYZrX_4ekPdR3iH4de0EBqoMZbFsmD6ELMpJHE45nS2SF62v9WVWw
    • Full Name: Joshua Therrien
      Pronunciation: TEH-ree-ehn
      Nickname/Alias: Terry
      Divine Name: The Gentle Beast
      He no longer uses his human given name, feeling that it didn't fit in the wendigo society. Very few wendigos know it; those who do would have to have been present around the time when he arrived at the outskirts of the ShadoWood territory.

      Age: 41 years
      Sex: Male
      Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
      In terms of his sex life, he is still somewhat uncomfortable with any sex besides female. This is not to say that he never feels sexual attraction towards feminine lunas, but the feeling bothers him.

      Rank: Delta
      Family: Astrid Therrien (mother)
      Allies: Ryde [open to collaboration!]
      Enemies: [open to collaboration] Not enemies, per se, but on coarse terms with Nesiil.
    • There are days when he prefers his human form, and days when the thought of who he could have been pushes him towards losing his mind to animal instincts. Even when in beast form, his scent reminds him of humankind, though other wendigos are unlikely to have the same interpretation of the smell of warmth and slight acidity of sweat mixed with chestnuts and nutmeg.

      Therrien has well developed muscles on his arms and torso, though a small amount of fat conceals his abdominal muscles. Tattoos adorn his upper body, most prominently on his left arm which stretches across his back to meet his right hip.

      Height: 5'10" (178cm)
      Eyes: Dark brown irises.
      Hair: Dirty blond, with a slight curl. Messy, but only 6" (15cm) in length at the longest.
      Skin: Fair, and beginning to show signs of aging.

      In his bestial form, only the lower half of his body is covered in coarse, brown fur, leaving all the tattoos on his upper body visible. Some stray hairs mark his face and chest, but it is, for the most part, bare.

      Height: 6'2" (188cm)
      Eyes: Brown irises. They lighten somewhat from his human form
      Hair: Dirty blond, with a slight curl. Messy, but only 6" (15cm) in length at the longest.
      Skin: Fair, and beginning to show signs of aging.
      Fur: Brown and white, and not too unlike that of a goat.

    • Therrian is something of an extrovert and his happy to be in the presence of others. He has nothing against small talk, though he is also comfortable with companionable silence. He's known to roughhouse for fun with others and has a sense of sarcasm that he may or may not have gotten from his adoptive sire.

      He appreciates the ShadoWood herd immensely for their acceptance of him, but he occasionally misses human culture. Therrien is a happy wendigos overall, motivated by his role as a protector and hunter as well as a personal interest in becoming more fit.

      Rut Behavior: He is much more easily aroused by those he perceives as feminine or female - despite not being comfortable with being sexually attracted to anything but a female. Therrian also is more aggressive when it comes to those he cares about -- this includes the humans of AmberStone.

      Strengths: Physically fit and strong, charismatic, and comfortable in most situations.
      Weaknesses: Occasionally underestimates strength, not particularly witty and not well accustomed to rumination and reflection; hates, regrets, and represses his past.

      As a child, he was a relatively happy and enjoyed sparring and grappling with his brothers. Therrien was born to a farmer and his wife, and lived a relatively simple life. He grew up to work on the farm, like many of the other boys, and as he got older, was able to partake in hunting trips also, ultimately becoming proficient with a longbow and in preparing a carcass.

      He was twenty-two when he went on the hunting trip that changed the course of his life. Several men from AmberStone wanted to make the journey to the mountains to the north in search of a fabled ore, stronger than the hardest steel, and Therrien, a fit young man in his prime, eagerly joined this traveling group. While the seven were in mountains, they become lost. Hopelessly lost. Food rations ran out, and a winter storm confined them to a cave.

      The men had started becoming ill, both physically and mentally. Two men died from infection. A fight broke out over the cause of this abysmal situation, and a man was killed, and another three were left severely wounded, one of whom died within the next twelve hours.

      Therrien had not taken part in any of this, considering that he hadn't been particularly involved in the decision making in the journey; he had been there as young muscle. In a fit of manic paranoia, he killed the remaining two who remained alive, feeling that he couldn't trust any of his fellow men. Starved and still mentally ruined, he then ate a sickening amount of their flesh.

      Thus began his transformation from man to part beast.

      He only continued to lose his mind from that point on. The cravings for human flesh were strong, and he was able to keep satiated for a few days holed up in the mountain, but ultimately was urged to journey out and find other prey.

      Therrien never made it back to AmberStone. He killed some of the native wildlife with the weapons he had taken with him, and managed to survive, once returning to the cave to take more weapons off of the remains of his former fellow villagers. He couldn't say whether he was disturbed by the sight of their mangled bodies or not. He also couldn't say whether he identified with any of his actions.

      Upon his transformation, the sense of his humanity fluctuated so greatly that the new bestial form almost didn't make any impression on him. It was two weeks later, with nought a scrap of conscious awareness present in his mind but with a heading towards AmberStone, that he was found. After some communication with the herd, Therrien was allowed to stay and Ryde volunteered to be his adoptive sire.

      There were a myriad of things he was uncomfortable with at first, from the bestial forms to the open, diverse sexuality, but he has grown quite accustomed to it and has since lain with several of the does in the ShadoWood herd.

      Despite all the time that has passed, he still has a soft spot for humans, though he doesn't show this much.
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>> ShadoWood Densite <<
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus aliquam sapien non placerat sollicitudin. Maecenas eu sodales metus. Duis blandit urna purus, sit amet rutrum erat cursus a. Morbi porttitor, dolor at faucibus fringilla, metus metus gravida nibh, quis condimentum nisi neque sodales risus. Nunc euismod porttitor dapibus. Donec arcu libero, pulvinar eu cursus sed, eleifend sed elit. In consectetur, turpis et consequat placerat, enim nibh efficitur dolor, ultricies commodo metus leo sit amet enim. Nullam fringilla enim nibh, vel malesuada augue faucibus eget. Cras arcu nunc, tempor pellentesque malesuada eu, dignissim vel odio.

Nullam a molestie magna, vel commodo lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur lobortis faucibus nibh, vel congue justo consectetur sed. Integer et risus diam. Pellentesque hendrerit, neque eget accumsan tincidunt, quam mauris hendrerit nibh, sed tincidunt mauris sapien finibus libero. Fusce dignissim ante efficitur nisl ullamcorper, sit amet scelerisque lorem consequat. Proin vel dapibus orci. Nulla et faucibus tortor. Mauris mattis felis sit amet mauris hendrerit semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus aliquam sapien non placerat sollicitudin. Maecenas eu sodales metus. Duis blandit urna purus, sit amet rutrum erat cursus a. Morbi porttitor, dolor at faucibus fringilla, metus metus gravida nibh, quis condimentum nisi neque sodales risus. Nunc euismod porttitor dapibus. Donec arcu libero, pulvinar eu cursus sed, eleifend sed elit. In consectetur, turpis et consequat placerat, enim nibh efficitur dolor, ultricies commodo metus leo sit amet enim. Nullam fringilla enim nibh, vel malesuada augue faucibus eget. Cras arcu nunc, tempor pellentesque malesuada eu, dignissim vel odio.

Nullam a molestie magna, vel commodo lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur lobortis faucibus nibh, vel congue justo consectetur sed. Integer et risus diam. Pellentesque hendrerit, neque eget accumsan tincidunt, quam mauris hendrerit nibh, sed tincidunt mauris sapien finibus libero. Fusce dignissim ante efficitur nisl ullamcorper, sit amet scelerisque lorem consequat. Proin vel dapibus orci. Nulla et faucibus tortor. Mauris mattis felis sit amet mauris hendrerit semper


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