Wisteria: A School...That Isn't Actually 'a School'?

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Fianna smiled towards Aqua, glad that she made another new friend but frowned when she didn't take some sweets. It kind of baffles her when people doesn't like sweets. They're sweets, why would anyone hate something sugary? Shaking her head and following the two, she looked towards Aqua who was apparently a newbie and smiled "So you're a newbie huh? Well, I'm in year 12 so I'm not expecting too much" Fianna answered cheerfully, already liking her company.
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Aqua smiled. Sure, Fianna was two years above her, but still, she was a friend (hopefully). "Ah, year 12. I'm in year 10, but have only just came. It's strange, really," Aqua said to her new found friend.
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Krystal Adams

Krystal laughed quietly under her breath once seeing Tamar's way at calling her crazy.
Suddenly her arm was locked with Tamar's and they began their tour. Her thoughts were still on the "entertainment" the two siblings brought to the newcomers.

It had her wondering about her brother, and if he was enjoying his first day here as well.
Krystal looked at Tamar from the corner of her eye before looking straight ahead, wondering what would be shown first. As of right now, it just looked like a bunch of unknown places surrounding them.

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[fieldbox="Alex, royalblue, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]6485_1374816356066267_215542414_n.jpg
Alex had finally made her way to Wisteria. She was pretty nervous for her first day and had no idea where to go, but it was "school" and she would definitely figure it out. Her sister Sam still hadn't made it yet, she had decided to stop at Starbucks and get some coffee. Alex didn't drink much coffee and wanted to get there a bit earlier to walk around and meet new people, Oh my God this school is freaking huge. She thought to herself. She dropped her bags off at her dorm room, noticing that her roommate had yet to make an appearance. After unpacking a little bit, Alex roamed the school, attempting to remember where everything was.[/fieldbox]
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