Will You Be My Princess?

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America heard the whinny of a horse but decided to ignore it as she saw one of the guards leaving the door. Changing. She had been out there for hours and didn't even realize it. The events of the previous night kept replaying in her head though she knew she had only spoke her mind and if she couldn't say what she was thinking then she didn't want to be princess.
After taking care of his horse, Aryn ventured out of the stables. The princess was still on the bench. "The birds might mistake you for a statue if you sit there for much longer." He called over to her. His eyes lacked the warmth that they held at the party. He could handle words fine, but getting pushed around by someone he was serving under was not alright by any means.
America rolled her eyes slightly and finally stood up. "Look if you want an apology I'm sorry. It seems like I can't even be me around here and if not then you can have your crown back," she said as she met his gaze before walking inside, throwing her shoes off. She went up to her room and pulled her dress off before changing into a pair of khaki shorts and a black tank top. She threw her red hair back up and made her way to the art room.
If you being you means you pushing me, than maybe you shouldn't have gotten the crown in the first place. Sir Aryn nearly voiced this thought, but instead bit his tongue. He took a deep breath as the princess went inside, holding her gaze. He ventured back to the training hall and took out his frustration on a training dummy.
"Somebody's pissed." A voice behind him mused.
Briefly, he contemplated striking his teaser, but he thought better than it. Instead Aryn calmly turned around to face Duke Solavan. "What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked flatly, sheathing his sword in order to resist temptation.
"Just checking up on an old friend. It seems you and the princess aren't getting along." The duke stated with a smile. "Care to share?"
Aryn scowled at the man, his gaze sharp and threatening. "This hall is for royal guards only, not court clowns." He stated sharply.
Solavan laughed lightly and turned to leave. "Your sense of humor astounds me, Captain." He called over his shoulder as he stalked out the door.
America gathered her painting supplies as well as a canvas and an easel before heading out of the castle and back to the garden. She sat silently on her bench and began painting anything she could capture in her eyes. She knew she should apologize much nicer to Aryn but she needed to let off some steam first. She finally finished painting and wiped her forehead, smearing a bit of paint on her temple as she sat her things down. She walked off in search of the captain at the one place she had a feeling he would be. As she approached the training hall, she saw an all-too-familiar face walking out. She tried her best to ignore him, her only goal to get to Aryn.
"Hello princess." Solavan stated with a cold smile as he headed out the door. America ignored him and went inside. Solavan went on his merry way, knowing he had far more important matters to tend to.

Aryn was in the back of the hall, intensely training on the dummy, dodging attacks that an unseeable foe attempted. He stumbled slightly as another wave of dizziness came over him, and caught himself on the dummy. He shut his eyes, taking deep breaths as he waited for the spinning to stop.
America watched him silently in slight awe until she noticed his change of movement and worry washed over her. She walked over quickly, forgetting get abnormal outfit, and steadied him. "You should go rest... And befotmre you say anything I just wanted to apologize for pushing you last night," she said quickly and sincerely.
Eventually the spinning stopped and Aryn opened his eyes, his gaze sharp and untrusting as it landed on the person touching him. Seeing that it was the princess, he sheathed his sword. "Apology accepted, but if you push me again, I will push back." He stated simply. His gaze ventured to the green paint on her temple. "You have paint on your temple." He stated, a more amused expression on his face.
America nodded in agreement before his next statement. She quickly went to wipe it off and smiled a bit. "I was painting... To let off steam," she said truthfully and shrugged as she left it alone.
Aryn smiled a bit as she tried to wipe it, missing a small spot. "Well, that's the first time I've heard that explanation." He stated with a smile as he wiped the remainder of the paint off. "Can you do me a favor?" He asked, a more serious expression returning to his face.
America smiled softly and nodded a bit. "Of course," she said as she too became serious. She looked at him with concerned grey eyes and tilted her head slightly. "What is it?"
"Don't tell anyone about my problem, alright?" Aryn asked her quietly. The guards knew not to talk about his dizzy spell problem, otherwise Solavan might learn of it and actually have something to use against him.
America nodded immediately as she looked at him. "Of course," she said before thinking and crossing her arms. "But I want you to go to your room and get some rest," she said seriously as she looked at him.
Aryn sighed softly at her wanting him to go get some rest. Despite his urge to protest, he knew that it was probably for the best. "Alright, princess." He finally stated.
"Considering you walked me to my room last night it's only fair that I do the same for you," she said with a cheeky smile before frowning. "And can you do me a favor?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
They began to walk back to his room. "What might the favor be?" He asked curiously as he looked over at the princess. His brows were furrowed thoughtfully as he wondered what the princess wanted him to do.
"Stop calling me princess. I'd much rather be called America considering it's my name and I'm used to it," she said with a smile as she laced her arm with his and kept walking, following him to his room.
"Alright, America." Aryn stated, attempting to get used to saying her name. That would be his next biggest challenge by far. It felt awkward for him to call her name.
As he neared his room, he heard someone yell his name. Turning around, he spotted one of the messengers running down the hall with a letter in hand. "Sir Aryn! You have an urgent letter!"
Urgent usually was never good, so Aryn took the letter with a small frown. He opened up the letter and read it, his frown growing deeper as he did so. There was some good news, a lot of bad news, and a whole lot of panic packed into that little letter. "Thank you." He spoke to the messenger and continued to his room at a quicker pace. He didn't want to waste a second when it came to replying to this letter.
America smiled softly and turned at the sound of his name. She frowned at how urgent it seemed and patiently waited at Aryn read the note. She watched him frown more and more as he read and her worry only increased. She walked with him once more, easily keeping up as she glanced around. "What's wrong?" She asked nervously as she looked up at him.
"Nothing, just some family problems." Aryn stated gruffly, not looking the princess in the eye. Some matters weren't worth getting a princess involved in. They soon reached his room. "Thank you for the escort, pri- I mean, America." He corrected himself quickly.
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