Original poster
What nicknames do you like to be called?
Rave, online. Avy, Ave, offline
Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya?
I'm a girl, and I'm 17 ^_^
What's your favorite genres to roleplay?
Yaoi. lots and lots of Yaoi.
What kind of characters do you usually play?
I usually play males. With abusive pasts. Cause I'm a horrible maker
Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs?
Well, I like Plushes. But I also like a man in uniform....hmmmm
Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~!
Activate my heart by Natalia Kills
Robot Robot LOVER!
So yeah, that's me, in a nutshell. I'm a perv, and I'll admit it to anyone and everyone who wants to know. I love yaoi. and I blame it for a lack of life outside the internet. I love online people and get along easily with them because they can take my uber blunt criticismmost of the time. And I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi, and a spelling Nazi as well. I've been role playing since I was about twelve, and boy have I changed.
Me 5 years ago:
*Flips the man over* Take that! *giggles and looks at him*
Me now:
Ravine giggled with a sickly humor as she flipped the man over. "Come on, is that all you got?" She asked, the lightness of her voice mocking her prey.
Oh yeah. A lot has changed.
Well, enough of me blabbering. I'm on pretty much everyday one time or another so if you wanna chat, want me to lay a little Ravine Logic on you, or just wanna Roleplay, I'm here.
-waves and disappears-