I still look incredibly young (normally TOP OUT at being guessed 16 years old when I'm almost 23).
Ageism is so fucking apparent here, that I just decided 'fuck it'. If I'm going to be treated like a kid because of how I look, I may as well take advantage of it.
Also, being in the military didn't help either, so now I've regressed into an immature fuckwad.
But hey. At least I look young, right?
Apparently that's on everyone's dream list to look super young and that I should be super thankful.
No, fuck you, I'll be thankful when people quit asking where my parents are at the airport.
And yes, that's happened more than once.
I'll be thankful for looking young when everyone on the planet quits assuming I can't possibly be responsible/have money/be respectable because they think I'm a spoiled teenager.
I'll be thankful when I pull out my military ID and people stop thinking it's a school ID.
I'll be thankful when I say I'm in the military (in civilian clothes) and people quit going "Oh, you mean ROTC?"
Yeah, society's "adults" can tell me to quit acting like a kid when they learn to treat everyone with respect. In the meantime, I'll just piss in your shoes since you think I'm not capable of anything other than spending the mom I don't have any real relationship with's money.
On a slightly more positive note, I always loved K'nex. But I suck at building things with any sort of structural integrity. xD