Why do you write?

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I know for many this may be a highly personal question but exploring the answer may yield surprising results and may help boost you muse. Just a few simple questions.

What started you writing?

What the best moment you had while writing?

What keeps you writing?

What is your favorite form of writing?

My answers:

What started you writing?

I have always been an avid reader, having taught myself by watching my brother read aloud before going to school. I used to write in private until me friend introduced me to RPing a few years ago. I'll admit at first I though the concept to be stupid, I didn't start with erotic RPs like most people but quickly came to enjoy the it.

What the best moment you had while writing?

This is tricky I have payed a hide variety of characters and each has had a high and low point. The most memorable moment was an alternative ending I wrote for a completed RP where my character beat himself to death on a concrete floor in a spasm while trying to claw out the alien parasite in his head.

What keeps you writing?

Through my writing I explore both myself and my characters and in doing so explore humanity and just what it means to be able to call yourself a part that. Its a never ending journey though which nothing is out of the question from heartlessness to the extreme to the ultimate sacrifice, which I do not believe to be dying. This is also my reason fr starting this thread, through the answers of other's I'll be able to explore another small part of the whole.

What is your favorite form of writing?

Another tough question. The rare occasions where I write poetry I'll pursue rhyming a consistent form with a fanatical vigor accepting no less from myself. RPing I tend to write in the third person in past simple or present continuous, I believe this is the most common form and its simply the easiest to write and to read.
What started you writing?

When I was a kid, there was a time when I looked over Homeworld fanfics. I wasn't a big reader then, but some of the fanfics were entertaining (like Imperial Dawn and Grand Admiral Newbie). Around this time, I attempted to develop some sort of setting - not big time, though.

And then Paorou invited me to Iwaku.

What's the best moment you had writing?

I made an Imperial Officer out of the Star Wars setting, who got sliced in half by some dude in a completely unrelated board game.

What keeps you writing?

It's.... one of those means of communication that I (or anyone else, for that matter) simply can't avoid. And wherever those Teknikans came from, I know I need to flesh out that crap sooner or later. Gotta finish what I've started.

What is your favorite form of writing?

I haven't been writing a lot, but I'd say writing of the technical sort, where the writer has to speak in the third person. As I learn more, I'll try to broaden my horizons in writing.
What started you writing?
I'm not even sure. I've been writing stories since I could read and write letters. But it was about 4th grade for me when my teacher said she could see me being an author one day that made me think "seriously" about writing books. >>;

What the best moment you had while writing?
I don't think I've had "the" moment yet. XD But there's lots of little things that gave me fuzzy-feelings, or short pieces I was proud of for whatever reason. Most of them have been really important posts for RPs or history pieces for characters.

What keeps you writing?
I love stories. Daydreaming, reading, writing, playing, imagining. Just being creative and thinking about different adventures. Writing has always been about experiencing those adventures. So it was prolly natural that I got in to roleplaying cause of it... >>;

What is your favorite form of writing?
Novels and short stories. Preferably in third person. I actually really hate reading first person stories for some reason. o__o I also strongly dislike poetry. >>; Give me a novel any day. I like my stories to sound like a real person is telling the story. So I also dislike anything that sounds like some pretentious over-schooled elitist preaching big words to sound smart. XD
What started you writing?

After reading The lord of the Rings in 8th grade I wanted to create my own fantasy master piece. That never happened, but I did attempt it. Thats what got me started.

What the best moment you had while writing?

Probably when I started Forum Rping about a year ago. I finally had a place to write for fun.

What keeps you writing?

Forum RP keeps me writing. That and I use it as an escape from reality.

What is your favorite form of writing?

I like writing poetry, but most of my writing is done on here sooo, I guess, again, Roleplay is my answer.
What started you writing?
Somewhere in middle school, I was once yelled at a teacher for taking too long to write a story in class. From that day forward, I became rather good at writing when under pressure and writing stories. It helped me enjoy such writing things because I was good at them and never had trouble in English classes. AP classes and stuff like that helped too. Read lotsa interesting stories that inspired me too.

What the best moment you had while writing?
Hard to say....Lots of em were awesome. So I'll just say the entire Underworld arc+the Shinigami arc from ICSYL2, it just all came together and got resolved nicely. Favorite moments probably were the Fight with Roy, the fight with Mara, the airship fleet vs the Hymns, Rondo's death, Kiyoshi's death, Lowe's farewell and sacrifice, Carla's anguish, Storm of Souls, Kraw forcing Harken to run away to steal more energy out of the sealed realm,the battle with Harken, Dark Bogan's last stand, and of course the final battle of the RP. Yeah, that's just the best stuff I remember off the top, I could go on. Despite going through hard times during that time period, some of the most fun I've had writing RP wise.

What keeps you writing?
It's like a hobby, something I like to do basically. At times it was an escape when I was going through hard times with the events that lead up to the foreclosure of where I called home for 20 years and all that...

What is your favorite form of writing?
Roleplay, but secondary I might say things like reviews and stuff. I like doing that. I used to write for the school newspaper, mostly on funny stories, album reviews. Sometimes stories on important or crazy stuff such as the bee swarm, good times but don't do that anymore needless to say...
What started you writing?
I've been a writer ever since I was a wee child in elementary school. I didn't have many friends because I was a nerd and sadly, my advanced reading and writing skills had me put into a separate classroom for testing. I always had to miss circle time. :[ So writing helped cure the loneliness and it was all I felt like I was good at. Now, it's a strong passion. I write for the same reason I breathe.

What the best moment you had while writing?
I've had a lot of wonderful moments. The one I remember most clearly is 9th grade... I wrote a poem about a tiger that my teacher went nuts over. So she had me make copies so she could use it for future classes as an example. I got so many compliments and mine was voted #1 for the class. ^_^

What keeps you writing?
Simply my love for it. It helps keep me sane... College homework and everything else in my life is hectic, so it's nice being able to escape to Iwaku. I also enjoy editing essays.

What is your favorite form of writing?
Aside from roleplays and poetry, I like to write speeches. I never like to read them aloud, though. XD; I have a lisp and get so nervous. Group projects for speeches, I was glad to write the entire thing if it meant I didn't have to speak. And if it counts, I love to edit and review papers... I mark up essays like a strict English teacher does, but hey, the person that asks for my help always gets a passing grade. All my sister's papers I've graded in the past turned out to be solid As. <3