I know for many this may be a highly personal question but exploring the answer may yield surprising results and may help boost you muse. Just a few simple questions.
What started you writing?
What the best moment you had while writing?
What keeps you writing?
What is your favorite form of writing?
My answers:
What started you writing?
I have always been an avid reader, having taught myself by watching my brother read aloud before going to school. I used to write in private until me friend introduced me to RPing a few years ago. I'll admit at first I though the concept to be stupid, I didn't start with erotic RPs like most people but quickly came to enjoy the it.
What the best moment you had while writing?
This is tricky I have payed a hide variety of characters and each has had a high and low point. The most memorable moment was an alternative ending I wrote for a completed RP where my character beat himself to death on a concrete floor in a spasm while trying to claw out the alien parasite in his head.
What keeps you writing?
Through my writing I explore both myself and my characters and in doing so explore humanity and just what it means to be able to call yourself a part that. Its a never ending journey though which nothing is out of the question from heartlessness to the extreme to the ultimate sacrifice, which I do not believe to be dying. This is also my reason fr starting this thread, through the answers of other's I'll be able to explore another small part of the whole.
What is your favorite form of writing?
Another tough question. The rare occasions where I write poetry I'll pursue rhyming a consistent form with a fanatical vigor accepting no less from myself. RPing I tend to write in the third person in past simple or present continuous, I believe this is the most common form and its simply the easiest to write and to read.
What started you writing?
What the best moment you had while writing?
What keeps you writing?
What is your favorite form of writing?
My answers:
What started you writing?
I have always been an avid reader, having taught myself by watching my brother read aloud before going to school. I used to write in private until me friend introduced me to RPing a few years ago. I'll admit at first I though the concept to be stupid, I didn't start with erotic RPs like most people but quickly came to enjoy the it.
What the best moment you had while writing?
This is tricky I have payed a hide variety of characters and each has had a high and low point. The most memorable moment was an alternative ending I wrote for a completed RP where my character beat himself to death on a concrete floor in a spasm while trying to claw out the alien parasite in his head.
What keeps you writing?
Through my writing I explore both myself and my characters and in doing so explore humanity and just what it means to be able to call yourself a part that. Its a never ending journey though which nothing is out of the question from heartlessness to the extreme to the ultimate sacrifice, which I do not believe to be dying. This is also my reason fr starting this thread, through the answers of other's I'll be able to explore another small part of the whole.
What is your favorite form of writing?
Another tough question. The rare occasions where I write poetry I'll pursue rhyming a consistent form with a fanatical vigor accepting no less from myself. RPing I tend to write in the third person in past simple or present continuous, I believe this is the most common form and its simply the easiest to write and to read.