Who Am I? || Week 31


"You'll never be alone."
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime I have internet access, honestly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Science fiction
Naturally developed romance
OC Fandom (ask about my fandoms!)

Do you enjoy creating new characters just because you can? Do you need a new character for your next story or roleplay, but you're not sure where to start? Do you enjoy using images to get the writing juices flowing? Do you just like hoarding character images? If so, this thread is for you, and anybody else who takes an interest.

Use the image below to create a character. You may use the optional form provided, create your own form, write an introduction for your character, or whatever else tickles your fancy or comes to mind.










Abilities and Skills:



Last edited:
I made a starter profile for the picture. So the profile is for a level one character who hasn't started their campaign yet while the picture is her at level 10.

Full Name:

Useless, Changeling, Dead Lover





Light Blue


Pale from living underground and often smudged with dirt and soot.

4'11" when standing straight up. Often crouches or walks bent over.

Slim, almost malnourished. Very little fat and muscle.

Two soft panels of cloth tied together around the neck and the waist. Or naked.

Body Mods:
Scars. Mostly silvery slices and a few bunches of teeth marks.

Her adopted family thinks she's a disappointment. Everyone else thinks she's a savage weirdo.

Speaks harshly in any language. Like she is cursing anyone she is speaking to. Often she yells her words even when being nice.

Being thrown out of her adopted family's home. It's all that she knows despite what she has been told about where she has come from.

Motivation: (One of the two links below might be helpful.)
  • Pleasure
  • Greed
  • Food for the clan
  • Status
  • Revenge


Temperence (Temperantia)
Barely gets the bare minimum, let alone any excess.
Diligence (Industria)
Has to work, build, and trap or doesn't eat.

Gluttony (Gula)
Tries to steal, borrow, or buy everything that isn't hers.
Greed (Avaritia)
A disproportionate valuing of material wealth and its acquisition.
Wrath (Ira)
If something or someone makes her mad she is going to hurt them forever.
Envy (Invidia)
Resentful desire toward traits or possessions of another.
Pride (Superbia)
Obsession with one's own superiority to the detriment of others.

  • Sweeping
  • Being fat
  • Trapping dumb surface people
  • Being tall
  • Bringing dead to life

  • Mining
  • Vision - Needs light
  • Crafting
  • Unable to breed
  • Height
  • Food requirement

  • Likes to bring to life rodents and bugs to annoy her clan
  • Likes to go to the surface
  • Likes to bathe
  • Bleeds monthly
  • Weak skin and nails
  • No tail


Kobolds aren't stupid, but the child was the size of theirs when first hatched, so they let the crazy old Kobold female, Tegla bring the child into their cave. Some grew fond of the human child they nicknamed Changeling, while others thought she would make a good snack. What both factions agreed on was Noza made excellent bait for traps. Even more so when she was screaming with hunger or thirst. For that she was kept around and humored.

Her physical size and slow mental growth was often an annoyance that was ignored only because Tegla, who'd taken her in, was crafty and scary. Her collection and skills for jewelry making legend in the closest four clans. The crazy old female taught Noza everything she knew. From jewelry making to trap making. Skills highly prized in their society. Tegla was patient with the Changeling child, but not kind. No Kabold was kind to anyone, let alone a child that didn't quite belong with them and that taught Noza how to act. As Noza got older, Tegla was often found swatting Noza for playing with dead things when she should be practicing her jewelry and trap making.

When she deemed herself ready, Noza stated her interest and one or two daring males attempted to breed with her with little success. She enjoyed the experience, but because she laid no eggs, the males quickly looked for new mates that could give them offspring. As often as she could, Noza would convince males, and sometimes other females, to come to the breeding grounds with her. While Noza often felt she got more out of the deal, she didn't stop her selfish perusal of pleasure. Whatever form it took at the time.

Things only slightly changed when Tegla died under the claws of another Kobold looking to steal the old female's horde of jewelry and traps. Nova, who's skill in jewelry making would be renowned anywhere else, was pushed out of it due to her designs not being good enough for the Kobold. Likewise, her traps were considered sub-par due to her clumsy fat fingers. Noza was good at sweeping, though. She could get all the spots others couldn't reach due to their shorter arms and body. Their shrine to Kurtulmak, after Tegla's death, was soon the only room Noza could be found in due to her 'job'. When she gets too angry at being exiled without really exiled, Noza will go to the surface and trap as many beings as she can, intelligent or not, and bring them down to her clan so they will remember her worth.

It lasts for a while, until the cycle repeats itself.

On the surface again, having to prove her worth to her people who refuse to just accept the fact that she knew what she is doing and could be an asset rather than sweeping the same room until the say she died. Tossing her stolen gear down between two bushes, Noza looked around the area with suspicious eyes. The woods felt different this time, like something was here or coming here. She didn't like it, but hopefully it would mean something good and big to take back to her clan. Something that could be tortured and eaten.

Crouching down, her soft 'dress' exposing a lot of skin Noza did not see as obscene, she searched through the stolen goods to see what she had to work with. Some of it would have to be taken apart and reconfigured, other things were serviceable with a few tweaks. Sneering at the lackluster ability of the young Kobold who'd let her take from them, she got to work creating. She would make them remember her worth this time. She was clan, she created traps and jewelry just as well as others. Just as good as Tegla. Spotting something useful under the bush she was crouched behind, Noza bend at the waist, her chin scraping dirt as her pale eyes glittered. Big corpses. Many. Inhaling through her nose, she held it there as she summoned her power to bring dead back, focused on the shining exoskeletons that would be her gatherers while she worked.

It took so little to bring them back that she over drew and something far older crawled out of the layers of death and decay under the branches of the bush. No fur left, bones connected by power the same color of her eyes. A squirrel, all bone and missing its tail waited to be bid. She did not keep it waiting for long. The beetles, tearing free of the spider web which had held them, went to gather what they could find, the squirrel digging for more bones. Noza would bring her clan something amazing and they would all prosper because of her.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Joan
Amanda White


5'9" tall 130 lbs.


She works as a freelance paranormal investigator. Her abilities allow her to enter the realm of the dead and walk among them to question them about events and to find criminal elements within their ranks She is skilled and well known in both realms where she walks.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Joan