Where to post certain threads



Original poster
So I'm new to this site and I was needing a little extra clarification. I have two rps that are going to be starting. Both involve romance, but I stop at fading to black. In the FAQs I found this:
If you do not require bios or signups you can post your roleplay in Jump Ins.
If you require bio approval before people can play, post your roleplay in the Signups section of Fantasy, Modern, or SciFi.
If you are looking for a single partner in a two-player roleplay, you can post requests in One[x]Ones.
If your roleplay is going to be of a sexual nature, those roleplays belong in the Mature section.
And I wasn't quite sure if "sexual nature" means smut or if it covers more than just that. So, in short, I have no idea where to post. One[x]One or Mature. Thanks.