Where The Wind Blows...

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Tish looked up from her research to a small hourglass. The content of small glass bottle was quickly vanishing and she sighed gathering her notes together. A young boy walked over to her and picked up the hourglass storing it in a small pocket on the side of his vest." How did the search go today Tish?" She shook her head fighting sleep,"...not well... I couldn't find anything on the silver dragon..." The boy sighed and took his leave," I already told you that this silver dragon you speak of doesn't exist." Tish stood and put her brown messenger bag on her shoulder recovering her safe hand with the dark green embroidered sleeve her father had specially made. She began to walk out of the private room she had paid for and received the remaining money she hadn't used from a young woman who bowed to Tish as she walked away. She exited the exquisite library and stopped by the edge of the street, taking a deep breath before walking into the crowd. She made it halfway to her destination before she was stopped by a merchant selling necklaces. She peered over the small balding man and caught a glimmer of white.".....you would like this one young lady. It's made of pure..." Tish handed the merchant more then enough money and grabbed the necklace before pushing past him and continuing on her way. As she neared the docks she tripped and fell beside a beautiful horse and it's rider, an unknown figure covered in white. Tish stood and bowed," I'm very sorry I didn't look where I was going." She clutched her safe hand tightly through the fabric, embarrassment causing her to blush. Not waiting for a reply she stood and ran off towards the ships. Where she needed to go only a ship would take her... if they would even allow her on board.
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