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"Know just what you are, we're both survivors in this,"

Caleb gave a quiet nod of thanks to the redhead, and once she was done marveling at the inside of the Bio-Ship, Ivory sent her a smile. "Thank you, and trust me, the pleasure is all mine." She confessed. "Your ship is lovely, by the way."​
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"Walking out of time..."

"Thank you." Miss Martian practically beamed, earning a secret smile from Kestrel, who subtly sent Ivory a thumbs up before taking a seat. The Bio-Ship easily forming seats for everyone along with seatbelts.

It didn't take long to fly by to Erik Swan's home, "... you good with being back here?" Superboy couldn't help but ask Ivory as they got closer.​
"And everything's gone but the pain carries on.."

The brunette stared down at the manor. She had a distinct resentment in her eyes, but sadness as well. "No.. But I'm done with running and hiding." She said after a brief silence.

"My father is long overdue for a taste of his own medicine. Let's see how he likes being the one behind bars for a change."

"Hey, we're doing this so neither of us have to hide anymore. It's not about him, remember?" Caleb said firmly. Ivory rolled her eyes, but paused after a moment. "..Right." She respnded quietly.​
"Looking for a better place..."

The Bio-Ship cloaked herself once they were close enough, soon allowing everyone to leave. "The Team while keep Swan talking, while we, sneaking into his office without being seeing." Robin explained.

"You guys be careful." Kestrel warned, "Who me? I'm always careful." The Boy Wonder smiled innocently.​
"And run into the fear we run from,"

"His office is around on the west side of the building, on the second floor." Ivory told the Boy Wonder. "He typically left it unlocked, but I wouldn't bet on it after all this time."

"Window locks are easy. They're never very sturdy." Caleb commented.​
"Why would you let this voice set in your head?"

"A window is our best option-"

"This is our cue, good luck you three." Kestrel whispered to the trio, soon motioning for everyone to follow her back into mansion.

Robin turned his attention to back to Ivory and Caleb, "I can handle the security systems and hack into the computer if you need it. But you're the only ones who will know just what to look for."​
"This is how it feels when you take your life back,"

Gunmetal gave the trio a thumbs up, before exiting the Bio-Ship and following Kestrel.

"Then follow me." Ivory led the way out of the ship once she was sure that the coast was clear. Both her and Caleb kept close to the side of the manor as they crept along the perimeter, and soon she stopped, looking up at a large, springline shaped window, about twenty feet above them. "There." She said. "That's his office window."

Caleb glanced around the wall momentarily, before his hands shifted back to sharp claws. "Climb on," He told his sister. Ivory wrapped her arms around Caleb's shoulders, yelping a bit when he suddenly began scaling the wall with little effort, despite Ivory clinging to his back.​
"Tell me the walls are closing in..."

Following them and sneaking around wasn't difficult, getting to the window proved to be a challenge. The masked male winced as Caleb began climb up the side of the wall. He hoped that didn't make too much noise...

Couldn't be helped now. Shooting a grappling line, he had it pull himself up once it was secure.​
"This is how it feels when you fight back,"

Once Caleb reached the window, he was able to dig his claws inbetween the panel, snapping the lock on the other side and swinging the window open with little noise.

"Good to see you haven't lost your touch." Ivory joked quietly. Caleb simply rolled his eyes, careful as he helped her climb through the window.​
"Today's gonna be the day you notice..."

Robin quietly slipped in along with the others, soon closing the window with little noise. Bringing out a small flashlight, he turned it on before shining it around the room. His movements were quiet and precise, which made sense, he was trained by a detective after all.
"Don't be too surprised if he changed his passwords." He cautioned.​
"Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?"

"I'd be more surprised if he did." Ivory confessed in a hushed voice as she quietly made her way over to the computer at her father's desk.
Caleb silently made his way over to the door, standing by to keep an ear out for anyone coming by.

Ivory booted up the computer, typing out a long password before hitting enter. The computer took a moment to process the command, before soon unlocking to the main desktop. "Yes!" Ivory whispered with a smirk.​
"'Cause I'm tired of explainin' what the joke is..."

Robin glanced over, smirking a bit to himself when he saw Ivory's victory. Silently, he moved about the room, inspecting what he could. If there weren't secrets on his computer, they may be hidden in the room.
"This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end,"

Off to the left of the room housed a wide bookshelf, and next to it, a pair of filing cabinets.

As Ivory searched through the computers files, she frowned when she saw one file in specific. "That's strange..." She muttered to herself. "Robin..? You might want to take a look at this.."​
"Tell you a secret, right as your dogs are closing in..."

Robin grinned to himself when seeing the filing cabinets, archaic, but still nothing quite beat the thrill of having actual paper evidence. He started to get ready to open it, soon looking over as Ivory called him over. Turning off his flashlight, he headed over to inspect what the young woman had discovered.​
"Hey young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out?"

"Look at this." She whispered, bringing up a file on her father's computer. At first glance it didn't seem like anything remarkable, just simple business records from past years. There was something off about it, how it was phrased, and it was clear to the Boy Wonder that the records were written in some kind of code.

"All of them seem to be like this." Ivory whispered uneasily. "Some of them even outright mention Moriandus.."​
"One seat on the throne, one foot in the grave..."

Robin hummed thoughtfully, soon connecting a cord from his gauntlet to the computer monitor and began typing as a holographic screen popped up. It shouldn't take too long to decode, but that mention of Moriandus.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's still dealing with Moriandus." He muttered out, "Just because Terrence Black isn't around, doesn't mean he can't handle the magickal world how he sees fit." The authorities were gonna have a field day with this.​
"Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head,"

"He must be if Ember Spirits are burning up his buildings." Ivory huffed under her breath. She couldn't possibly begin to imagine what her father could've possibly done to enrage an Ember Spirit of all things.

Caleb glared at the ground as he listened to the two talk from where he was across the room. If he had known that finally opening up to Lily about his and Ivory's past would've led to this.. he wasn't so sure he would have done it..

Lying to Ivory and Lily was never something that sat right with Caleb, but he couldn't deny that more often than not.. the truth just brought up more problems.
Somehow he just kept making things worse for everyone around him..​
"It's over, I didn't want to see it come to this..."

Once that folder was downloaded for later, Robin soon unplugged the cord- then handed Ivory a flash drive. "Put whatever you think is important on here." He smirked to himself, "I've got some filing cabinets to inspect."

There probably wouldn't be much, but who knew, maybe the guy was behind on his taxes... it took down a gangster way back when in the end.​
"Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid,"

Nodding, Ivory took the flashdrive and plugged it into the computer.

As Robin searched through the filing cabinets, he wasn't finding anything of interest. That is, until he reached the second to last drawer of the first cabinet. As he pulled the drawer open, he heard something slide oddly. Upon closer inspection, the Boy Wonder found that this drawer had a false bottom.

Caleb let out a quiet sigh as he leaned his head back against the wall while Ivory and Robin worked. He always knew Erik Swan's manor to be cold and empty, but it gave the type of quiet that left him unsettled.​
"One by one, all these vultures keep coming..."

There wasn't much, well... hardly anything he could use against Swan. He grumbled faintly under his breath, still searching through the drawers- until reaching the last one. Robin smirked to himself when realizing it had a false bottom. Adjusting the flashlight, the Boy Wonder soon popped open the false bottom.

"Let's see what you've got."​