When time crashes together

As Sayomi stayed crouched, she could feel the presence of eyes her way. She knew that she was spotted. As she piercing eyes looked around, and the smell of burt whatever she was in went away, she picked up on two different smells. There was the werewolf, and then there was another vampires. Since the smells didn't intertwine the way they would if there was a long time spent, or touching between them, she knew that this was a chance incounter, just as her's with the other man, whom she just realized she had left. She took a deep breath, and then, in just a burst of heat, she was gone. Something that had taken her years to perfect, and training from a creature dead with her father. How the act worked, she didn't fully comprehend, since not everything was explainable. She just wish she knew how. She did know though, that she can make her fire powers so hot, that they cannot be seen to the human eye. In another burst of heat, one that she made spread out, so as not to give away her loaction if they were sensitive to heat, she appeared once more. She was on top of the building, perched like a gargoyle a top a building. She watched the two with intive care. Even though she had the upper hand at this moment, and as cocky as she was, she was sure that she could take them both on. She watched them carefully, waiting to see what would converse between the two.
Alex turned on his retinal enhancers, which allowed him to see through walls, and detect movement, he turn his head around and saw and oddly human shape on top of the building he had woken up inside, he stood there for a second, not sure whether he should run up the stairs and attempt to ambush the creature, or stay where he was and watch it as it sat there.... He shouted up to it "Wait there! I have some questions, I'm coming up!" And with that darted into the entrance of the build, up the stairs and burst onto the roof where the person was perching.
Gorgia stood on the outskirts of the city, behind some sort of housing she presumed from the homely doll left on the ground by her feet. Her hair fell from it's bun in a tumbling, tangled mess, her dress had layers torn, shortening it greatly from her usual atire back in the 1840's from her less than gracefull tumble on a loose rock down a hill. It was only last week she was with her soon to be husband, practicing archery that she came to this horrible place. She was yet to see much human life, but found everywhere she turned was distruction. It confussed and scared her beyond belief. Her hand fell to her backside, she already knew she was running out of arrows but now she could feel the danger of the situation. Earlier in a panic she wasted two on falling rocks, snapping, ultimatly rendering them usless. Gorgia walked against the wall, a piece of wall jutted out a bit and irritated a raw spot on her left shoulder from her tumble previously. "Not something I would wish upon anyone." She mumbled below her breath at the situation. Part of her wished she could continue this adventure but the danger toned down a bit. If things continued as is though she desperatly would want to go back to a dependant woman, doing her familys bidding.
He jerked his head in the direction the girl pointed. Then he heard a cough. A wild look came in his eyes and adreniline started to course through his body. It became harder to resist the urge to shift by the second. By the time thirty seconds passed it was impossible to resist.

"You'll have to excuse me Miss."

He pulled off his boots and dropped the dagger to the ground. The werewolf pulled his revolver and tossed it into his boots. Quickly he undid the buttons on his shirt. He dropped the tattered button up shirt right next to him, revealing his fit, lean but muscley torso. Rowen had a scar on his left shoulder from where he was bitten for the first time. A few other long scars with stories behind them were sported on his body. He turned his head, looking at the other vampire. A wild look in his now bright amber eyes; the wild look of a hunter and killer.

"I'm just going to do this the good old fashioned way; once I'm shifted move...I can't promise I won't attack you."

Suddenly his bones started to move underneath his skin, and his skin tearing in some places. After a little while a huge wolf formed infront of her. It looked fearsome and scary. Something from the nightmares. Sharp, long canines and teeth. His pelt was a gray that blended in well with the buildings. The werewolf growled fiercly then lunged forwards, towards the scent of the enemy Vampyre.
Aida followed his directions and quickly moved out of the way. She went to hide elsewhere in the building. She had caught something else that disturbed her.

She sensed some others.

She could not tell who or what they are. She couldn't even tell if they were male or female, but she could feel them. She snapped her head in another direction as she heard faintly someone yelling. As she focused, she caught the tone; it was male. That was all she could tell. That accounting for one. Now for the other... she perked up. A slight sent of blood. Very very faint, but since she had not fed in a while, she could sense it more. It wasn't a wound that openly bled, but more of that of a raw spot.. that if had another encounter, would produce blood. Yes... that was it.

She shook her head trying to focus. Right now, she had to figure out who was harmful, and who was not. So far, she only truly met the wolf. What else was out there?
Sayomi was caught off guard as another male came running up the stairs to her. Then she noticed that the werewolf had finally turned was coming for her. "I suggest you back up, and go somewhere safer. Then we will meet again, once I have taken care of the beast!' She yelled at the new man. She felt her mind trying to go both ways. Between watching out for the new comer, or the werewolf. When she saw it, there was not a flinch, or anything. She did not fear them. If anything, when they were in their wolf forms, they made her angry. She began to rise, fire under her feet, as she drew her blade out. It was shiny, but blood stained. Her bright green eyes, slowly changed, making their way to a deep forest green. Her more preditory instincts came out, and her fangs grew. Her clan, from the era she came from, they always drank the blood of their slain werewolves. It was custom, and so she would continue it. "Came and get me you beast!" She screamed at it, to others, there was power behind her voice, to her, it was nothing but excitment, curiosity, and even some sadness. She never made the first move, but never backed from a fight. No matter what it was. Her gun sat on her hip, loaded, and ready. her long black hair flew about, as she smiled, fangs clearly shown.
Gorgia looked out from behind the misserable building. Her attention was taken by a firce growling followed by a large beast charging at an unknown object. "Werewolf?" she questioned aloud in dumbfoundment. Of course though it didn't take long for her amazment to fade. In this strange world it seemed as though anything was possible. Her eyes watched the creature move quickly, though it was not heading in her direction a ball of fear rose in her stumach making her body move while her mind was confined. She postioned her bow in her hand and reached back. If she was smart she would have considered letting the beast run free. It was not yet bothering her and she didn't want to waste an arrow. She only had felt four arrows, who knew how fast those arrows could be used. Gorgia pulled out a single arrow and aligned it with the bow. Closing an eye she followed the werewolf with the tip of her arrow.
Rowen searched, picking up her scent again; he looked though the buildings. The thrill of the hunt rushed though his body. As a hunter he lived for this. The scent of the Vampyre was only heightening his senses more, wanting to catch his prey and watch her bleed. Finally he caught her trail, following it. He watched her as he silently followed her...waiting for the oppertunity to catch the Vampyre. His heart pounded wildly as he saw fire, magic erupting from her. He grinned a wolfy grin. Rowen had assasinated a Vampyre like this before. It was a challange but it was fun. He followed her silently.

She went into the deep green woods, her mistake. This was his home, back in his time and now. Wolves were born for the forest; he knew the ins and outs of everything here. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her fangs emerging, her anger rising. Rowen slipped from his cover of trees and foilage and ran infront of her as the pair moved. Then quickly he would slip back into the trees once more. disappearing. Now he was teasing her, toying with her before he gave himself the pleasure of sinking his fangs into her.

He Howled loudly before moving a small distance back, as if challanging her. If he could, he would have to try and draw her to him.

"Come get me!" he thought, a low rumble coming from his throat. Rowen Crouched low and waited.
Laid on top of a random building was an unconscious Tyviar Kuroi, donning his regular police uniform, a small groan escaped his lips as he stirred from his sleep. As his eyes jutted open, he sat up quickly looking around. "Wh- what the heck?" He quickly stood up, something was not right with this, aside from the him awakening atop of a roof. The whole environment, even the air felt... different. He looked around, unable to recognize the city he was in. He scanned all around him, turning a full 360 degrees before stopping. "Where the hell am I." Kuroi had never felt more out of place in his life.

Making his way to the door, he reached for the knob, twisting and opening the door. "Well at least its not locked." Darkness welcomed him down the very black staircase. "No lights?" The daylight from outside barely scathing the inside of the building. Kuroi drew his pistol from its holster and switched on the flashlight, holding it in his usual gun wielding stance, carefully descending down the stairs.
Aida was beginning to feel overwhelmed. There were many people now. She heard the voice of the other one she had felt; female. And the sound of.. a bow? But then she caught a new voice; Male. What in the world was going on? In a place that was near quite to have all these others now acting... she was unsure of where to go. But first, the one with the bow and arrow. Though she was not friends with the werewolf, it would not be right to let her just shoot him.

Using her Vampyre abilities, she quickly appeared beside this young girl. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. It would only anger him and cause him to come this way instead." She quickly took in the girl's appearance and smirked. "And if I were to be correct from how you appear, you are not ready for such an attack."

She made sure she wasn't whispering and could possibly be heard by others, possibly the other two males if they were close enough. She wanted to see others reactions and figure out who they are and how they got here. "Put down the arrow."
Alex watched the two creatures until they were out of his field of detection, wondering what that was all about, another light flickered on his radar, he looked in it's direction and spotted a policeman on the opposite rooftop to him, just as the man cautiously walked into the building, he also saw the man draw his gun, though Tom assumed he was not too handy with it if he were just a regular officer, he used his Icarus boosting system to jump to the roof were the officer had just been, landing with a thud, "Shit! I hope he didn't hear that", still with weapon in hand, he activated his cloaking device and entered the building in search of the officer.
Geogia shivered at the girls voice, she didn't turn to see who it was before she obediantly pulled back her arrow and returned it to the spot on her back. Her first question was where had the wolf gone, and the second was how they were related. She turned to the girl. The girl was right, Geogia never would have been able to kill such a creature, what would she do if it's course of direction had changed and it tried to attack her? "And who may you be?" She managed to say smoothly though her knew shook being close to a stranger who may have some kind of ties with the beast she threatened to hurt. Recalling the various possibilities of this world she remained of graurd. How dose someone go about hand to hand combat? she pondered to herself as she looked the girl up and down. She didn't want to take a chance and fight but like hell would those words ever spill from her lips.
Sayomi feel to the ground with a thud, and was back up just as fast as she had fallen. She looked around the area, she knew that this was is territory, but she could easily fix that. She gave a soft smirk, and with a pang of guilt, a burst of fire came out from her, destroying everything in its wake, leaving it burnt and charred. Because of her being a vampire, and the color of her eyes, she was sesitive to light. It took her a moment before she could actually see, and then another to find the creature. She decided to try something, and if it didn't work, well, then she would drop the subject, and just decide to kill it. She once again disappeared in heat. She let herslef be gone for a few moments, before she reappeared, but this time, she was next to him, gun aimed at his face. " As much as I would take pleasure in this fight, and killing you, just as much as you killing me, there is a reason that I did not attack right away. For whatever reason, you have peaked my interest. Though we are both stuck to the ways of our pasts, we are both also in a different time." As she talked, she knew that at any moment in time, he could easily snap at her, and would most likely get her. But curiosity was a weakness, and something about him peaked hers. "I do not know how long you have been here, but I have been here long enough to know when something peaks my interest, and that things are different, so I can go look at such things. Plus none of my clan is here so I really have no reason to fight you, besides a longing for the past, and a longing to feel like all is well in a world when it is not." her smooth and sultry voice echoed slightly as she talked. As much as she wanted to taste the blood, and to fight him, she knew that if she did, her curiosity would remain with her for a long time. As her green eyes slowly started to change back, she kept them on him, watching his every move. She hoped that he would hear her out, and not attack. In her mind she growled as she put the gun away.
Aida looked at the girl, raising one eyebrow. She at least had the guts to speak, and to ask who she was instead of other things, well, it showed her mind was still clear. "I am no one of particular interest," was her response. She wasn't sure if it was worth the time right now to explain who she was, for she wasn't sure of her own place in this world that they had fallen into. For all she knew, this girl had not even heard of her kind before, and what was the point of explaining it if she did not even know how long they were going to be here. "But, I at least can give you my name. I am Aida. And you are?" There was slight boredum in her tone, but really, she was just as curious.
Gorgia snapped out of her fear, what was she to fear? She was not speaking to her father who had just commanded her of something. Her knees stopped shaking and her grinned with her courtly politeness. "Gorgia Laynm, Daughter of Earl Gregory Laynm. It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance."A new fear had risen in the pit of her stumach but she did not show it, what if the name ment nothing in this world, what if being a member of court had no meaning here, n safty net. It was something she wanted but this thought was never shown on her face. "Do tell me of the relationship you had with that... wolf?" She asked daring to know why another human would want to protect such a horrific monster. She had more questions but not wanting to seem completely confused and lost she kept them to herself pridfully.
Rowen Jumped from his spot letting out a yelp as fire erupted around him. He should have known. The werewolf was trapped and if he moved in either direction he would only be burned. She then out of the fire, appeared at his side sticking the cold metal of a gun in his face. He barred his fangs, the low growl rumbling in his throat. Rowen knew he wasn't in the posistion tosnap at her now, not in this fire and not with a gun pointed in his face. He listened to her speak. Her voice was smooth and sultry.

" As much as I would take pleasure in this fight, and killing you, just as much as you killing me, there is a reason that I did not attack right away. For whatever reason, you have peaked my interest. Though we are both stuck to the ways of our pasts, we are both also in a different time. I do not know how long you have been here, but I have been here long enough to know when something peaks my interest, and that things are different, so I can go look at such things. Plus none of my clan is here so I really have no reason to fight you, besides a longing for the past, and a longing to feel like all is well in a world when it is not."

She was right, he did want to rip her throat out; it took everything within him not to this close to her. Her Clan...? Excatly where was she from? Her smell though enticing was strange...it was like she wasn't completly tainted with the blood of a Vampyre. Then something she said hit him like a sack of bricks. He intrested her...? Slowly He shifted back so there was a bit of room to flee if he needed to. His shaggy blond hair slightly hung in his face, his orange/red eyes looking up at her, untrusting but listening. His fit but muscular lean figure was coated in sweatfrom the fire. It was becoming hard for him to breathe. As he spoke it was apperent. His voice a bit husky but firm and coated in a british accent.

"What do you want from me...? Why am I so intresting to you Vampyre?"
-Thud- Kuroi instinctively spun around pointing his weapon at the top of the staircase Someone was with him on the roof? He thought to himself. Leaping down the last 2 story of stairs to the bottom, a normal man wouldve shattered his legs, but his enhancements allowed him to achieve this unscathed and with ease. The first level of this building had plenty light for him to see with the windows. He turned his flashlight off and holstered his pistol, he reached behind him for his M4 and shouldered the weapon. They'll probably come down the stairs. He focused his view to the stairs, keeping the wall to his back. He could hear footsteps coming down the stairs, but could see no one. "Where the hell am I?" He whispered to himself, keeping his eyes down his CCO, flipping the switch to thermal ops.
Aida scoffed as she noticed slight movements. This human was not aware of what she was, and she was going to keep it that way. "I do not see why it was needed to state all that. Your name would have suffice." She looked at her once more, trying to determine her age, ignoring her question for the moment. "You are quite young, I am guessing. You have bravery for someone so young who is speaking to someone you don't even know what they are. But I will leave it at that for now."

She backed off a bit, trying to take in all reactions. The best thing to do with people is study them to better figure out future reactions. "And I have no relation with the wolf. He just spared me earlier, and ended up helping me from getting attacked by another. So I figured I should return the favor."

She kept her ears out, but she couldn't hear the two in the woods. Her focus were on the other two males. She had heard a thump on a roof of a building, but the other male appeared to be a bit more quiet. It was something to definitely take note of. She then caught a whisper. Ah, there we go.
Gorgia had confirmed her earlier thoughts that she was much farther from hme than she thought possible. "As I guessed" She said more to herself than anyone else. "Thank you but I must comend you for your ability to return a favor, In such a situation many would have let the act of me realising my arrow into his side comence."It took her a second to prosses what she said about 'what they are' "As human as I, I would presume?" She began to notice the other woman movements. Gorgia began questioning weather she should continue speaking to this woman any longer. "Well If he was willing so save you than either you must have been in some unspoken alliance or you too are not human. Shall I be brash enough to asume both?" She spun her body around, "Well in anycase I hate to keep you anylonger, you obviously have something else on the mind." With a sight nod of the head she walked off, head held high and chest out.

ooc nighty night XD
Once Sayomi realized that the fire was still going, she let it come back to her. That was another something she never understood, how she could absorb the flames, and eliminate them. It took a couple minutes for the heat to go do. She watched him, and then pulled a bottle of water out from her bag and handed it to him. It stayed realitively cold, because next to her body was cold just as any other vampires. "Drink this." She told him simply. She took a deep breath, and then started to speak once again. "If you call me by name, I will adress you as yours. My name is Sayomi. And as for why you are so interesting, I do not know. You can't tell me that you know every reason that something pops your curiosity." She didn't know what else to say. She was trying not to be rude, though, everything is telling her too. She just decided to wait, and see what was happening.