When the Day met the Night: Part II

Feir fell asleep relatively quickly after doffing his gear. He balled up his shirt to use as a pillow, and made sure his weapons were close at hand. Even though he trusted Mel as much as he trusted anyone, (which wasn't much), he made it his business to always be prepared. His years of militarty duty had made him into a light sleeper, able to wake up and actually be awake quite quickly after the alarm was raised.
Sighing, Mel sat down on a nearby rock, quickly becoming bored. Taking out her dagger, she began flipping it in her hands, cutting herself only once when her concentration was broken by the sound of some animal to the south. Wincing, she quickly began bandaging the wound with strips of cloth she had bought a few weeks earlier. Once blood stopped seeping through the cloth, she decided that messing with the dagger was pointless, and sheathed it, trying to find another way to entertain herself.
Feir started to stir, feeling like he had not just been asleep but gone for ages. He was not overly surprised that he had not dreamed; though he would never admit anything like it, he had been exhausted almost to the point of collapsing just before the end of his watch. He looked around for Mel, and ended up spotting her near the mouth of the cave. He grunted, "How was your watch?" Then he gathered his clothes and for dressed for the day.
Mumbling something incoherent as Feir spoke to her, Mel stood up, stretching. Moving to her things, she turned from him as she began changing into cleaner clothes, making sure he wasn't looking when she began taking off her clothes. Packing her dirty ones into her bag, she sighs, standing up. "Where to today?" she asks, frowning slightly, not fancying another night in the cave.
Feir started to walk of the cave, stopping next to Mel. "That, I honestly do not know. What I do know, however, is that we have to move on at all c costs. Our pursuers are likely to have hounds, and I don't relish being here when they get here. That being said, we should probably head north, towards the Hallow Forest. Once we get there, we should be able to lose them."

With that, Feir walked over to his horse, and loaded up his gear.
Gathering her things, she soon went to her own horse, loading her things onto him. Patting his head, she murmured to him, "What's your name, boy?" smiling. Her father had once bred horses, and she had had a special liking towards some of them. Her horse now looked like one of the horses she had liked, chestnut brown hair mane and a paler body. "How about Balt? Do you like that name?" she asked him as he nuzzled her ear.
Feir saddled up his horse as Mel was taking care of hers. He was glad to find out that his horse had survived the wolf attack. He spoke softly to his horse. "Would you like me to find you an apple, Hevner?" Feir's steed whickered softly and bumped his shoulder up against Feir. If anyone had been particularly observant, they might have noticed that Feir was extremely attached to his horse. His trusty steed had carried him through many battles, and had many more left in him. You could see this by the fact that Hevner had nearly as many battle scars as his master.
After a few moments, Mel turned to Feir, and said, "We should probably get going..." Yawning tiredly, she covers it with a raised hand, squeezing her eyes shut. When she broke the yawn, she patted Balt's shoulder, smiling before beginning to saddle him, murmuring soft words to him the whole time. Trying to disentangle her hair by dragging her fingers through her hair absentmindedly, she heaves herself up onto Balt, grinning.
"That we should. I say we probably go north. My brother lives up there, he'll help us out." What Feir did not mention was the fact that had been to the capital,so they was little chance that anyone there would recognize him. "We shouldn't have to go into the main city. Dorian's farm is a few miles east of it, actually." As he was talking, Feir clambered up onto Hevner's back and nudged him to a walk.
"That sounds good," she answered. In truth, she had no family she knew of, and was glad that at least Feir had people who would help them. All she had was her mentor, but he had made it clear many years ago that he didn't want to see Mel unless it was to kill him. Urging Balt on, she would occasionally lean forward to murmur something into his ears before straightening once more, keeping a careful watch for anything that might have reason to hurt her.
Feir grumbled as he rode. He and Mel had been riding for a couple of days now, and it was getting dark now on their third day of riding. They were making good progress, but the trail was long and boring. It had been mostly quiet, except for a brief incident with a couple of unfortunate bandits. He patted his loyal steed on the neck, and started to be on the lookout for a place to camp. "Ready to camp for the night? We've got another long day of riding tomorrow. (I'm sorry I haven't posted, i have been pretty overwhelmed and haven't gotten around to it.)
Mel was practically asleep on her steed by the time Feir spoke to her once more, in what must have been the first time in hours. Starting, she made a surprised sound before answering with, "Sure..." Punctuating the sentence with a yawn, she tiredly started looking for a good place to camp, though she was half-asleep already. "Hopefully nothing goes too bad tonight," she grumbled, no wanting to have to fight again, just wanting to relax.

((It's okay. I don't mind.))