S Seiji Guest Original poster Jun 15, 2011 #1 ... I WILL SHOW THEM THIS. Your browser does not support the video tag.
C Cereal Guest Original poster Jun 15, 2011 #2 Rofl I wish forums had "Like" buttons. Edit: Well don't I just feel like a smart cookie?
Zypher Can I transfer you to my manager? FOLKLORE MEMBER Invitation Status Writing Levels IntermediateAdeptAdvanced Preferred Character Gender MaleFemale Genres Adventure stories! They can be fantasy, modern, sci-fi, all kinds! Give me some good world travel stories and I'm all over it! I also enjoy romance stories and even though I tend to play females I love playing gay men. Jun 15, 2011 #3 I freaking LOVED Reboot!
R Razilin Guest Original poster Jun 15, 2011 #4 Bob's a liar! He never did anything even remotely trying to find out if the User was real! <klaxons> Warning! Incoming game!
Bob's a liar! He never did anything even remotely trying to find out if the User was real! <klaxons> Warning! Incoming game!