When and where are you IN YOUR ELEMENT?

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Swimming or just floating around lazily in a nice pool of water feels great. Ironically enough, I don't enjoy this activity as much in the summer because of the crowds in the pools. XD

Otherwise, I guess just lying in bed with a pair of headphones listening to some music.
When I'm reading books, listening to music, or when I'm thinking about @Dawn
When I'm chatting with my friends and thinking up outrageous roleplay plots no one can possibly be interested in due to poor execution o.o Or when I'm critiquing a drawing or someone's writing.
Most definitely when I'm hunting or playing a good game of airsoft!
I mean, I love the internet but I get distracted so easily from my internet tasks by other internet tasks.

Out there I can keep my head on. Not to mention the adrenaline rush from both "sports" is extremely rewarding- especially airsoft. We play on private property so we get to make the rules. My favorite is that if you want a melee kill you have to earn it and get the person to do a physical surrender. Yeah someone hurt their arm a few months ago and I'm not that strong, but I've gotten a few awesome headlocks in there that made me feel pretty epic!!
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hmm...I'd have to say singing, writing, drawing and playing Final Fantasy games. Yeah I love Final Fantasy.

Also I love Rune Factory... I'm also very comfortable when dealing with a romantic pursuit... (Is that really strange?)
My element is being at work.

It is usually extremely stressful for everyone else, but that's my orchestra and I'm the conductor.
When I got my headset and microphone on XBox and killing guys with a shotgun without thinking about. Then I scream, "Take that you filthy man whore!" But in reality it's just my fiance I am talking to....
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That is going to be an interesting relationship to be sure. :)
I'm in my element when I'm in a nice quiet area doing what I love (I.e., reading, writing or playing videogames.). I just like to be alone.
When I'm playing Minecraft and digging underground. I get super focused and happy.
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