What's worse?

Psst, you didn't answer Razilin's question

Skydiving (Afraid of heights xD You can't die of a public restroom, but skydiving can go wrong in sooo many ways.)

What's worse

No internet for a month
no phone for a month
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No internet. I barely use my phone anyway. Needs my pr0n, man.

what's worse - diarrhea or vomiting
vomiting. At least I know I can't suffocate on my diarrhea while sleeping

What's worse?
Freezing to death in the mountains
Dying of thirst in the desert.
dying of thirst in the desert - we have a saying in medicine: you're not dead until your warm and dead, so if you freeze there's a miniscule chance of getting revived by rewarming

wwhat's worse

robot apocalypse or zombie apocalypse
Public restroom. My butt goes no where near...

Whats worse, knowing that you are being lied to in a relationship or not knowing?
Not knowing

What's worse: being the fool or allowing another to be a fool?
They're both pretty bad, but I'd hate being the fool more. It's easier to clean up others' messes.

What's worse: stubbing your toe with a splinter in it, or getting a deep splinter from stubbing your toe?
Stubbing your toe with a splinter in it, if there's a chance for no deep splinter.
I got my tweezers and my glue gun though. :)

What's worse: to have loved and lost, or to have never loved at all?
(yes, there's a quote for it, but what do you think?)
Yeah, but logically stubbing your toe on the splinter would just make the injury worse.
So you'd end up with a fucked-up toe either way.
(@foodforpigs Tell me about the glue gun. I've never done that.)

I think they're both shitty, but you're probably better off having the experience than not having it. One becomes a humbler person.

What's worse: having no one show up to your wedding, or your funeral?
Optional: being late to either. (I know I'd be late to my funeral.)
Having no one show up to your wedding. When I'm dead I won't care.

(A glue gun can be quite useful in quickly sealing cuts. My dad's a carpenter so all he needs for a splinter is an exacto-knife and a glue gun. It gets the job done. Wood glue works okay.)


What's worse: not posting a choice or posting a terrible choice? (in this thread)
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posting a terrible choice

what's worse

naruto marathon or twilight marathon - and yes, this is a terrible choice; not much of a naruto fan
Twilight marathon. Even an anime you don't like is better than that vampire BS.

Explode or implode? (your body)
@foodforpigs I should have known. I remembered the glue bit when you explained it and felt like a complete ass.

On-topic: Implode. In my opinion.
Either way, I want to do it in the middle of a crowd so I spray spectacularly on everyone.

What's worse: dying before you can truly carry out your love (via suicide because you thought they were dead) or killing your significant other over a lie, only to find out you were lied to by your best friend, not your SO? (A la Romeo and Juliet and Othello)

Another option for the first half is the detail of finding your love dead to add to the depth of which one is worse.
Killing significant other over a lie. There's more guilt there, and if you commit suicide over your love's death you won't be around to see you screwed up. Plus, if we go a la Romeo & Juliet she'll join you soon anyway.

What's worse: time travelling into a post-apocalyptic future, or time travelling into the Cretaceous past? In both cases you're stuck there.
Post apocalyptic future, for way too many reasons, one being that I'd get killed within a week of being there....

Which is worse, finding out that your wonderful, happy life was all a dream, or that your nightmare that you just woke up from is real?
The nightmare I just woke up from. Anything you're subconscious can conjure would be far worse than finding out you dreamed a happy life.

What's worse, all animals disappearing from earth, or all humans disappearing from the earth (excluding you)?
all humans disappearing. i'd be bored.

what's worse, marrying a douche or marrying for money
Marrying for money, but that's me. I'm all for living the independent life.

What's worse, Barney or Teletubbies?

What's worse: stomach-ache or head-ache?
head ache

what's worse: caught by the Slenderman or caught by Chris Hansen