Original poster
What do you prefer to be called?
Well Hello there. I am the girl of this account. The one of the left of the picture. My name is Zatanna!
Z, Zatanna, or Zatty work!
And Im the boy (to the right) && my name is Hudson. But Hudson, Hud, or Gray works.
Boy, girl, or a mystery?
Zatanna- Girl
How old are you?
Are you new to the site but not to role playing?
Yes, I have roleplayed on many other sites but not this one!
Same with me. I have roleplayed before but never here.
Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
I like both but I like group roleplays just a tiny bit more!
Both are fine but I like single partner roleplays more.
Sunshine and beaches or shade and air-conditioning?
Both! <3
Sunshine & Beaches is good sometimes but sometimes Shade & Air conditioning is good.
SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
Bad Blood- T. Swift
For me it's 'She's so hot' 5SOS.
Well Hello there. I am the girl of this account. The one of the left of the picture. My name is Zatanna!
Z, Zatanna, or Zatty work!
And Im the boy (to the right) && my name is Hudson. But Hudson, Hud, or Gray works.
Boy, girl, or a mystery?
Zatanna- Girl
How old are you?
Are you new to the site but not to role playing?
Yes, I have roleplayed on many other sites but not this one!
Same with me. I have roleplayed before but never here.
Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
I like both but I like group roleplays just a tiny bit more!
Both are fine but I like single partner roleplays more.
Sunshine and beaches or shade and air-conditioning?
Both! <3
Sunshine & Beaches is good sometimes but sometimes Shade & Air conditioning is good.
SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
Bad Blood- T. Swift
For me it's 'She's so hot' 5SOS.