What's up 2025?

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wishing you the best in the worst way
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  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
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  2. Advanced
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Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
  3. No Preferences
is there anything in 2025 you are currently looking forward to?

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2025 is going to be a year I go on more adventures. I'm planning my first trip to NYC in April. I'm equal parts nervous and excited. I'm hoping to see more people later in the year as well.

Also I'm planning on buckling down and getting a new job. I want to be able to have weekends and holidays.

Also a few other goals that are all positive and possibly!

Actual positive vibes from your local cynic-poster...

I am genuinely looking forward to this marble iced cake I'm about to eat. Got it after my shift was done. Whole six slices just for me. I'm also only an hour away from 2025, so this counts.
Finishing my dbt program! Also getting married and maybe moving!
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I ALSO WANT TO ADD THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MARRIED!! 2024 kinda borked my plans of getting married last October, so it had to be moved to 2025 October, BUT I GET TO MARRY MY BEST FRIEND!!! I am excited about it :D
Congrats to everyone getting married
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I'm looking forward to studying a foreign language again! (this time it's Spanish, which I haven't formally studied at this level before; I previously studied Russian for two semesters' worth during an intensive)
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Passed the Japanese language proficiency exam with flying colors, so my goal this year is to tackle the next level and try to pass it in July.

I'm also very much looking forward to finishing revisions for my fic... it will take a while, but I'll get there!

Another thing I want to do in 2025: start working on the first draft for my second project, and maybe work on the sequel for my current one as well? We'll see!
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