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What's in your BENTO ? (LUNCHBOX)
[/DASH]Recently, I've been packing lunch for school because for a straight seven to five day I don't get a chance to actually go to the cafeteria, swipe my card, get lunch, and eat. xD So the possibilities of what I should take to school to eat have greatly increased.
It's a bit exciting because I've asked my mom for a ten-dollar weekly allowance for grocery for my lunches and now I want to make all sorts of different types of a food just for the fun (I have a cooking hobby, yes xD)
Anyhow. I've started with fun japanese stuff to put in my bento <3 Stuffed Onigiri, Tamagoyaki, Fruit&Mochi. Last week, I tried Greek Salads and vegetable wraps & they came out pretty good. My favourite was a mixture of cheese, tomatoes, onions, and shredded chicken wrapped in spinach leaves and lightly baked. Grilled salmon tastes good if you make your spicy pasta sauce-style sort-of-like-chilli and slice the salmon into it.
I love making cute lunches for myself & friends, and fancy, formal looking things for when we have guests or something.
What's in your lunch box?
Do you make lunch based on healthyness or dietary needs?
Do you use whatevers in the fridge or go out to get particular stuff?