What's in a name #9



Original poster
A well-developed character is one of the most essential parts of a roleplay. But thinking up a character name can be one of the hardest. Sometimes a name hits just right and everything falls into place. So, my task for you is to take the given name and run wild with the provided character sheet. Add as much to it as you'd like! Own this character, make it yours.

Cletus Stanley







Weapons/Abilities/Powers (if applicable):

World/Culture (optional):

Introduction post (optional):
" Crime ain't a sin; it's a business. I'm just what makes the machine tick, baby boy, not the other way 'round."

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>open file 1.78952 - Cletus Stanley.
User-Name:Vick Ricci
Title: Viridian City 10th Precinct Lieutenant
Displaying Interview Log 1.78952 - Cletus Stanley
Date: 16/8/95
Time of Beginning of Interview: 16:43:20

[Begin Log]

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Please identify yourself for the record.

Cletus Stanley:....Recording devices, really? And what's with...These handcuffs? Smells like reinforced cinnabarean steel. It's chaffing my wrists, you know. Couldn't you guys have at least put some padding on it?

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: You're a wanted suspect in our investigation, Mr Stanley. I recommend that you start cooperating with us by just simply identifying yourself. Immediately.

Cletus Stanley: You know, you could have skipped past all this nonsense and just have a spoon-bender look into my mind. I mean, do we really have to do this bullcr-

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Identify yourself.

Cletus Stanley: [signs] Cletus Stanley.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Were you or were you not during yesterday night at the Celadon Game Corner at 8:30 PM?

Cletus Stanley: Unfortunately, yes, even though I prefer Goldenrod a little better.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Were you or were you not interacting with Giovanni Vittore?

Cletus Stanley: The man's a billionaire gym leader philantropist, of course, everyone wants to meet him, uh, can I catch your name?

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: No. You are currently under suspect for embezzlement and involvement in illegal foreign poke-drug manufacturing, trafficking of un-registered and stolen pokemon, national terrorism and over 40 counts of robbery. That's just the beginning of your list, Mr Stanley. Do you deny any of that?

Cletus Stanley: I deny all of that.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: You really think I believe that Tauros shit?

Cletus Stanley: Officer, I am the respectful owner of the Chatot's Tune, a fine establishment for both the fine trainers, rangers, police officers and citizens of the crowning jewel of Kanto. These are unwarranted accusations.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: You are going to tell me everything that you know.

Cletus Stanley: And we've skipped past the point of civility. [pause] Right then. [breathes in] I'm innocent.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Mr Stanley....

Cletus Stanley: I am innocent.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Confess already!

Cletus Stanley: I am completely innocent.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Stanley, be a man and confess! If you don't, you're gonna fight an uphill battle and trust me; it won't be pretty.

Cletus Stanley: All right. I confess.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Thank you.

Cletus Stanley: That I'm in no way part of these accusations you speak about.

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: Why, you motherfucking little-

Cletus Stanley: Ow! What the hell did you do that for?!

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes: You know it, you little bastard, I'm telling you-

[Muffled sounds, banging against table]

Lieutenant Aaron Barnes:(growing fainter) Let go of me! Stop smiling, you fucking perp. I know a criminal when I see one!

After the interrogation, there was no conclusive or solid evidence to substantiate the accusations and charges made against Cletus Stanley. Cletus Stanley was later acquitted of all charges by V.C.P.D Commissioner Burt Reynolds and Lieutenant Aaron Barnes was given a month's leave for 'emotional and mental recuperation'.


Name: Cletus Zachariah Stanley

False Identities
- Boris S. Drakengard

- Eddie M. Doe
- Hogarth P. Willis
- Isamu R. Aissatou
- Jake L. Stein (THAT MAN IS DEAD)
Alias: Desperado, The Profiteer

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Genre: Pokemon, Noir-Crime


A philistine, a crook, a businessman, it's all about the money for Cletus Stanley. Cletus is a sociopathic greedy individual who's only concerned about the maximum amount of profit he can achieve and doesn't care about the means in which he gets it. As long as it's safe, doesn't ruin future business and efficient; he'll go along with it, no matter how dirty the crime is. He'll back-stab partners in a blink of an eye, use innocents as patsies and switch sides so often that people are wary of his motives.

He lies, he cheats, he scams and he beats the system.

That's Cletus.

Owner of The Chatot's Tune, a popular bar that was inherited to him by his late father. Cletus uses it both as a legal front to hide his illicit activities as a criminal and mercenary. His list of criminal occupations have included....
- Underground trafficking and slave trading of endangered and rare species of pokemon from Indigo-League sanctioned wildlife preservation areas.
- Robbery of registered League Pokemon.
- Operating illegal underground battle rings.
- Illegal production and acquisition of League-controlled pokemon battle-enhancement substances. (X-Speed, X-Attack, Rare Candies)

- Serving as part-time mercenary and operative of Kanto terrorist organisation, Team Rocket.
- Fostering war in the Orre Region by acting as main pokemon supplier.
- Selling improper and faulty poke-gear.

Born into a middle-class family in the suburbs of seedy Viridian City, Jake L. Stein was just your usual average achiever in life. Passing grades, good relationships in the neighborhood and a blank background; a boring future of accounting in a Silph Co. Firm or being the manager of a Poke-Mart seemed to be a reality for him.

Sooner or later, he discovered his talents as a con-man in school by fooling suckers to give him money for fake poke-balls (which were really just hollowed apricorns with a dash of spray-paint). Jake soon realized that if he wanted to pursue a life of crime, he needed to get away from his past one. So, he dissapeared of the grid for a few years, hooking up with a recruiter in Team Rocket and faking an incident.

Years later, Cletus Stanley popped out of nowhere in the criminal underworld, a desperado seeking to make gains like everyone else.


Fig 1: A picture of Cletus Stanley, 10 years ago when serving in Team Rocket's hi-jacking of Goldenrod's Radio Tower.​